Chapter 11: Sikong Changfeng opens the can, Sikong Qianluo is stunned

Sikong Qianluo’s jade hand fell and knocked open the last jar.

A transparent bottle fell out

Through the bottle, you can see the liquid shaking inside

“What’s this?”

First of all, the material of this bottle is very special.

This is something Sikong Qianluo has never seen before.

Very similar to crystal

“This is called perfume, which is similar to the scented powder, ointment, sachet, etc. that you use, and can have the effect of incense.”

Su Chen didn’t care.

Sikong Qianluo’s beautiful eyes were full of brilliance

Following Su Chen’s instructions, he pressed the small mechanism at the mouth of the bottle.

There is mist spraying out

Suddenly, a refreshing jasmine fragrance filled the air.

Maybe women are naturally very interested in this kind of thing.

Sikong Qianluo jumped up happily,”This scent smells so good, I love it so much!”

She sprayed twice more into the air

Then, spinning in circles in the slowly falling mist

“Hey, shop owner, you said you have so many good things, how can you be so stingy?~”

After Sikong Qianluo was happy, he thought that he had already used up all the opportunities to open the cans in the early part of this month.

For a moment, I felt empty inside and couldn’t help complaining.

Apparently she hasn’t had enough.

Opening the can was like opening the door to a new world for her.

Sikong Qianluo now feels that there is nothing left in the world.

It makes her happier than opening a can.

“If you still want to open the jar, come back in the middle of this month. Miss Sikong Qianluo is still very lucky.”

Su Chen smiled

“It’s only been five days since the beginning of this month, and we still have to wait five days before we can open the can.~”

The thought of having to wait five long days before getting the next chance to open the can made me

Sikong Qianluo couldn’t help but sighed softly

“So dad, do you want to open the can?”

Since I can no longer open the can

Watching other people open jars seems to be a good choice

Sikong Qianluo turned and looked at Sikong Changfeng

“Then please, owner, bring me ten jars.”

Even Sikong Changfeng would not miss such an opportunity.

In fact, when Sikong Qianluo opened the jar

He went out twice.

I have already sent someone to get the silver.

After handing over a 10,000 tael silver note, Sikong Changfeng quickly selected ten jars.

Watching the ten jars fall onto the counter

Sikong Changfeng did not hesitate. He flicked his finger in the air and a jar shattered.

A transparent bottle falls out.

This transparent bottle is obviously different from the perfume bottle Sikong Qianluo just got.

Thinner and more flexible

Bottle filled with clear liquid

“Shopkeeper, what is this?”

Sikong Changfeng was full of expectations for the first thing he opened.

Su Chen:”…”

Su Chen:”This is a bottle of water”

Sikong Changfeng looked at Su Chen with sincere eyes

Because he felt that Su Chen must have something else to say

In a jar worth one thousand taels

If you just put a bottle of water, this is really outrageous.

So this must not be ordinary water.

Sure enough, Su Chen continued:”This is a bottle of water from Qiandao Lake. It is a little different from ordinary water. It is a little sweet.”

Sikong Changfeng:”????”

That’s it?

No more?

I spent one thousand taels to buy a bottle of slightly sweet water?

With one thousand taels of wine, you can buy countless barrels!

Complaints in the heart

Sikong Changfeng did not show any sign of

After all, he witnessed his daughter opening the jar and finding something good.

The owner also said in advance

Not everything in the jar is treasure

There are also many extremely common and even useless things.

I can only blame myself for my bad luck.

I chose the jar myself and smashed it myself.

It seems to have nothing to do with the owner.

Sikong Changfeng tapped lightly in the air with his index finger

The second jar broke

A rod-shaped object falls out.

The lower half is a bamboo pole, and the upper half is a fluffy hair-like object.

“Is this a feather duster?”

Although Sikong Changfeng saw what this item was

But still some unwillingness

Looking at Su Chen, he asked

Su Chen nodded calmly

Is it really just an ordinary feather duster? this…

Well, a feather duster worth one thousand taels

I think the dust removal effect should be very good

Sikong Changfeng comforted himself

Bang, bang, bang

With three crisp sounds

Three jars cracked at the same time

Three items appeared on the counter that Sikong Changfeng had never seen before.

One is cylindrical and the other two are cuboid.


Well, it’s a bit ordinary.

But I have my own daughter opening the jar as a good example

Sikong Changfeng knew very well that in this store, one must not underestimate any ordinary-looking item.

For example, the blasting talisman is in the shape of a piece of paper.

This cylindrical object also looks like it is made of paper.

Then it’s probably something like a blasting charm.

If it is a blasting talisman, the power of this size cannot be underestimated!

Think of this

Sikong Changfeng did not touch the three items himself.

If you are not careful, it will cause an explosion.

Su Chen picked up the cylindrical object and introduced it:”This is called toilet paper, which is used when going to the toilet.”

Sikong Changfeng’s eyelids twitched, and he couldn’t believe his ears. toilet paper?

For the toilet?

“So this is a roll of toilet paper?”

Sikong Changfeng lost his voice

Su Chen nodded,”You can say that, but this roll of toilet paper is softer than ordinary toilet paper.”

Then Su Chen picked up another rectangular object

“This box of stuff is called tissue paper. You can take out the paper inside and use it as a handkerchief. It is very useful for wiping your mouth, sweat, and blowing your nose.”

Sikong Changfeng:”????”

Su Chen picked up another rectangular object and introduced it:”This is called wet wipes. Compared with paper towels, its texture is more flexible.”

“It is wet in itself, so when you are out and about and it is inconvenient to wash with water, you can just use it to clean your skin.”

“It also contains alcohol, so it is very good for disinfecting small wounds such as scrapes, cuts, and scratches.”

Sikong Changfeng fell into deep thought for a moment.

What the store owner said makes sense.

The three items I opened seem to be very useful. only…

I just always feel like something is wrong


There must be something wrong!

Sikong Qianluo asked weakly:”Shopkeeper, my father opened three pieces of paper?”

Su Chen smiled and said,”It’s not wrong to understand it this way, because these things are indeed paper.”

Sikong Qianluo was dumbfounded for a moment.

She was completely defeated by her father’s luck.

I spent five thousand taels and got these things?

A bottle of water

A feather duster

Three pieces of paper this…

This is such bad luck!


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