With the release of college entrance examination results in various places, there are more and more media reports on the college entrance examination.

Every year a few days after the college entrance examination results query, the topic of the college entrance examination will gradually become hot!

On the Internet, news on a variety of topics emerges one after another.

[Wang Zihao, the champion of the college entrance examination in Nanhu Province, moved bricks part-time directly on the construction site after graduation, just for his mother who was sick in bed! ] 】

[A college entrance examination student repeated his studies for three consecutive years and was finally admitted to the university he wanted]


Li Xiaona was bored to brush the college entrance examination news on the Internet to see if she could rub a college entrance examination hot spot.

However, after searching for a long time, there was nothing new at all.

However, this year’s Ge Jun in Anhui Province is a relatively good topic, but… Li Xiaona’s small editor has no energy, and she can’t get any first-hand information.

Click on this [shock!!! This year, the average score of mathematics in the college entrance examination of Anhui Province is 79 points! Li Xiaona’s comments.

“Uncle Ge is really a ruthless person, with an average score of 79 points. A few years ago, students in Anhui Province are estimated to cry to death. ”

Seeing the relevant text about the average score of mathematics in Anhui Province, Li Xiaona laughed and teased.

“Your uncle’s, Ge-kun!! Labor-management usually can test more than 100 points in mathematics, but this time only 72 points, hastily. ”

“Hey, it’s uncomfortable…. While it is expected that this year’s math will definitely be difficult, but… It’s not that I just scored 69 points. ”

“Ge Jun went to war, and he didn’t give birth to !!! grass”

“Zhente Niang’s bad luck, 07 Why did we in Anhui Province let Ge Jun have a topic this year???”

“I’ll be back next year.”

“Repeat +1″


Looking at the comments of the students in the comment area under this news, Li Xiaona couldn’t help but laugh.

Suddenly, a comment caught her attention.

“Ge Jun’s questions are also average, there are more than a dozen mathematics in our class who have scored full marks, Gu Bai teaches YYDS!”

This comment is Versailles.

For more than a dozen math full scores, Li Xiaona also did not believe it.

She has some impressions of this name, and she was on the hot search of the neck some time ago.

With a smile, Li Xiaona said to the person who commented in a private message: “I don’t believe it, unless there are pictures.” ”

She just has the attitude of trying it out, and there is also an element of joking.

However, what she didn’t expect was that it didn’t take long for the other party to send her a picture immediately.

When she clicked on the picture and looked at her hand, Li Xiaona was shocked.

“This… Is it true? ”

She doesn’t believe that someone is idle and bored, P a picture of the college entrance examination fake, and everyone’s name and student number seem to be real.

“It’s absolutely true, our Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School Class 3 watched Gu Bai Xueshen’s live broadcast, and we will take the exam so well.”

“Gu Bai YYDS!”

After seeing this news, Li Xiaona suddenly had an idea.

Immediately, she opened the bib, edited a paragraph of text, and accompanied the picture.

Now, the results of the major universities in Anhui Province have not yet been announced, and only a few insiders know the news, so she feels that this is definitely an opportunity for her.

Soon, the time came at noon, and when Li Xiaona had eaten, she opened the bib she had just issued, and she was stunned.

In just one hour, there were already thousands of views and hundreds of comments.

Fire, this is going to be fire!

Sure enough, it did not surprise Li Xiaona.

This report card of the third class of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and High School was immediately spread.

At 5 o’clock in the evening, the number of viewers reached 2w

“Silly, this is definitely p, this year’s Anhui Province is the topic of Uncle Ge.”

“That’s right, that’s right. The blogger is deliberately rubbing the heat, it’s too shameless!! ”


There are many messages in the comment area, up to thousands.

But most people, for Li Xiaona’s picture, many people do not believe, after all, the official side of Yangcheng has not yet announced the news.

