Yan Cigui

Chapter 203: Nothing is right anywhere

Chapter 203 Nothing is right

 The capital city in the twelfth lunar month is freezing cold.

Even if the sun comes out today, it won’t bring much warmth.

 Especially when the wind blows on you, it is no better than a knife.

Shan Shen finally knows why Duke Fuguo didn't come to hear the trial.

Although there is a shed to block the wind, it is barely better than nothing, but it is not as warm as indoors.

Last night Chen Gui said something that made the yamen study look greasy and crooked. If the Duke of Fu could sit under the princess's nose for just a while...

  Shan Shen has a shed, and it is okay for those who watch the crowds of people crowding around.

 The place that really makes me shiver from the cold is in the middle.

Su Ke's face turned purple due to the cold wind, but he insisted on standing up straight, his jaw tightened.

The witness who was speaking next to him was trembling and stumbling over his words, not sure whether it was because of the cold or stage fright.

This witness is Bowie.

He knew that he would have to reply to Mr. Fu Yin, but he didn't know that it would be at Caishikou, in public.

 For a moment, I was confused and didn’t know where to start.

Seeing this, the master reminded him and said, "Let's start with how you met Mr. Su."

Su Ke’s brows furrowed tightly: “I don’t know this person at all!”

 Bowie clenched his fists.

He is a gangster on the street, playing around in gambling houses, and he knows how to listen to what others say.

Su Ke's tone was full of contempt, rejection and disgust, treating him like an ant.

Compared with the noble master, Bao Wei is indeed an ant, but he is much more powerful than Su Ke, and he did not have any intention of looking down on him during the interrogation last night.

 Even, Fuguo Gong sincerely reasoned with him!

Thinking of this, the fire in Bowie's heart rose: "The third young master does not recognize the villain, but the villain has an old friendship with the boy beside you, Shi Jie. What else did you have with your concubine and the boy? When the widow was hanging out, he and the younger one would play dice in the gambling house. "

Su Ke’s face turned dark.

There was laughter all around, which embarrassed Su Ke but also gave Bowie courage.

He clearly explained the ins and outs of how the boy gave him money to do things, and how he rented and changed cars.

Su Ke said angrily: "It's full of nonsense! Master Shan, can the words of a gambler be used as testimony?"

Upon hearing this, Bowie raised his hand and pointed his finger in the sky: "If you tell the truth, a villain can swear to God!"

Shan Shen touched his beard.

 The suspect, no matter what his origin or background, as long as he has not been crucified, will have this reaction.

He has seen a lot, so he is naturally not in a hurry.

 “Then Mr. Su, would you like your servant to talk about it?” Shan Shen said.

Shi Jie stood in the middle and gave Bowie a look with lowered eyes.

  The two brothers were in good company while we were having a drink, and the money collected by the cashier was so high that it hit their chests. When they got to the Yamen, they sold them all without any trouble.

 It is indeed the mouth of a gambler, no word can be believed!

Shi Jie took a breath and said, "I know this Bowie, and I asked him to rent a car for me. I want to use the car and don't want to pass through the house, but this matter has nothing to do with our young master, and the young master doesn't know about it at all."

 This rhetoric was taught by Xu Guogong.

 He and Bowie were acquainted, and so many people in the gambling house knew about it, so they couldn't let him go.

Shan Shen asked: "What do you use the car for?"

Shi Jie followed the prepared words: "It's the New Year, so I'll send some New Year's goods to my hometown outside the city."

After Shan Shen listened, his eyes turned from Su Ke to Xu Guogong, then back again, and slowly shook his head.

 Being a father is not easy!

Xu Guogong must have tried his best to make up for it, but the son didn't know how many holes there were, so how could he tell his father everything?

 So much so that when Xu Guogong made a patch, he patched it up here and missed it there.

Shan Shen did not ask Su Ke to speak again, but only called for witnesses. The guards at the city gate, the guys at the carriage and horse dealership, the old lady on the mountain road, the young monk in the temple, the owner of the tea stall at the foot of the mountain, all one after another.

These confessions are taken together to piece together the cause and effect.

Xu Guogong held on to the armrests of the chair tightly to prevent himself from jumping up in a hurry.

 He looked at Su Ke in astonishment, his chest heaving and his breathing was not smooth.

 Have you ever been questioned by the guard at the city gate?

Have you been urged to move your car by passers-by on the mountain road?

 Didn’t you clean up the water when changing the car?

 Why were you not told him any of these details? !

Su Ke’s head was also buzzing.

He has always felt that he did it perfectly. Although he failed and did not cause the Lin family's carriage to fall, at least he left no traces. Even if the Yamen suspected him, there would be no gain.

 But he actually left so many clues?

  Why everything is wrong!

Shi Jie knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

The Duke of Guo made it clear that if something unexpected happened during the court hearing, he would have to take over everything.

"It's my fault," he shouted. "I wanted to get water to make tea, but I didn't expect that the bucket tipped over halfway and the water leaked on the ground. I really didn't design the Chengyi Mansion intentionally. I didn't expect that the road would freeze." It will affect the carriage. The little one is guilty. The little one did not clean the ground in time. The little one..."

Beside him, Lin Xun’s face was gloomy.

 His heart was filled with anger as his family was being plotted in this way.

If Uncle Niu hadn't been so good, he might have pointed it out yesterday...

Xu Guogong's house is shameless and shameless. Lin Xun knew that they would definitely not admit it honestly, but this excuse made him really irritated.

Lin Yunyan turned around and whispered a few words to Lin Xun.

 Lin Xun nodded.

 Then, he raised his voice and shouted to Duke Xu.

"Such unpleasant spring water, used to make tea? Your house's taste in tea cannot be complimented even if you want to." Lin Xun was disgusted. "Since Xu Guogong wants to make up stories, why not make up something more reasonable? ”

 Xu Guogong didn't say anything.

The bite to death was an accident, and Shi Jie acted alone. Grasp these two points, and he must not be led astray by Chengyi Bofu.

    Xu Guogong did not take the bait, but there were many fish in the water.

The strips are plump.

Liao Zi squeezed into the crowd and screamed: "If you don't make tea, maybe you can use it to take a bath. Oh, don't let the fire burn your **** last time, how can you be prepared this time? I say Mr. Su, instead of being afraid of the fire , you are rich and powerful, why don’t you find someone you can afford to play with?”

As soon as the words fell.

 The whole room burst into laughter.

Shan Shen looked at the commotion below and couldn't laugh or cry.

Although cases are tried in public, there are still some rules in the capital, and the local yamen are even more lively.

The place is not big, and most of the time we are doing trivial things, which attracts more and more people from the countryside to watch.

Shan Shen had heard a lot from friends outside the country before. At that time, he lamented that the people in the capital were still afraid of the yamen and were unwilling to come and watch.

 Now that I think about it, it’s still because it’s not lively enough.

As long as the excitement is good enough, it can still be crowded.

 After all, only those who commit crimes have to be scolded, and they can enjoy the fun without being arrested.

The gavel clapped three times, but it didn't stop the laughter and discussion.

Su Ke was teetering on the edge of laughter, thinking of the smoke and fire that day, how he couldn’t tell the difference between men’s and women’s clothes in a hurry, how disheveled he was being seen in the street, and how he shouted in a childish voice...

   Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng Official Girlfriend and Xiaoyuan for the reward, and thanks to Bookstore book friend HY_RC for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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