Yan Cigui

Chapter 382: What a big deal (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Li Shao returned to the palace a quarter of an hour ago.

Thinking that his father was looking for him, he hurried to the imperial study room.

Wang Gouzi hurriedly stopped him: "Your Highness, it's better to go back to the East Palace to tidy up..."

Hearing this, Li Shao lowered his head and looked at himself.

 The clothes are very clean.

Wang Gouzi saw this and explained: "You smell too drunk, go back and change your clothes and rinse your mouth."

"Is it necessary?" Li Shao asked, "If I change into clothes that don't smell like alcohol, my father won't know that I went to have a drink?"

Wang Gouzi smiled reluctantly.

But the broken jar can't really be broken. It's just like Wang Gouzi himself. He knows that the job is difficult and there is no good job everywhere. He can't really ignore the prince and go back to lie down and wait for the end, right? ?

So he could only say kind words: "It's already too late. If we don't waste this time, I'm afraid the Holy Father will be even more unhappy if you pass by smelling of alcohol."

Li Shao thought about his father's angry look in the morning, but he still listened to Wang Gouzi, and returned to the East Palace to quickly clean up, and then went to the imperial study.

 In front of the emperor, the little chamberlain quietly poked his head.

Eunuch Cao went to the middle hall to listen. He knew that the prince had returned to the palace, so he went inside and reported to the emperor again.

The Holy Spirit was criticizing Zhezi. He didn't even raise his head when he heard the words. He just said casually, "Let him in."

Eunuch Cao saw it and went out to greet him.

 When he was standing on the corridor, he saw Li Shao striding over and couldn't help but look up and down several times.

  She seemed to be in good spirits, and she was wearing different clothes than when she left the palace in the morning.

"Your Highness," Eunuch Cao took two steps to greet you, "Your Majesty, your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Shao nodded slightly, but he didn't hesitate: "I didn't know that my father was looking for me, so I came too late."

Eunuch Cao didn't ask any more questions and just led him in.

 After Li Shao greeted him, Eunuch Cao asked his confidants to serve tea, and then he came out and called Wang Gouzi to him.

 “Where did your Highness go before?”

 The dog laughed sarcastically.

It's impossible to hide something. There are so many people in Jiangjunfang, and Master Shan can't calm down the matter even if he wants to.

He could only say honestly: "His Royal Highness came out of the Duke Fu's Mansion and was not in a good mood, so he said he was going to Jiangjunfang. After that, he sat there and watched the cockfight. Unexpectedly, Jiangjunfang itself had some trouble. His Highness returned to the palace..."

 “Fighting cock?” Eunuch Cao frowned, “You…”

He wanted to reprimand Wang Gouzi a few words, but as he spoke, he saw the little **** lowered his head and looked obedient, waiting for the scolding. He finally shook his head and sighed.

never mind.

This little **** was transferred from Yongji Palace to the East Palace. The Holy Emperor originally pointed him at "making trouble", but these days not only caused no trouble, but also tried hard to drag the prince, which is not easy.

 After all, the prince really wants to go to Jiangjunfang, and a doggy person cannot persuade him to do so.

And if Wang Gouzi instigates the prince to go to Jiangjunfang, he is handing a pillow to the emperor.

Thinking of the temper that His Majesty would have in the future, Eunuch Cao didn't bother to curse. He had to save some effort. Even if it was a disagreement with the Majesty and the Crown Prince, he still had to put in effort.

Just as he was about to walk in, a sudden thought occurred to him, and Eunuch Cao asked again: "What do you mean you are in trouble?"

"In the middle of the cockfight, he was stoned to death for no apparent reason," Wang Gouzi said in a low voice, "Business is booming today, there are many distinguished guests, and Shuntian Mansion has come to make trouble. When His Highness left, Master Shan was still inside tidy."

Eunuch Cao:…

 For a moment, I really didn’t know whether to be surprised at the inexplicable situation or to sigh for Shan Fuyin.

Opening his mouth, Eunuch Cao wanted to say something, but suddenly he heard the sound of something falling inside. He didn't care about Wang Gouzi anymore, and hurriedly entered the middle hall, and looked into the imperial study through the curtain. .

The prince stood there with a broken tea tray at his feet, and the saint stood behind the case with a green face. He probably got angry and smashed something with his hand.

Eunuch Cao didn’t want to go in, and he didn’t want to go in either. He just hurriedly sent out the few servants who were stunned in the middle hall.

 “I have people looking for you everywhere,” the Holy Sage said. “It would be better for you to go to the General’s Square to watch the cockfight!”

Li Shao pursed his lips and said nothing.

Eunuch Cao saw it and was anxious in his heart.

If you want this kind of lesson to end quickly, the weaker party must shut up and listen to the lesson unilaterally. No matter how long the lecture is, if you encounter such a series of words without any reaction, it will end after a while.

At any other time, Eunuch Cao would have said, "Your Highness's attitude is very good." But is now the time to settle the matter?

