Yan Cigui

Chapter 370: Smart and wise (two updates in one)

Shan Shen drank five cups of tea in a row without saying anything.

Xu Jian did not rush him, but just drank together, refilling Shan Shen one cup at a time. When the pot of tea reached the bottom, he waved to Xuan Su to change the tea.

Mr. Shan collected his thoughts, couldn't help but drank a lot, and simply stood up: "Go to the hut, go to the hut."

 Xu Bai showed him the way.

 At sunset, the sky is half yellow and half gray.

Shan Shen came out of the warm flower hall with a cold wind blowing on his face, and couldn't help but shiver from the wind.

 His lower abdomen was feeling tight, and what was even more stuffy than this was naturally his heart.

 This matter is not easy to handle!

Without saying anything else, there is one word that Mr. Guo used rightly - without evidence.

At that time, Liu Xun and Qian Hu held different opinions. No matter how Shan Shen speculated about Geng Baoyuan in his heart, the yamen needed evidence to investigate the case.

Since there is no evidence, the Yamen could not investigate in depth, and it was impossible to go deep into the situation at that time, which ultimately led to this result.

Besides, what if we get to the bottom of it?

Unless the stolen goods are both captured, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the kidnapped little girl are "captured" together, the girl must be unconscious or would rather die than obey, and His Highness will look majestic and dressed better than when he was taken out of Chen Mi Hutong. Only a few cases can lead to a conviction.

 Otherwise, Geng Baoyuan did the bad thing.

Even if Geng Baoyuan shouted, "I followed His Highness's orders," he would not be able to accuse the Crown Prince.

 His Highness is, at best, a lax ruler.

 In a group of disheveled dancers and young nuns, lax governance is no big deal.

 This is also one of the reasons why Shan Shen hid it in the first place.

 Now, it has to be translated...

 It’s not about “dare you dare”, but “can you do it?”

Even if Geng Baoyuan has an extra card, the nature of the case remains the same.

 There is no such thing as "everyone gets the stolen goods". If you check, you will not check, and you will offend the prince and anger the emperor.

Shan Shen is very dissatisfied with this move.

 The pros and cons were analyzed by so many people in the Xingbu Yamen in the early morning.

 However, Shan Shen knew that he was wavering now.

 Because the person who gave him advice was Duke Fuguo.

 The Duke of Fu is sometimes out of tune and has a bad mouth, which makes even Shen Shen feel ashamed.

 After all, no matter how much he can scold Shanfu Yin, he usually still does it in his own yamen. Unlike the Duke of Fu, he dares to speak nonsense and make weird remarks in the Jinluan Palace.

 But no matter how yin and yang, Fu Guogong has never cheated him Dan Shen. In fact, Fu Guogong has contributed a lot in the previous cooperation.

To be fair, Shan Shen trusted Duke Fu. Otherwise, he would not have come to the Duke's residence to offer incense and worship Buddha for two days in a row.

Now that the incense has been burned, the Buddha has worshiped, and the Bodhisattva has given instructions, if he does not follow them, will there be a Buddha who can shine on him in the future?

 Just, why?

Shan Shen didn’t even think about it clearly.

With a sullen face, he stood in front of the pit and poured water. His eyes were empty, but he remembered.

 This has happened before.

Without any foreshadowing, he directly led them to where Wang lived for the sixth year. He brought a portrait and did not mention his name or origin. He only said that he was the real murderer of Dao Heng, and asked the Shuntian Mansion to post a reward.

Everyone has his own way, and the person who assists the country has his own way.

 The Duke of Guo just said “I can’t say anything specific”, so there must be some considerations on his part.

Speaking of which, a few days ago, Uncle Chengyi met the Holy Spirit alone in the royal study room, and then the Holy Spirit summoned the three princes.

Although no one in the court knows the inside story, if there is any disturbance and the father-in-law and son-in-law advance and retreat together, the auxiliary Duke will surely hear about it.


 That’s how it should be.

Shan Shen suddenly became enlightened.

 He tightened the waistband of his trousers, washed his hands and straightened the hem of his clothes, feeling that his eyes and ears were clear.

 When handling cases, you must pay attention to details, and when handling affairs, you must turn a blind eye.

Since the Duke of Fu will not cheat him anyway, just do as he is told and listen to the Duke and hide it from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment first.


 Speaking of which, when things developed to this point, it was Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment who tricked Shuntian Mansion first. What does this small reward mean?

Shan Shen walked back to the flower hall.

The setting sun hangs in the sky, and the rays of light are bursting, making people feel relaxed and happy.

He entered the warm flower hall and sat down: "I definitely believe what the Duke of Guo promised. I will go back and rectify Qian Hu's and Liu Xun's original confessions, and report them to the Holy One tomorrow. How can I check it later?" Why check it?”

Xu Jian nodded, thought for a while, and added: "After all, it is a matter of the East Palace. It is disgraceful. The Holy Lord cares about the prince, so the thunder must be loud and the rain must be loud. But don't worry, Mr. Shan, the rain will not fall on you." Just don’t be frightened by the thunder.”

