Yan Cigui

Chapter 186: So superficial

Chapter 186 is really superficial

 Liu Xun touched his neck.

He just had a bad cough and he couldn't even breathe well.

Seeing the old steward standing aside with concern, Liu Xun waved his hand and said, "You can go out."

 The old steward hesitated and did not move.

Liu Xun had a long face and said in a loud voice: "I'm tired and want to go back to sleep. Get out!"

After saying that, he didn’t care about the old steward’s reaction. He walked to the bed, took off his coat, kicked off his shoes, turned over and lay down on the bed.

He was carrying his back, and the quilt was almost covering his head.

 He didn’t want to see the old steward’s face at all.

How much do you care?

 Liu Xun couldn't tell.

  Anyway, I have a lot of sympathy.

He doesn’t appreciate sympathy from others?

 No, why should others sympathize with him?

 Xu Jian was granted a marriage, what did Liu Xun have to do with him? Hasn't he decided to get married? Could it be that the girl he wanted to marry was not from the uncle's family?

Xu Jian was a Duke, and it was not unusual for him to marry a girl from his uncle's house.

 It should be said that it should be so.

And he, Liu Xun, is just a son of an official family, and his real ability is to be able to marry a girl from the uncle's house!

 That’s right.

That's it!

 In the middle of the room, the old steward saw Liu Xun lying down and didn't say anything. He left and closed the door.

  The old steward felt quite uncomfortable when he thought about the way the young master had been unable to regain his composure.

Think about it, if he were a young master, he would definitely not feel comfortable in this situation.

 But it is difficult for others to understand.


The old steward rubbed his hands as the cold wind blew across his face. When the master comes back, he might as well ask him to give the young master some advice...

Inside, Liu Xun heard the sound of closing the door, so he pulled down the quilt, revealing his suffocated head, and sat up from the bed.

There was a buzzing in his ears, as if the laughter was still in his ears, and the laughter made him scratch his heart and lungs.

Don't have those inexplicable sympathy, this is one thing, but why Xu Jian was given the marriage to Princess Ning'an, that is another thing!

 When he left Cining Palace that time, he actually saw Xu Jian entering with the Holy Master.

That princess, whose eyes were not his eyes and whose nose was not his nose, could be kind to Xu Jian?

Just because Xu Jian is not a quacking duck?

 Hehe, what princess? You are so superficial!

Xu Jian is the same. He usually looks down on his father's way of taking shortcuts. Doesn't he himself also like to pick the favorites of the Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager?

There are thousands of roads in the world. Why not find one that goes smoothly and quickly?

The most annoying thing is that Xu Jian left alone and looked down on others!

Liu Xun cursed in his heart, and his emotions were ups and downs. After he explained himself clearly, he felt better.

“Guan Tao!” he called, “Guan Tao!”

The old steward was standing guard outside. When he heard Liu Xun calling him, he quickly opened the door and came in again.

Liu Xun pointed at him and said, "Go to Fu Guogong's mansion. I haven't seen the grand ceremony of royal marriage. Tell me after you finish reading it."

Manager Tao smiled apologetically: "Master, where can I get into the Duke's Mansion..."

"Here!" Liu Xun pointed to a box on the shelf, "Give it to Xu Jian and tell him about the gift I gave him."

  Can the concierge of the Duke's Mansion turn people away when they bring gifts?

 Manager Tao couldn't resist Liu Xun, so he had to take the box.

 When he opened it, he found an inkstone inside. It should have been brought back by Liu Xun from Anlu Academy, so it was not impossible to give it away.

  Manager Tao withdrew.

Afraid that someone else would give him a gift and his attitude would be bad, and he was also afraid that after he left, the young master would act mischievously, and that he would be in trouble when the master came back. After thinking about it, Manager Tao found two more capable boys and asked them to guard the front and back while he cleaned up. Pack up and hurried to Fu Guogong's mansion.

 Liu's Mansion is not far from Guogong's Mansion. If you go through the alley, it will be closer than if you take the main road.

It's just that Manager Tao set out a little late. By the time he arrived at the gate of the Duke's Mansion, the ceremonial guard announcing the decree had already entered.

 The people who were watching were still gathered together, and they were talking about each other.

“Is the person who got off the sedan a rootless person?”

"Shut up! Your head is itchy? You dare to say such things! I am the chief steward of the chamberlain, and look at his majesty, just like the famous man in front of the emperor. You have roots, do you have majesty?"

“Look at his clothes, his crown, and his shoes. This outfit is enough for your mother-in-law to spend all year round.”

“I didn’t even open the box, I couldn’t even see what was inside.”

 Steward Tao listened with his ears pricked up.

Suddenly, two white-haired stewards walked out of the Duke's Mansion, followed by several servants, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

“My neighbors on the left and my neighbors on the right,” the steward said with a smile and cupped his hands, “There is a happy event in the house today, and our Duke has prepared some money for the occasion. You all should be happy together.”

Those who come to see the excitement are naturally looking forward to this.

Happy money is not much, and mosquito legs are also meat. If you can get some more wedding candies, it will be good to go home and coax the children.

 The Duke of Fuguo looks very wealthy, so he will definitely not be stingy in his dealings!

 Besides, today is a gift of marriage, and there will be another event when the two families settle down and perform big gifts.

The crowd cheered, hugged each other, and moved forward in waves.

  Manager Tao was gradually moved to the front.

I was still dazed, and when I heard the boy chanting "Same joy, same joy!" I subconsciously reached out my hand.

 A large handful of coins fell into the palm of my hand.

 It was only then that Manager Tao came back to his senses. Looking at the copper coins that were almost too full to hold, he sighed deeply.

Much more was given to the common people who came to join in the fun than on the day when the young master and Miss Zheng had a rest.

 The Duke’s government has one person per person.

The one from the Liu family belongs to Yangtiansa, whoever picked it up belongs to the same person.

Thinking that there were still gifts to give, Steward Tao hurriedly pushed aside to talk to the steward.

“Uncle Xu,” he leaned over and said with a smile, “I’m here to congratulate the Duke.”

 Xu Bai is an old man in the Duke's Mansion.

 When he was young, he fought with Xu Mang and performed very well. He was given the surname Xu. When he was old, he took charge of the affairs of the government and managed everything in an orderly manner.

Shen Chen and Xuan Su followed Xu Jian every day, and left the house to Xu Bai, who was very trustworthy.

 Xu Bai recognized Guanshi Tao.

He also has some thoughts about the Liu family and pays close attention to his dealings with them, but when people come to congratulate him, it’s hard to give them a bad look.

"The government is interested. I will tell the Duke later." Xu Bai said politely.

Seeing that he was about to be rejected, Manager Tao had no choice but to take out the box and said, "I have a gift to present to the Duke."

Seeing his persistence, Xu Bai said, "It's inconvenient for Eunuch Cao to come to announce the decree and still talk to the Duke of Guo inside. You have been in charge for so many years, so please be considerate!"

  Manager Tao smiled bitterly.

 He was very willing to be considerate, but the young master in the mansion was not considerate of him.

“Then I’ll wait a little longer,” said Steward Tao. “If the things haven’t been delivered to the Duke personally, how can I go back and meet him again?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Jian's voice came from inside the door.

Eunuch Cao was about to leave, and he sent him all the way out. He happened to hear this and said, "Then come in."

 He wanted to see what Liu Xun sent.

 (End of this chapter)

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