Yan Cigui

Chapter 139: He can't even quack a duck

 Chen Gui looked at it carefully again.

 On a very cold day, some students were wearing thin clothes, which showed that they were from poor families.

With this in mind, Chen Gui took the initiative to seek help from Hu Supervisor and expressed his thoughts.

“It’s not easy. I originally wanted to help, and I had good intentions, but I didn’t expect things to turn out like this, and I feel really bad about it,” said Chen Gui.

Hu Supervisor's face was still heavy: "Dong Chen's family did bad things with good intentions, but this 'bad' was not caused by you. That Mr. Liu did cheat. If he hadn't been exposed and he would have become famous from then on, wouldn't it be the same as our three families?" The academy has vouched for him? I never want this to happen."

Said, Hu Supervisor called the mountain chiefs and supervisors of the other two families to come over: "I will go to the Yamen with Shashan Chief. Your two families can also send people together.

 It’s just that it would be a pity to end this society abruptly. After all, the questions have been prepared in advance, so it is better to continue. "

Hearing this, another person said, "Look, how many people are still focused on the competition?"

“When you study or do knowledge, you must be able to endure loneliness and the noise,” Hu Jianyuan said conclusively. “If you don’t even have this ability and can’t take back your lost mind, then you haven’t practiced enough.

 There will also be unexpected situations in the examination room. In the future, if you pass the examination or enter the court, there will be similar situations.

 It is a good opportunity to help them understand these principles. "

Chen Gui also echoed: "Several old gentlemen, I haven't given a single gift yet."

With such teasing, everyone's faces relaxed and they smiled at each other without any objection.

 Gentlemen finalized, the situation was maintained by another mountain leader, and the society continued.

 The students were noisily discussing.

 As the drum beat started again, it gradually became quiet.

Hu Supervisor Yuan rushed Chief Shashan and the other two inspectors to Shuntian Mansion.

 Liu Xun was placed in a private room.

Zhang Yuan reported the situation to Shan Shen and brought back a booklet that recorded the students’ answers on the spot.

Shan Shen finished listening with a dark face and quickly read the booklet again, focusing on Liu Xun's article.

 The more he looked at it, the more he cursed.

"The writing is really good. If I could have written at this level in the imperial examination, I might have received a nod."

“At this level, how many jars of ink has Mr. Liu drank?”

“He chewed up all his father’s inkstone and swallowed it, right?”

“Speaking of which, does Mr. Liu know about the bad things his son has done?”

"Is there still a mark on his neck? Don't make it into a fight between goblins in the street. I don't care how many women he sleeps with in a night. He can also sleep with men. The Yamen has nothing to do with it."

  “But can these dandies be allowed to live as dandies, instead of being educated dandies?”

 “Is it so easy to do it? I can’t even answer any of the other questions!”

“It’s a good thing he’s not my son, otherwise I would have killed him!”

Shan Shen scolded him a lot, but he didn't want to interrogate Liu Xun at all.

Several academies are more anxious about this matter. When they need Shuntian Mansion's help, they will speak up.

Master Shan thought clearly, but he couldn't help Liu Xun's head being confused.

 In the private room, the government officials were very polite to Liu Xun.

Hot tea and snacks are all prepared, so that the young master will not have to gasp for breath for a while and then pass away.

 Liu Xun drank tea and had snacks. His whole body became warmer and he began to think about things.

"I have been plotted against," Liu Xun shouted to the government officials, "that uncle, they are really plotting against me!"

 The yamen servants only guarded the door and kept silent.

 Liu Xun was endless and continued to shout that he wanted to see "Yin Shuntian".

 The back hall of the Yamen is just this big.

Shan Shen couldn't block Liu Xun's voice even if he closed the door or the window, so he was so angry that he threw the case file in his hand.

 “Quick, quack, even a duck can quack!” Shan Shen could only stand up and walk over quickly.

As he walked away, he asked his master: "Is he really the younger brother of Duke Fu?"

 “If it’s true, we are from the same mother and we are biologically related.” The master replied. Shan Shen's face was filled with "It's hard to describe".

