Chapter 252: The magic of flying in the clouds, Qiu Lingsu was shocked! (Request full subscription!! Request data!!)

【Somersault Cloud] A flying item from the Dragon Ball world. It is a large cloud outside of Karin Tower that can carry people flying.

Watching the clouds gradually gather and gather in front of me

Su Chen couldn’t help but take a few more glances.

The clouds are fluffy like a big ball of cotton candy

Su Chen was also very satisfied with Nangong Pushe’s opening of such a thing.

As for flying, Su Chen certainly knows many ways

Someone has opened a flying prop before.

For example, Yao Yue’s bamboo dragonfly and Huang Rong’s magic carpet

All are capable of flying

However, Su Chen was still very satisfied to get another somersault cloud.

Who can refuse a cloud that can carry you flying?

Su Chen:”It’s not an empty can. The object in the can is this cloud.”

Nangong Pushe also discovered something unusual

The swirling mist that initially drifted out of the jar has now gathered into a large cloud that looks like cotton.

This situation surprised Nangong Pushe.

The shop owner said it was a cloud.

But shouldn’t things like clouds float in the air?

Why is this cloud floating less than three feet above the ground?

“Shop owner, you are really amazing. You can even put the clouds in the sky into the jar.”

Huang Rong exclaimed

Clouds are something you can see but can’t touch.

Have you ever heard of anyone being able to contain clouds?

I saw with my own eyes that there was a cloud in the jar

After the mist dispersed, it gathered into clouds

The clouds did not dissipate for a long time, which made Huang Rong feel very magical.

“Although clouds have no practical use, it feels really strange to see them up close.”

Sikong Qianluo can see clouds almost every day.

I thought it was a very common thing.

But now this cloud is not floating in the distant sky, but suspended on the ground

This made Sikong Qianluo feel very novel.

Su Chen:”This is not an ordinary cloud, but a somersault cloud. It can carry people to fly.”

Hearing Su Chen’s words

Nangong Pushe’s eyes widened

“Somersault Cloud? Shopkeeper, isn’t that the magical power of the Monkey King Sun Wukong in mythology?”

Nangong Pushe knows about the somersault cloud

In various dynasties, a book called”Journey to the West” was very popular, in which this somersault cloud was recorded.

It is a magical power of the Monkey King Sun Wukong.

But aren’t the stories all imagined by people?

Nangong Pushe never expected that the things in the story actually existed.

Now it really appears before my eyes

Su Chen smiled and said,”This somersault cloud is not the one in Journey to the West, but with it, people can also fly.”

Nangong Pushe nodded

It turns out that it is not the magic power of the Monkey King

However, this ability to allow people to fly is similar to the somersault cloud recorded in Journey to the West.

“Shop owner, how can this somersault cloud carry people to fly?”

Nangong Pushe still yearns for flying.

Although she can now perform the light and agile Qinggong

But no matter how exquisite the Qinggong is, it still cannot reach the level of flying.

If a warrior wants to fly, he must reach the Free and Easy Heaven Realm.

Su Chen:”You just need to establish a spiritual connection with this somersault cloud, and you will gain the relevant knowledge to control it, and then sit on it.

Of course, it doesn’t mean you have to sit on it, but at the beginning, for safety, you’d better choose a sitting position.

If you feel you have mastered it, you can take any posture.”

Nangong Pushe nodded

Then he tried to use his spiritual consciousness to establish contact with the Somersault Cloud.

After a while, Nangong Pushe, with a somewhat excited look on his face, sat directly on the Somersault Cloud.

“This is so magical, people can really sit on the clouds’~”

Sikong Qianluo’s eyes widened, and her pretty face was full of disbelief.

Although Sikong Qianluo had expected something after hearing Su Chen’s words,

But when I really saw Nangong Pushe sitting steadily on a cloud

Sikong Qianluo couldn’t help but exclaimed

Clouds are something that cannot be touched.

Like a wisp of smoke

You can see it, but you certainly can’t touch it

Now this cloud miraculously supported Nangong Pushe, which made Sikong Qianluo feel incredible.

