Yan Cigui

Chapter 429: The building is empty (two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

The words were said in amusement, but no one who listened could laugh at this moment.

Li Du looked deeply at Xu Jian, emotions surging in his dark eyes.

He thought that Xu Jian was as cautious and calm as he had expected.

Even when his opponent was "already defeated" and Xu Jian should have enjoyed victory, the Duke did not show any flaws.

 Him will not be arrogant or complacent, nor will he boast about his achievements.

Li Du disparaged himself and praised Xu Jian, or further threatened Xu Jian with a few words, but Xu Jian would not be distracted.


If you don’t have such stable coping habits, how can you get away with it every time?

Xu Jianming secretly tricked Li Shao several times, but whenever he had the slightest hint of guilt, Li Yi would see it.

 But unfortunately, Li Yi trusted Xu Jian very much.


Thinking about this, Li Du wanted to scold Li Yi for being stupid.

Li Shao is obviously the most precious person, but Xu Jian, who has malicious intentions, is placed next to Li Shao.

However, then again, even he, Li Du, didn't see through what shocking array Xu Jian was planning, so it was not surprising that Li Yi didn't see it.

Thinking like this, Li Du's eyes fell on Eunuch Cao again.

Eunuch Cao’s heart is like a bright mirror.

He remembered that His Highness also complained to the Holy Emperor in the royal study, saying that Duke Fu Guo was plotting against him secretly.

 The Holy Spirit did not listen at that time.

Today these words came out of the mouth of King Jin again...

 It’s not a question of whether you believe it or not, but it’s a matter of priorities.

 For the Holy Spirit, the most important thing at the moment is to deal with King Jin and clear away all these old worries.

Meeting the matter between His Highness and the Duke of Fu at this moment will only make the situation more and more muddy, but it will actually serve the purpose of King Jin.

 Furthermore, His Highness complained on the same day, and he still got along well with Fuguo Gong in the following months.

From this point of view, 80% of the time he was provoked.

“Your Majesty,” Eunuch Cao urged, “we have made arrangements outside, so you’d better not waste any time.”

With his words, several of the "escorting" imperial guards also stepped forward, with an obvious persecution posture.

Li Du snorted, no longer staying, and strode out.

 Several officials from the Third Division chatted with Shan Shen and assigned work to each other.

Shan Shen turned to Xu Jian and asked, "What plans will the Duke make soon?"

“Commander Wan has sent his envoy to record the records of Eunuch Lao’s house. I want to go over and have a look.” Xu Jian thought for a while and said, “It will take a few adults to work hard to question the people detained in the palace.”

Shan Shen said: "It should be, it should be."

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and Xu Jian said to Shan Shen again: "Master Shan, I will go over now. If the princess asks about it later, please let her go back to Cining Palace with the eldest princess to recover. Don't worry. Here I am.”

Shan Shen is busy responding.

 Following the way he came, Xu Jian walked out of the Jin Palace.

The Royal Forest Army was dispatched to surround the mansion. Such a big movement had already alarmed the nearby neighbors.

As the news spread, many people came over, pointing and muttering at the palace gate from a distance.

 Some people said that the carriages of the emperor's relatives were gorgeous, while others asked what the king of Jin had committed.

 Xu Jian took the horse's rope, got on his horse, skillfully avoided the crowd, and arrived at another house.

 This place has been taken over by the garrison office.

Xu Jian entered the gate, walked around the screen wall, and looked at the front hall not far away.

He had already seen the layout of this house in the Yamen's files.

Going forward and backward, there is a courtyard on the west side. It is not a small house in the capital, but it cannot be called a big house.

Wantang's loud voice came from the west courtyard, angrily: "This wall looks newly built. I'm not blind. If you smash it, smash it quickly!"

Xu Jian followed the sound and asked, "What wall did Mr. Wan smash?"

When Wantang heard this, he turned around and said: "Master Guo, next time I'll let Lao Dan handle the matter of raiding the house! We'll guard the Yamen and follow the rules..."

According to the rules, it is not their job to copy a house in the capital without any reason.

That is to say, the personal entourage of Duke Fu came over and held the sign of the imperial study room. Wantang kept ordering troops and generals all the time.

Xu Jian chuckled lightly: "Master Shan followed me elsewhere. If this happens again next time, can you change it?"

Wantang said quickly: "Where else?"

 “Prince Jin’s Mansion.” Xu Jian answered lightly and casually.

Wantang’s loud voice was immediately shut up.

 Be good!

 Prince Jin’s Mansion?

 Lao Dan all gathered around the palace, it was so exciting!

“Switch, I’ll definitely switch with him!” Wantang patted his thigh and said, “But why…”

As soon as the words came out, he reacted on his own.