Shan Shen laughed.

 Look, it’s such a pleasure to work with Fu Guogong.

 “It’s easy to talk about anything until we get to Shuntian Mansion.” He said.

Shan Shen stood up and left, and Xu Bai saw him off.

Xu Jian returned to the main courtyard, and when he lifted the curtain and went in, Lin Yunyan was still facing the chessboard.

 Before Shan Shen arrived, the couple were playing chess.

More than halfway through the chess game, the outcome was unclear. Xu Jian went to meet the guests, and Lin Yunyan also confiscated the chessboard, but her mind was not on the game.

Seeing Xu Jian come back, Lin Yunyan asked: "Have you convinced Mr. Shan?"

 Xu Jian said: "Master Shan is smart and wise."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

Xu Jian sat down on the opposite side of the chessboard, playing with the chess pieces casually in his hands: "So, it's not easy to hide your two boxes of books from him."

Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows.

The exchange of gold bricks for books cannot be said to be seamless. If Mr. Shan becomes suspicious and starts the investigation from the beginning, he will naturally be caught with clues.

 Being able to hide from the sky and cross the sea, except for the rain pouring that night, it was still "dark under the lamp".

Xu Jian, an accomplice, swaggered into Shuntian Mansion, changed "Where are the gold bricks" to "Who wants to dig the box?", dragged Li Yuanfa into the bureau, and because of Li Yuanfa's sudden death, the theft case was investigated. It became a homicide.

Then it has nothing to do with Chengyi Bofu at all.

Of course, Lin Yunyan still knew Xu Jian.

This man brought up old things again, either to harm her or to praise himself.

 “ToEFL,” she laughed, “the Duke of the country is still considerate.”

Xu Jian raised his eyes and looked at her. He didn't care whether her words were careless or not. He chuckled, shook his head and replied, "Thank you, it's all thanks to the weather."

 It snowed yesterday and the mountains were frozen, blocking the view in the middle of the night.

But if it's broad daylight, if Mr. Shan looks more carefully, he might be able to get some clues from the situation at that time.

 The bits of old mud on the waist plate are all rubbed on, and they are far from what they should be after being buried for a long time.

 This is also the reason why we only dig for waist cards and nothing else.

Because of the snow, it was impossible for them to break ground in advance and bury anything. They just took mud from the nearby mountains and processed the waist badges.

 The waistband is small enough to carry around.

The people in the garrison yamen pretended to dig something out of the soil while everyone was digging separately and not paying attention to each other. He is a young man with quick hands and feet, but he does not carefully preserve the evidence. He digs and erases randomly, which will make Master Shan feel disgusted, but he will not be suspicious.

 Furthermore, the body can be used to determine the time of death and even how long it has been buried, but the waistband cannot be found so much.

Of course, the less you investigate, the less you can prove.

Lin Yunyan said: "Lack of strict governance is not enough to make the Holy Emperor angry."

On the same day, he hurriedly rescued Jin Shu and concealed everything. He didn't want to use Jin Shu's life and reputation to change Li Shao's crime. Now, today, it is impossible to drag the Jin family back to the game.

"The Jin family can't be traced," Xu Jian said, "Liu Xun cleared it all up and said Qian Hu was full of nonsense. Qian Hu only wanted to harm Liu Xun and didn't want to drag Li Shao into the water. He never gave any useful clues from beginning to end, let alone Mentioned that they went to Fa'an Temple to find Geng Baoyuan."

Lin Yunyan nodded.

Xu Jian added: "Furthermore, Li Shao might not have known about it beforehand. If he had known about the situation, he wouldn't have kicked Liu Xun hard at that time."

Lin Yunyan also pinched a chess piece.

 At the end of the day, this is just throwing bricks and lining up.

Li Shao, he will admit the **** things he has done, even for the fatal things like Yumenguan, he was scolded **** by the Holy One, and he was just angry this way and that.

As for those things that he did not do, once they are covered up on his head and it is impossible to prove his innocence, then he will not be able to accept it at all.

 He will go crazy.

 What they were waiting for was for Li Shao to go crazy.

Li Shao is not crazy, but it will be difficult to continue the drama that follows.

“It’s all up to Master Shan,” Lin Yunyan smiled, “Jinluan Palace has to settle old scores, and he’s under a lot of pressure.”

Xu Jian thought for a while and said, "I have to loosen up Master Shan. He can only scold in Shuntian Mansion all day long. He also holds it back. When he listens to more thunder in the morning, he won't have such a big burden in the future." , maybe he can also become his own style."

Lin Yunyan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud. She lost her grip on the chess piece and fell back into the basket.


An Yibo is a person who speaks outright, has a loud voice, and is full of momentum. He says what he has to say.

Ge Yushi's prose was gorgeous and majestic, and he came at him with all kinds of techniques. If he didn't have any ability, he would have fainted on the spot and didn't understand how harshly the old man scolded him.

 Master Shan is different from the two of them. He pays attention to the appreciation of both refined and popular tastes.

“It’s very good,” Lin Yunyan supported the children, “No wonder the Holy Father always said that you go to court to listen to music. Who doesn’t like to listen to this kind of music?”

