Yan Cigui

Chapter 288: I underestimated him (two updates in one)


Shan Shen was busy looking through the case files in his hand.

 He has been extremely busy these days.

The Chen Mi Hutong case was weighing heavily on him. Although he himself was not optimistic about how much results could be achieved, he also agreed to deal with the case in separate parts and deal with the matter between His Highness the Crown Prince and Liu Xun first. However, if there was no progress after that, He felt very sorry.

  Not to mention bringing back a big watermelon, more or less sesame seeds must be picked up.

 Otherwise, wouldn’t the gold bricks and gold paper that Fu Guogong and Wantang found in the house have been in vain?

 To be honest, hiding things is quite insidious.

 The gold bricks are on the beams. If you don't climb up and search, you really can't find them.

 In other words, it was not discovered quickly.

At that time, Wan Tang had already dug three feet into the ground to dig the yard. With Lao Wan’s bad temper, it was foreseeable that he would finish digging the yard and dig the house.

With this excavation, all the things on the beams and pillars were removed.

 It’s just that digging the ground is always time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it’s not as intuitive as it is now.

Of course, in the end, it didn’t stop Wantang from demolishing the house.

 Because they are two gold bricks from Li Mi.

Wang Liu and Li Yuanfa both mentioned that the two boxes of gold bricks in Lao Shi Lane were buried in the foundation.

Wantang naturally thought of digging up the foundation.

 The result was the discovery of the golden paper that fell into the gap.

 Subsequently, no other discoveries were found in the foundation, but it was not in vain to find the golden paper.

The question is, starting with the gold bricks and gold paper, what kind of flower can they eventually find.

 So far, the flower bones have not yet taken shape.

As Shan Shen, as the governor of Shuntian, he is not only busy with this case every day, but also with his own responsibilities, which is very busy.

Those inconsiderate **** in the capital don't care whether Shuntian Mansion is busy or not. They do evil things when they should do them, leaving no room for Shan Shen to breathe.

What made Shan Shen even more worried was that several corpses floated by the river on the outskirts of the city.

 Unidentified, both men and women, strange.

 The government officials, who were already short of resources, were busy asking around, hoping to find out as soon as possible.

Adding to other daily matters, Shan Shen barely slept a wink last night.

Haunted to fall asleep in the morning, so he had to drink two pots of strong tea after returning to the Yamen. Master Shan, who finally managed to cheer up, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xu Jian appear.

“My lord,” Shan Shen wiped his face, “please take more care of the Chenmi Hutong case. I’m really too busy with my time.”

Xu Jian glanced at the documents piled up on his desk and said, "Master Shan, is he busy with the case outside the city?"

“Yes, I still don’t know their identities,” Shan Shen shook his head, “One by one, they died a bit miserably.”

He originally wanted to say a few more words to Xu Jian, but he swallowed the words as they reached his lips.

Seeing Xu Jian looking at him, Shan Shen waved his hand and explained: "It's too tragic. Don't be curious to see it. There is no need."

Xu Jian raised his eyebrows and did not take Shan Shen's words to heart: "The number of dead people I have seen should be no less than Master Shan."

Shan Shen had a dull look on his face and laughed dryly.

That's for sure, Xu Jian has seen more of them.

 The two armies faced off at the border and fought against the Xiliang people so many times, all of which were caused by human lives.

 The life of the enemy and the life of the comrades-in-arms.

 After the troops are withdrawn, the battle losses are counted. Behind each number are human lives.

 The Duke of Fu has seen too many "sacrifice".

As for the Gyeonggi under the Shuntian Prefecture, even if he has been in office for many years, if there are such a number of deaths due to accidents, murders, etc., he should just clean up himself, kowtow in front of the emperor and wait to pay for it.

"That's not the same," Shan Shen thought about his words, "all those who died on the battlefield were killed recently, and those who drifted down the river have been dead for some time..."

Xu Jian put on a serious face: "I heard a few words from Master, thank you for your hard work, Sir."

Shan Shenshun said a few words of humility.

"Master Shan, just go and get busy. Here in Chenmi Hutong, I'll see if I can find another way." Xu Jian paused and seemed to think for a while before revealing the real focus, "Where is that Shi Zhe from before? Where is he? Where to stay?”

Shan Shen mentioned a place and asked again: "You want to find Shi Zhe? His kid doesn't know anything about it."

"Then we have to ask again," Xu Jian said helplessly, "His grandfather knew Dao Heng and also knew that he could find Wang through Dao Heng for six years. Now that we can't find Dao Heng, we can only try to see if we can find him through Shi Zhe. Start there."

Shan Shen has no objection.

 After handing the matter over to Xu Jian, Shan Shen and his master hurried out of the city again.

 Xu Jian sent him out of Shuntian Mansion, then got into the sedan chair and went to find Shi Zhe.

 It would be better for Master Shan to be busy.