Early in the morning, there was talk that the man in Yongji Palace was murdered, and in the morning they surrounded the Jin Palace. It is most likely related.

The royal brothers drew their swords at each other. The matter was not trivial, but the difficulty was actually not that great.

Of course, Wantang refers to the difficulty of besieging the house and seizing people.

 When you do things according to the holy orders, you have a piece of sky above your head, a flat ground under your feet, and you feel very at ease.

It's much simpler than the house in Chenmi Hutong where one's eyes were completely black and one couldn't tell if he met a person or a ghost.

Xu Jian looked at Mr. Wan's face that kept changing over and over again, and knew that he must have remembered the unfortunate thing that happened to Li Shao again, so he asked, "Did you just talk about smashing the wall?"

"Yes," Wantang came back to his senses and pointed at a wall and said, "It's brand new, and the wall isn't even dry yet."

“That doesn’t have to be smashed.” Xu Jian said when he saw Xuan Su coming, he motioned to him.

Xuan Su understood, jumped up onto the wall, and looked to the other side.

Once he went up, he didn't rush down. He stood straight on the wall and looked around in circles.

Wantang was anxious and asked urgently: "What should I say? What's on the other end?"

“The house next door,” Xuan Su came down and reported to Xu Jian, “I searched it all over and found that the building was empty. This area is full of residential buildings and is usually inhabited.

I just went to inquire about it, and they said that people occasionally come in to this house, and sometimes I hear some walking noises, and there are occasional lights at night. It doesn't look like the house has been occupied for a long time, but more like the owner is away and one or two housekeepers are left. thing.

Behind this wall is the courtyard next door. People were shocked when they first saw the small standing wall. "

Upon hearing this, Wantang directly drew the sword from his waist and struck on the wall.

 This knock gives a clue.

Only the outermost layer has been newly painted, but the wall tiles inside are still old, and are neatly aligned with the wall tiles behind the old wall next to it.

"What's wrong?" Wantang's eyes widened in anger, "Are you kidding me?"

Xu Jian said: "Then Eunuch Sun came over and stayed for a while before leaving. It is believed that he has seen people.

According to those who followed him, when he first came here, no one else came in or out of the gate from the time Eunuch Sun came in.

The second time he walked around the back of the house, the back door never opened. "

Wantang understood: "What the Duke means is that there must be a road in this house, but it's not in the open. We haven't discovered it yet?" Xu Jian nodded.

Wan Tang got excited: "It's not like I, Wan, have never dug a house before. I still dig three feet into the ground. I don't believe I can't dig it out!"

 After saying that, Wantang called his men and made arrangements.

Xu Jian went into the room across the courtyard and looked around, then left the moon cave door and walked along the corridor to the second entrance.

 “Find a way!”

  called Shen Chen.

Xu Jian heard the sound and went over, looking at the passage hidden in the ear room and blocked by several large shelves.

There was no light inside, it was pitch black and I don’t know how long it was.

Xu Jian did not go in rashly and asked Shen Chen to call Wantang.

When Wantang heard about the discovery, he stopped asking people to dig the ground and came over with a group of people.

"I'll be the vanguard." He lit the fire in one hand, held the sword in the other, and strode in.

 When I started walking, I found that the passage was shorter than expected.

Turn a corner, pry open the wooden door at the end, and then there is another corridor.

After walking around in circles for about a quarter of an hour, we finally arrived at a house.

This house was also quiet, there was no other movement.

Xuan Su climbed up to the roof this time, looked around, and gave them directions: "It turned out that the house was over there, and Prince Jin's Mansion was over there, not far away. There are three entrances to this house, and there are courtyards on the left and right. The place is really It’s not that small anymore. It’s the third one now.”

  The people guarding the Yamen spread out and searched one after another.

 The final result is naturally that the buildings will be empty.

 Xu Jian walked into the main room.

Everything inside has been packed away, and there are no handwritten notes on any major cases.

The window opens, and there are large green bamboos outside.

 Xu Jian turned elsewhere.

In a house, he found a medicine grinder, with some finely divided medicine powder still vaguely left in the grinding groove.

Xu Jian thought for a while, picked out the handy tools from the shelf, wrapped some up, and handed them to Shen Chen: "After that, give them to Mr. Shan."

Wantang returned from a tour and said to Xu Jian: "There are at least twenty people living here. They walked in a hurry but not in a disorderly manner. They kept the bedding and took away some of their belongings. I just asked people to ask around, and they seemed to say There was some movement last night.”

Xu Jian said: "I see that the main house at the back has heavy traces of daily life. I think the King of Jin often stayed here. It is so frequent that he would not enter and leave through the gate. Master Wan will search again later. There are probably passages in this house that lead all the way to Jin." Prince's Mansion."