Liu Xun didn't recognize Shan Shen, but he recognized the official uniform, so he loudly said: "Uncle Chengzhi is plotting against me!"

Shan Shen asked: "Why are they plotting against you?"

Liu Xun said confidently: "The princess is biased against me. Last time I went to Cining Palace with the Crown Prince, the princess refused to let me meet the Queen Mother. This time she is plotting against me!"

  Raising his hand, Mr. Shan pressed his eyebrows.

Of course he didn’t know the whole story of that day in Cining Palace.

It can be said that Princess Ning'an can be so powerful in Cining Palace, it is most likely Liu Gongzi who made the mistake first.

 After all, what is the reputation of Princess Ning'an?

 What is the reputation of Chengyi Bofu?

The Lin family has a good reputation that has been passed down from generation to generation for being humble, self-denying, and responsible. Who would believe it if Liu Xun discredited it with just one mouthful?

 At any rate, he just didn’t believe it.

It’s not that he doesn’t recognize Princess Ning’an.

Is the princess very angry?

That day in England, no, it was at the Zhu family's house. The princess was really bad-tempered, but there was a reason for that!

 How can a soft persimmon help Zhu Xuan?

 The princess acts and convinces people with virtue.

"Okay, the princess is biased against you," Shan Shen had no intention of talking to Liu Xun, and asked to the point, "Did the princess tell you the topic and ask you to prepare?

The princess asked you to go up on stage and recite an article?

The princess made you unable to answer any other questions?

What else did the princess do? "

 Liu Xun's lips moved.

He seemed to be back on the stage just now, his mind was empty and he couldn't answer.

Shan Shen pointed around and said: "The last person who lived in this house for a few days was Zhu Cheng. He was also stubborn and refused to tell the truth. He even made up stories with me.

 That's not necessary. I'm not a fool and I can't fool you with your stories.

I urge you to tell the truth. The fraud is just a study, and it is much less serious than Zhu Cheng's problem. You should make the appointment early to avoid embarrassing your father. "

Liu Xun had just returned to Beijing not long ago, and he couldn't figure out who was who what happened a while ago.

 It happened to be only the Zhu family's case, because Xu Jian stayed in Shuntian Mansion for a few days, and his father had a few words with him.

He knew that the Zhu family had been deprived of their titles, beheaded, and exiled, but that was all he knew. He didn't know the specific situation, who was involved, or why.

Liu Xun's dissatisfaction rose when he thought that the Shuntian Prefecture Yin in front of him, who was bossing him around and being aggressive, had handled cases with Xu Jian and might have a good relationship.

"Your Excellency, you don't have to be so kind and considerate of me," he said in a low voice, "I am me, and Xu Jian is Xu Jian. For Xu Jian's sake, remind me? There is no need."

Shan Shen was stunned when he heard this.

He only knew that the relationship between Duke Fu and Mr. Liu was not very good. Now that he heard it, his relationship with his younger brother was not much better either.


Who would care about such a little brother who has no idea and wants to be in the limelight?

  Not a stranger at all.

"You are thinking too much," Shan Shen said, "I handle the case impartially and will not look at the face of Duke Fu."

 As soon as these words came out, Liu Xun's eyebrows relaxed and he became energetic.


Shuntian Mansion, who had just handled a case together not long ago, didn't look down on Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian is not doing well either!

This time, Shan Shen couldn't keep up with Liu Xun's thoughts. He turned around and asked the master with his eyes.

The master pursed his lips to express that he couldn’t understand it either.

Shan Shen asked the Yamen servant: "Have the people from the academy not arrived yet?"

 He cannot judge such a "short-minded" person.

Not long after, the front office officer came to report that people from the three academies had arrived.

Hu Jianyuan walked at the front and bowed to Shan Shen and others: "I have something to trouble some of the adults, so I have to ask the official to take a trip to Shuixian Alley to bring someone with me."

 In the private room, Liu Xun jumped up immediately when he heard the situation.

 Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Cat Traveler for the reward.

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