When he was busy, he didn't pay attention to Shi Zhe, so he didn't know that what he was asking Shi Zhe about was not Dao Heng, but Jinzhong Chang Yuntang.

 After all, it was not easy for Xu Jian to explain where he pushed it from and where he came up with a "Chang Yuntang".

 Three quarters of an hour later, Xu Jian saw Shi Zhe.

Shi Zhe has some stubble and looks less immature than last year. After living in Beijing for a year, he is a little calmer than before.

 He recognized Xu Jian and bowed respectfully.

“Have you seen Dao Heng since then?” Xu Jian got straight to the point.

Shi Zhe said: "I've never seen it before."

“You can’t go back to Jinzhong, are you still used to being in Beijing?” Xu Jian asked again.

Shi Zhe wiped the tip of his nose, hesitating slightly, and then answered honestly: "The villain knew that he was in trouble, and he was caught by the Yamen together with the prince. The villain is guilty even if he is not guilty.

 The villain was able to get out of the Yamen in the end because he cooperated well. He didn’t know anything about the inside story, but he answered everything he knew.

 The villain has said before that he has nothing left in his hometown, otherwise he would not have thought of coming to Beijing to dig out the treasure.

There is no place for villains in Jinzhong, and the same goes for living in the capital. Where can I not make a living?

 That is, if the yamen wants to rely on villains to arrest anyone, it will definitely not gain anything. "

Xu Jian looked at Shi Zhe and saw that he didn't seem to be lying, so he asked again: "Since you are from Jinzhong, do you know about your local charity hall? Do you know Changyuntang?"

Shi Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I know, there is a famous Dashan Tang in Jinzhong.

 While my grandfather was still alive, he also sponsored many charitable halls, one of which was Changyuntang.

After the old man passed away, the family property was divided among his uncles. There was a clause in the will that the one who had the big share had to support the charity every year according to the old practice. In the end, the villainous uncle took it away.

 As for whether he received any real support after the robbery, the villain doesn’t know. "

 Xu Jian nodded.

After asking Shi Zhe, Xu Jian got up and entered the palace.

Li Shao was banned and the gate of the East Palace was closed. Xu Jian asked the emperor for an oral order and came to see the prince.

 In the main hall, Li Shao was flipping through a book.

There are many books on his big case, and people sit on the chairs, holding the books and reading them carefully.

 As for whether it’s true or false…

 With Xu Jian’s understanding of Li Shao, it is obvious at a glance. Li Shao is just pretending.

Just to look serious, when the emperor asked Xu Jian, he could give an answer of "he is reading a book".

 I am afraid that being grounded is too boring, but when Li Shao saw Xu Jian, his expression turned out to be very good.

 Who makes Xu Jian an "outsider"?

 Can tell him what's going on outside.

"Why are you here?" Li Shao put down the book he was pretending to be holding, moved to the table, and asked Xu Jian to sit down, "You want to ask me about the case?"

 Xu Jian responded.

When serving tea at home, he took a sip and said, "Liu Xun was exiled, and Liu Jing resigned from office and returned to his hometown."

Li Shao clicked his tongue.

 He was actually quite concerned about Liu Xun's punishment.

 Li Shao couldn't help but be angry that Liu Xun had found such a good place for him, but it was all over the place.

 Merely exiled, Liu Xun would be better off.

 But if he was responsible for this punishment and kicked Liu Xun out of the capital, Li Shao thought, he might be more relaxed.

 It’s just…

He glanced at Xu Jian and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you brothers have a lot of conflicts. How do you feel about being able to get Liu Xun away?"

Xu Jian took another sip of tea and did not answer the question, but casually changed the topic: "I wonder if Your Highness knows that two gold bricks and a gold paper were found in Chenmi Hutong?"

Li Shao raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Xu Jian did not elaborate on the gold bricks. He buried them after discussing with the Holy Master. The prince could not really blame Li Mi.

“That golden note is a token of the Gu Yue mission,” Xu Jian said. “There are people from Gu Yue who have been in and out of there. They couldn’t have gone to drink flower wine, right?”

 Li Shao's face darkened: "What do you mean? I have never seen the Ancient Moon people!"

"I believe you have never met Gu Yue people," Xu Jian said in a calm tone, calming Li Shao, "I just feel that the person who is plotting against His Highness behind his back may be related to Gu Yue, or in other words, The people of Guyue were also used as pawns, and Xiliang borrowed their swords to kill people."

 Xu Jian said it very simply, but Li Shao had a lot of imagination.

 Various possibilities flooded into his mind, like thin threads, intertwined and twisted, but he could not find the real end of the thread at all.

“Isn’t it done by those in the harem who want to replace my mother?”

"I see that their wives are very ambitious at court and wish they could pull me down from the position of prince immediately."

“Guyue people? They come to Beijing to worship, but they attack me in private?”

