Yan Cigui

Chapter 102: Become a father who returns to Lao Li's house

Chapter 102 Becoming a father who returns to Lao Li’s family

 Zhu Cheng heard his own intense heartbeat.

 He knew that what Xu Jian said was true.

Zhu Cheng has heard Xu Jian's tone before sowing discord.

That kind of ridicule and sarcasm, the joke is clearly written on his face, making people want to jump up and punch him twice.

 But now, there is nothing like that on Xu Jian's face.

 Zhu Cheng even saw some sympathy in it.


 Xu Jian is also the son who was abandoned by his biological father.

 Therefore, seeing that he was also given up, Xu Jian's original attitude of watching the fun changed.

 That’s right.

 Zhu Cheng was talking to himself.

 Xu Jian and Shan Shen both turned to look at him.

Zhu Cheng did not avoid their gazes. Without blinking, he said, "My father has been in contact with the thing that cut off his descendants for a long time."

Xu Jian was silent and lightly opened his eyes.

Shan Shen analyzed the reason why Zhu Cheng suddenly relented.

 He has always been good at reading people's hearts, and after working with Xu Jian for a few days, he quickly figured it out.

"Master Zhu Si," Shan Shen stepped forward and said in a low voice, "After all, he is your biological father, and there are all brothers. You are hopeless after all. Can they have the slightest chance to read your confession? Okay, you can think about it later.”

 It appears to be persuading, but in reality it adds fuel to the fire.

If Zhu Cheng was calm, he would probably be able to tell the difference.

  But now he had lost his mind and his mind was filled with the word "abandoned". When he listened to Shan Shen's words of persuasion, his heart was so angry that he almost burst out of his eyes.



“From the beginning to the end, I have been doing things for my father. He stopped doing things himself and asked me to deal with the **** for him,” Zhu Cheng gritted his teeth and said, “What’s the result?

I had to kill him. My only daughter separated from me. We had quarrels several times. Now she knows that her mother was poisoned. How can she not hate me?

You said before that she stabbed the mother-in-law with scissors? If I were outside, she would want to stab me with scissors!

That outer room was arranged by the king’s chamberlain, and the son is not mine.

 I can accept it, I can accept it all!

Who asked Li Mi’s son to call me daddy? I, Zhu Cheng, have also become the father of Lao Li’s family!

 But in the end, what am I left with?

 There is nothing, not even my father..."

 Zhu Cheng was so excited that he thumped the bed board under his body and scratched the top of his hair.

 At this moment, it is the best time to ask questions.

Shan Shen asked hurriedly: "The fourth master knows that the son is Li Mi's? Who is his biological mother?"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'm already a joke," Zhu Cheng laughed, looking very miserable, "After I got Achang, I drank too much and got into a fight with someone, and I was injured.

The doctor said that a man can still be a man, but he can no longer be a father.

I'm just an empty flower stand. What kind of son can that stinky **** give me?

The son was brought back by the dead **** to be raised well. I asked him later and he said he was the son of Li Mi and his biological mother was unknown. "

“Where is the king’s chamberlain now?” Shan Shen asked again.

"I don't know," Zhu Cheng said. Seeing Shan Shen frowning, he added, "I really don't know. I've even told you private matters like that, and I'm still going to hide something that will ruin my descendants?"

Shan Shen smiled dryly.

Swearing people is enough, why did Zhu Cheng include himself in it?

I think so, of course I can’t talk about it.

Zhu Cheng was finally willing to explain the problem. If he was offended and acted like a gourd, it would be troublesome. "Then how did you contact him in the first place?" Shan Shen asked.

“A few years ago, he had a house in Cherry Hutong in the south of the city. He has stopped living there since the beginning of last year,” Zhu Cheng said. “He came to Liuguo Hutong twice without revealing his whereabouts.”

"What are you communicating about? Li Mi's affairs?"

  Zhu Cheng shook his head: "I'm just an errand boy. He and my father communicated through letters on specific matters. Anyway, I got burnt after reading them."

 All I know is that the **** is very concerned about the changes in the court.

At the beginning of this year, he came to Liuguo Hutong to show his face, checked on the child's condition, and asked some trivial questions.

 Come back in the summer and ask me to find someone to buy Lao Shi Xian.

Just buy it. I asked Li Yuanfa and others, but they couldn’t compete with Jing Dajuan.

Mr. Shan, listen to this. Does that dead **** trust me?

If he could trust me, he would have told me about the gold bricks earlier. When there was no ghost in Lao Shi Alley in the spring, couldn't he just dig up the ground and make it?

It doesn’t matter if it’s later. No matter how much money I spend, I have to buy Laoshi Alley. The alley is in my hands, and Li Yuanfa can dig it as he wants.

The dead **** didn’t say anything at all, and didn’t mention gold bricks until Jing Daduan pressed his fingerprints. What can I do?

 Isn’t this the result? "

Shan Shen looked sympathetic.

 Xu Jian never interrupted and listened carefully to Zhu Cheng's confession.

Only this paragraph is indeed consistent with what the princess asked Aunt Wang to go to Liuguo Hutong to inquire about.

 At the beginning of the year and in the summer of the previous month, someone saw an old man going to the outer chamber's house twice. The old man was the king's chamberlain.

"After Jing Daduan pressed his fingerprints, did the king's servant say gold bricks?" Xu Jian asked, "Did he go to Liuguo Hutong again at that time?"

Zhu Cheng was stunned for a moment and subconsciously wanted to avoid it. Then he thought that he was confessing honestly, so he said: "No, I was walking on the street, and he used a beggar to act as a messenger and asked me to go to a private restaurant in a nearby restaurant.

 I went in, and the woman was there too. The dead **** told us that the gold bricks were going to be dug out.

Who knew it would be a banned book, and Gao An caught him! "

Shan Shen asked: "The letters between the king's chamberlain and the British prince have been burned. Do you still have evidence in your hand?"

 Zhu Cheng was discouraged.

"No," he smiled bitterly, "That's my father. Can I think of guarding against him? I wholeheartedly run errands, but he..."

Shan Shen patted Zhu Cheng on the shoulder.

Zhu Cheng said: "These are all true. I don't think Mr. Shan is a fool."

 Xu Jian and Shan Shen came out of the side room.

Shan Shen clasped his hands on his chest and said: "What I heard must be the truth. I have given an explanation, but I can't produce evidence, especially I don't know the whereabouts of the king's servant..."

Xu Jian suggested: "The Queen mentioned Liu'an Town, and Zhu Cheng mentioned Cherry Hutong. You need to read the deeds for both places."

Shan Shen agrees.

Xu Jian added: "I didn't lie to Zhu Cheng just now. If the British prince really wants to cut off the throne, he may arrange something in Zhu Cheng's study. You can go and see it."

 Leave as soon as you say.

 The group of people arrived outside the British Government House. The atmosphere here was already very different from when they arrived early in the morning.

Yu Lin stood guard outside the gate with dignity. When he saw Xu Jian arriving, the leader saluted.

 Zhu Chi came to welcome him.

Knowing that the situation was not optimistic, he could only calm down when facing the people coming from the Yamen.

“My father is in the bedroom,” Zhu Chi said. “He collapsed when he came back from the palace...”

 (End of this chapter)

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