Yan Cigui

Chapter 427: You're the one who's crazy! (Two updates combined into one, asking for the m

 Cining Palace.

The Empress Dowager held Lin Yunyan's hand and patted it twice.

“Nonsense!” she said. “You know there are tigers in the mountains, but you still want to go to the Tiger Mountains! Is that where you should go?”

Just now, a message came from the royal study room.

The Queen Mother heard about the arrangement of the Holy Emperor and didn't say much at that time. After the others left, she couldn't help but preach a few words.

"Yi Aijia, this must be your own idea," she shook her head, "Xu Jian, too, doesn't advise you, but condones you!"

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and smiled, acquiescing.

The Empress Dowager said: "It's a lie to settle down the female family members. It's true if you want to hear Li Du say it with your own ears. It's just Yun Yan, it's too dangerous."

"I know you are worried about me," Lin Yunyan comforted, "but with so many people and Xu Jian around, I will be fine. Furthermore, as you said, I really want to hear what King Jin will do." say what…"

 The Empress Dowager let out a long sigh.

 The tragedy of that night at Dingguo Temple, more than ten years later, seems to have faded away, but in fact it still remains in the hearts of the bereaved families.

 She is, and so is Yun Yan.

Even though Yun Yan was still a one-and-a-half-year-old child at the time, losing her mother was still a lifelong pain.

It had been decided, Yun Yan insisted, and the Empress Dowager stopped persuading: "The Ai family originally thought that the Lord would have to wait for further investigations in various places before making a decision, but he didn't expect that it would be decided at the first court today. That's fine, It’s too early to do it, and with such a big thing on my mind, the Ai family can’t sleep well at night.”

Not long after, people from outside spread the word that Princess Baoying and Princess Derong had arrived.

   Grandpa Yue welcomed the people in.

"Ning'an is here too?" Princess Derong looked at Lin Yunyan and said, "It looks like she has grown taller."

Lin Yunyan salutes.

 As the late emperor's favorite daughter, Derong behaved very differently from her sisters.

Likes riding, shooting, and traveling. He traveled to many places before getting married, and he did not stop after getting married.

 Sometimes she goes with the consort, sometimes she goes alone.

And the consort Han Zhaoqing was also chosen by Derong himself, and his life was lively and lively, which was not bad.

The last time we met was during the Chinese New Year, Lin Yunyan accompanied the Queen Mother, and the eldest princess came to say hello.

The Chinese New Year is the perfect time for parents to chat and chat. The eldest princess became more interested that day and asked a lot about the young couple, including how they are in love with each other, how they are getting along, and when they will have a baby...

 But today, the eldest princess is obviously not that easy to talk to.

The eldest princess Baoying spoke first and said to the Empress Dowager: "The person who sent the message only asked me to come to Cining Palace. I didn't know the extra questions. I thought it was probably something about Yongji Palace. I didn't dare to delay and came here in a hurry. .

Mother, was the third child really killed?

 I don’t believe that the Holy One would find something to take his life. Then who killed the third child? "

“This is why I came to you,” the Empress Dowager said sternly, “You and Yun Yan will go to Prince Jin’s Mansion later...”

 At this point, she paused slightly and looked at Princess Derong.

Princess Baoying then said: "When someone came from the palace, Derong was at my place, so he came with me."

The Queen Mother asked: "Why are you looking for your aunt?"

Princess Derong said: "Yesterday I went to the imperial uncle's place and closed the door to thank guests. I can't worry about my aunt, so I might as well go there early in the morning."

 The Empress Dowager nodded slightly.

Since the Holy Spirit has set up a battle and wants to spread the matter in front of all civil and military officials, she doesn't have to avoid Derong here.

 The Queen Mother briefly explained the situation.

Princess Derong’s face turned blue and white in turns.

“You mean, the second brother poisoned the third brother?”

“Back then, was the second brother the real culprit hiding behind Dingguo Temple and Baoping Town?”

“He killed his eldest brother, had his third brother imprisoned by his father, and demoted his fourth brother to a commoner.”

 “He still wants to usurp the throne to this day?”

Princess Baoying told her not to worry, and then asked the Queen Mother carefully: "Really the second child? You can't make a mistake, right?"

The Empress Dowager said: "From the current information, it seems that he is very close. This is why I asked you to come. You can ask him face to face."

"Of course I want to ask him!" Princess Derong snatched the words and gritted her teeth, "He is really good at it! He caused a **** storm back then, but in the end he, the real culprit, stayed out of it!"

Princess Baoying frowned: "Derong, if you can't calm down like this, just stay in Cining Palace. Don't go over and cause trouble!"

Hearing this, Princess Derong turned her head and held her breath, but she didn't say anything urgently.

 It’s almost time.

