Yan Cigui

Chapter 218: Dark under the lamp

Chapter 218 Darkness under the Lamp

 Outside the house, the cold wind blew.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips as she listened to the howling wind.

 “How did she get sick at that time?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Xu Jian recalled: "The doctor said it was spring cold, which only lasted seven or eight days."

Having said this, Lin Yunyan knew that Xu Jian had some judgment without saying anything.

Xu Jian has been asking doctors to take care of his grandma for more than a year, which shows that he is worried, and his worries have gradually turned into doubts.

Although Grandma He is no longer young, she is still tough in action and in good spirits.

She has not been in bed for many years and has lost her body. Logically speaking, she should not be cut off by a sudden illness.

Xu Jian lowered her eyes, pondered for a while, and said, "I just didn't expect that she once worked as an errand in the palace."

“If I hadn’t tasted her craftsmanship, I wouldn’t have thought of it.” Lin Yunyan sighed.

 Starting over from the beginning, no one can afford to think deeply.

  Things have been sorted out over and over again, looking for various ways to break the situation.

 However, no matter how carefully you familiarize yourself with her, you can't find it in an old lady who has passed away.

The same is true for Xu Jian.

 Furthermore, she is also used to her current status.

  Commonly known as "darkness under the lamp".

"Such an invisible means of harming people," Lin Yunyan's eyes darkened, "could it be the poisonous prescription that killed King Ding and Zhu Xuan's mother?"

 “It’s very possible.” Xu Jian said.

 At this moment in the past, the British government was still in great glory.

Zhu Cheng obtained two boxes of gold bricks from Laoshi Lane through Li Yuanfa and Xi Dongjia. Zhu Xian's mother was still "sick" and **** Wang was still hiding in the dark for six years. No one knew that the Zhu family and his son had had contact with such a person. .

No one doubted how Zhu Xuan's mother became ill, and no one would connect the illness of the female family members in the back house with the death of King Ding.

 Everything is under the water.

 And Aunt He’s family left just like that.

"That kind of thing," Lin Yunyan frowned, "how could it be used on a grandma?"

The poisonous prescription is not complicated at all.

 The medicinal materials used are all commonly found in drug stores. If you go to the store to buy them on a daily basis, it will not arouse anyone's suspicion. It's just that the "miraculous effect" is produced after mixing.

But the only people who knew about Fangzi at that time were those in the sixth year of Wang's reign. What did they do to Aunt He's family?

Lin Yunyan murmured, asking and answering questions to herself, sorting out her thoughts.

“Perhaps Grandma accidentally discovered something,” she paused, then added, “Or maybe they discovered that Grandma had worked in the imperial kitchen and thought she knew something.”

 The former one is unlikely.

Mammy He's family usually works in the backyard of Taohe Zhai. Most of her daily shopping is done by her daughter-in-law. It's a coincidence that she occasionally goes out to bump into something or discover something.

 The latter type is also difficult to judge.

It has been too long, and even if grandma really knows something, she may not remember it, or in other words, she may not care about it.

 It's like being in the dark under a lamp, and you won't think about the implications at all.

Or perhaps, she actually didn’t know anything, but the other party was guilty and thought she had discovered some clues, and Xu Jian went in and out of Taohe Zhai again. Maybe those things would fall into Xu Jian’s ears in the end...

Since it is a guess, it should be a more thorough guess.

Lin Yunyan smiled at the end and said: "Maybe we have thought too much. Grandma is really a cold..."     To infer things that happened in the past life but have not yet come in this life, we can only say that no matter how many ideas we have, it will not be possible. There are no clues to prove it.

Xu Jian reached out to lift the teapot and drank a cup of tea with Lin Yunyan.

Then, he said slowly: "It's useless to think about the former one. If she goes to Beijing three times next month, she won't be able to meet Wang Liuliu and Zhu Cheng. Maybe she will meet others, but Unknown. The latter can only be recalled slowly, even in detail. "

 This is the truth.

The two of them analyzed it for a while. After the dishes were heated in the kitchen, Shen Chen brought them over again.

 When you cook it again, the taste will naturally be a little different from before, but with good ingredients and good craftsmanship, the taste is still very good.

 Or maybe she was hungry after talking about a lot of things, and Lin Yunyan was very satisfied with her meal.

 Xu Jian warmed a pot of wine and sipped it one sip after another.

Lin Yunyan put down the bowl and glanced at the wine bottle.

From what she saw just now, Xu Jian was taking his time, eating more vegetables and sipping less wine, and there was probably half of the pot still in it.

 And the wine has a floral aroma, so it must be brewed osmanthus wine.

Seeing her eyes fall on the wine pot, Xu Jian raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and spoke slowly and in a light tone: "What? The princess also wants to share a cup?"

Lin Yunyan heard his tone, which was obviously looking for trouble, and replied: "What? The Duke of the country doesn't want to give up points?"

"It's just wine, there's nothing to be reluctant to part with," he said, but Xu Jian took the wine pot and only added it to his own cup, without taking another cup at all. "I don't dare to share it with the princess. You bring it." Let’s go back to the house with some wine. I’ll visit you in a few days to pay New Year’s greetings. It’s hard to say whether I can leave the uncle’s house standing.”

Even though she guessed that Xu Jian didn't have anything "nice to say", Lin Yunyan was still angry and laughed.

This man's teasing skills are really improving with each passing day.

 What kind of drinker is Xu Jian?

 What kind of drinker does your father have?

She had heard Shen Chen mention it before, saying that when Xu Jian was fourteen years old, he first entered the battlefield with the old man.

At that time, we were encountering a great war. The Anxi General Mansion was destroyed, and the Zhao family was full of heroes. There was an unyielding determination to retreat on the front line, but the morale of the soldiers was severely affected.

The arrival of the old Duke Guo slightly stabilized the morale of the army, but everyone had their own ideas about young Xu Jian.

 Too immature, there is really no time when a young man is needed to go into battle.

There is such a grandson who carries the incense under my knees. The Xiliang people are coming fiercely and it is the time of high tide. If Xu Jian breaks here, then...

 Lao Guo Gongye didn't say much and just let Xu Jian fight on his own.

  We compete in martial arts on the school field, and compete in drinking capacity off the school field.

There may be some people who dare not be cruel to Xu Jian when it comes to **** and kicking, but no one will let him go when drinking.

 In the end, I am truly convinced and convinced.

With the ferocity of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, he boosted his morale.

It's not that Lin Yunyan is "cowardly", it's that the level gap is really too big. Even if his father asks the two uncles to join the battle, they can't win against Xu Jian.

Why can't Xu Jian leave the uncle's house standing?

 It's just that he "respects the elderly" and is "filial".


   Just try to put gold on his face.

  Xu Jian received a few mild blows to the eyes, then took a sip from the wine cup.

He rubbed the smooth white porcelain with his fingertips and added, "If you don't taste good in your mouth, there is some sweet soup in the kitchen. I think I put a lot of sugar in front of you."

Since she was at a disadvantage, Lin Yunyan did not insist on regaining the victory.

When Shenchen brought the sweet soup, she tasted it several times. Her tongue was filled with sweetness and she felt very comfortable.

"I didn't even bother to ask before," Lin Yunyan said, "how did your leg get hurt this time?"

 (End of this chapter)

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