Yan Cigui

Chapter 425: Do you want to light a fire? (Two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 In the royal study room, you can hear a needle drop.

The Holy Father did not speak for a long time, his mouth tightened, and his jawline tightened.

What Xu Jian said was quite bold, but the Holy Emperor would not accuse him of being alarmist, but would try to analyze it carefully with a calm mind.

 After all, Li Jun has passed away.

 That is a living example.

 If we continue to judge based on common sense whether Li Du will be in danger, I am afraid it is no longer appropriate.

In case his second brother is really out, even if the soldiers are defeated, they must be with him ...

 Why did Li Jun make things difficult for him before?

 Because Li Jun is crazy enough.

When an ordinary person makes a move, every move is always planned, but when a lunatic makes a move, nothing happens and instead the opponent is blinded.

The Holy Spirit is now worried that, as Li Duzhen and Xu Jian said, he is addicted to killing and doesn't care anymore.

Then does he have a way to restrain Li Du?

  Of course there is.

 “If you want your minister to die, you will have to die...” the Holy Master murmured in a low voice.

This is what Li Jun said to Xu Jian. It is not difficult for a king to take human life.

 It's just that those who sit on the dragon throne will keep it in check.

 There is no king who does not want to be the master of enlightenment, and no king wants to leave a reputation after his death.

Even if Li Yi ascended to the throne by mistake, he should do it well and there is no reason to act recklessly.

 It is very easy to kill someone. What is difficult is to kill someone with reason and a good reputation.

“I,” the Holy Spirit sighed, “I know that if I attack my second brother in private, I should act quickly to minimize the disputes and conflicts in the court and resolve them quickly.

Then make a good list of his crimes. Although there is no evidence, it can stabilize the situation.

 But if there is another way, I don’t want to use this method...

Let me think about it again. "

 Xu Jian was not surprised when the Holy One said this.

 In other words, being rigid and abiding by the rules on some issues is the nature of the Holy Emperor.

Today, if a minister conspired to rebel, things would be simpler, but that person is the King of Jin and the elder brother of the Holy One. The Holy One will inevitably want to be more upright in his actions.

Xu Jian said: "This is a serious matter. I think the Empress Dowager will have a lot to say to you. Prince Ping fell ill, otherwise he would also have come to the palace."

“I want to go to Cining Palace,” the Holy Father said, and then told Eunuch Cao, “You can go down and see the emperor’s uncle on my behalf.”

 Xu Jian stood up and left.

Eunuch Cao saw him out all the way, with a heavy look on his face.

Xu Jian lowered her voice and said, "It's about the royal family, so I can't say too much. It's just Eunuch Cao, I'm really worried about it."

Eunuch Cao nodded, so why not?

“The surroundings of the Holy Land seem to be safe,” Xu Jian added. “There are so many people in front and behind, and the food and drink brought to the imperial court have been inspected, but they are used to using poison.

 At present, two types have been exposed, one has harmed King Ding, and the other has harmed the man in Yongji Palace.

In case of other things, the same thing is unknown, that is really defense. I don't know how to prevent it.

Originally, the man was still working step by step, planning to catch up from behind, and would not attack the Holy One directly. Now that he has changed his tactics, who knows whether he will act randomly. "

Eunuch Cao responded repeatedly: "What the Duke said is true."

"The most worrying thing is His Highness," Xu Jian gave a strong dose of medicine, "That dog belongs to the other party, and he will suddenly attack His Highness..."

Eunuch Cao’s expression became more and more serious.

Xu Jian made it clear and said no more.

 There are some things that he cannot say, but Eunuch Cao can.

If it is not convenient for Eunuch Cao to tell you, the Empress Dowager can probably tell you.

 Persuasion is like this. If you can get twice the result with half the effort, you don’t have to do it yourself.

 When Xu Jian returned to Qianbulang, there was already news of Li Jun's death.

It was inevitable. Shan Shen brought Wu Zuo into Yongji Palace, and Eunuch Cao also showed up. In addition, there were rumors that Prince Ping's palace was urgently recruiting an imperial doctor. News from all sources converged, and some outlines were gradually drawn up.

Li Shao was anxious, either curious or nervous, and his emotions disturbed him so much that he couldn't sit still at all.

I wanted Wang Gouzi to ask around, but I remembered Xu Jian’s reminder not long ago, but still didn’t speak.

 Therefore, as soon as Xu Jian came back, Li Shao couldn't wait to ask more questions.

"Why are you still looking for a coward? Someone died in Yongji Palace? A young **** died silently before. This time the battle is so big, who died? It can't be Li Jun himself, right?"

Xu Jian glanced at the officials outside in the courtyard who were pretending to be fine but actually wanted to hear the inside story. She made fists with her hands and coughed twice.

With such a straightforward reminder, the officials' faces turned red, and they were too embarrassed to listen to it, so they dispersed one after another.

There is a barking dog standing by the door, neither going in nor retreating.