The Queen Mother ordered a few people and asked Eunuch Yu to follow before letting them set off.

When the two carriages arrived outside the Jin Palace, the imperial forest had just finished decorating and surrounded the entire mansion.

 The leader is still Commander Tao.

The auxiliary Duke orders people, and Eunuch Cao presses the formation. Even if Commander Tao is confused, he still orders and prohibits them, and encircles them when given the opportunity.

Shan Shen and the people from Sansi also arrived and stood in front of the palace gate. You looked at me and I looked at you.

After all, he was more familiar with Xu Jian. Shan Shen touched his side and asked in a low voice: "Whose surname is Lao that I found out earlier? Is he from the King of Jin?"

“I’ll ask Mr. Shan to write down the confession in more detail later,” Xu Jian said.

Shan Shen looked around.

 The Third Division attaches great importance to it, and all the people who come are top leaders.

Even though Shan Shen was a top leader, he was still a little short compared to those three.

 Besides, it’s not like Shuntian Prefecture has never been tricked by the Third Division, so it’s more secure for them to do such important things as recording confessions themselves.

 After Xu Jian finished talking to Shan Shen, he stepped forward to salute the eldest princess and the eldest princess.

"The situation in the mansion is not clear. There may be dead soldiers. I am worried that King Jin will disobey his orders," he said. "I will wait for Yu Lin to go ahead and control the situation before you come in to avoid any surprises."

 Princess Baoying naturally has no objection.

 Xu Jian looked at Lin Yunyan again.

The two exchanged glances, each seeing excitement and caution in the other's eyes.

 There can be no mistakes in this step.

 The other side.

Li Du stood in the front hall with his hands behind his back.

 The steward looked anxiously and talked to him about the situation outside.

"Come here, just let them in," Li Du said as if he didn't care at all, "What? Do you still want me to go out and invite them in?"

The steward had no choice but to say: "I saw Princess Baoying's carriage."

"Aunt Baoying?" Li Du sneered, "In the past, when she came, she was both an elder and a guest. I had to welcome her. What does it mean today?" Although she really couldn't handle this.

Li Du added: "Tell the princess to stay well in the backyard. The things ahead have nothing to do with her."

 The steward had no choice but to go.

As soon as he walked out of the front hall, he heard chaotic footsteps not far away. It seemed that people from outside had already poured in.

He didn't dare to stop at all and ran back.

 Xu Jian and Tao Tongling walked in the front, all the way to the front hall.

With sharp eyes, Xu Jian saw Li Du standing in the hall from a distance away.

 He stopped outside the hall, raised his hands and saluted: "Prince Jin."

Li Du turned around and looked at him: "Hearing the voice, his steps are very fast. It seems that the doctor I have found for you is really quite capable."

“Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work. The recovery of your legs and feet is all thanks to that doctor.” Xu Jian changed the subject, “Why didn’t you see Eunuch Ye today?”

 Eunuch Ye is the chamberlain who came to the Duke's Mansion with the doctor several times before.

 In the past, when Li Du was walking outside, he was also accompanied by his chamberlain.

Li Du snorted and said, "You have such a big battle today. Why don't you come to my palace to find a chamberlain?"

 Xu Jian did not answer for the time being.

 There was a stalemate in the front hall, but there was constant movement everywhere else.

Yu Lin was looking for someone to arrest someone. All the people in the front yard were gathered, and they went to the backyard to look for someone.

Lin Yunyan also accompanied the eldest princess and the eldest princess into the mansion and went to the backyard.

Princess Jin's face turned pale. She held Princess Baoying's hand and asked, "Aunt, why is this? What has the prince committed?"

"You leave a nanny to wait in the house, and I'll take the rest of the people away first," Princess Baoying said calmly, "Don't be impulsive, I won't let you suffer anything here."

 Princess Jin Nuonuo responded.

At this point, what else can you do besides being obedient?

Princess Derong suddenly asked: "Where is Li Rong?"

Princess Jin shuddered: "I went out early in the morning, and I didn't know."

Li Rong is the son of the King of Jin and his wife. He is just eleven years old.

Princess Derong frowned: "Don't you run away?"

Lin Yunyan said: "The garrison in the capital has been notified before the siege of the mansion. As long as the person is still in the city, he will not be allowed to leave the city."

 But as the search progressed, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but shake her head secretly.

There are quite a lot of people in the Jin Palace, but Eunuch Ye and Eunuch Tong, who were originally registered, are nowhere to be seen, and there are not even dead soldiers.

When asked about Eunuch Ye, the servants couldn’t tell where he had gone.

When I asked about Eunuch Tong, he looked at me and me and said that there was no one named Tong in the house.

 The people in the Third Division were confused.

 What kind of father-in-law?

Li Du was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, eating tea by himself. Hearing this, he asked again: "Xu Jian, are you really here to find a servant in my palace?"

