Yan Cigui

Chapter 395: You have to follow the doctor’s advice (two updates combined into one, please give me

 The rising sun rises in the east.

 The weather is cold in spring, and it has been late spring these past few days, so pedestrians are bundled up tightly.

Lin Yunyan returned home in a carriage, holding a hand stove and resting on a soft pillow.

 The car was getting slower and slower. She didn't open her eyes and only muttered to Wan Yue: "But we're here?"

Wanyue lifted a corner of the curtain and looked outside: "We have entered the alley."

 It’s just that there is still a short distance to go from the Zhengmen Gate of Fuguo, so why is the speed slowing down now?

Wan Yue was confused and wanted to ask Uncle Niu.

Before the words were spoken, she saw the answer first.

 There was a carriage in front of theirs. Just by looking at the frame, it was clear that it was not from an ordinary family, and it looked familiar.

Wan Yue thought for a while, turned around and said to Lin Yunyan: "Princess, it seems that the front is too, wrong, it is His Highness's carriage."

Lin Yunyan opened her eyes when she heard the words, leaned slightly, and looked through the curtain that Wan Yue had opened.

 “It’s really him.” Lin Yunyan curled her lips.

 Two carriages stopped at the Fuguogong Mansion.

Wang Gouzi jumped out of the car and was about to knock on the door. He turned around to see the car frame behind him, and then turned back to talk to Li Shao.

 Li Shao jumped off the car without stepping on the pedals.

Lin Yunyan also got out of the car and came forward to meet Li Shao.

"Why did you come back from outside so early in the morning?" Li Shao asked casually. After asking, he thought about it, "Oh, you rested in Cining Palace."

Lin Yunyan nodded and asked, "Why did His Highness come here so early in the morning? Are you looking for the Duke?"

Li Shao answered calmly: "Yes, I came here if I have some free time today."

Lin Yunyan smiled at Li Shao, and when she turned around and stepped up the steps, her smile was somewhat meaningful.

Wanyue has knocked on the door.

Lin Yunyan invited Li Shao into the mansion, walked around the screen wall, stamped her feet, and said: "Your Highness, let the steward lead you to sit in the flower hall, and I will inform the Duke."

There is nothing inappropriate about this arrangement, and Li Shao agrees.

Lin Yunyan handed the person to Xu Bai and quickly went to the main courtyard with Wan Yue.

In the room, Xu Jian was standing and stretching his muscles when he heard familiar footsteps. He moved from the second room to the middle room.

 The door curtain opened, and Lin Yunyan came in wrapped in a thick snow coat.

Because the cold wind was blowing, the tip of Lin Yunyan's nose turned red, which made her look a little pitiful. Fortunately, her ears were well covered by the hat and did not turn red.

 After standing still, she took off her snow coat and handed it to Wan Yue.

Xu Jian took two steps forward, raised his hand and put the back of his hand against Lin Yunyan's cheek. As expected, he felt a chill.

"Why did you come back so early?" Xu Jian asked her, "It's cold early in the morning, so why not sleep a little longer and have lunch with the Queen Mother before returning."

"The Empress Dowager woke up early and had breakfast with me." Lin Yunyan also raised her hand and held the back of Xu Jian's hand loosely. She had been holding the stove, but her hand was warm, and she said with a genuine smile, "You still said that I Morning, His Highness was one step ahead of me. I met him at the gate, and he seemed to be coming as soon as possible. "

Xu Jian clasped Lin Yunyan's fingers with his backhand, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Lin Yunyan knew what he was laughing at: "I thought he could hold on for another month or two, so I look up to him."

"It's been a month," Xu Jian commented, "which is pretty good for him. If there's been no movement in the past two days, it won't be him anymore."

Lin Yunyan couldn't help but laugh again: "Go to the flower hall now?"

"No," Xu Jian said directly, "At this time, it's time to ask a doctor for treatment."

Lin Yunyan immediately understood what he meant.

 In the flower hall, Xu Bai served Li Shao tea and snacks.

 After waiting for about half a quarter of an hour, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

 Wang Gouzi saw this and was a little anxious.

 The Duke of Fu Guo will not make His Highness wait for a long time like the previous time, right? I used that trick once, so I won't use it a second time...

“Your Highness,” Wang Gouzi comforted Li Shao, “The Duke’s legs and feet are inconvenient, so it’s normal for him to move slower. Please wait.”

Li Shao snorted lightly, drank the tea in his hand slowly, and then asked: "The main courtyard and flower hall of their Duke's Mansion can't be farther than the Jinluan Palace to the Yuqing Palace, right?"

Wang Gouzi was chattering and was about to say some more whitewashing words when he heard footsteps.

 He breathed a sigh of relief and went out to take a look.

 Here comes Grandma Ma.