 Xu Jian then said to Li Shao: "The man from Yongji Palace has passed away."

Li Shao's eyes suddenly widened.

 He was gloating about something big happening in Yongji Palace, but he really didn't expect Li Junzhen to die.


Li Jun was still in his prime, and Li Shao went there twice. Not only was Li Jun in good spirits, but he didn’t look sick at all. How could such a person die?

 “Accident?” Li Shao’s throat rolled, and he didn’t believe it.

 Xu Jian did not explain clearly: "Sir Shan is investigating."

 Because of this incident, Li Shao felt sleepy all afternoon.

 There were more and more rumors outside, and Wang Gouzi was also feeling scared. He intuitively felt that Li Jun's death was related to what he asked Eunuch Sun to deliver to his master yesterday.

If this is true, it proves that the news he reported is very important, and this should be his credit. However, Wang Gouzi did not dare to take credit at all. The smell of the coming rain made his back feel cold.

 After leaving the government office, Xu Jian returned to his mansion.

 As soon as the front leg entered the main room, the back leg Lin Yunyan also arrived.

 She just came back from Cining Palace.

It’s not that I deliberately went to inquire about any news. I had planned to enter the palace on this day to accompany the Empress Dowager and Concubine Wen to pay tribute, but I didn’t know that I would run into this.

 The two exchanged news.

 Xu Jian talked about what Shan Shen found in Yongji Palace, and Lin Yunyan talked about the communication between the Queen Mother and the Holy Emperor.

“When the Holy One came over, I avoided it and didn’t hear what the two of them said,” Lin Yunyan said, “but I accompanied the empress later and I could probably guess what she was thinking.

Since the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, except for the initial period, she has hardly interfered in court affairs, and all the harem has been handed over to the imperial concubine.

The empress pays great attention to the "measure" in doing things, but I think she may go overboard this time. "

   Yue Zudaidai is not a good word.

 It can be used between the Empress Dowager and the Holy Emperor, and it is not a bad word.

The Empress Dowager wanted to take action, not because she did not trust her Majesty, but on the contrary. It was because she understood His Majesty and agreed with the restraint that an emperor must have when dealing with court affairs, that she took action on his behalf.

 She can take the insults.

Xu Jian said: "The more the Empress Dowager is like this, the more the Holy Emperor will understand her."

 In terms of mutual support and consideration, this pair of mother and son who have no nurturing grace may actually be more important than the foster mother and son of Concubine Dong and Li Du.

"However, after much thought, I still haven't figured out what Li Du wants to do?" Lin Yunyan said, "Bing Xing is not that dangerous. Although he is used to docking his tail, this time his tail must be cut off to the root. ?”

Xu Jian poured her a cup of tea and said: "He was found on the head, and his identity was about to be revealed, so this move was unavoidable. However, his move was indeed unexpected, and Li Jun probably did not expect to be killed.

But he should have a back-up plan, and he must have had his own purpose in killing Li Jun. "

Lin Yunyan nodded: "Anyone who has received faster news now knows that Li Jun has passed away. There should be a lot of excitement in the morning tomorrow. Let's see how Li Du makes an attack."

“I hope he will be more eager so that the Holy One can make up his mind.” Xu Jian smiled.

 When Lin Yunyan heard this, an idea flashed through her mind.

“You’re not going anyway, do you want to light a fire?” she asked.

The two discussed it carefully for a few words. After deciding, Xu Jian prepared paper and ink, and Lin Yunyan simply wrote a letter, stamped it with wax, and Xuansu made a trip to send it to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

 After dinner, they got Lin Yu’s reply.

Lin Yue didn’t even prepare a note, and only dictated three words: Got it.

 The next day.

All the courtiers in the courtroom looked serious and gathered together in twos and threes, whispering and passing news to each other.

Lin Yue didn't go in, but just outside under the long corridor, he saw Uncle Ren Yuan coming slowly.

 The two of them met and greeted each other.

As he passed by, Ren Yuanbo paused slightly and said "Don't worry" in a low voice.

After entering the Jinluan Hall, after a few ordinary court words, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

 Someone asked directly about Yongji Palace.

The Holy One called out "Shan Aiqing". Shan Shen understood, took a step across and stood in the center of the hall, and spoke expressionlessly.

Everyone listened to his evidence before and after the case, and it was obvious that they treated Li Jun's death as a homicide. For a while, they all looked at each other.

 If you say something is wrong, it should be true, and do things with reason and evidence.


The person who died was Li Jun, a relative of the emperor and the elder brother of the Holy Emperor!

How could it be an ordinary murder?

 Think about it again, Ouch! Poison and murder! Even Li Jun dares to kill, who is going crazy? !

 Why kill him?

 He has been imprisoned by the late emperor for more than ten years!

 What happened?

Someone was anxious and asked Shan Shen: "Master Shan, where is the murderer?"

Shan Shen said with a straight face: "We are investigating."

 This answer obviously failed to calm down the discussion in the palace, but instead became louder and louder.