 No, now is the time to fan the flames!

  We cannot let the Holy Spirit fail to find the point of reprimand!

 If the prince doesn't speak, let him, Eunuch Cao, do the talking.

Taking a deep breath, Eunuch Cao went in with an apologetic smile: "Although cockfighting is not a serious hobby, but during the Chinese New Year, it is all a lively event, just like singing a big show..."

“Have you celebrated the New Year?” The Holy Master said coldly, “The yamen is not sealed, and there are so many officials busy in Qianbu Corridor. As the crown prince, he is not in the Ministry of Rites to observe the government, so he went to watch the cockfight to celebrate the New Year? Is it ridiculous?!”

"Just for a look," Eunuch Cao said again, "Wang Gouzi said that His Highness was in a bad mood today and wanted to relax by watching a cockfight, so he didn't put any money into betting."

"Is it worthy of praise if you don't gamble?" The Holy Master came out from behind the big case, "I haven't even figured out Geng Baoyuan's gambling debt!"

Eunuch Cao wanted to say a few "good words" again, but was stopped by the Holy Father.

"Don't speak for him!" The Holy One sternly said to Li Shao again, "Not feeling well? What can you do to be unhappy? I asked you to go to Fuguogong's Mansion to apologize. Did you apologize? Do you go to apologize or go? A shameless one?

 Xu Jian saved your life! Yumenguan and Weichang will sacrifice their lives to save you!

 Speaking of Ning'an, her mother also saved your life.

 Three times, I saved you three times in total!

 How did you treat them as a result? When she apologized, she didn't know how to say anything nice, which made Ning An so angry that she went to Cining Palace to cry.

I went to see the Empress Dowager and was completely embarrassed! "

 Li Shao's mouth moved.

 Perhaps he had drunk wine and returned from the carriage all the way back. He was less drunk and more sleepy, so he was reprimanded by his father and did not say anything.

 Just listen and pass after listening.

Unexpectedly, Eunuch Cao kept saying one thing here and another, which was quite abnormal.

 But before Li Shao could figure out the reason behind this abnormality, he heard "Ning'an enters the palace".


He knew that Ning An and Xu Jian had become a waste of fuel!

"Is your son angry with her?" Li Shao's eyes widened, "You don't know how irritating her words are. She is just like Xu Jian. She is one person in front of you and the Queen Mother, but she is another person behind your back. look.

If you don’t believe it, ask Wang Gouzi. Erchen really didn’t say anything. On the contrary, they were the two of them who were aggressive.

As soon as her son left, she went to the palace to find the empress dowager and cried. She just wanted to make things difficult for him!

 They just want the censors to scold their ministers..."

"Are you still reasonable?" The Holy Emperor interrupted Li Shao and was about to continue his lecture when he saw a servant behind the curtain cautiously peeking his head and asked, "What's wrong?" Eunuch Cao also turned his head when he heard this.

 Normally, someone shouldn't be so timid at this time. There should be something important.

The chamberlain came in respectfully, his voice trembling slightly: "In the square in front of the palace gate, Shuntian Mansion has detained many people, and they are all waiting there."

The Holy Spirit was puzzled: "Who was detained?"

The chamberlain bit the bullet and said: "Yes, everyone who said they were watching the excitement in Jiangjunfang today and refused to leave are here..."

Li Shao was stunned when he heard this.

The Holy Father was even more confused, until Eunuch Cao explained the cockfight accident in a low voice, and he almost had stars in his eyes.

Eunuch Cao quickly gave the Holy Master a hand.

The chamberlain did not dare to show his mournful face, so he lowered his head and only exposed the back of his head: "Shan, Mr. Shan said, let their family members come to the square to pick up people..."

As the chamberlain's voice became softer and softer, there was a moment of silence in the imperial study room, as no one could react to these words.

After a long time, Li Shao couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

The Holy Spirit turned to glare at him: "You can still laugh!"

Li Shao held his mouth, but did not laugh anymore.

Eunuch Cao helped the saint sit down.

The Holy Spirit rubbed his swollen brows and let out a long sigh.

 Everyone has his or her own abilities.

Shaoer could disappoint him every time, and Shan Shen was indeed willing to take risks in dealing with the dandy. Of course, without this ability, Shan Shen would not be able to secure his position as the Yin of Shuntian Prefecture.

To be honest, the Holy Spirit felt that he had to thank Shan Shen for his "cooperation". Shan Aiqing was not aware of his plan, so she relied on her agility and delicacy to make the matter bigger.

 But the source of the trouble is still Shaoer.

Whether he scolded or lectured, he sat back and watched, or secretly hinted to Xu Jian and others to unfold the matter like this. This was his "getting what he wanted", but this wish didn't hurt his own heart. ?

The son is ineffective. The son who should take on the great responsibilities looks like this. As a father, this is what it feels like...

The Holy Spirit calmed down a little and told Eunuch Cao: "Go out and take a look."

