Yan Cigui

Chapter 342: It’s not broken again (two updates in one)

 The charcoal basin is lit and the room is warm.

 The canopy bed is surrounded by curtains, making it even hotter inside.

Lin Yunyan put her hand on Xu Jian's right leg. There was not enough light, so she couldn't clearly see the condition of Xu Jian's leg. She only felt that the leg was a little tight.

 It would be better if it is tighter.

 She knew very well what the condition of Xu Jian's injured leg was before.

The skin is cold, shrunken, and loose. In Xu Jian's words, it is a "burden."

Now you can feel a little body temperature and touch the strength of the leg meat, which is well-proportioned and powerful. This is a sign of health.

 It is certainly not as good as being free from disease and pain, but it is already very healthy.

"Wan Yue said that you were very stable on and off the horse today." Lin Yunyan said softly.

 Xu Jian laughed deeply: "I told you that day, it won't have any impact."

Lin Yunyan really didn't like hearing him mention "that day". Even if climbing over the wall in the middle of the night had no impact, it would not be of much benefit in healing the injury.

With her eyelashes twitching, she raised her eyes and glanced sideways at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian has good night vision and has adapted to the dimness inside the bed curtain. Lin Yunyan's glance certainly did not escape his eyes.

He raised his hand and landed on Lin Yunyan's shoulder, patting her gently.

Lin Yunyan removed her hand from Xu Jian's legs and lay down next to him.

 Xu Jian is very angry.

Except for his injured right leg, he is not afraid of the cold in the winter. This was also the reason why he had difficulty balancing when the weather was freezing.

The room was warmer, but he was sweating from the heat, so he had to put less charcoal basins, and his legs and feet felt uncomfortable.

Lin Yunyan was next to Xu Jian as if she were next to a stove. Even, unknowingly, she kicked away the two soup ladies at her feet.

Xu Jian shook Lin Yunyan's hand and saw that her palm was not cold, so she said nothing more.

 The two did not speak for a while.

 Without the human voice, the sound of breathing is much clearer, and the sound of heartbeat echoes with it.

Lin Yunyan rested her head on Xu Jian's arm and clearly heard two heartbeats.

She couldn't help but think that she had not experienced such tranquility for a long time.

During the period of escape, she and Xu Jian were actually closer than when they were in the capital. The emotions generated by the hardships surpassed the peaceful life of husband and wife in the previous years, and they changed from being respectful to each other to being intimate and dependent.

But at that time, Lin Yunyan could hardly care enough to perceive those things.

Not to mention sleeping in the wilderness at night, even if you get the chance to have a bed on the roof and sleep for a night, it cannot be called a sound sleep. And when it is difficult to guarantee even a sound sleep, how can you rely on it to feel your heartbeat? overlapping?

 Only by returning to the past, to the present Fuguogong Mansion, without having to worry about unnecessary things, can we cuddle up to each other so calmly and naturally, and experience the peaceful emotions that belong to the couple.

Lin Yunyan likes this very much, especially after she has gradually straightened out her feelings for Xu Jian these days, this kind of reliance seems warm and fulfilling.

With a thought in her mind, Lin Yunyan asked softly: "Speaking of which, when was the last time you hugged me like this?"

She and Xu Jian had a common past, but Xu Jian had traveled a longer distance than her, which made her curious.

 Xu Jian's chest swelled and she replied with an unclear voice, as if she didn't understand her question, and she seemed to be thinking about it.

Lin Yunyan was about to explain a few words to him, but Xu Jian spoke first.

“It’s closer than what you calculated there,” he said. “It’s also been a few years.”

Lin Yunyan thought to herself, it is indeed so.

Here, from the time she wakes up in this life and goes forward, she has to count the years since she left the capital and before the government of Fuguo was captured.

From Xu Jian’s point of view, he woke up from Yumenguan and went forward, I don’t know which chaotic time.

Lin Yunyan raised her head and looked at Xu Jian's chin.

She had a lot to say, but she didn't know where to start.

Her breath was all over Xu Jian's neck, and it was so warm that Xu Jian's Adam's apple rolled.

The hand that was holding her shoulder went down and landed on her waist. With the force of his fingers, he led the two of them to adjust their positions.

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes to look at her.

Lin Yunyan’s eyes are bright.

He leaned down, tilted slightly, and naturally found her lips, and a low "Ayan" was drowned in the deep kiss.

The night is getting deeper, the night wind beats on the window panels, leaks in through the gaps, and the curtains sway.

Lin Yunyan's breath was chaotic. For a moment, she became clear. She vaguely reminded: "Your leg is injured..."

 Just a few words, stuck together, not a complete sentence.

  What responded to her was Xu Jian's hoarse voice.

 He said: "It's not broken again."

Lin Yunyan became blurry again.

 Same, it’s not broken again.

