Yan Cigui

Chapter 320: Take this opportunity to give me a thumbs up (Abbey30 reward)

Chapter 320 Give me a boost (Abbey30 reward+)

Li Shao handed the order back.

Eunuch Guo respectfully reached out to take it. Before his fingers touched the paper, Li Shao let go.

The paper fell, and a gust of autumn wind blew it away to the side. Eunuch Guo hurriedly leaned forward to catch it. When he caught it, he turned around and saw only the back of His Highness the Crown Prince returning to the main hall.

Little Zengzi came up and asked boldly: "Look..."

Eunuch Guo didn't look at anything. He handed the list to Xiao Zengzi and told him to tidy up the warehouse carefully. Then he walked away, found a corner to take shelter, and raised his hand to wipe his face.

It was so cold that the gust of wind blew into his heart.

 Fortunately, His Highness acquiesced.

As long as they have this acquiescence, it will always be easier for them to do things.

 Eunuch Guo was unsure of Li Shao's temper.

In the past few months, to say that His Highness has a bad temper is actually not bad. He is impatient for them to surround him when nothing happens, but he does not say bad words or deliberately seek trouble. Compared with the troubles he has seen and heard before, A person's master is easy to serve.

But to say that His Highness has a good temper, it is obviously not the case.

Eunuch Guo glanced towards the main hall.

He thought that His Highness is "different". His Highness will not take seriously the big things you think of, but he will get excited about the small things in your eyes.

It's so unpredictable that it makes people even more cautious.

 In the palace, Li Shao was lying on the couch.

The windows are all closed, which makes it a little bit dull. Fortunately, I can't hear the movement in the warehouse, so it won't be so noisy.

 He was thinking about his mother.

 When his mother was in trouble, he was only four years old. He was too young, and the interactions he had with her were vague.

Moreover, he was frightened on the day of the accident and could not remember how the fire started or how he returned to Beijing. He had been ill for a long time and seemed to have had nightmares for a while. When he woke up I just remember crying, and the scenes in the dream were blurry again.

 After that, he came out of his dream, but as time passed, his mother became farther and farther away from him.

 He could only outline the image of his mother through the narrations of his father and others.

 In recent years, it has been even harder for Li Shao to think about it.

 What are you thinking about? No matter how much you think about it, the queen mother will never come back to life.

 He also has more to do.

But Li Shao had to think at this moment, what was Eunuch Cao doing when he asked people to count the relics of his mother in the warehouse?

 Feeling upset and depressed, he stood up to pour tea, but the kettle was empty. He was so angry that he raised his voice to call someone.

 The person who came in was not Eunuch Guo, but a young chamberlain. Li Shao remembered that his surname was Feng.

Chamberlain Feng lowered his head and said in a very sincere manner: "Eunuch Guo is not here. If you have any orders, I will do it right now."

 Li Shao pointed to the kettle.

Feng's servant understood this and quickly added water and made another tea for Li Shao.

Li Shao asked: "When Eunuch Cao sent the order, what did you tell Eunuch Guo?"

Chamberlain Feng answered cautiously: "The younger one was not around at the time. I heard that it was a chamberlain in the royal study who ran the errand, but..."

 Li Shao raised his eyes and looked at him: "But what?"

"I heard another thing." Feng's wife took two steps forward and spoke in a very low voice. "That day after the princess asked you to ask for tiger bones, the nun next to her went to the imperial pharmacy to ask for one. Roots. I took two with me when I left the palace.”

 Li Shao put down the tea cup in his hand, his eyes gloomy.

 Sure enough.

 He knew that it was Ning An and Xu Jian behind her who were looking for trouble that day!

The tiger bones in the Royal Pharmacy were useful, but he came to the East Palace to ask for them. He later gave them to him, but he didn't appreciate them.

Relying on the favor of Cining Palace and his father being easy to talk to, he did not take him seriously as the prince!

Xu Jian tried to use him as a puppet?

 What a beautiful thought! Eunuch Guo didn't know about these conversations. He went to the warehouse again and was very worried.

Many of the items on the list have not been matched yet, except for a larger piece, an agarwood floor-to-ceiling screen with pastel landscapes and silver threads that has been moved out.

The tripod was cracked and the mountains and waters were stained. Xiao Zengzi wiped it with a clean handkerchief, but it was of no use.

He asked with a sad face: "Eunuch Guo, when the reward was given, was it good or bad?"

How could Eunuch Guo know?

 He didn’t even know how to ask Eunuch Cao!

"First of all," he said with a dull face, "you make a pair of other things, and write down what is missing or broken when the time comes."

 In this way, the bad luck will be dealt with only once, which is better than repeated treatment.

 Eunuch Guo calmed down his mood, turned around and walked towards the main hall.

As soon as he entered, he noticed that Li Shao was bored and angry, and he was not surprised by this.

Li Shao asked: "I've been stuck in the East Palace all day and I don't know what's going on outside. Is there any new news that Eunuch Guo can tell me to relieve my fatigue?"

“The younger ones haven’t gone out either,” Guo Eunuch replied, “there’s nothing new that can relieve His Highness’s fatigue.”

 Li Shao looked him up and down.

Even Eunuch Feng knew something, how could Eunuch Guo not know it?

By keeping silent, he really didn't take Dong Gong or Li Shao seriously.

"You were transferred to the East Palace. I heard that you are trusted by Eunuch Cao," Li Shao said coldly, "It seems that you are right."

 A few words made Eunuch Guo's neck feel cold.

Being caught between the prince and Eunuch Cao, it was indeed a difficult life.

Of course, no one in the East Palace knows anything about it, and some news has indeed spread in the capital in recent days.

Everyone was already concerned about the treatment of Duke Fu's injury, but they heard that he had not been to court for several days and seemed to have unbearable leg pain.

Just when I was wondering whether the treatment was effective or counterproductive, I heard that Princess Ning'an went to visit the Duke of Fu. Many people said that the magnificent carriage went in and out of the Duke's mansion.

“Not only did she go to the Duke’s Mansion, the princess also seemed to have gone to the palace. I heard she went to ask for medicine.”

“It’s true. After returning from the palace, we went to the Duke’s Mansion. I saw the carriage with my own eyes.”

"Normally, if Xiao Ding is released, the princess can't come directly to the door, right?"

“Hey, the Duke has not been to court for several days, so where is the time to worry about that?”

“That’s right, it shows that the princess and the Duke have a harmonious relationship.”

  Compared to ordinary people, court officials know more.

Princess Ning'an focused on the tiger bones, and even raided the East Palace's warehouse for this purpose.

Some people were surprised that the princess's gentle temperament could act in such a strong way, which shows that she was really anxious.

Some people are thinking more. The reason why Duke Fu was injured, which has hardly been mentioned in the past two years, can be vaguely heard again. Could it be that the original rumor was true?

Everyone has his own thoughts, and no one will discuss it in the Qianpai Corridor.

It's just that Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan were not the only ones who wanted to use this to push them.

 The harem has access to the harem.

Someone who was interested spread some news, saying that the prince was not very willing, and that the one he asked for was not stored properly, so in the end he had to ask the imperial pharmacy for another one...

Asking for a monthly pass, shouting for a monthly pass~~~

I didn’t expect there would be an extra update, and I didn’t expect it either, so I covered my face.

   This month’s subscriptions and monthly passes make people feel particularly unsure.

The update schedule in the past two days has been a bit chaotic. Please read it back and forth to make sure you don’t miss a chapter.



 (End of this chapter)

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