Lin Yuan looked past the officials and looked forward. Prince Ping reported that he was ill. Standing in front was Jin Wang Li Du.

Different from what Lin Yue had guessed, Li Du looked very calm, neither showing any indignation nor much sadness. He only nodded or shook his head slightly when the wise king spoke to him.

 Is this something you have in mind?

Or rather, Li Du had no intention of launching an attack at this time, so he was not in a hurry.

Lin Yuan looked back and saw Uncle Ren Yuan moving.

Ren Yuanbo coughed twice and said: "That man has lived in Yongji Palace for more than ten years and has been doing well. Even if we want to poison him, we should not go to him.

The only thing I can think of is Duke Fuguo.

Your Majesty, Duke Fu was ordered to visit Yongji Palace a few days ago, right?

 I don’t know why? "

After asking, Uncle Renyuan did not wait for the Holy One to speak, and continued to talk to himself: "Of course I am not doubting the Holy One. The Holy One will definitely not have any conflict with Yongji Palace. I just want to assist the Duke and His Highness at that time. During the meeting, the words were heated and there was no telling whether there was any conflict. Mr. Pian Guo did not go to court, and it is not clear whether they started to quarrel while talking..."

·Halfway through his words, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

“Uncle Ren Yuan, what do you mean by this?”

Uncle Ren Yuan looked at the sound and saw Uncle An Yi's fierce face.

Even if it seems familiar to you after seeing it too many times, you can’t help but be shocked.

“Uncle, I have something to say,” said Ren Yuanbo.

He originally reached a tacit agreement with Cheng Yi Bo to "provoke troubles".

The two of them are of the same age, so their relationship is okay, but they have different ambitions. He went to Dian Mao to go to court, while Uncle Cheng Yi originally aspired to go to court.

It's a pity that things are unpredictable. Dingguo Temple was on fire. After that, Cheng Zhenbo stopped thinking and lived a simple life in the Hanlin Academy.

Of course, they are both dianmao, and Lin Yuan is also better at dianmao than him.

 The only thing he is better than Lin Yu is that he has more children.

 If you win with numbers, you lose with ability.

 Most of the time he just got by and his children had no ambitions.

 The daughter is okay, but Princess Ning'an is outstanding, and no ordinary noble daughter can compare with her.

As for sons, Lin Yue did not have any biological sons, but his two nephews looked decent. Unlike his two sons, Shan Shen was not completely stamped as a "dandy" and was already Amitabha.

There was a line of people standing in the square in front of the palace gate, and it was really embarrassing when he came to receive people.

 It was so embarrassing that during the Chinese New Year, he drank wine with Uncle Zhenyi and drank bitterly.

 Fortunately, we had a friendship when we were young. Uncle Chengyi asked him for help privately last night, and he agreed after thinking about it.

When his father-in-law's sincerity doesn't worry about getting involved with the Duke of Fu, what does he have to worry about?

I thought it would be Lin Yu himself who stood up to refute him, but An Yibo couldn't help it.

 Come just come, it’s the same for everyone.

Uncle Renyuan raised his voice: "Uncle, otherwise you can tell me why something happened in Yongji Palace?"

An Yibo said coldly: "You're a bit out of breath today. I remember how many mouthfuls of garlic you took a few days ago? It's been five days, right?"

Ren Yuanbo's face turned red.

He was making a show of making trouble, why did he have to be told this in front of all the officials in the Jinluan Palace?

“What are you doing to bring up what happened five days ago?” he asked hurriedly.

"It was seven or eight days ago that Duke Nafu went to Yongji Palace. Why did you bring him up?" An Yibo asked in return.

Ren Yuanbo's face turned even redder.

 This is the same thing?

 with the old man, why do you still talk nonsense?

Uncle Ren Yuan was afraid of him, so he went on to ask the Holy One: "Your Majesty, why did Duke Rifu go to Yongji Palace that day?"

 His Majesty’s eyes were deep.

He knew that Lin Yuan and Uncle Ren Yuan had a good relationship, and that Uncle Ren Yuan had never interfered with these things. The attack today was probably not a serious attempt to cause trouble.

 But he still had lingering fears.


Li Du didn't seem to have any skill, but if he killed Li Jun, how could he not make a fuss about it?

 Those articles will not be as "gentle" as those of Ren Yuanbo.

 Questioning whether Xu Jian is fake, thereby questioning whether he, the king, is the real one.

 It's a good thing I didn't reach out to Yongji Palace, otherwise, I would have really made a fuss.

 Xu Jian is right.

time is limited.

Li Du won't give him much time, he can attack him step by step at any time.

 The Queen Mother’s meaning yesterday was also very clear. If he couldn’t move his hands easily, she would do it for him.

 The Holy Spirit took a deep breath.

His mother has helped him a lot, how could he let her do this again!

 He can personally order it.

 The teacher has a good reputation, this time, he gave up first. (End of chapter)

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