Nangong Pushe’s always cold face showed for the first time a smile that a girl of her age should have.

That smile floated across her mouth like a faint glow.

“Shopkeeper, can I go out and try it?”

Su Chen nodded

Got Su Chen’s approval

Nangong Pushe moved his mind, and the somersault cloud flew out from the door of the shop.

At first, Nangong Pushe didn’t dare to let the Somersault Cloud fly too fast.

The somersault cloud is a kind of constant speed, climbing up into the sky

The breeze caressed his cheeks, and Nangong Pushe felt a long-lost sense of relaxation and comfort.

“Hey? Look, is that a cloud? Why does that cloud seem to be rising from the ground?”

“It’s broad daylight, what nonsense are you talking about? Clouds are floating in the sky. How can there be clouds?…

What the hell is going on? That cloud is really floating from the ground to the sky. This is too weird.”

“Isn’t this the strangest thing? Didn’t you notice that there seemed to be a person sitting on that cloud?”

“Oh my god, there really is someone up there! I thought I was seeing things, but there is actually someone sitting on the cloud!”

“This is too unbelievable. How could there be someone on something like a cloud? Who can sit on a cloud?”

“Yes, if people sit on the clouds, they will definitely fall down.”

On the street next to Linbashi Lane, people found a cloud rising from the ground, and there was actually a person sitting on the cloud.

They all raised their heads, their eyes widened, and exclaimed in amazement.

After a while, Sikong Qianluo, who was looking out the door of the can shop,

I found a white streak on the sky

After a dozen breaths, Nangong Pushe, who was riding on the somersault cloud, appeared in her sight.

In the blink of an eye, the somersault cloud had landed at the door of the store.

Nangong Pushe flew down from the somersault cloud

Beautiful eyes sparkle

It was so refreshing to fly on the cloud, she really enjoyed the feeling

Sikong Qianluo had just secretly asked the shop owner

Is this swordsman beauty a man or a woman?

I learned from the shop owner that this swordsman beauty should be a woman

Since she is a woman, Sikong Qianluo has nothing to worry about.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

She really wanted to experience this somersault cloud.

“This somersault cloud is so interesting. Can you take me flying for a while?”

Sikong Qianluo asked expectantly

Nangong Pushe smiled and nodded,”Of course you can”

Nangong Pushe has a good impression of Sikong Qianluo

I think she is a girl with a carefree personality, straightforward and enthusiastic

Besides, the treasure of Somersault Cloud was originally given to me by this shop owner.

Bring the shop owner’s friend to experience it, there is no problem. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“That’s great!”

Sikong Qianluo cheered

Then, under the control of Nangong Pushe, the somersault cloud floated close to the two of them.

With the experience from last time, Nangong Pushe was already familiar with it this time.

The control of this somersault cloud is much simpler than Nangong Pushe expected.

If you want to ride a horse or something, it may take a long time to practice.

It is actually very simple to control this cloud to fly

After all, as long as the mind moves, the somersault cloud can change direction according to the instructions, or speed up or slow down, basically it feels like an arm is at your fingertips.

Sikong Qianluo was both excited and nervous

He did not stand like Nangong Pushe, but sat obediently in the back.

In order to take care of Sikong Qianluo behind

Nangong Pushe still chose to take off steadily

“Look, there is another cloud rising from the ground.”

“It should be the same one as before. I just saw a cloud break through the sky and fall over there.”

“That seems to be the location of the jar shop. No wonder there are such magical clouds.”

“It’s true. That’s right next to Lane 88. This makes sense. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such magical clouds.”

“The person behind seems to be Miss Sikong Qianluo. She seems to be greeting us. I really envy Miss Sikong Qianluo. I also want to experience it!”

On the street next to Lane 88, when people saw Sikong Qianluo on the cloud, many of them guessed that the cloud might have come from that magical jar shop.

Those who guessed this felt less fearful and their eyes were filled with envy.