Mother Ma saluted Li Shao first, and then followed Xu Jian's wishes and said: "Your Highness, Duke Chen is undergoing treatment at this time every day. I know you are here and I don't dare to keep you waiting, so I will let you This servant has come to ask you, do you want to move to Anpingyuan?"

Li Shao was stunned: "Anpingyuan?"

 “This is the courtyard where the Duke of Guo usually treats his injuries.” Mother Ma said.

After Wang Gouzi heard this, he felt uneasy for a while.

 What does it mean to be a auxiliary to the state?

 Speaking of a show of force, the one that was waiting for a long time before was a show of force, but now it is like this...

Wang Gouzi didn't understand it yet, he only saw Li Shao's brows relaxing a little.

 “Then go over.” Li Shao said.

Mama Ma quickly led the way: "Please."

Seeing Li Shao striding out with Mother Ma, Wang Gouzi lowered his shoulders.


Years ago, the imposing power was placed in front of me, and it seemed that this request for instructions was suddenly much smoother in His Highness's eyes.

 As long as you don’t mind.

Li Shao really didn't mind. Compared to letting him sit in the flower hall and have tea and wait for Xu Jian to show up at who-knows-what time, he felt that it was nothing to take a few steps to meet someone directly.

 After all, Xu Jian does treat injuries every day. Last time he came here around the same time in the early morning, he also caught up with the treatment.

What's more, Li Shao felt more at ease when he could see Xu Jian's treatment condition with his own eyes.

 The severity of the injury and the effectiveness of the treatment are much more accurate than others' feedback if you have seen it yourself.

 When he entered the room in Anpingyuan, he was greeted by a strong smell of medicinal oil. Li Shao was not prepared, and he sneezed several times.

 When he gasped and touched his nose, Lin Yunyan said: "The room cannot be ventilated. The smell is strong. Your Highness, please forgive me."

Li Shao glanced at the people present: "Don't you feel uncomfortable smelling it?"

 “I’m used to it.” Lin Yunyan said.

 Xu Jian sat on the couch and greeted Li Shao like this.

Li Shao held back his breath and leaned over to take a closer look.

The skin of Xu Jian's right leg was stained by medicated oil. It was yellowish and looked unhealthy. The doctor was massaging it. It didn't look like he was very strong, but he must have used skillful force. He massaged it all over his head. Sweat profusely.

 Xu Jian’s jaw was tense and she looked very uncomfortable. "How are you recovering?" Li Shao asked.

 Xu Jian did not answer, as if he was reluctant to speak.

Lin Yunyan spoke for him: "It has gotten much better than the period a year ago. After this period and the weather warms up, I will feel more comfortable."

Li Shao asked again: "When can I go to court? Do I have to wait until the weather warms up?"

Lin Yunyan's eyes shifted between Xu Jian and the doctor, and then she smiled helplessly at Li Shao.

 Li Shao didn’t understand.

Lin Yunyan asked Li Shao to borrow a step and walked to the other side. She deliberately kept her voice low and pretended not to let the two people hear her: "My lord, I really want to return to the imperial court as soon as possible. I feel that things have gotten much better these days." , the doctor disagreed and insisted on waiting a little longer..."

Li Shao understood. He looked at the two people in the room and asked curiously: "Can Xu Jian not be able to defeat a foreign doctor?"

"Since I have been treated by a doctor, I have to follow the doctor's orders," Lin Yunyan said. "Besides, this doctor was found by Prince Jin with great effort, and he is a guest..."

Li Shao laughed and was noncommittal.

After all, there was a doctor here, so Li Shao didn't want to mention court matters, so he simply sat down patiently.

The person is right in front of you. Although waiting is boring, it doesn't make you anxious.

 After the doctor exerted all his strength to press on Xu Jian for almost half an hour, he packed up the medicine box, bowed to Li Shao and retreated.

 Xu Jian also sorted things out and said, "Your Highness has been waiting for a long time."

Li Shao looked at Xu Jian and asked directly: "You are resting in the house. How much do you know about the affairs of the court?"

Xu Jian said: "It's not as clear as it was when I went to court every day. Only if there are more discussions outside, will it be reported to me."

Li Shao snorted: "Then let me tell you, every day is extremely boring. It's really boring without someone like you to enjoy the morning."

“Honestly,” Xu Jian cleared his throat, “The Holy Father is not very satisfied with my having fun in the morning.”

"Father is still not satisfied with those people with bad intentions who are looking for trouble for me all day long." Li Shao sneered, "So what? Those people stopped looking for me? They got worse and spent a lot of effort to remove me from my childhood throne. Pulled up."

 At this point, Li Shao paused and looked at Xu Jian for a moment: "Of course, you also contributed a lot."

 Xu Jian did not deny this.

Since Li Shao believes in something, if he just excuses himself, it will only be counterproductive.

