Chapter 4: Thunder suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and the God of Thunder came to the world!

Even though Sikong Changfeng is well-informed

Now I am also confused.

He really couldn’t understand how such a short firearm could have such great power.

Those horse thieves are not ordinary people.

A second-rate martial arts expert can dodge most hidden weapons as long as he is fully alert.

But in front of the hidden weapon in the boy’s hand

They became lambs to be slaughtered.

No chance of fighting back

Besides, a second-rate martial arts expert

The muscles and bones are far beyond the reach of ordinary people

Breaking rocks and bricks with one punch is no problem

But facing the things shot out of that firearm

The bodies of these second-rate players are as good as paper.

What on earth is that?

Over the years

This was the first time Sikong Changfeng had seen something he had never heard of before.

Yes, don’t say you saw me.

I haven’t even heard of it.

If there is such a thing in Beili Jianghu

According to the information from Xueyue City

It’s impossible that I didn’t catch any sound at all!

All of this is really confusing.


Su Chen blew at the muzzle of the gun, which was emitting a wisp of green smoke.

I have to say that the power of this Desert Eagle is still good.

Far superior to ordinary pistols

Pulled out by myself

Or a sexy golden Desert Eagle

My shooting skills today are so accurate

I don’t know if the sexy gold color gives some kind of bonus

While thinking, Su Chen slowly changed the magazine.

The magazines are all pre-loaded and placed in the storage ring.

It is still very convenient to use

Killing people or something

The first feeling was bad.

There is a deep sense of discomfort both psychologically and physically

But Su Chen quickly adjusted his mentality

There is no way

The knife is almost at your neck.

What else can we do except to get rid of them all?

Su Chen’s life creed is also very simple

If someone doesn’t offend me, I won’t offend him. If someone offends me, I will cut off the roots.


Ma Xiaoshan’s mind is a little blank now.

Meeting the fierce gaze of the young man opposite

His heart trembled

He rode his horse through the mountains and forests, traversing the four seas, for so many years

I have never seen such firearms in the hands of young people.

The power is beyond imagination

It’s just powerful.

There is no need to load ammunition or ignite the fuse.

Don’t all firearms like muskets require a ignited fuse to fire?

And do you need to reload ammunition every time you fire a shot?

All of this is beyond Ma Xiaoshan’s cognition.

He could sense that fear was rising in the hearts of his usually fearless subordinates.

Six brothers, galloping away

Not even the edge of the young man’s clothes was touched.

Don’t say they are responsible for this kind of thing.

Even Ma Xiaoshan himself was already in doubt.

However, he quickly suppressed these emotions.

No matter how powerful the firearm in that guy’s hand is,

He is just one person after all.

An ordinary person who has no martial arts skills

If that’s the case, he’ll be scared away.

Where would Ma Xiaoshan put his face?

How can I face the world in the future?

Besides, the banknotes on that guy are really tempting.

“Brothers, don’t be afraid, he is alone, spread out and attack together! Whoever captures him first today will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of silver!”

In this case, Ma Xiaoshan directly invested heavily.

Hearing the reward of 10,000 taels of silver

The thieves’ eyes were burning with fire

Ten thousand taels!

In the face of such a huge temptation

Everyone put aside their fear of death for a moment.

The Third Master is right.

No matter how powerful the firearm in the hands of the guy opposite is

He was just one man with a firearm like that.

In this case

Even if he hits the target every time, he can only kill one of them at most.

People’s psychology is full of luck.

No one would think that he is the unlucky one who was shot.

The bandits scattered and kept their distance from each other.

Almost at the same time

They charged forward in perfect harmony

Su Chen seemed not to realize that he was in a desperate situation.

Or pick up the golden Desert Eagle

Wait until someone comes within range


With ten gunshots

Ten more bandits fell off their horses, dead beyond death.

But the bandits around

There is not only no sadness

On the contrary, there was a look of ecstasy on his face.

They have sharp eyes and have discovered

That dreaded firearm should only be able to fire ten shots at a time.

They were now very close to the young man.

There is absolutely no chance that young man will reload his ammunition.



Sikong Qianluo couldn’t help but exclaimed

Sikong Changfeng couldn’t help but feel a little regretful

He wanted to see what this extraordinary young man’s real back-up plan was.

Unexpectedly, this young man was obviously a little too arrogant.

Really trying to rely on a powerful firearm

Just want to resist so many horse thieves charging at the same time

This is nothing but a foolish dream

Fortunately, everything is still within my control.

Sikong Changfeng gave Sikong Qianluo a reassuring look

As long as he takes action

It’s not too late

As Sikong Changfeng was circulating the Qi in his body

His pupils suddenly shrank.

In Sikong Changfeng’s incredulous eyes

That handsome young man

Jumping from the horse’s back

At this moment, the young man has blue electricity all over his body.

In an instant, the blue current spread rapidly, filling the void.

The young man was like a god bathing in a sea of ​​thunder and lightning!

As they approached, the bandits brandishing sabers were filled with fear.

Each of them has a look of horror.

Without waiting for them to react


A bolt from the blue!

A huge thunderstorm sounded

Accompanied by the deafening sound of thunder

The blue electric light in the void shot towards the bandits.

Looking from afar

It was like countless electric pythons with bared fangs and claws shooting out from the void.

As long as the horse thief is hit by the electric python

In an instant, under the high voltage current

Became a charred corpse

Even if the bandits were not directly hit

Affected by the spreading current

He was also lying on the ground, twitching violently.

After a moment, there is more exhalation than inhalation.

Ma Xiaoshan and his trusted men, who were at the outermost edge, were completely stunned.

They didn’t have time to think at all.

There was only one thought in my mind at this moment escape!

Run away now!

Almost by instinct

Ma Xiaoshan and his trusted men turned their horses and ran away

After a few breaths

Ma Xiaoshan felt a great sense of alarm

He grabbed his trusted subordinate and blocked him behind him.

While pushing the iron shirt to its limit boom~!

With a loud bang

The blinding electric light makes one’s eyes see nothingness and paleness

When the sight of the people watching in the forest gradually recovered

Where can we see the two bandits who just fled so quickly?

There is only a piece of black ash, drifting away with the wind


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