Xueba: If You Don’T Work Hard, You Will Die

92. Young, Handsome And Rich, Why Don’T You Spend A Lot Of Money

After the bustle was over, Jiang's family acquired a stake in a biological company. Jiang Huaishu followed his father in the car, and the car drove towards Yanjing City.

In the driving car, Jiang Zuodong glanced at his son, with his son's stinky face, could Jiang Zuodong not see the little bastard's displeasure?

If you are not happy, you will not be happy!

If you are capable, don’t spend my money, if you are capable, pay for the blood project yourself!

But after thinking about it, Jiang Zuodong was still impatient, and he spoke first, and said to his son: "You read too much, and you only see the winners of the "Great Navigation Era" left in the history books, but in that turbulent sea How many careerist bones are buried under the sea.


In front of outsiders, Jiang Huaishu is a scholar who holds 5 top journals and appears in textbooks, but he is always impatient around his parents, always as naive and rebellious as a child.

Seeing the arrogant look of the little bastard, Jiang Zuodong was so angry that his teeth ached, but there was nothing he could do, so he wanted to coax him, and continued to speak: "How much equipment do you need to invest in a blood project in a new field? What equipment do you need to invest in?

How many high-tech talents need to be invested? Can talents be recruited?

Will this project hollow out the Longsheng Group?

All this is unknown. "

"It's not like we don't have money!" Hearing what his father said, Jiang Huaishu replied.

"Is money everything?" Jiang Zuodong really wanted to slap this little bastard, but he endured it because he thought it was his own.

Jiang Zuodong said: "Okay, even if we have money, after we figure out this project, will other teams complete scientific research and public relations, and when these pharmaceutical companies and capital stand behind other teams, what should we do? Are you waiting to die?"

Jiang Huaishu, who is mature and stable in front of outsiders, is an unreasonable child in front of his father, pouting his mouth and trying to refute.

Before his son could speak, Jiang Zuodong continued: "Now we stand behind pharmaceutical companies and capital, we don't have to worry about anything, we don't need to invest in anything, just follow them, we are a community of interests with them.!"

From this point of view, Jiang Zuodong still has the foresight. Under the joint operation of the four major pharmaceutical companies, Yanjing Peiji Biotech has not only "produced human blood from pig blood" but also developed many biomedical projects and entered the world. Fortune 500 companies.

Many years later, Jiang Huaishu's 5% equity and Longsheng Group's 10% equity have already become sky-high prices.

And if Longsheng Group does it alone, even if the blood project is successful, Longsheng Group, which knows nothing about high technology, will not be able to make Yanjing Peiji Biotech into the top 500.

Jiang Zuodong glanced at his son, this kid not only inherited his advantages, but also inherited his mother's advantages, he looks more handsome than himself when he was young, but his face is in vain, can't he go out and drink at a young age! Why are you working so hard!

For the second generation of the rich, it is not scary to be prodigal, but to want to create! This can be fatal!

The Jiang family's Longsheng Group has been in development for more than 30 years. It has never had any debts. It diligently guards the bottom line of "food safety" and guards against the intrusion of financial capital. The Jiang family can guard a "Longsheng Group" for a long time.

However, high-tech, high-return projects are indeed vigorous and glorious at the beginning, but the limelight will always pass.

"Hey!" Jiang Zuodong sighed. No matter what, he is very happy this time. The 10% equity of Yanjing Peiji Biotech has a bright future.

More importantly, Longsheng Group has gained a foothold in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei market by giving up the equity of Yanjing Peiji Biotech. There is no problem for Longsheng Group's annual revenue to exceed 50 billion this year.

If this continues, Longsheng's annual revenue will exceed 100 billion in just a few years.

Isn't the money earned by this agricultural product different from the money made by high-tech companies?

A high-tech company is indeed easy to create the myth of getting rich overnight, but a Longsheng Group supports tens of thousands of people!

Jiang Zuodong is too lazy to say anything more to his son, but if he says it himself, he will lose ten years of life if he is angry!

However, the living expenses of his son Jiang Huaishu were stopped before, and this time Jiang Zuodong was restored.

Jiang Zuodong prayed that his son would hurry up to spend time and drink, and give him a grandson as soon as possible!

If the son is disobedient, the company will be given to the grandson in the future!

Isn't the Living Well Foundation of the island country always optimistic about Jiang Huaishu? Jiang Zuodong will go to the island country tomorrow to investigate the situation.

However, Jiang Zuodong began to struggle again: that’s not okay, the Zhujing consortium in the island country is too big, and then it will swallow Longsheng again!

Hey, really, originally everything was going smoothly, but when I saw this little bastard, there were so many things!

He must have owed him a debt in his previous life.

Jiang Huaishu didn't know what his father was complaining about, so he pouted, turned his head to one side, and protested silently and naively to his father.


At the end of March, the news of Yanjing Peiji Biotech Co., Ltd. was overwhelming. Of course, the public opinion was mixed, and "pig blood" would always make people feel awkward.

It is also thanks to the participation of large international pharmaceutical companies and capital from Yanjing Peiji Biotech, and their excellent public opinion and public relations skills, otherwise Longsheng Group would be easily drawn into the vortex of public opinion.

After his father left, Jiang Huaishu stayed in the school library, typing on the keyboard with peace of mind.

The "Blood Project" that he participated in this time has brought great inspiration to Jiang Huaishu. The mathematical model he established for the project is a pioneering mathematical statistical model. He must pay close attention to transforming the model into mathematical scientific research and successfully publishing it.

When Jiang Huaishu found Professor Ren Junhua with the paper, Professor Ren Junhua saw Jiang Huaishu's paper and his signature, and said, "Why did you add my name to this paper? I can't understand it!"

Jiang Huaishu said: "The data of the paper are all obtained from your project, and the inspiration is also generated in the project.

Professor Ren shook his head and said, "Then you don't need to add my name, I don't know mathematics and statistics."

Jiang Huaishu smiled sheepishly (good money).

Professor Ren said: "Don't be embarrassed, I can produce five or six papers in one project, and now my Changjiang Scholars selection has also come down smoothly. I don't lack the number of papers. The key is the experience in hosting national key projects, so Next, your focus is on our new project."

Jiang Huaishu nodded. The new scientific research project has been applied for. It is a national key biomedical scientific research project. It is about the reprogramming of mature cells into multifunctional cells and nuclear reprogramming technology. The moderators are Ren Junhua, Xu Duanyang and others. Jiang Huaishu.

Both Ren Junhua and Xu Duanyang are very optimistic about this project, because this project is their chance to become an "academician".

Of course, at this moment they did not expect that this project would carefully impact the Nobel Prize in Physiology in the future.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, I have booked a banquet tonight, let's get together!" It can be seen that Professor Ren Junhua is very happy.

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