"I was the one who arranged the small throne room," Xu Jian said. "I naturally hope that His Highness can sit on it properly. The ones mentioned by you and His Highness are still different."

 Xu Jian's words were in line with Li Shao's guess. He snorted again, but did not question Xu Jian's words.

“So,” Li Shao asked, “how do you want me to sit on it again?”

Xu Jian pursed her lower lip and pretended to think about it: "Your Highness, do you want to hear the truth?"

 “Tell me about it,” Li Shao said.

"It's not easy to sit on it again," Xu Jian finished. Seeing Li Shao's face darken, he added, "Of course, it can be easy."

Li Shao didn’t like hearing these pretentious words.

Xu Jian understood him and analyzed with him: "You have always had an advantage over other highnesses. You are the eldest son and the legitimate son of the late queen. You are too senior to the other highnesses. When they can really stand up and fight for the throne, will you? Can't they be more mature and stable, and have more court experience?

 This is easy for me to say, but what is not easy is that you are a waste prince. It is more difficult to get rid of this "waste" than to establish a new one.

  Not to mention the courtiers who have other plans, even those who have always been impartial, have a lot of worries and complaints about your previous affairs. The Holy Emperor must have made the decision to depose the prince after much consideration.

 You should work hard from now on to let the emperor and the courtiers see that you are a qualified and outstanding prince. You are the most suitable to inherit the throne. The emperor cannot just appoint a prince.

Not to mention ten years, it will take at least five or six years before people in the world think that it is child's play to change the emperor's decree overnight and to establish and depose the prince. "

Li Shao turned pale when he heard this "five or six years".

"More than five or six years?" Xu Jian said each word, beating into Li Shao's heart like a drum, "Let me say something that shouldn't be said. The Holy Spirit is in his prime, he is in good health, and he can still be a second or third officer. As an emperor for ten years or even forty or fifty years, before the collapse of heaven, as long as you are the crown prince, you are legitimate.

 A mere five or six years, what is it compared to 20 or 30 years?

 Are you still worried that you are not enough to be a crown prince? "

Li Shao's eyes widened and his breathing became heavier. Apparently Xu Jian persuaded him.

 After thinking for a while, he said: "I really don't know how many more brothers I will have until then."

"So what?" Xu Jian said, "You are eight or nine years older than His Highness, and you have ten years ahead of you. As long as you become the prince again, and you are a good prince, the Holy Emperor can depose you a second time. ?

Even if there is indeed a capable person among the young highnesses, don’t you have confidence in yourself?

 With how old you are, your status as eldest son, and so many years of experience, you can still let them get past you?

 Besides, at that time you even had emperors and grandchildren by your side.

 Those who are separated by generations are always closer, not to mention that the Holy One already loves and respects you the most. "

Li Shao was convinced.

He didn't look down on Li Mian and the others at all. Being compared to several younger brothers was a joke in Li Shao's heart.

As for Li Shao, he would have no difficulty in being a prince, as long as Xu Jian didn't create trouble for him and didn't let other people who had their own thoughts pick on him.

 He has been the prince for more than ten years.

 In terms of experience, he is extremely rich.

 “I want to do a good job,” Li Shao said while sitting back, “It’s a pity that even watching the government has been stopped.”

 Xu Jian understood the meaning of Li Shao's words and naturally said: "Leave this matter to me. I will definitely be able to convince the emperor to let you continue to observe the government in the six departments."

 Li Shao raised his chin and nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing this, Xu Jian added, "But before that, I hope that Your Highness will follow Sangu more often, take good daily classes, and don't act impulsively."

Upon hearing this, the corners of Li Shao's mouth dropped again.

 He still didn't like being controlled by Xu Jian like this.

Li Shao was about to argue with Xu Jian. Lin Yunyan, who was sitting by the side to add tea and had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke: "Your Highness, if a doctor is here, you must follow the doctor's orders."

Li Shao laughed angrily.

  Ning'an deserves to be called Ning'an.

Talk to him about what you just talked about.

He even had doubts that Ning An had prepared these words before.

Xu Jian gently pressed Lin Yunyan's hand, deliberately smoothed things over, and said to Li Shao: "Your Highness, although it doesn't sound good, I and the princess hope that you can make a comeback."

Li Shao bit his back molar.

If not for this, how could he sit here and listen to Xu Jian say so much?

“It’s half past February,” Li Shao said. “In March, will you be able to go to court?”

Lin Yunyan frowned and deliberately said something like "it's not warm enough" before she raised her head and was stopped by Xu Jian again.

"I am also anxious. I know it myself. It should be almost the beginning of March." Xu Jian said.

 The two of them sang opera very naturally.

Li Shao was now a little satisfied.

 After receiving this "accurate statement", Li Shao stood up and left.

 He would insist on holding on for another half month, and then we would see how Xu Jian could convince his father.

  Thanks to book friends 20200422080747982 and AX for their tips.

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