 Treating an injury will give you enough confidence to dare to climb over the wall and do whatever you want.

 The dragon and phoenix candles burned all night, and the red wax dripped on the table in patches.

Drowningly, Lin Yunyan moved her hand down to draw out the curtain, and the light filtered in through the gap, causing her to squint her eyes.

 She felt bright.

It's not like candlelight, but rather bright.

 “What time is it?” she asked vaguely.

Xu Jian pulled her arm back, the curtain was flat, and the light was blocked out again.

 “It’s still early,” he said, “Don’t be in a hurry to get up.”

Lin Yunyan murmured and closed her eyes again obediently.

  I slept until dawn.

By the time the sunlight filtered through the curtains, Lin Yunyan could guess the time without asking anyone.

She was the only one on the bed. The quilt was still warm, but Xu Jian was missing.

Lin Yunyan rubbed her eyes and opened a corner of the curtain.

There was no one in the bedroom. When she made a sound, Wan Yue came in from the outside.

"Where is the Duke?" Lin Yunyan cleared her throat, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Wan Yue said: "The Duke of the country got up first and said he would go to the study. He told the servant not to wake you up and let you sleep a little longer."

Lin Yunyan:…

She glanced steadily toward the back window again and checked the time. It seemed to be half past morning.

There are probably not many brides in the capital who can sleep until this time on the second day after their wedding.

They all get up and serve tea to recognize their relatives.

 Speaking of which, she used to sleep until she woke up naturally.

She and Xu Jian were the only two masters in the entire Fuguo Palace. The Xu family had no relatives in the capital, and they had no plans to go to the Liu family. Naturally, there was no one who needed to recognize relatives, so why did you get up early?

Of course, there are people in the house now.

 Mrs. Xu and Liu Ping lived together, but obviously, Xu Jian still didn't take acknowledgment seriously.

It’s not that we don’t value anyone, it’s just that the population is so small that even handing out a red envelope doesn’t take a cup of tea, so there’s really no need to put on airs with each other.

 The two of them don't like that, and Mrs. Xu's temperament is "it's better to do less than to do more".

  However, today is not entirely uneventful.

 Lin Yunyan stood up.

 Xu Jian cleaned her up after she fell asleep in the middle of the night and changed into clean clothes. The clothes she wanted to wear were all held up by a hand stove so that she would not get cold when wearing them.

She put it on piece by piece, and Wan Yue helped her adjust the hem and neckline of her clothes. Naturally, she could see the dots of rouge on her shoulders and neck.

Wanyue's face is thin, her eyes are drooped, and her ears are all red.

 Lin Yunyan saw her shy look and reacted. She lowered her head and pursed her lips.

How should I put it... It is indeed "a few years old", and it is neither easy nor heavy.

 Change and freshen up, sit in front of the dressing table, hold the moon in front of her and comb her hair.

"This is the first time for this slave to comb a woman's hair." Wan Yue held the comb, "I think she can comb it well."

Wan Yue's hands are very skillful. Although she was a bit unfamiliar at first, she even blushed and took them apart to comb them again. But after trying for a while, she got the idea. Finally, she got them neatly and took out the hairpin earrings from the makeup box.

 When Lin Yunyan finished packing, the person who went to deliver the message came back.

 After waiting for a while, Xu Jian came in from outside.

Lin Yunyan raised her head and asked him: "Have you had breakfast?"

“Waiting for you.” Xu Jian said.

In this case, Wan Yue hurriedly went to the small kitchen to get some porridge.

Lin Yunyan glanced at Xu Jian's legs: "Walk back? Or sit on a chariot?"

 Xu Jian looked at her: "My legs are fine."

Perhaps it was because she had just woken up. Lin Yunyan was stunned to hear something else from these three words.

 She glared at Xu Jian: "Those are two different things."

Xu Jian received a stab in the eye, but instead of being annoyed, he suddenly smiled.

 After a simple breakfast, the two of them got up and went to the inner courtyard.

Lin Yunyan insisted, so Xu Jian did not hesitate on this trivial matter and arranged two chariots to go to Mrs. Xu's place.

 Xu Miao got up early.

She went to bed early and woke up early. She was thinking about the newlyweds, but she didn't have any intention of urging them.

Hearing that the two men were coming over, Xu Miao only asked Aunt Xia: "Is the red seal ready?"

 Aunt Xia hurriedly took it out from under the makeup box: "You asked me three times in the morning."

Xu Miao smiled sheepishly: "This is a sincere thought, I just miss you."

 “But you are not in a hurry.” Aunt Xia joked.

Xu Miao said: "What are you doing in a hurry?"

 She is indeed not a carefree person, nor does she have a hardworking temperament.

 Perhaps it is precisely because of this that all matters, big and small, are left to the people below, so they were easily concealed from others in the past.

