Yan Cigui

Chapter 153: The princess is here

Chapter 153 The princess is here

On the rockery to the north, Lin Yunfang covered her mouth.

 She got Lin Yunyan's instruction and played with other girls.

Since Zheng Liu wants to design Lin Yunyan, there must be some witnesses, and Lin Yunfang must be among the witnesses.

Hou Yuanzi has been here several times before. The second sister carefully analyzed with her the locations where an ambush could be set up, and Lin Yunfang kept them all in mind.

They admired the flowers and talked and laughed all the way up the mountain road.

The second sister said that looking from the top of the mountain to the other side of the pond is the most likely place.

People on the mountain can check their clothes, and people by the water have enough time to escape.

As expected, as soon as Lin Yunfang climbed up, she saw two figures on the other side.

 Zhang Danse's snow coat was held in the arms of a man.

 There is no doubt that that one is Zheng Liu.

 No matter how far the distance is and how similar the colors are, can Lin Yunfang still mistake her second sister?

 She immediately understood Zheng Liu's overall plan.

 This man is so bad!

If it weren’t for the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, the second sister’s reputation would have been completely ruined by Zheng Liu!

 Now, the oriole is about to take action!

Lin Yunfang pretended to lose her composure and exclaimed "Oh!"

This sound called everyone around her and followed her line of sight to the other side.

 “There, what about there…”

“Is that the princess?”

“Zhang Dan color, only the princess is wearing Zhang Dan color today!”

"Impossible!" Lin Yunfang stamped her feet, "How can it be possible for my second sister to cuddle with a man! I want to go over and have a look!"

By the pond, Liu Xun suddenly became excited.

 From his perspective, he could see the situation on the mountain on the other side at a glance.

Several girls appeared in his sight. They were looking at this room and pointing, followed by a group of maids and women.

He couldn't see clearly what those people looked like, but it didn't matter. He only knew that his and the princess's figures had fallen into the eyes of those people.

This is enough.

 They are his best witnesses.

 The next moment, the beauty in his arms struggled.

 Liu Xun immediately tightened his arms.

It must have been this exclamation that woke up the princess. She knew it was inappropriate to throw herself into her arms and wanted to retreat.

How could Liu Xun let her get what she wanted?

When a man runs away, his wife runs away!

He must not let go if he wants to marry Princess Ning'an safely.

Zheng Liu struggled even harder!

Having seen movement on the mountain, I must have seen her snow coat.

 Soon, someone will bring the real Lin Yunyan over.

 She must go, she cannot stay here.

 Why is this "good friend" so ignorant?

In desperation, Zheng Liu called out: "Mom, mom, help me."

Hearing the sound, Liu Xun was stunned for a moment.

Is the princess’s voice like this?

At this moment, his hands relaxed, and when he saw a pair of hands stretching out from the cave on the side, Liu Xun was so frightened that he raised his hands and jumped back.

 What monster? !

 Liu Xun let go of his hand, Zheng Liu was still struggling, and his figure was swaying without restraint...


 In front of Liu Xun, water splashed.

 The cold pool water wet his face. He looked at the people struggling in the water and his head was extremely clear.

 Jump down!

Just jump down and rescue the princess, the two of them will be wet...

 Is he still afraid that he will not be able to marry the princess?

 He can swim, although he can only do so a little bit, but he is still close to the shore.

Without thinking about it further, Liu Xun jumped into the water with a splash. In the cave, the old woman was dumbfounded. Why did the girl fall into the water?

 She had to rescue the girl. Nothing could happen to the girl!

Mammy Lao came out of the cave, rushed to the shore and stretched out her hand to reach the people in the water.

Who would have thought that Zheng Liu was in a hurry, punching and kicking the ground, driving herself and Liu Xun, who had rescued her, further and further away from the shore...

 On the other side, Lin Yunyan and Lin Yunjing walked hand in hand to a remote place.

Not long ago, a little maid came over and greeted her quietly.

"This servant is a maid from the Yunyang House. She acted recklessly last time. We, the girl, want to apologize to the princess."

"She is waiting for you in the garden. She is thin-skinned and wants to talk to the princess privately."

"Princess, the girl was blamed by the old lady and the uncle for what happened in the past. Everyone in the house blamed her, and the girl felt very uncomfortable."

 “You sir, don’t remember the faults of villains, give the girl a chance.”

So, Lin Yunyan sighed and followed with kindness.

If she is still in the sight of others, how can Zheng Liu still perform?

 She has to leave a stage for Zheng Liu.

Lin Yunjing didn't trust her and walked with her, going deeper and deeper in this way.

The two sisters exchanged a look and thought that Zheng Liu's scene was really long.

The little maid in front was tense, thinking to herself that the princess was really a kind person after walking for so long without even asking a question.

 It's a pity that the girl got into trouble.

Raising her head and looking toward the attic, the little maid muttered in her heart, why didn't she wave the white handkerchief?

Once she saw the white handkerchief, she could lead the princess to the pond.

 Fortunately, it is close to the waterfront terrace...

The next moment, she heard exclamations, and then noisy shouts, and she could vaguely hear something like "rescue".

what happened?

The little maid was extremely puzzled.

"What's going on?" Lin Yunyan asked her, "Is something wrong? I remember we went to the water's edge, right? The view is wide there, let's go and have a look."

 Subconsciously, the little maid wanted to stop her.

But Lin Yunyan would not listen to her, and she and Lin Yunjing walked away quickly.

Beside the stage, Liu Xun and Zheng Liu had been rescued by the people who came over.

Liu Xun was so aquatic that he almost asked Zheng Liu to take him into the water with him. Now he was lying on the shore, shivering from the cold.

Even so, he did not let go of "Lin Yunyan" beside him.

Looking at the girls and women who were tightly surrounding them, Liu Xun could almost have laughed out loud if his teeth hadn't been shaking with the cold.

It’s not in vain that he fell into the water once in the winter!

Lin Yunfang stood at the front and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

“It was me who forced the princess, it was my fault!” Liu Xun said hurriedly.

Lin Yunfang let out a loud sigh.

"Miss Yunfang, please don't say this now. The princess is so cold that she can't even move."

 “Really the princess?”

Lin Yunfang is confident, but her face is still fierce: "Looks like it from a distance, but how does it look like my second sister's snow coat from up close?"

“Maybe it’s because he’s soaked. Help him up first?”

Lin Yunfang was about to expose Zheng Liu when she heard a crisp voice coming from not far away.

"What princess? Where is the princess? Are you looking for the wrong person when you are looking for me?"

The delicate and melodious voice is exactly Lin Yunyan’s voice.

 Everyone turned their heads in unison.

Lin Yunyan was clean and refreshed, holding Lin Yunjing's hand and standing there.

“The princess is here!” someone called out.

Liu Xun was stunned. The chill penetrated into his bones, making him feel cold and painful.

With his neck stiffened, he looked at the motionless people beside him.

 Zhang Danse, that’s right?

But the princess is over there, who is this person he is holding on to?

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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