Xueba: If You Don’T Work Hard, You Will Die

90, Bringing Professors To Shock Academicians

Jiang Huaishu felt a little dreamy that the name of a liberal arts student appeared in the best journal in the field of science.

I remember that Jiang Huaishu chose liberal arts because he didn't like the teacher of "Biology: Compulsory 2 Inheritance and Evolution" when he was divided into classes in arts and sciences in the second year of high school. Now relying on his own mathematics ability, he has returned to biology!

Jiang Huaishu is also a bit of a villain, he really wants to throw this "Nature" journal on the high school biology teacher's desk, and say to him: What!

Little did he know that there was no need for Jiang Huaishu to fall at all. In a high school in distant Jiaodong, a biology teacher was holding a copy of the "Nature" journal, and the campus was full of publicity: "Look at

I taught the biology of this classmate Jiang Huaishu! I said at the beginning that he would have a bright future!"

The School of Economics of Yenching University put up a banner: "Congratulations to Jiang Huaishu, a student from our school, for successfully publishing a paper in "Nature". "Zero zero zero"

The Wudaokou School of Finance of Shuimu University next door also hung the same banner: "Congratulations to Jiang Huaishu, a student from our school, for successfully publishing a paper in "Nature" magazine."

For this reason, Yenching University scolded Shuimu University: Shameless, Jiang Huaishu is clearly ours, when will it become yours!

However, Shuimu University has released Jiang Huaishu's student status, student number, and Jiang Huaishu's final exam papers at Shuimu University, and they also have a document "Innovative Undergraduate Teaching Model for Outstanding Students" from relevant departments.

Yenching University and Shuimu University are arguing, and other people who eat melons feel that something is wrong!

Is the School of Economics a typical liberal arts?

PBC School of Finance is also a typical liberal arts, right?

So the point is not whether Jiang Huaishu is from Yenching University or Shuimu University!

The point is that liberal arts students publish papers in top journals in the science field?


There is no need for Jianghuai Shu to care about the disputes on the Internet, someone will solve it for him.

Academician Yan Hongping came back from a business trip, and Jiang Huaishu ran to teacher Yan Hongping's office.

Academician Yan Hongping's face was full of joy, and he glanced at Jiang Huaishu with satisfaction. This student is really awesome.

Jiang Huaishu poured a glass of water for Yan Hongping and sat opposite him.

Yan Hongping smiled and said: "You boy, you are really powerful. I just wanted you to study in Ren Junhua's project team, but I didn't expect you to lead Ren Junhua to become an academician now!

It's amazing, if I met you earlier, maybe you, a student, would have made me an academician!"

"Hahaha!" Jiang Huaishu felt that Teacher Yan was joking on a business trip, and said, "Teacher, you have to be careful when you joke!"

Yan Hongping took a sip of tea and said, "It's not an exaggeration at all. The blood project this time is enough for Ren Junhua to be selected as a Changjiang scholar. Then you found another national key project. If that project is successfully completed, it will be enough for Ren Junhua And Xu Duanyang hit the academician!"

"Luck, luck!" Jiang Huaishu said with a smile, but Jiang Huaishu was a little proud when the teacher said so.

"Luck?" Yan Hongping sighed, and said, "How many scholars will never meet your luck in their lifetime."

"At first I wanted you to inherit my mantle, but now I see that your future is limitless!" Academician Yan Hongping sighed.

Yan Hongping deliberately read the paper on "nature". To be honest, he couldn't understand it, and as far as he knew, Jiang Huaishu couldn't understand it a month ago either.

Jiang Huaishu was a little confused, why every teacher said that he should inherit the "mantle" by himself, and Teacher Tian Qi also said so.

"Let's sign!" Yan Hongping took out several documents from the document bag and handed them to Jiang Huaishu.

"What is this?" Jiang Huaishu asked curiously after taking the document.

Yan Hongping explained: "Didn't you have another article in "Nature" now? With this article, you can get a high professional title."

Jiang Huaishu asked suspiciously: "Teacher, but my thesis is on biology. Is this the title of Aircraft Research Institute?"

"Do you think any papers are important?" Yan Hongping asked rhetorically.

Yes, for Jiang Huaishu's evaluation of titles now, it doesn't matter what kind of papers are given, the important thing is to have them.

Jiang Huaishu nodded, since the teacher said so, Jiang Huaishu no longer doubted it, and signed his name on the document.

Signing the signature means that Jiang Huaishu has successfully been rated as an "associate researcher" with the title of "deputy senior" from an "assistant researcher" with an "intermediate title", which is equivalent to an "associate professor" in a university.

Jiang Huaishu is the first freshman with the title of "Associate Researcher" as "Deputy Senior".

Yenching University has cash rewards for publishing papers in various top journals. For the few papers published before, Jiang Huaishu has received more than 1 million bonuses from the school. Now he is directly rewarding the entire team in the "Nature" school 1 million, Jiang Huaishu received 180,000!

Although the paper was successfully published, the blood project has not yet been completed, and new samples are being continuously improved, so Jiang Huaishu still has to go to the laboratory occasionally.

Of course, now that Jiang Huaishu goes to the laboratory again, several doctoral students in the laboratory have already cast their eyes on him. "Totally treat Jiang Huaishu as a teacher.

And there is no need to be regarded as a professor. Jiang Huaishu is already an associate researcher with the title of "deputy senior", so he can be regarded as an "associate professor".

Of course, when the laboratory is not too busy, Jiang Huaishu will discuss some academic issues with Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang.

Jiang Huaishu, who was not able to get in the way in the professional biomedical field, was able to debate a few words.

Of course, the thing that pleased Jiang Huaishu the most was watching the cute little white mice jumping around alive after being transfused with blood, which shows that the blood produced by the project using pig blood is completely fine.


"Our project has officially submitted the final report, and the higher-level department has started to review it."

At the end of March, Professor Ren Junhua announced the news at the group meeting.

"Success!" Jiang Huaishu was very excited.

The joy of Professor Xu Duanyang and Han Shaoqing of the Association Hospital was also written on their faces.

"Let's sign!" Professor Ren Junhua handed Jiang Huaishu a final report.

The Jiang family, represented by Jiang Huaishu, is the 4.5 funding parties of the project. Only Jiang Huaishu, the Health and Family Planning Commission and the military have signed, and the project will be officially concluded.

Jiang Huaishu signed his name without even looking at it.

This four-year blood project to produce human blood from pig blood produced a total of 8 papers, the most influential being the last one published in "Nature", and also produced 4 patented technologies.

In four years, the project was stuck in the "bottleneck" for almost two years, but with the joining of Jiang Huaishu, the project achieved a breakthrough in less than a month.

The papers produced by the project belong to the project team, while the patents belong to the three parties of the Meijia Health Planning Commission and the military.

Of course, the Jiang family has obtained the only licensed production right, and the cost of producing human blood from pig blood is still very high at this stage, and the production technology is very immature, so the Jiang family needs to continue to invest in order to achieve economical large-scale production. .

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