It is said that every time you go through a hardship, you will gain wisdom, but Xu Miao knew that at this time and that time, she had returned to the Duke of Fuguo's mansion, and she would rather be as before.

 She is not afraid of being kept secret.

Jian is the one who calls the shots, and she doesn’t need to give instructions in the house.

 Ajian will not harm her.

 This is her current confidence.

As long as she does what Ah Jian said and is less worried, the family will be able to live a smooth life.

Xu Miao sat down in the middle room and looked at Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan who came in front and back. The sunlight fell on the newlyweds, bright and bright, and she couldn't help but smile with her eyes bent.

 Look, it would be nice to be more comfortable.

Xu Miao did not let Lin Yunyan do the big ceremony, but took the tea cup and drank tea, and then handed her the red envelope.

"There are no outsiders, and I won't say those words. I just hope that you will sing in harmony in the future." She said.

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 Liu Ping smiled and called "sister-in-law."

Just as Lin Yunyan thought, there was no time for a cup of tea before and after.

 In the afternoon, she and Xu Jian got into the carriage and went into the palace to express their gratitude.

Outside Cining Palace, Eunuch Yu was already waiting. When he saw the two people arriving, he hurriedly said "congratulations".

 In the Nuan Pavilion, the Queen Mother was sitting upright.

Grandma Wang laid out the futon, and Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian stepped forward, knelt down and kowtowed.

Knowing that Xu Jian had a leg injury, the Empress Dowager did not let them kneel for a long time. She got them up almost as soon as they kowtowed.

 She pulled Lin Yunyan to sit next to her and looked at her carefully.

 Familiarity is of course familiar, this is the little girl she has watched grow up over the years.

 Strange yet somewhat strange, the little girl combed a woman's hair. This was the first time she had seen her comb her hair.

Gently, the Queen Mother stroked Lin Yunyan's bun: "It's so fast to get married."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "I will marry in Beijing. I will come when you miss me, just like before."

 The Queen Mother nodded.

 This is what she is most satisfied with.

 Just marry me by your side. If anything happens, just give me a message and I'll be there.

Unlike Aqi, who married so far away, it was useless for her to think about it.

"Someone came here during lunch," the Empress Dowager looked at Xu Jian and said, "He said he had something to do in the afternoon and couldn't come over. He asked you to go to the imperial study."

Hearing this, Xu Jian knew that the Queen Mother had something to say to Lin Yunyan alone, so she came down and stood up to leave.

Lin Yunyan raised her eyes and looked at him.

"Don't worry," the Queen Mother couldn't tell what she was thinking. "We have arranged a chariot, and we won't let him walk there."

 Xu Jian thanked him.

Lin Yunyan smiled and hugged the Queen Mother: "I know you love me the most."

It is precisely because I love her that I love the house and the land and make arrangements for Xu Jian.

 When Xu Jian went out, the Empress Dowager said to Lin Yunyan, "A child with a sweet mouth is the most likely to eat sweets."

Lin Yunyan smiled and nodded.

The Queen Mother raised her chin, and Grandma Wang pushed the others away.

"The Ai family has already explained what they have to explain to you," the Empress Dowager said softly, "This marriage of yours is simple and simple. There are only a few people in the Xu family now. You are the master of the house. As long as you get along with Xu Jian, it doesn't matter what other relatives, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, or sisters-in-law are.

 It can be said that it is complicated, but it is also complicated.

Xu Jian was in such a position, but the prince just couldn't figure it out sometimes. Who knows what would happen to him on a whim one day.

The Ai family won’t hide it from you. I had thought about it before. Didn’t Xu Jian have some idle thoughts when he resigned from the Ministry of War?


 But just thinking about it, you will know when you calm down, where can you really relax?

 If you don’t hold something in your hand, once something happens, you really won’t have the energy to fight back.

Moreover, Xu Jian can barely be considered a relative, but you still have a large family in Uncle Chengcheng's house, so how can you give up?

 So, you still have to be more attentive. The steadier you stand, the more at ease Aijia will be in the future. "

Lin Yunyan listened quietly, her mood fluctuating for a while.

 She knew that these words touched her heart deeply.

 These words, the empress only said to her, it is impossible to mention the slightest bit to the Holy One.

Lin Yunyan sniffed the tip of her nose, leaned against the Empress Dowager, and whispered: "I understand what you mean, I really want to live a smooth life.

 I thought a lot when I was preparing to get married a few days ago. This husband was appointed by the Holy Spirit, but I also chose it myself.

 I like him, very much.

 I want to live with him for a long time. "

The Queen Mother patted Lin Yunyan's arm and said: "I know you like it, you can have a good time."

 Asking for a monthly ticket~~

 In this situation, we can really only be cautious, that's all.

Thanks to book friend Shi Gandangdang for the reward.

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