Yan Cigui

Chapter 244: Looking for trouble (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 244: Looking for trouble (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 Aunt Xia cleaned up the water basin.

 Turning around, he saw Xu Miao sitting in front of the dressing table, looking very sleepy.

"Madam," Nanny Xia came up behind her and comforted her softly, "I know you feel bad, but you have to cheer up. The young master is young and ridiculous, but fortunately he can still listen to what you and the master say."

 Xu Miao shook her head and said softly: "That's not what I was thinking about."

 Mother Xia was slightly startled when she heard this: "Then you..."

"Mom, I feel very unsure," Xu Miao subconsciously grabbed Nanny Xia's hand, her voice trembling, "If one day, Master, Xun'er, they and A Jian have a conflict, what will I do? Woolen cloth?"

Mother Xia’s heart was beating loudly.

"how could be?"

 These four words came out of my mouth.

Seeing Xu Miao's solemn look, Grandma Xia hesitated again and again and said: "If there is a conflict, what I want is to help whoever is right. We are all relatives connected by blood, so we can't sit down and talk things over." ?"

This is what she said, but the more Granny Xia said it, the less she believed it.

 How can there be complete right and wrong in things in this world?

 The most unclear thing about right and wrong is housework.

Even honest officials are hard to judge!

 Because they are relatives, I can't hold back the long arguments, and the knot in my heart becomes deeper and deeper.

Mama Xia knows these reasons clearly.

 But what could she say?

 She could only persuade Madam in this way.

 Mother Xia took out the hand held by Xu Miao and pressed her forehead gently.

 “You just think too much at the moment.”

"A conflict? What kind of conflict can there be? After thinking about it, I think it may only be a conflict in the court."

“That can only be said that political opinions are different and everyone has his or her own ideas.”

“Whether it is the Duke of Fu or the Master, if there are differences in political opinions, there is no need to convince the other party. Whoever can convince the Holy One will be accepted."

“There is nothing left to say about your birth date. You are too worried about it. If you fall ill, it won’t be worth it.”

 “You’ll feel much more comfortable when you get some sleep later.”

 Xu Miao sighed again.

She wanted to tell Aunt Xia about her bizarre dreams, but as soon as the words came to her lips, she felt that they were all dreams.

  It’s so ridiculous to use a dream as an arrow.

After hesitation, Xu Miaocai said: "Everyone in this family hides many things from us.

 I think it’s all the master’s orders. The master doesn’t want me to worry about those things.

I don’t want to embarrass others. I don’t have to put them in the middle and be in a dilemma. It’s better for my mother to listen and watch more.

 If there is something going on outside, my mother should tell me earlier.

 It is better to be prepared than to be caught off guard. "

 Aunt Xia naturally responded to her request.

The two of them were talking in low voices when someone called from outside, saying that Liu Ping was here.

"I have wanted to come over to say hello. They said that you and your father called your brother to lecture you." Liu Ping sat down next to Xu Miao. "My brother did something to make you unhappy so early in the morning. I saw your complexion. Didn’t you sleep well at night?”

Xu Miao originally didn't want her daughter to hear about the messy things outside.

Thinking of the feeling of being kept in the dark, she still said it.

Liu Ping was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

 Raising an outdoor room?


  Is this something that could happen to their Liu family?

 But this happened clearly.

 The scariest thing is that she didn’t hear anything about it, and her mother only found out about it yesterday.


 “How could they do this?”

  Unable to tell whether it was because of grievance or unwillingness, Liu Ping's vision was blurred.

Seeing this, Xu Miao quickly hugged Liu Ping and comforted her.

 Mother and daughter talked a lot.

Liu Ping's mood calmed down a lot. Seeing that her mother was tired, he asked her to lie down and rest first, while he sat by the couch and lost consciousness.

Perhaps she was really too tired. Xu Miao closed her eyes to rest her mind, and her breathing gradually became longer.

 Liu Ping stood up quietly, said something to Aunt Xia, and left first.

Seeing Liu Ping's devastated look, Grandma Xia also felt pain in her heart.

I wanted to give him a few words of advice, but then I thought about it. Miss Ping has a gentle and introverted temperament and is not a person who can get into trouble, so I decided to give it up.

 Liu Ping is indeed shy.

She walked outside Liu Xun's study. After much deliberation, she did not step in.

I called a sedan chair and went out. When I arrived outside Narcissus Alley, I was in a dilemma again.

It seems not good to knock on the door.

He went back home, but he was unwilling to do so.

While hesitating, Liu Ping happened to see a young woman through the sedan curtain.

She had never seen Yueniang before, but almost instantly, she could identify that it was "Yueniang".

That indescribably soft look is the image of the "outer room" in Liu Ping's mind.

 She looked at her steadily for several times until Yueniang left her sight.

 The sedan curtain fell, and a thought suddenly flashed through my mind.

 Similar to déjà vu.

 Especially the tear mole...