Xu Jian curled her lips and said in no hurry: "Your Majesty, there are many servants I want to find, including Tong Gonggong, or Lao Gonggong, and a monkey-faced one, but I won't look for them in your house."

The fact that others are here does not mean that the people are only surrounding the Jin Palace.

The house in the name of Lao Gonggong is the place he really wants to surround.

At the other end, the commander of Wantang led the team, followed by Shen Chen and Xuan Su, and the people guarding the Yamen went to search.

Of course, Xu Jian can’t say how much the harvest will be.

If he took one more step, how could Li Du take one less step?

Judging from Li Du's contented look, it can be seen that he expected the house to be besieged today, or in other words, Li Du was waiting for them to besieged.

"Did you kill that person in Yongji Palace?" Xu Jian asked, "The **** there, Eunuch Sun, came in and out of the house several times. The real owner's surname was Lao, who was Eunuch Lao who had served you for several years. Before that, he also served your birth mother, Zhang Xuanxuan..."

 A series of clues, one by one.

Li Du did not interrupt, and listened with his eyes lowered. He also heard the gasps from others.

Shan Shen wrote quickly with a pen in his hand.

Had he not been able to free his hands, he would have wanted to touch his cheek.

 Be good!

 It’s so scary behind the scenes!

Even if he knows a little bit about it, he can't help but gasp.

When he glanced at the elders of the Third Division from the corner of his eye, Shan Shen felt more balanced.

Those people are already out of breath!

 It became more and more obvious that Shan Fuyin was well-informed.

After a long while, Li Du put down the tea cup and said: "Kill Li Jun, kill Concubine Dong, massacre Baoping Town, burn down Dingguo Temple, install a king in Li Mi's place for six years, and use the king to poison him for six years." Li Cang, so many crimes are covered at once. "

Li Du slowly stood up and laughed: "It's hard for the sixth man. It's not easy to cite so many charges."

Princess Derong asked anxiously: "Second brother wants to say, sixth brother has wronged you?"

Li Du squinted at her with a meaningful smile: "How could it be? I really feel sorry for Lao Liu. Why does he need so many reasons to kill me? But he still works so hard just for a good reputation!"

The subject of the conversation suddenly changed, and Li Du added: "I'm also laughing at myself. If I hadn't been for a 'just name', would he, Li Yi, be alive today? I want to kill him easily!"

Xu Jian said: "So, the prince has confessed his crime?"

"I am guilty," Li Du's expression became fierce as he said word by word, "I am guilty of being too naive!

  The throne should clearly be mine, but I got rid of Li Cang, and Li Jun and Li Mi were also eliminated. Who else could beat me who had the ability and ideas to fight for the throne?

 But it happened that Li Yi came to interfere!

Had I known this, I would not have let him walk out of Baoping alive that day! "

Lin Yunyan said in a deep voice: "Are these more of the prince's mistakes?

The thieves' attack on Baoping that day was just for show, and there was no part of killing the Holy Emperor at all.

 In other words, according to your expectations, the Holy Spirit may not appear in Baoping at all. "

Li Du seemed to be irritated when he mentioned what happened that night, and even his neck turned red.

“Ha!” Li Du laughed, full of ridicule, “Li Yi is obsessed with finding the real culprit who set fire to Dingguo Temple! But who is the culprit? Let me tell you, the culprit is himself!

I originally thought that if Baoping was in danger, at most some people would be sent to the mountain to help him. When the fire broke out in the temple, the rescuers would go back. Baoping would have enough time to tidy up the arrangements without leaving any worries.

 But how could I have imagined that my innocent sixth brother would actually lead people down the mountain?

I didn’t even expect that his short-lived wife fell into a deep sleep and burned to death inside!

 Do you think that because Li Yi is heartbroken and wants to live or die, I won't feel bad?

I have worked so hard to arrange so many things in Baoping, but Dingguo Temple stole the spotlight. The yamen were all in a hurry to check the fire, and did not pay so much attention to the thieves!

Thanks to Li Mi being stupid enough to be coaxed by Wang Liusi and then shouting that he wanted to suppress the bandits, this plan was not in vain! "

Princess Baoying scolded: "They say Lao San is crazy, but I think you are the crazy one! How many people have you killed for your ambition? You said you didn't want to kill anyone in Dingguo Temple, but How many people were actually burned to death?”

"I don't want to see them die more than anyone else!" Li Du interrupted the eldest princess's words loudly, and looked at Lin Yunyan fiercely, "Why should I kill them? If the Xia family hadn't died, if Shen Yun hadn't died with the Xia family, At the same time, the Empress Dowager felt pity and heartache but could not let go. He, Li Yi, may not be destined to be the emperor!" (End of Chapter)

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