Yan Cigui

Chapter 348: Ask the princess to appreciate the plum blossoms (two updates in one, please give me a

 Feng Neishi ordered it to end.

This kind of trouble-making work is enough to talk about here. In his opinion, His Highness has already listened to it.

As for His Highness to think about how to test Duke Fu, that is His Highness's business. He, Feng's servant, will not sharpen the knife, hand it to him, or even use it himself.

 That's not necessary.

 As soon as his eyes turned to Li Shao, Feng Shihuang also looked back.

 The cold wind came to his face and made his forehead hurt. He thought about Duke Fu.

 Speaking of which, the Duke of the country is also interesting, he actually pretended to be injured!

When Chamberlain Feng first heard the news, he couldn't believe it, but the message couldn't be wrong.

The information handed over by the master was conclusive. Although none of them saw how healthy the legs of Duke Fu were, the message from the master was unmistakable. Someone must have found definite evidence.

 The Duke of Fu, who had recovered greatly from his injury, still pretended to be injured and suggested that the emperor let the prince go to the six departments to observe the government. There must be a deep meaning behind this.

 As for the matter of exposing Duke Fu, the prince must still come forward.

Li Shao didn't know what the chamberlain around him was thinking. He was impatient to blow the wind, so he continued walking forward.

When going down the steps, he didn't pay attention. He tripped and staggered a few steps.

Of course he didn’t fall, but his face became even more ugly.

After taking two steps, his feet ached, causing him to take a breath.

As a last resort, he could only stop, move his ankles twice, and attributed the problem to his boots. The poor boots made the road difficult.

 Stepping on the ground again, the landing is still uncomfortable.

 Li Shao’s brows furrowed.

Having good legs and feet, it shouldn't be difficult to pretend to be injured, especially since Xu Jian has experience in injuring his legs, so he is very familiar with it.

But if the leg is still injured, it seems to be quite difficult to pretend. It feels like stepping on a knife when it lands. How can there not be clues?

Thinking about it this way, it is probably impossible for Xu Jian to pretend that his legs are not good yet.

"You," Li Shao looked at the servant Feng, "you suspect that his leg has healed long ago, but what did you hear?"

Feng’s wife quickly shook her head, and after finishing shaking, she gave Li Shao a sly smile.


Li Shao didn't press any further, but he already got the answer in his heart.

I am afraid that Feng's wife heard some rumors and suspected that Xu Jian was pretending to be injured.

On the other hand, if there are rumors, it shows that someone noticed that Xu Jian was "healed".

Based on his personal experience just now, if he can't pretend to be good when he's not good, it must be because Xu Jian is not good at pretending to be good after being hurt.


 It seems that he and Xu Jian dislike each other.

Li Shao was not surprised by this result. He was already annoyed with Xu Jian, but what about Xu Jian? Xu Jian wanted to overwhelm him!

 Let him go to the Six Ministries alone to observe the government, which made him anxious. Let him, or let his father, the three orphans, and even the officials of the Six Ministries think that it would be more effective for Xu Jian to follow him. This was Xu Jian's purpose.

Li Shaoxin said, he already understood it, how could he let Xu Jian feel satisfied?

He and Xu Jian were wrestling with each other. He was so annoyed with Xu Jian that he didn't dare to express his attitude of "hating him" or "it's best not to follow him" in front of his father. He could only obey his father's arrangements honestly. Why would Xu Jian dare to defy others?

Exposing Xu Jian's feigned injury proves that Xu Jian deliberately did not follow him. Xu Jian should explain the reason to his father himself!

 The first step to expose it is of course testing.

Li Shao squinted his eyes. He had to think of a good way to try.

The next day, Li Shao went to the Ministry of Rites to observe the government again after several months.

This time, without the stacks of documents prepared by Xu Jian, Li Shao felt a little idle looking at them in the yamen.

Of course, the Ministry of Rites did not dare to leave him too idle.

 Lately, the yamen has been busy summarizing and planning for the coming year. Everyone is busy.

Feng Shangshu thought for a while and asked Li Shao to follow him, listen to him communicating with his subordinates, and analyze the situation one by one.

After all, Xu Jian had been forced to look through so many old documents, and the three orphans had taught them a lot. Li Shao was not in a fog, but just a little absent-minded.

 Feng Shangshu saw it.

 But he is a minister and not a three-year-old man. How can he do one thing and ask a few questions to the prince? That's just teaching, and it's just a matter of cooperation from the students. Now the students are obviously not very cooperative.

Feng Shangshu didn't want to get into trouble on the first day, not to mention that he was busy himself, so he took some time to talk to Li Shao.

Feng’s wife who was waiting on the side also noticed that Li Shao was distracted. He did not remind the prince and only looked for Feng Shangshu during lunch.

Feng Shangshu did not want to offend the prince, let alone the servants around the prince.

 The king of **** is easy to deal with, but the devil is difficult to deal with.

 There is no need to offend.

What's more, at noon today, my grandson brought food. It tasted home-cooked and was packed tightly. It was still slightly hot when opened, and it was all his favorite food. Feng Shangshu was in a good mood and said, "You are so polite, father-in-law. Speaking of which, we Their surname is Feng, and they were still members of the same family a hundred years ago.”