 Liu Ping suddenly remembered.

 Before noon.

 Xu Miao woke up.

 The return to sleep did not make her feel better, but instead made her head swell and painful.

Liu Ping came back just in time and whispered to her about his findings.

“She looks a bit like the sister we met at Fa’an Temple once. I remember her surname is Jin.”

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes, trying to recall the girl she met by chance in Fa'an Temple that day.

She didn't have a deep impression of people she had only met once. Fortunately, Liu Ping helped her think about it, so she vaguely remembered it.

 Why do you have to work so hard to remember?

 Xu Miao actually couldn’t explain the reason.

 I just subconsciously felt that this matter was important.

 She had to remember it first and keep it in her mind.

 Liu Xun has been a good son at home for two days.

At night in the Yuan Dynasty, he couldn't bear it anymore and went to Shuixian Alley.

In front of Yue Niang, Liu Xun didn't talk about "fighting with candidates" nonsense, but truthfully said "the prince's kick was really cruel".

Yue Niang felt cold sweat break out on the back of her neck.

That prince is really unreasonable and arrogant. Even an official son will kick him whenever he wants.

 “Sir, why is the prince embarrassing you?” Yueniang asked.

 Liu Xun couldn't help but be speechless.

 What should he say?

 Said that he wanted to tie up someone similar to you, Yue Niang, to the prince, but something went wrong with the guard who took action?

 He did not dare to say anything, so he just said vaguely: "There are some contradictions..."

Yue Niang’s heart sank.

 The young master could only nod his head in front of His Royal Highness.

 There is no possibility of contradiction when nodding, unless you shake your head.

 What exactly did the young master reject?

Suddenly, Yueniang remembered the prince's eyes on her that day.

 She once told Liu Xun, and she was also telling herself that the prince looked down upon her.

 She has been with the Young Master for so long, why would His Highness...

 But what if His Highness is such a bastard?

 The prince rejected His Highness for this reason, so he was kicked?

Then didn’t she harm the young master?

 The full moon hangs in the sky until dawn.

When the time comes, the courtiers step up to the Golden Palace. The Holy Master listened to the officials' briefings on major and minor matters. After retreating from the court, he called Li Shao and Xu Jian to the Imperial Study Room.

“I will go to the Ministry of Rites today to observe the government. I want to see more,” the Holy Master said in a deep voice, “Have you thought about where to start?”

 Li Shao felt guilty.

Xu Jian passed him and answered a few words: "The Ministry of Rites will be busy with envoys after the new year, and also need to cooperate with Honglu Temple to prepare for the reception of the Gu Yue envoy. The rest of the affairs will go according to plan. I will accompany His Highness to the Ministry of Rites and not cause trouble with the officials. They have done this." Wherever you go, you will see it.”

"Yes, that's what Duke Fuguo said." Li Shao heard this and hurriedly took over the words, "This is my first time to observe government affairs. I am a stupid young man. I must not cause trouble to the Yamen below."

The saint looked at the two of them and did not correct them.

After saying a few more words, he asked Xu Jian to leave first, leaving Li Shao to give more instructions.

“I heard that the guard beside you has been replaced by another one?” asked the Holy Sage.

Li Shao pursed his lower lip.

 At this point, he was well prepared.

The words "he ran away with a bunch of gambling debts" were Qian Hu and Liu Xun who came to him to report something. The real situation was probably that the person was kidnapped by mistake and was buried in a ravine.

 He deserves to be buried. He is thief-minded and has no ability. He just adds trouble to him.

Li Shao will definitely not go to Geng Baoyuan again with great fanfare, and let Qian Hu use this excuse and some money to send the Geng family's father out of Beijing, and forget about it.

 As for what’s on the surface…

Li Shao said: "His father was in poor health and wanted to return to his hometown to take care of his old age, so he submitted his resignation letter, and my son and minister approved it."

 This reason is very good and natural.

The Holy Father has heard this, but his mind is still on observing politics.

“If you don’t understand something, ask Xu Jian, or ask the officials when they are free,” he explained, “or write it down and come back to ask me.”

 Li Shao responded with all his heart.

When he came out of the imperial study, the cold wind blew, and Li Shao's tense shoulders relaxed a little.

Father, it’s true that you ask so many questions.

 Thanks to Xu Jian's rescue just now...


Turning his head, Li Shao glanced at Xu Jian standing in the corridor, and there was a sudden buzz in his head?


That's called a rescue? !

That’s called settling old scores!

Xu Jian was clearly reminding him that he had "added to the chaos" when he returned to Yumen Pass for the first time.

He didn't understand it just now, and he followed Xu Jian's words and called himself a "stupid young man"!

Xu Jian, thanks to him being so grateful just now, who knew he had a knife hidden in his sleeve!

Li Shao became angrier as he thought about it. He flicked his sleeves and strode out.

Xu Jian looked at Li Shao's back and followed him up.