Eunuch Cao glanced at Li Shao, who was silent, and then at His Majesty, who was in a complicated and heavy mood, and responded respectfully.

 After leaving the royal study and walking out of the palace gate, even though he had expected the scene, Eunuch Cao was still surprised by the people lining up.

 At a glance, you can see the heads. It’s not neat, but you can also see the queue.

When he got closer, Eunuch Cao took a closer look.

One by one, almost all of them were young men. He could identify only three or four of them, and the rest had never been seen before. There were a few who looked kind-faced, and they probably looked similar to the elders in the family, so people could take a look at them. I thought it should be from someone's family.

Shan Shen also saw Eunuch Cao and walked quickly to him.

"Master Shan," Eunuch Cao pointed, "What does this mean? Teach them to line up to go to court?"

"Those who have known about cockfighting and cricket fighting all day long may not be able to enter the Golden Palace in this life. Let them experience it right here in the square," Shan Shen said.

Everyone who stayed in Jiangjunfang was rushed here by Shan Shen, except for a few girls in the private room.

The girl's house, followed the brothers to see a chicken, and did not cause trouble. How can people go out like this?

Shan Shen just wanted to pull the backrest, but didn't want anyone to poke his back, so he asked the girls to go home quickly in carriages and sedans, and also called the elders to the square to pick them up.

As for the children he drove here, they all followed the titles and official positions of the elders in the family. They lined up in the same way as their elders lined up when they went to court.

There were some thorns along the way. They wanted to disobey Shuntian Mansion and go and have their own fun. However, more people felt that it would be more fun to be mentioned outside the palace gate by Shan Shen and were unwilling to leave.

After all, there are so many people, and the excitement is inevitable. At most, they will be scolded twice at home, and beaten a few times at most. They are just messing around. Who hasn’t begged for mercy from their elders with a playful smile?

 What a big deal!

Have you ever seen Yu Chengan walking so calmly and calmly?

Shan Shen refused to give in, and there was a group of people who didn't want to take part in the fun and didn't mind the trouble. One or two thorns were drowned in it, and they were all swarmed here, and they were all standing.

The more Eunuch Cao looked at it, the more he felt that the queue was hurting his eyes. He simply turned his head and asked Shan Shen, "The Za family just heard Wang Gouzi say a few words, it's so cloudy and foggy. What's going on?"

Shan Shen explained, and finally said: "I didn't know that His Highness was in Jiangjunfang at first, and now I don't know who killed the chicken.

Really, Eunuch Cao, you see, so many people are quite honest at the moment. Just when I was in Jiangjunfang, I thought I was entering some kind of chicken coop. The noise was so loud that my head was about to explode.

They are all other people's sons and grandsons. I can't control even a cockfight. Those who can control their families are probably not like this anymore.

You really don’t care at all, you won’t go to Shuntian Mansion, so just come here and let the Holy One take a look and take care of it. "

Eunuch Cao laughed, feeling very embarrassed.

The one who can't take care of his son at the moment and is forced to try his best is still sitting in the imperial study room.

As he was talking, some elders arrived one after another, especially those who were on duty at Qianbu Corridor. After just a few steps, they inquired about the matter.

 “Sir Shan, what does this mean?”

 “Eunuch Cao, this is such a big deal, oh, it’s so embarrassing!”

Those who are not as good as Shan Shen, and seeing Eunuch Cao present, they are still polite in their words, but when those nobles and nobles arrive, they will not be so light-hearted.

“When did Mr. Shan take care of cockfighting?”

“A dead chicken? A dead chicken deserves so many people standing here?”

 “Who here is not more valuable than chicken gold?”

Ren Yuanbo's two sons were also among them. His daughter returned home to report the news. He originally didn't want to come, but when he heard that the matter involved His Royal Highness, he had to rush here.

 The front foot had just arrived, and when the back foot heard this sentence, Ren Yuanbo frowned.

Although I don’t know who said it, it was obvious that he was angry.

If you don’t have a stupid head, how can you compare humans with chickens?

“Those who knew were dead chickens, but those who didn’t know thought they were dead golden phoenixes!”

  Perhaps seeing his father arriving, the younger son gained confidence and opened his mouth to mutter.

The voice was not loud, but Ren Yuanbo heard it clearly. He raised his hand and slapped his youngest son on the back of the head: "Shut your mouth!"

Golden Phoenix?

In front of the palace gate, the golden phoenix is ​​mentioned to death. Are you tired of living?

 Fortunately, no one except the father and son heard this sentence.

Shan Shen was standing on the other side, talking to someone about the chicken.

"That's not an ordinary chicken," he gritted his teeth. "That's the cockfight that His Highness the Crown Prince is watching happily. Do you understand? That's the chicken that His Highness was watching for fun a year ago. It fell down and died in full view of everyone. !”

After the words fell, those who knew that the prince was implicated remained silent, while those who were called to fetch people but did not know the inside story were dumbfounded.

 Continue to shout for monthly votes~~~

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