When Feng's wife heard this, she smiled brightly and said humbly: "Master Shangshu really flatters the younger ones. Such young people, oh..."

Who wants to be a family member with a eunuch?

 Unless he is a great **** who covers the sky with one hand, is beneath one person and is above ten thousand people.

He is far from being a chamberlain.

 The words are pleasant to the ears, indicating that Feng Shangshu is on the right track.

“His Royal Highness said that last time the government inspection ended in a hurry, which caused a lot of trouble for the adults. This time, I still need to ask for more guidance from the elders.”

Feng Shangshu said a few words of humility. Even if you listen to such words, it is not the first day he has become an official.

Of course, it is impossible for him not to give advice to His Highness, even if His Highness has to prepare snacks himself, he is always distracted and would not dare to give advice.

Feng’s chamberlain still wanted to serve Li Shao, so he exchanged a few words with Feng Shangshu and then returned to His Highness.

 Li Shao is also going to have a meal.

Waiter Feng was waiting to set the table and said casually: "Mr. Feng's meal is his family's meal. It's hot and includes all the meat and vegetables. It looks delicious."

Li Shao didn't take it seriously and took the chopsticks.

Chamberlain Feng added: "His grandson came to see him off. He is young and is familiar with several adults in the Yamen. He left after delivering the gift."

Li Shao raised his eyebrows.

 In the spring, I seemed to have seen such a person, who came to deliver something to Feng Shangshu and was standing in the yard talking.

Li Shao saw it from the window. It was impossible for him to go out and say hello to irrelevant people. He didn't have the leisure to take a look and ignored it. The other side didn't pay attention to this side and didn't know about it.

 “It sounds like he is very filial.” Li Shao commented.

Feng’s wife just said it casually and didn’t care what the prince’s reaction was.

 Li Shao, on the other hand, smiled in a nonchalant manner.

 It is good to be filial.

 In this world, filial piety is the best thing to do.

Just like himself, as long as he is filial, his father will pamper him.

"Xu Jian's place..." Li Shao said. Seeing Feng's lower eyebrows, he said again, "It's okay."

He liked the **** Feng and was willing to let the **** follow him, but Li Shao did not think that the **** had the ability to do things.

 Forget about causing trouble for Xu Jian, send a few people to keep an eye on him, I'm afraid even Feng's inner servant has no connections.

Li Shao didn’t mention it to him.

Thinking about it, he has no useful people now.

The guards who were replaced didn't seem to listen to him honestly.

In this case, Li Shao could only take a step back and said to Feng Neishi: "I want to find someone to follow Xu Jian. I can also get some clues about whether he is healed or not. Do you have a suitable person?"

Feng’s wife looked embarrassed. The master is definitely not short of manpower, but he would never dare to expose that matter to the prince.

"You give me some time and I can think of a solution." Feng Neishi said.

The people kept by the master cannot move their hands, but the marginal people who are not near the master and are placed outside can still do such easy things.

Li Shao handed over this matter to Feng Neishi.

  When he first arrived at the Ministry of Rites, even if he was undecided, he pretended to be indecisive for a few days, then went back to the East Palace after going to the Yamen.

 After waiting for five or six days, Li Shao's old problem appeared again.

 In the study, Xu Jian listened to Xuan Su talking.

 Xuansu has been staring at Li Shao again recently.

 “I went to have a drink and got back before the palace door closed.”

 Xu Jian was not surprised by this.

Li Shao has come and gone, but he still understands how to proceed step by step.

Eunuch Guo belongs to Eunuch Cao. If Li Shao doesn't return to the palace, Eunuch Guo may file a lawsuit.

And Li Shao probably won't sleep in Prince Jin's Mansion like before. Firstly, Prince Jin blamed him for being dishonest and causing trouble. Li Shao couldn't have no grudges. Secondly, regardless of whether Prince Jin is the person behind the scenes, He wasn't stupid either. He let Li Shao stay overnight in Prince Jin's Mansion, and he wouldn't be able to explain what happened later.

Li Shao is still in the trial stage of making trouble, so he has to be honest for a few more days.

"The two people you found," Xuan Su added, "are minor officials working in the Department of General Administration of Affairs, and they are not in the mainstream."

Xu Jian chuckled.

Those two people showed up yesterday, and they are actually pretty good at talking to each other.

If it were like ordinary civil servants or usually ambitious military generals, it would be considered silent. However, Xu Jian is cautious and Shen Chen is also keen. If the talent shows the slightest trace, it will be discovered.

Xu Jian still saw through without telling the truth and let others follow, leaving Xuan Su to dig up the background.

 Where is the General Affairs Department...

The person behind the scenes has "magnificent powers" and Xu Jian would not be surprised if he extends his hand from anywhere. However, the other party has a complete staff. Even if Xu Jian thinks it is impossible, it is still compared to Wang Qi and Dao Heng. In fact, the abilities are pretty good.

 There are so many people nearby, and I saw him climbing over the wall last time. Ordinarily, it should not be replaced by people hiding in the General Affairs Department.

