Yan Cigui

Chapter 232: Can’t be left alive (please ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 232 Can’t be left alive (please vote for me)

Lin Yunyan asked him hurriedly: "Have you been here all along? Did a carriage leave just now? How many people got on the carriage?"

Uncle Wang said: "Yes! We just drove out not long ago. The younger one also said that the two people seemed to be in a hurry. It was supposed to be a fast meal in the temple at this time. They also carried a big cloth bag. One got in the car and the other drove. ”

 “What kind of carriage?” Lin Yunyan asked again.

 Wang Bodao: "Blue car clothes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Uncle Niu was ready.

Lin Yunyan didn't say much to Uncle Wang. She just told him to look for Wanyue and Nanny later, and then she jumped into the carriage in three steps and two steps at a time.

   Niu Bo raised his whip.

The horse neighed and galloped away.

Uncle Wang didn't understand what he meant and stood there scratching his head.

 When the abbot told him something in a low voice, Uncle Wang's feet became weak and he could hardly stand still.

 Nanny was knocked unconscious?

 The girl was kidnapped?

The gangster passed by him, and there was their girl in the big bag!

Uncle Wang's eyes were filled with stars, and he looked towards the direction in which the princess's carriage was leaving.

 No chaos, no chaos!

 He kept comforting himself.

Niu Bo is very good at driving. Now that he is chasing down the mountain, let alone catching up with the bad guy, he may not even be able to catch up with Niu Bo.

The matter of rescuing people was left to the princess and the uncle, and he had to stay here to wait for the milkmaid and the moon girl.

Thinking of this, Uncle Wang clasped his hands together and saluted the abbot: "Master, please don't tell this matter, otherwise our girl will..."

The abbot hurriedly said: "Donor, don't worry, this is the responsibility of the temple, how can it affect the benefactor of Jin again?"

 Towards the main hall, the abbot was chanting scriptures.

Now, all we can do is pray for the Buddha’s blessing and let Donor Lin rescue Donor Jin in time.

As long as Jin Donor is safe and sound, that will be fine.

Save people, cover up the matter, and don't let any news get out.

 The other side, on the mountain road.

Uncle Niu concentrated on driving. He didn't think about when the carriage in front would catch up, nor did he think about the princess in the car, let alone how slippery the mountain road was. He just stared at the road in front of him.

At high speed, the carriage is not safe.

 At any rate, Lin Yunyan had rich experience in the past.

The whole person leaned against the carriage board, keeping his center of gravity steady, and tightly holding the upper edge of the side curtain with both hands to prevent him from being thrown around.

She held the curtain, and she could see the scene outside at a glance.

The dead trees and remaining snow quickly retreated amidst the howling wind, leaving only the icy cold wind blowing across their cheeks.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips tightly to prevent herself from making any sound.

If she yells and screams, it will only affect Uncle Niu.

Several times, Lin Yunyan felt that the cliff was very close and she was about to fall. She swung the car and got right back up.

 She simply closed her eyes.

The more you look at it, the more panic you get, so it’s better not to look at it.

She didn’t know how long it had been like this, but suddenly, she heard Uncle Niu’s voice.

“I saw it, it’s right ahead! Should we stop directly, or wait until the official road at the foot of the mountain? Or follow them into the city?”

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath.

 When the mountain road is forced to stop, it is easiest to deal with the matter without anyone noticing.

But Niu Bo is a good driver, but he doesn’t know what the handlebar level of the guy in front is?

It was not done well, and both carriages had to fall down the mountain.

The official road is spacious and flat, so it won't cause serious trouble if you force a car to do so, but it just doesn't look good with people coming and going.

 Following the city is indeed a way, but there are too many variables.

 “How far is it from the bottom of the mountain?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Niu Bo said: "Half a quarter of an hour."

“Pass over!” Lin Yunyan made a prompt decision, “Just in front of them, slow down the carriage.”

Niu Bo understands this.

