Yan Cigui

Chapter 184: Terrified

Chapter 184: Terrified

 The cold wind has not stopped.

 The snow on the dry branches of the trees was rolled down and fell to the ground.

With a thud, it dispersed into a big ball of snow foam.

The movement was not big, but it was sudden enough to startle several people who were looking at each other.

  also attracted the attention of a middle-aged official on the other side.

 That is He Jin, the Prime Minister of Yousi.

Mr. He frowned when he saw it.

 One chief secretary and two chief ministers, both minor officials in Honglu Temple, are his subordinates.

 Although he is not clever enough in daily work, he is more down-to-earth and capable of doing all the work.

But now, the Honglu Temple Yamen said it was big or small, and it really wanted to talk about Shangfeng's private affairs. So it hid in a corner and muttered, why are you still standing in the middle of the yard, and being asked about it by Mr. Liu?

 It’s really awesome!

Humbling in his heart, He Jin still stepped forward and took advantage of the three of them.

"Lord Liu," he came over quickly, cupped hands with Liu Jing, and said, "I haven't congratulated Lord Liu yet."

 Liu Jing pursed his lips heavily.

 He Jin's words had already confirmed Liu Jing's guess.

 The imperial edict granting marriage in the palace was for Xu Jian and the princess.

Regardless of the feelings, experiences, and tastes, Liu Jing now had more pressing matters in front of him.

 Whether he "knows" or "does not know".

If he didn't know, it was Xu Jian who was planning to get married, and he didn't care about Liu Jing at all, as if he didn't exist.

 A more picky censor can definitely make a fuss about this matter.

 It’s just that the Holy Spirit has decreed...

Liu Jing was unsure of what the Holy Father meant and did not dare to pretend to be ignorant, but if he said he "knew"...

This tone is so awkward again.

He Jin didn’t care what Liu Jing was thinking.

Liu Jing did not respond, and Mr. He just kept talking to himself: "Of all the noble ladies in the capital, I don't think there is any girl who is more favored by the Empress Dowager than Princess Ning'an. Duke Fuguo can marry the princess for hundreds of years. Very good, this marriage is really a good one..."

When the words came to his lips, Mr. He thought quickly and immediately changed "the lintel shines light" to "make people admire".

 The change is quick, but it cannot hide the rigidity.

Mr. He was thick-skinned enough, so he pretended that he had not made a mistake and continued: "I heard that you expressed emotion when you went to court today, saying that you really cared less about Duke Fu in the past, and you really wanted to repair the relationship between us.

 I’m so touched!

 It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household matters. There is really no way to tell whether you are right or wrong about household matters. Most of the time, there is back and forth.

But the elders are proud of their status and are shameless. Even if they have done something wrong, they will not admit it, let alone make up for it.

Mr. Liu is different.

 You will be honest with your colleagues about your shortcomings and work hard to correct them. I admire you so much for this!

 I want to learn from you.

 I also wish that all your wishes will come true. "

  A string of words flowed as smoothly as a meandering stream, without any pause, and the tone was extremely sincere.

Not only the three petty officials were dumbfounded, but even Liu Jing was a little embarrassed.

 Is there something wrong with what He Jin said?

no problem.

It was these high hats that made Liu Jing feel uneasy.

Of course, he likes and is satisfied with these hats, and he really wants to wear them, but he has to put them on himself, instead of He Jin suddenly stacking them on his head with a wave of his hand, blocking Liu Jing's vision. Not sure if there is a pit ahead.

 Normally speaking, He Jin, as a subordinate, had no conflict with him.

 Liu Jing reserved a few words and only said polite words: "Master He, you are so polite."

"Didn't you just ask what the three of them were talking about?" He Jin said with a smile, "That's it. Even though the surname has been changed, the blood relationship cannot be broken. Regardless of whether he is a son or a wife's nephew, it is always a happy event. .

You care so much about the Duke of Fu, and you must be happy for him from the bottom of your heart that he can find a good match. We are also happy to congratulate you.

  That is, how should I put it, we have just added a small down payment for the Young Master and the girl from the Yunyang House. Now that the Chinese New Year is about to come again, we really don’t have enough money. I will be able to give the Duke Fu’s wedding money another year..."

As he spoke, He Jin rubbed his hands and looked embarrassed.

He winked at the three men again and said, "I shamelessly made it clear, but you don't say it yourself?"

How could those three people not know that Mr. He was kind enough to help them out?

 Be grateful in your heart and make up for it with your mouth.

  “That’s what it is.”

 “I would like to express my congratulations to Mr. Liu.”

“We are really in a tight situation, very tight. We have to give the children lucky money during the Chinese New Year. We will do it again next year..."

 Liu Jing laughed twice.

 The smile was a little dry, which was different from his usual attitude.

But Liu Jing really couldn't smile with joy, and He Jin and the others just tried to whitewash the situation and didn't care whether Liu Jing was really smiling or fake.

 “Everyone has your heart,” Liu Jing said, “You’re welcome, you’re welcome!”

 Between each other, you come and I have some time to smooth things over.

 Liu Jing excused himself to write some paperwork and returned to his study.

As soon as the door closed, the dry smile on his face completely fell.

What a wonderful He Jin!

 What gifts and what constraints?

Liu Jing prides himself on being an upright official, not only to the extent that he has a clear mind, but he definitely does not amass money indiscriminately or line his own pockets.

   Not to mention taking advantage of weddings and funerals at home.

  Earlier, when Xun'er got engaged, the yamen wanted to show off. Except for the left and right young ministers, who each wrapped a red envelope separately, the other officials all got together and gave a red envelope.

 Just to bring joy and excitement, I don’t have much money at all.

  It may not even be enough for them to drink wine and cut meat on the street if it is spread on the head of the chief registrar!

 It is true that Mr. He has good intentions to save the siege.

 If you understand those three people, you also understand Liu Jing.

The high hat was put on and the matter was cleared up. On the surface, everyone seemed happy, but Liu Jing was really not happy.

Liu Jing didn't care whether the gift was generous or not, but he was annoyed by He Jin using this as an excuse.

Besides, He Jin has complimented him to the heavens. If he expresses any negative opinions about Xu Jian's marriage, even if it's just as small as a fingernail...

Aren’t we just like “the shameless elder who admits his mistakes, says he has corrected them but never changes them, and still feels confident”?

It became increasingly apparent that Liu Jing was untenable.

Unexpectedly, He Jin’s words were full of good words from beginning to end. Liu Jing couldn’t even pick out an unpleasant word if he wanted to.

Liu Jing sat down behind the big case, poured tea and drank in one sip.

 The tea was already cold when he entered his mouth, which made him suffer from toothache.

 Liu Jing put down the tea cup and secretly cursed "bad luck".

 Without thinking about He Jin, Liu Jing's thoughts returned to the marriage of "Xu Jian and the princess".

  guess it, guess it.

 Acceptance is of course unacceptable!

The Holy One took Xu Jian to Cining Palace, and the Holy One asked Xu Jian to bring a message to Uncle Cheng Yi. This was all because of the Holy One's enthusiasm.

Your Majesty can make the final decision, but will your Majesty ignore the wishes of the Empress Dowager?

Would the Empress Dowager ignore the wishes of the princess?

Xu Jian, what virtues and abilities does he have that can make the princess like him?

On the way to the second update...as soon as possible...



 (End of this chapter)

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