Soon, the last mock exam of high school, which lasted for two days, was over.

In the office of the third grade group of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and High School, the lights are bright.

“Full score, Tang Sugar classmates of class 10 scored a full score in the comprehensive examination!!!”

“I also have a full score, Class 3 Liu Yanyan.”

“I corrected a 276-point test paper here, which is also a good result, if other subjects are not biased, 211 University is stable.”


In the office, from time to time, the teacher’s exclamation was heard.

The results of the last mock exam of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School seemed to be a little too good.

Li Dong, the head of the grade, couldn’t help but clench his fists every time he heard a high score.

“Well, that’s great.”

Although he had expected that the students’ grades in the last mock exam would definitely improve a lot, when these results were really in front of him, Li Dong couldn’t help but be a little excited.

In just a short period of time, he heard more than a dozen perfect test papers.

Full score, this is a perfect score!

This time, the difficulty of the test paper is comparable to that of the college entrance examination, which means that if the college entrance examination plays normally, their college entrance examination results are also full scores.

How this does not excite Li Dong.

He seemed to have a premonition of today’s explosive college entrance examination results of the senior students of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

“Quick, the grades of each subject are corrected, and the final grades are counted immediately.”

“Class ranking, grade ranking, !!! subject ranking”

Li Dong couldn’t help but urge, although it was already 11 o’clock in the evening, but… He knew he would definitely not be able to sleep without seeing the final overall score today.

“Okay, that’s the statistics.”

The other classroom teachers also had a feeling with Li Dong that they would definitely not sleep without seeing the final overall results today.

This kind of high score, they have never corrected, and they have never seen it.

All kinds of perfect scores, all kinds of high scores, one after another….

And this feeling is constantly destroying their perception of student achievement.

When was it so easy to get a high score?

When did the full score become so much?

Incredible, incredible!!!

How many years they have been teaching, they have never seen this situation today.

If they hadn’t personally proctored the exam, they would even suspect that all their classmates were cheating.

Time passes minute by minute…

But none of the teachers left the office, and they all sat around their desks, waiting for the final results of Mr. Zhang Bo’s statistics.

“Okay, it’s all entered!” Zhang Bo knocked down the last classmate’s grade, and he was also excited.

“Quick, hurry up and look at the rankings.” Li Dong, who was standing behind Zhang Bo, couldn’t help but urge.


Zhang Bo immediately operated the execl form, and immediately saw that the name of the total score class of the whole school appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.


Suddenly, all the teachers who gathered behind Zhang Bo gasped.

One page, a whole page of results of more than 700 points!


Li Dong, the grade director standing behind Zhang Bo, took a deep breath, the impact of this achievement was too great.

700 points, but all college entrance examination candidates dare not dream of a score.

However… This time, their third-year students from Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School actually occupied a real page.

The first page of Zhang Bo’s table is 50 students, which means that at least 50 of their third year students in Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and High School have scored more than 700 points.

Shocked, everyone was shocked.

They stared blankly at the total results in the column on the right side of the computer’s Excel sheet, and for a while they were a little skeptical of life.

In the annual college entrance examination, 700 points do not mean that there is only one in each city, but there will definitely not be more than 10 in each city under normal circumstances.

However, in their Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, there were only 50+ high schools with more than a thousand people.

How this makes them believe.

“Explosion, this year our Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School college entrance examination results will explode !!!”

Suddenly, a teacher couldn’t help shouting.

Hearing this teacher’s voice, no one spoke up to refute it.

Because they really can’t think of a reason to refute it.

A school comes out with 50 classmates with more than 700 points, how does this not explode?

Of course, although this mock exam is not the final college entrance examination, but… They are all teachers with more than ten years of teaching experience, and they know that even if they reach the final college entrance examination, they are not much different!

Unless… Particularly special accidents happen, but they rarely happen.

“Keep looking down.”

After stabilizing his mind, Li Dong continued to say to Zhang Bo.

Then, Zhang Bo manipulated the Excel sheet and began to view it.

In the end, the score of students with more than 700 points came to an abrupt end when they were 62nd, and the 63rd student scored 692 points.

This time, Li Dong did not let Zhang Bo stop, but continued to probe and watch carefully….

Although the results of the third class of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and High School did not look at the shock of 700 points to Li Dong, but… His heartbeat never went down to 180.

Finally, on page 17, Li Dong stopped Zhang Bo and his eyes looked at the 847th classmate.

This classmate scored 599 points, which means that this time their Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and high school junior high school score exceeded 600 points, which is a full 846.

600 points on a better 211 may be in front of it, but proper 985 college.

And… You must know that this is the 846th student in the third year of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

At this moment, Li Dong was numb, and all the teachers were also numb.

What is the experience of 846 students admitted to 985?



And unbelievable.

At this moment, all kinds of complicated emotions continued to surge into everyone’s hearts, and they looked at the number 846 in shock.

You know, their entire Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and High School are only more than 1,500 people.

846 people, which is half of the number.


“The 985 line attainment rate exceeds 50%!!!!”

“Let me ask, can any school in our Daxia be able to do this?”

Li Dong couldn’t help but burst into a foul mouth.

Under normal circumstances, the undergraduate pass rate of their Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School is only 56% of the college entrance examination every year, but now the 985 pass rate is indeed almost equal to the undergraduate pass rate.

You know, the lowest undergraduate score is 200 points worse than 985.

This also means that this time, the overall average score of their Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School has definitely increased by 200 points.

“To hell !!!”

Li Dong really didn’t know how to describe the shocking mood in his heart.

In just two months, the average overall score of the students improved by 200 points or more.


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