 Wantang should come down.

 Xu Jian returned to the original route and entered the palace to resume his duties.

 In the imperial study room, the Holy Master looked very solemn.

Eunuch Cao had already returned first. He came out to greet Xu Jian and whispered: "The King of Jin is keeping him in the dungeon. He seems to be quite cooperative.

 The Zajia family had just reported the story of the siege to the emperor, and the emperor was very angry.

 What gains did the Duke get from his place? "

Xu Jian whispered: "No one was caught. They all ran away. I met people from Shuntian Mansion at the palace gate. They said that there is no whereabouts of His Highness Li Rong for the time being. I guess..."

 Halfway through the words, Eunuch Cao understood and sighed.

 After entering, Xu Jian saluted and then reported the conditions of the two houses one by one.

The Holy Master closed his eyes after listening, thought for a while, and said, "So, the servants, dead men, etc. that Li Du kept in the house ran away last night?"

At that time, he had not yet made up his mind to take action, but he gave Li Du a chance to arrange the "future affairs".

At dawn today, as soon as the city gate opened, he had already disappeared.

 Even Li Rong can run away.

Xu Jian said: "Since the King of Jin thought that you would attack first, sent everyone away in advance, and made arrangements for His Highness Li Rong, why didn't he leave?"

With the ability of King Jin, it is not difficult to sneak out of the city.

As for giving up everything by leaving, then why not give up now?

  The green hills are still there, so you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

 It’s better to have a chance than to die here.

 All the actions of King Jin are more like "going with the flow".

  From the moment he attacked Li Jun, he had to go to court and go back to his hometown, waiting step by step for the Holy Emperor to take action first, while his subordinates Eunuch Ye, Eunuch Tong and others disappeared.

  "Death alone, so that others can survive?" The Holy Spirit murmured, stroking his beard, and shook his head again, "He is not this kind of person, what on earth is he thinking? Does he think that I dare not kill him?"

In front of Princess Baoying and officials from the Third Division, Li Du admitted that he had planned the incident between Baoping Town and Dingguo Temple, that he had murdered his adoptive mother, Concubine Dong, and that he had poisoned Li Jun. These charges were enough for the Holy Emperor He was convicted.

  It can be said that it is justified.

Even if the Holy Emperor goes to see the late Emperor in the future, he will be able to explain why he attacked his brother more than ten years later.

It can’t be true, as Li Du himself said, that the road is dead, and at the last moment he just wants to make the cause of Zhang Xuanshi’s death public, right?

The Holy Spirit stood up and said, "I will go see him personally."

Eunuch Cao hurriedly followed.

"Your Majesty," Xu Jian advised, "in my opinion, it is better to make a decision as soon as possible. Since we don't know what King Jin is still thinking about, it is better to make a decision earlier to avoid long nights and dreams."

Sheng Shangyan, raised his hand to pat the shoulder of Xu Jian to show that he heard it, but did not comment, just said: "You go with me."

 Xu Jian followed the Holy Master out of the imperial study.

Eunuch Cao led the way. Xu Jian fell a few steps behind and looked at the Holy Master's back.

Based on his understanding of the Holy Sage, the Holy Sage would definitely kill Li Du, but he would not issue an order immediately.

The government is in a hurry today because they are afraid of public opinion in the court and do not want to trouble the Queen Mother. But now that the victory is in hand, the Holy One will not be too anxious.

The situation is very good, so good that there is enough time for the people below to find out the case and clarify the details, thoroughly and thoughtfully.

 Then, when the courtiers made suggestions and asked for Li Du's death, it was time for the Holy Emperor to take action.

 Being like this cannot be considered a bad thing for the emperor. In many cases, it can even be said to be extremely correct, but it happened that they were facing Li Du.

Li Du's behavior of throwing himself into a trap is so strange.

 Xu Jian couldn't rest assured, so he wanted to make an early decision.

 He has to find another chance to convince the Holy Father.

The Imperial City Dungeon is very remote. The closer you get, the more gloomy and cold it feels.

Before entering, the Holy Master stopped and whispered to Xu Jian: "I know you are worried about causing trouble, and I am worried too, but right now Li Rong's whereabouts are unknown. Li Du is alive and can still be used as bait. Once Li Du dies, Li Rong will no longer show up. ”

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows and said, "That's what you said."

 Several people entered the dungeon.

 The cold air is coming.

Xu Jian squinted her eyes to adjust to the dimness inside, and then saw Li Du who was locked in a cell deep inside.

Li Du sat against the wall, raised his head to look at the person who came, curled his lips, and smiled secretly and provocatively: "Who do I think I am, my sixth brother is actually here in person."

Thanks to the book friends who have a long road to learn piano and a small yard for their reward.

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