It seems that the person who wants to find out the details this time is probably from another lineage, that is, Li Shao.

Since Feng's servant was placed next to Li Shao, it is reasonable for him to deliberately lead Li Shao to a "leg injury" when he made trouble.

 After all, jumping over the wall that day was also a clue that Xu Jian deliberately "sold" out.

Li Shaoying was hesitant, but he didn't have the right manpower now, so he handed it over to Feng's wife.

It makes sense for Feng's wife to want to add fuel to the fire and ask someone from the General Affairs Department to follow her.

Xu Jian straightened her comb, got up and left the study, heading to the main courtyard.

Lin Yunyan is arranging the porridge donation.

Most of the money was given to her mother's family. She just provided money to support two people here. It was easy, but after all, it was the first thing she did after she got married. Every family built a shed side by side at the gate of the city. More or less, Fu Guogong The house also needs to have some appearance, and it cannot be too casual.

She had just handed over the instructions to the two nuns when she saw Xu Jian coming in.

The nuns stood up to say hello, and then left after saying the matter.

 Xu Jian sat down next to Lin Yunyan and said, "How about going to Zhangping Garden? Please invite the princess to appreciate the plum blossoms."

Lin Yunyan glanced at him.

There is no shortage of plum blossoms in the Duke's Mansion. They are blooming fragrantly in the backyard. I even broke off two branches to put them in vases while holding the moon.

Xu Jian was recovering from a leg injury. It was a cold day, so there was really no need to go outside to see the flowers.

Lin Yunyan asked directly: "What's the reason?"

 Xu Jian knew that he couldn't hide it from her, and had no intention of hiding it. He roughly told Li Shao what was going on there.

Lin Yunyan:…

 The ecstasy array deployed before must have some effect.

Lin Yunyan naturally knew this truth, but she felt sorry for Xu Jian's legs after all, and her tone added a bit of complaint: "You are asking for trouble."

Xu Jian smiled and accepted the words.

"I don't mind going to Zhangping Garden," Lin Yunyan added, "but the Holy Master also knows that your legs are uncomfortable. He doesn't ask you to follow the prince because he just wants you to recuperate. You don't rest, but you go to enjoy the plum blossoms."

“You are newly married, there are so many legitimate reasons to please your wife,” Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan scolded him: "Everyone says it's fair, but there's something wrong with you and me. Your Majesty saw me falling in the Cining Palace with your own eyes, just to prevent you from kneeling for a while longer. I can still pull you to enjoy the cold wind." plum?"

"It's not like we enjoy plum blossoms every day," Xu Jian comforted her, "the sun is not bad today, it's just turned around."

Lin Yunyan kept her mouth shut, but she knew in her heart that she had to go on this trip.

Raising her hand, she placed it on Xu Jian's right leg. She pressed it gently and gently: "I'll let the doctor take a look when I get back."

 Xu Jian agreed.

 In the afternoon, the carriage came out of the Fuguogong Mansion.

It is still Lin Yunyan's gorgeous car, which is particularly conspicuous under the sun.

Xu Jian lifted the curtain and exchanged a few words with Xu Bai who was sending him out, and then the carriage slowly drove away.

 When we arrived at Zhangping Garden, we still walked to the back garden. This time it was not reserved for the ladies to play in, but ordinary people could come in and out.

Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian got off the car one after another.

 In the dead of winter, it is also the busiest month of the twelfth lunar month, and only a few people have the leisure and grace to stroll around the garden.

Lin Yunyan took Xu Jian and walked away.

 She didn't need Xu Jian to remind her, she felt that someone was watching from a distance, and after all, she was someone who had escaped. She still had this sensitivity.

The two of them pretended not to know anything and went all the way to the depths of the garden.

The two people didn’t dare to follow them too closely. Fortunately, their bright red snow coats made them easy to recognize, and they were still noticeable from a distance.

Watching Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan go up to the rockery, the two exchanged glances. One continued to follow, and the other walked around to the other side of the lake, just in time to have a clear view of the situation on the rockery.

Therefore, those who followed saw Duke Fu's steps steady and light. People on the other side saw the princess walking down the mountain to the water first, and somehow slipped and fell to the ground. Duke Fu immediately Run down quickly and help the princess up.


 It doesn’t look like your leg is injured and you can’t use it hard.

I wanted to observe more, but unfortunately the princess soiled her snow coat and lost interest, so she went back home.

The two men who followed had gained something, and they couldn't help but want to receive the reward, so they went back to Qianbu Corridor and went to the Ministry of Rites to find Feng's wife.

Chamberlain Feng found a deserted place: "Why are you here? Someone saw you..."

 One person said: "Fu Guogong's leg must be healed."

 Feng’s wife curled her lips.

Of course he knows, the master has sent someone to tell him, but what is missing now is the evidence for the prince to believe it.

“The couple went to Zhangping Garden.”

“The climb up the mountain went smoothly, but the princess fell, and the auxiliary Duke ran to help her.”

"Yes, there is a way to go. It is still down the mountain road. Fu Guogong took three steps and then two steps."

 Feng’s eyes lit up.

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