In this regard, Li Xiaona is not angry, it is one thing to not believe it, it is another thing whether she is angry or not, and she feels that this report card is 100% true.

6 o’clock in the evening.

Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School officially announced the results of this year’s college entrance examination.

Without any surprises, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

When everyone saw a series of scores above 700, they froze.

“… How is this possible? When did we have so many top students in Yangcheng? ”

“Lying groove, this Nima is going to explode in Yangcheng this year, how many universities in Qingbei are there here.”

“Niu Niu Niu, praise for Yangcheng.”

“Doubt? Doesn’t it mean that math is very difficult this year? Why are there so many scores of more than 700 points? ”

“Fool, huh? This is Yangcheng official? This can still be fake! Awesome, thumbs up for Yangcheng! ”


The results of this explosion in Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, without any unexpected fire, quickly rushed to the hot search of the neck. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yangcheng was on fire.

Along with it, Li Xiaona’s neck was also on fire, and soon it also rushed to the hot search.

However, this is not the end of the story.

With the report card of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School this year, all the news media also chose various angles to report the college entrance examination of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

There is news from the perspective of top grades: [Shock, there were 36 grades above 700 points in a class!!! 】

There is news from the perspective of undergraduate pass rate: [Undergraduate pass rate is 100%, do you want to enter such a class?] 】

There is news from the 985/211 line rate: [My God, the students with more than 600 points in the 3rd class of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School actually account for 89% of the class. 】

There is news from the overall results: [unbelievable!!!! The class was 56 people, and the lowest score was also admitted to a university! 】

Of course, there is also news from the school: [One class, actually admitted to 36 Qingbei universities! ] 】

Major media rushed to report the results of the third class of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, which is also normal.

After all, the gimmick is too much.

On this day, the media went crazy, and all netizens were even more shocked.

“Good guy, there are 36 Qingbei in a class, all of them are top students!!!”

“Good guys, you 36 classmates can form a class again.”

“Hahaha, there is no problem, you have discussed to apply for a major, and you can be a classmate for four years.”

“Groove… This Nima’s is also too awesome, is such a class still recruiting, 10w no? I’ll go next year too. ”

“Sour, I’m sour!!!”

“Awesome, capitalized.”


There was no accident, this time the 3rd class of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School surprised everyone in Daxia, including themselves.

It was Gu Bai himself who was also shocked when he saw the results of the third class of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Good fellow, class 3 student, don’t you know to converge a little?

Don’t you know that real top students can control their scores?

Obviously 690 points, you can steadily go to the north of the Qingqing, why do you have to take the test with 700 points?

Gu Bai has received a lot of calls in the past few days, and he doesn’t know how his number was exposed, anyway, it was exposed.

Dozens of calls a day were made into Gu Bai’s mobile phone.

Hearing the number of 100w, Gu Bai almost blurted out and agreed.

100W annual salary, which was his dream of going to college last year.

But instead, Gu Bai still shook his head and refused.

There is no other reason, just two words: rich and willful!

Zhou’s conjecture that all the prize money for the paper, Gu Bai, has been deposited into the bank card, which is 150w

Among them, the school’s has 50w, and Wuhai City’s 100w, and, listening to Professor Luo Shifei’s meaning, the Daxia Mathematics Association also has bonuses, but not much, tens of thousands.

The Daxia Mathematics Conference, as the name suggests, is also the meeting of the mathematicians of the Great Xia Dynasty, the specific meeting is to make a mathematical report, no matter how specific it is, Gu Bai does not know.

Originally, Gu Bai, as a freshman, was not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting of mathematicians.

Don’t poke, really don’t poke!

Most importantly, Gu Bai can gain experience points.

Since the math level was upgraded to Lv4, Gu Bai had not gained experience points for a long time.

“But it’s still some time before the Great Xia Math Conference.”

“Still have to wait….”

Sighing a little boredly, Gu Bai packed up all the books in the library and temporarily put aside his thoughts.

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