They also want to feel the feeling of flying in the clouds

Tongfu Inn

“Oh my god, there are really people sitting on the clouds”

Tong Xiangyu’s eyes widened like bells and she cried out in surprise.

Just now Bai Zhantang told her that there was a person on a cloud.

She also thought that Bai Zhantang’s eyes were blurry.

Clouds are ever-changing.

Sometimes it takes the shape of an animal, sometimes it takes the shape of a human.

So it is normal to make mistakes due to temporary dazzlement.

But I heard the noise outside the inn again.

Tong Xiangyu couldn’t help being curious and ran out in a hurry.

When she saw the scene in the sky, she was shocked.

Although the distance is quite far, I can’t see the people in the clouds clearly.

But there is no doubt that they are indeed two figures.

There is absolutely no mistake about this.

There were two figures with fluttering robes. Even if some clouds looked like human figures, they definitely couldn’t be like that.

“‘It’s an immortal, the immortal has appeared!” one���Li Dazui shouted loudly, then he prostrated himself on the ground, kowtowed to the cloud with two figures.

When people around saw this, a large group of people fell to the ground.

Kneeling and praying devoutly

“Chef Li is right, that is an immortal, how can a mortal be above the clouds”

“That makes sense. It must be an immortal. Didn’t the storyteller say that? Immortals can ride on clouds and mist. Isn’t this what we see?”

“Oh my god, I actually saw an immortal when I entered the city this time, I am so lucky!”

Lu Xiucai, who was standing by, was still skeptical.

However, seeing more and more people crawling on the ground, he also knelt down in an orderly manner.

Although as a scholar, one should not believe in ghosts and gods

But this fairy has already appeared before my eyes

You can’t help but believe it!

At the entrance of Tongfu Inn, a group of people were praying devoutly.

In a courtyard in Xueyue City where flowers are in full bloom, colorful and beautiful

Qiu Lingsu looked worried and stared at the flowers in the courtyard in a daze.

Suddenly the maid next to her screamed

Qiu Lingsu couldn’t help but frown.

The maid Yan Ting has been with her for a long time.

I’ve always been very disciplined.

There has never been such a shocking situation.

I was just thinking about something, and was startled by her sudden exclamation.

Qiu Lingsu:”What happened?”

Yan Ting:”Miss, you…you���There, on that cloud there are two people”

Qiu Lingsu suddenly felt a little angry and a little amused.

She thought something happened.

Yan Ting was actually frightened by a cloud

Clouds sometimes take on the shape of people, which is very common.

Especially the clouds in Snow Moon City, which are ever-changing.

Sometimes you look at the clouds in the sky quietly and think they look like something. The more you look at them, the more they look like something.

This is a perfectly normal thing.

What’s so surprising about this?

Qiu Lingsu shook her head and looked in the direction of Yan Ting’s finger.

The next moment, Qiu Lingsu’s pupils shrank suddenly, and her face was filled with disbelief. real!

There are actually two people on a cloud!

That cloud is not like other clouds in the sky, just floating in the air, moving and changing lazily.

That cloud is like a hawk, flying at lightning speed in the sky.

The rapidly flying clouds even left a long white streak in the sky.

There were two figures on the rapidly flying clouds. this…

How is this possible?

How is it possible for clouds to fly so fast?

How could there be people above the clouds?

Qiu Lingsu knew that Xueyue City was the holy land of martial arts in the Beili Dynasty.

In this city, there are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Many martial arts masters have unimaginable light skills.

But everything in front of me has already exceeded the scope of light Kung Fu!

Could it be the legendary Lord of Snow Moon City?

Qiu Lingsu also knew that there were three city lords with superb martial arts skills in Xueyue City.

According to legend, such a great person seems to be able to fly in the air.

Just lead…

But what about that flying cloud?

Qiu Lingsu had only heard that the sword immortal could fly with a sword.

But I have never heard of anyone who can fly on the clouds!

Suddenly, Qiu Lingsu thought of a possibility and was shocked.


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