The speeding carriage approached the Qingyi car little by little, until it caught up with the driver, then kept pace with it, and then crossed the other side.

Lin Yunyan watched with her own eyes as the carriage was overtaken by them.

The driver was obviously startled by the speed of the carriage that was catching up from behind. He thought they were in a hurry and gave way.

 After Niu Bo crossed over, he slowed down evenly. Driving just in front of that carriage.

 Block the route tightly.

In the carriage at the back, Geng Baoyuan cursed: "Why has the speed slowed down?"

“There’s something wrong with the car in front of me!” Handlebar scolded through the curtain, “It was so fast that I was about to reincarnate, and I gave way to him, but when he overtook me, I pushed the car over. What do you mean?”

Geng Baoyuan heard this and opened the curtain to take a look.

 His pupils suddenly tightened.

That is Princess Ning'an's car.

Why is the princess here?

 “Overtake her carriage.” Geng Baoyuan said.

 Handbar Wenyan tried it twice without success.

"They did it on purpose!" he cursed. "I veer to the left, and he veers to the left, and I veer to the right, and he veers to the right too! I'm so tired of running into him again."

"What a bump!" Geng Baoyuan said, "Do you know who this person is? You dare to hit someone else's car! I'm tired of living."

As he said that, he turned and looked at the car.

 The kidnapped girl showed no sign of waking up.

 Did the news leak?

 It shouldn’t be!

 Still unlucky, he was bumped into by the princess.

Seeing that the exquisite carriage was getting slower and slower, it finally got sideways and stopped directly on the mountain road.

 Handled his horse with the handlebar.

Fortunately, they have slowed down, otherwise they would have collided!

What a madman!

Aren’t you afraid of other carriages getting on and off?

With this thought in mind, I looked around and saw that there were no carriages or pedestrians.


 Those who want to offer incense have gone up the mountain in the morning and have a fast meal at noon, so they will not go down the mountain at this time.

They just didn’t want anyone to bump into them, so they chose a time that was separate from each other.

Geng Baoyuan motioned to the handlebar to go up and ask.

Handbar Style swaggered away. When he saw Uncle Niu, he was about to speak, but he didn't expect Uncle Niu to suddenly raise his hand and hit him on the back of the neck with a knife.

His body became weak and he collapsed.

Niu Bo put the man in front of the chariot.

Geng Baoyuan didn’t see the movement at all due to the obstruction of the car.

 After waiting for a while, no one came back and there was no sound, so he had to jump out of the car and walk over to check the situation.

 Then, he saw Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan got out of the car before him and walked back. She looked at Geng Baoyuan expressionlessly and asked, "Let him go."

“Princess Princess,” Geng Baoyuan said, “who should I let go?”

"Very good, you still recognize me," Lin Yunyan said, "Does the prince know what you have done?"

 Since the kidnapping has been exposed, there can be no one left alive.

 A princess, an old man with handlebars, he can take care of things by himself.

Stabilize them first, then catch them by surprise...

 Otherwise, if this little girl is really allowed to go to Cining Palace to complain, let alone whether the emperor will spare her or not, the prince will first look down on people like him who are unfavorable in doing things.

Geng Baoyuan raised his chin and said: "Since I know that I am working for His Highness the Crown Prince, it is better for the princess not to meddle in my own business. You go down the mountain, and I will go down the mountain too. Bridge leads to bridge, and road leads to road."

Lin Yunyan laughed.

 She saw murderous intent in Geng Baoyuan's eyes.

Geng Baoyuan wanted to silence him.

How could she not be?

 Let Geng Baoyuan file a complaint with Li Shao?

 Let Li Shao know that she and Xu Jian caught him doing something bad again?

 When he got out of the car, the bamboo arrows were already loaded into his sleeves.

Lin Yunyan suddenly raised her right hand, and quickly clasped her left hand with a whooshing sound.

 The sharp arrow flew out and pierced the throat.

  It’s August~~~

   The new month starts with calling for monthly votes.

    Thanks to book friends Yunshui98 and sareph for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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