"As for those small countries outside the Pass, if we hadn't contained Xiliang, they would have been crushed by the Xiliang people long ago!"

 “You are ungrateful and you are plotting against me?”

"You said you wanted to borrow the sword from the people in Xiliang? Someone in Xiliang bribed the Gu Yue envoy?"

Xu Jian listened to Li Shao muttering a lot, and finally said: "Those in the court look dangerous, but they are more like adding insult to injury. As for Gu Yue or Xiliang, I can't say for sure now. That is Dao Heng. No trace of him was found.”

Li Shao was annoyed when he heard this: "What is Shan Shen doing? He was very efficient when searching the house, but he made no progress in arresting people."

 Xu Jian does not interrupt casually.

Most of the time, Li Shao was talking, Xu Jian only made a few random remarks, and more of his thoughts fell elsewhere.

 In the hall, Eunuch Guo served tea. In the middle hall, there was a small eunuch, and two guards were posted outside the hall.

 But the back window…

Neither Li Shao nor Eunuch Guo noticed that there were footsteps outside the back window, approaching from far away and stopping under the window.

Xu Jian knew it, but he didn't expose it.

 He just sat there calmly and asked Li Shao a few words from time to time.

 In the end, Xu Jian concluded: "Your Highness, Shuntian Mansion is doing its best to find the truth, and the matters related to Dao Heng will be sorted out several times to find out as soon as possible."

Li Shao didn't like to hear such whitewashing, so he asked directly: "Isn't that why nothing has been found?"

 Xu Jian hesitated slightly.

Li Shao saw this and asked, "Did you find something and didn't say anything?"

Xu Jian raised his eyebrows and said in a neither gentle nor serious voice: "Your Highness, do you remember the boy from Jinzhong who was captured with him six years ago when he captured Wang? I also learned about Dao Heng from that boy. He asked three questions and didn't know. Yes, I am discussing with Mr. Shan to go to Jinzhong to check on him or his family. "

As he spoke, Xu Jian stood up and took two steps in the hall as if to organize his thoughts.

 These two steps are towards the rear window.

"Several businessmen among Gu Yue's envoys have returned to the capital to do business. We may start to explore from them..." Xu Jian said, "Your Highness, the other party has been planning on you for several months. I want to get rid of the cocoon, but I also need some information." time.”

After finishing speaking, Xu Jian took another two steps.

As expected, the person eavesdropping outside the window seemed to be afraid of being discovered by him, so he left cautiously while suppressing the sound of his footsteps.

Li Shao didn't know the situation. He only heard that Xu Jian's words made some sense, so he didn't criticize any more: "Then you should hurry up."

 Xu Jian dealt with Li Shao and walked out of the East Palace.

 Li Shao's situation here is pretty much what he expected.

Eunuch Cao personally selected the people, headed by Eunuch Guo, who were all trusted by Eunuch Cao.

 However, no matter how careful Eunuch Cao is, he cannot prevent someone from doing two things at once.

The nails that Xu Jian had buried in the East Palace had become useless, but the person behind him acted quickly and buried another one.

 It just so happened that Xu Jian needed such a messenger.

 Night falls.

The capital is still lively.

 In the small courtyard, you can't hear the noise outside. It's quiet, but there is the fragrance of countless flowers.

The flowers are all blooming.

 The window panels of the house were removed and it faced the garden. The colors of the flowers could not be seen clearly, but there was a fragrance of flowers.

 Jin Guiren sat on the ground and took a sip of wine.

Beside him, a person was kneeling on the ground, whispering softly.

"Is that what Xu Jian said?" Jin Guiren asked, "Did you hear that right?"

The man said: "Yes."

“Guyue merchant? Shi family? Jinzhong?” Jin Guiren’s voice became colder and colder, “What did Su Chang say?”

"Su Chang's golden note is still with him. I took it back and looked at it. It's the real thing."

Jin Guiren sneered: "A real thing? The gold paper they got from Chenmi Hutong is also a real thing! Among all the envoys, only Su Chang has been to that house. Do you think they are all real?"

The man saw that his temper was rising and couldn't help but shrink his neck: "I don't know, I don't know."

"Not sure?" Jin Guiren put down the wine glass, "Then let me tell you, they, Xu Jian, prepared the gold paper early in the morning, and it was not known who they gave it to for a long time. He did not touch Su Chang's Something, he took the real one and stuffed it into the gap!

 Why do you think Xu Jian did this? Why was he able to prepare the golden note in advance?

 He knew about Chenmi Hutong a long time ago!

 He knew what the prince and Liu Xun were doing, and he also knew that Su Chang had been there.

That's not all, the best thing about him is that he provoked the prince who shouldn't be in the house! "

Gritting his teeth, Jin Guiren said: "I underestimated him!"

 Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward, and thanks to Hongxiu book friend Ye Xiaoye for the reward.

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