 The night is falling.

Shan Shen is preparing for tomorrow's "fun".

 He asked his master to move out all the case files from Chenmi Hutong.

In addition to the files that have been compiled and submitted, the Yamen also contains many testimonies and clues that are not included in the files, including the confessions of Liu Xun and Qian Hu.

Liu Xun was exiled, Qian Hu was dismissed from his post and put into labor service. At this moment, he didn’t know where he was building the city wall. It would take time to interrogate him again.

Of course, whether or not to review, and how to review, depends on what the outcome will be in the Jinluan Palace tomorrow.

Shan Shen read it carefully, combed it carefully for a long time, and wrote a rigorous excerpt. Just like what he and Xu Jian said, there was no embellishment or subjective judgment. Whatever the two people said, then so be it. Write.

 It was late at night, Shan Shen took a brief nap in the back office, wrapped in clothes, then hurriedly got up and changed into court clothes.

It was cold, but he didn't ask anyone to prepare warm water, so he wiped his face with cold water. He was shivering from the cold and felt much more awake.

 When he arrived at the court room, he stood aside.

Both Ruan Shangshu and Shi Rui could see that Shan Shen was worried, and they couldn't help exchanging glances.

 Maybe it’s because Mr. Shan’s secret investigation of the case didn’t go smoothly...

This is not surprising, it has been almost a year, how can it be so easy to check.

  The case will be settled in two days, and the seal will be opened again. It will be a new year, a new atmosphere, gambling debts, robbery, etc., there is no such thing!

 But no matter how much the two of them fought with each other, they never thought that Shan Fuyin would be earth-shattering if he hid it from them.

So, in the Jinluan Palace, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince inquired about the progress of the case, and while they were both playing quail, they saw Shan Shen step into the middle, and their hearts skipped a few beats.


 Sir Shan’s expression is wrong!

 It seems like they are going to die together!

By the time the two of them reacted and tried to stop Shan Shen, it was already too late.

Master Shan held the folded book in his hand and said word by word: "Back to Your Majesty, His Majesty the Crown Prince, in order to solve the case as soon as possible, I led people to search the previous burial ground again.

The corpse was washed down the river by the heavy rain, and there may be something harvestable on the mountain. I was like a blind cat who encountered a dead mouse, and I really dug something out of the mountain. "

 Sheng glanced at Shan Shen.

 Li Shao was also an accident.

He urged the yamen to solve the case, but the case has not been settled for a long time, and several yamen were going back and forth in the morning.

Li Shao actually didn’t know that much about the actual circumstances of the case, why Dali Temple dismissed the case, and whether there were any problems with the judgments of Shuntian Prefecture and the Ministry of Punishment.

So, when he heard that there were other developments in the case, he was stunned for a moment.

 Dali Temple is looking for trouble?

 It is true that the Shuntian Prefecture and the Ministry of Punishment are not handling the case clearly?

 In other words, did he really get the point right when supervising the case?

 Thinking like this, Li Shao became energetic.

"Sir Shan, what you mean is," Li Shao cleared his throat and looked at Shan Shen, "your Shuntian Mansion didn't handle the case clearly at first, didn't investigate it clearly, and left clues at the scene but didn't recover it?"

Shan Shen paused.

Li Shao refused to give up: "They say that Mr. Shan handles cases rigorously and carefully, and his performance evaluation has been very good in recent years. How could such a mistake happen?"

 The tone gradually revealed a bit of pride.

 Let Shan Shen come to him before!

Chasing Chen Mihu, Shan Shen never expected this moment when he asked him in Shuntian Mansion!

"I'm scared," Shan Shen took a deep breath and took out something, "This is what was dug out."

Many people were curious to see it, but they could not see clearly from a distance. They could only see that Eunuch Cao's face changed the moment he took it. He became gloomy and ugly.

Eunuch Cao walked back to the throne and handed it over to the Holy Emperor.

The Holy Emperor also frowned: "This is..."

Li Shao turned to look and saw that it was the East Palace Waist Card. He looked at Shan Shen in shock and said, "Sir Shan, what does this mean?"

"This is what I dug up," Shan Shen said. "The waistband of the East Palace belongs to Geng Baoyuan, the guard of the East Palace who disappeared on the eighth day of the first lunar month."

 When he heard this name, Li Shao's face changed in shock.

The Holy Master had already turned over his waist card. Li Shao's throat rolled when he saw the name "Geng Baoyuan" on it.

"Father," he said hurriedly, lowering his voice, "you asked me earlier if I had changed my bodyguard, and it was this Geng Baoyuan. His father was in poor health and wanted to return to his hometown for retirement, so he handed me his resignation letter. Right."

The Holy Father nodded, he remembered this.

How come the waistband of a guard who can go home to retire is buried there?

While he was wondering, he heard Shan Shen say: "Geng Baoyuan disappeared, either to collect gambling debts, or because he failed to rob someone."

Li Shao was choked up in one breath.

 The title page for December in the Book Friends Circle is about to end. Interested book friends should take a look.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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