The prince may not be able to understand good words, but those who scold him are quite perceptive.

It is not in vain that he deliberately seeks trouble.

Li Shao went to the Ministry of Rites holding his breath, and naturally he was not very good at it.

The entire Yamen was so busy that only one doctor, who was responsible for guiding Li Shao, selected some documents and sent them over for His Highness to look through first.

Li Shao flipped through and read it, and Sangu taught it carefully for many years. He didn't understand it, but it was very boring.

This kind of observation of politics seems less exciting than listening to lectures by three old men.

 Finally, it was time to go to the lower office, but the Ministry of Rites, from Shangshu to Secretary, no one had the intention to pack up and go home, and was still busy with their own affairs.

Li Shao sat there for a while, feeling extremely bored.

 “Aren’t you hungry?” he asked Xu Jian.

Xu Jian was writing something when he heard the words: "I'm fine, if your highness is hungry, you might as well go and fill your stomach first. I see that the adults will be busy for an hour or two. Your highness will come back after filling your stomach."

 This is quite pleasant.

Li Shao left and found a restaurant near Qianbulang, where he had a good meal and a drink.

 After being urged several times by the chamberlain, he returned to the Ministry of Rites.

The lights in the Yamen are still bright.

When Feng Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites heard that Li Shao was back, he came to ask a few questions: "Your Highness, what are your opinions and thoughts on the government today..."

Li Shao interrupted him: "I see that you are all busy, so let's forget about my opinions for now. I'll think about it again and wait until you've been busy for a while."

After hearing what he said, Feng Shangshu obeyed in a good manner.

 After seeing off Li Shao and Xu Jian, the Ministry of Rites continued to fight at night.

Just a quarter of an hour later, Shen Chen delivered two large food boxes.

“I know that you are all working hard, and your Highness asked you to send this,” he handed it to Feng Shangshu. “No matter how busy you are, you still need a few mouthfuls.”

Feng Shangshu stroked his beard and agreed happily.

He is not stupid. This is definitely not a gift from His Highness, but from the Duke.

His Royal Highness, with his noble status, can think of some worldly feelings and understand the people below, but even if he can't think of it, it's not surprising.

 There is naturally someone around you who should handle this for His Highness.

Your Majesty asked Duke Fu to follow you. In addition to giving guidance to His Highness, he also took care of trivial matters.

 Having said that, preparing some food for them is not one of those trivial matters.

 It is unusual for the chamberlain around His Highness not to have thought of this.

 To put it bluntly, it is to assist the Duke of the country.

Seeing that His Highness returned to the Yamen empty-handed, he sent someone to prepare it elsewhere.

 After all, we are all ministers, and only ministers understand their hearts!

It's no wonder that Shan Shen always praised him a lot in private, saying that even though Duke Fuguo looked like he was just waiting to have fun when he went to court, he knew it in his heart.

Feng Shangshu felt that people who are unclear in their minds can’t understand even the music.

 The Duke of Fuguo looked back very clearly, could he be a confused person?

 In the other room, Xu Jian sent Li Shao outside the palace gate.

Li Shao wanted to run away in frustration, but after taking a look at the dark sky, he gave up.

 Feeling uncomfortable, he wanted to find something to do: "What did you just tell me to do?"

Xu Jian replied: "Ask him to send some food to the Ministry of Rites, saying that it was sent by His Highness."

Li Shao's lips twitched: "You are so generous."

 Officials have a salary.

 Just buy it yourself when you are hungry.

 He is in the Ministry of Rites and oversees government affairs, so why should he pay more attention to their meals?

"You make your own decision, don't ask me for money." Li Shao said.

 He is not short of money, but this is not a matter of money.

 But Xu Jian is a person who has many things, troubles, and one thing after another!

 After the morning court meeting the next day, Li Shao once again knew how troublesome Xu Jian could be.

Xu Jian asked Eunuch Cao to hand a piece of paper to the emperor. The superior explained in detail the affairs of the government yesterday, what he saw and what he did, everything was detailed.

The Holy Spirit came up to him and asked, "What have you written?"

Li Shao didn't write a word, so he could only bite the bullet and talk about the documents he read yesterday.

The Holy Spirit said: "If there is something to say, then write it down. You can read it again later, or you can give it to Sangu for judgment."

 Li Shao could only respond.

 For the next half month, every morning, Xu Jian handed in one, and Li Shao also had to hand in one.

Xu Jian deliberately made it longer, but Li Shao was angry and helpless, so he could only try to add a few more sentences.

In the imperial study room, Eunuch Cao sorted out everything he had collected in the past half month and handed it over to the Holy One for review.

The Holy Spirit looked back and forth and sighed: "Xu Jian's idea is better. From what Shao'er wrote, it seems to me that I am accompanying him to observe the government."

In the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, Li Shao gave Xu Jian a hard look with a sinister look.

trouble making!


 He couldn't stand the thought of not having any more fun.

Shout for monthly tickets.

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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