Yan Cigui

Chapter 432: Local snake (two updates in one, please vote for me)

After hearing this, Xu Jian commented: "You are quite clever."

Su Chang grinned and tried to force out a smile: "I dare not say that he is clever."

Xu Jian asked again: "Do you know what business Su Yidu is doing now?"

Su Chang's smile suddenly became more awkward.

His eyes were covered, and the cloth was so tight that he couldn't even see the hazy shadow.

 When your sight is blocked, you will naturally feel more uneasy.

 He licked his lips and did not hold his mouth.

 For him, chattering about a lot of things that he has and doesn’t have can actually make him feel more at ease.

"I really didn't lie to you last time. Although I had some friendship with Su Yi in the past, it was not a relationship where I worked for him, and he wouldn't tell me everything."

“I used to think that Su Yi had some dealings with this place, and they were talking about doing business.”

“Gu Yue is no better than you in Dashun. The land of Dashun is vast and rich in resources. What Gu Yue can get are some spices and horses from the Western Regions. The two parties can negotiate a good price for mutual benefit.”

"Su Yi said that their achievements in public affairs are considered as their ability to stand upright in the officialdom, and they can earn some money privately. We merchants who follow behind can drink hot soup."

"If nothing else, since the first time Da Su was envoyed to Dashun and the two parties had sincere exchanges, the officers and soldiers have protected the merchants. With the prosperity of Dashun in recent years, the importance of merchants has been raised to a higher level, especially Outside the customs, we are rarely robbed by horse thieves. It is safe and worry-free for us to transport goods, so I actively participated in the mission. "

  “When it comes to making money, why don’t you pay more attention to it?”

“But now I know that what you are surrounding is Prince Jin’s Mansion.”

"Prince Jin is different from Su Yi. He doesn't just want merit and money. He, he seems to have killed his younger brother in Yongji Palace, right? People outside say he wants to rebel!"

"Prince Jin was looking for Su Yi before anything happened. Su Yi was just dragged into the water. If Su Yi and Prince Jin were not money-making partners in the first place, but were partners in rebellion, wouldn't I be doomed too? "

 “That’s why I want to run!”

Su Chang became more and more excited as he talked.

 This is what he said from the bottom of his heart.

He has been a merchant all his life, and the difference between doing business is big or small. He doesn't want to become an official, let alone make money and spend it!

"I don't know who you are, but I didn't tell a lie," Su Chang said anxiously, "Look, I really want to give my life to Su Yi. I was kidnapped last time, but after I turned around I will tell Su Yi immediately.

Su Yi knew that something was wrong with me, and when he asked me again, he told me that I was a "Tong Gonggong". If he didn't kill me, the King of Jin who cooperated with him would definitely kill me too.

I am living a good life because I just want to make money and not be a scout. "

Su Chang nodded heavily and analyzed his mentality word by word: "I really just want to make money, I don't want to get involved in rebellion!"

Seeing him so eager to prove his "innocence", Xu Jian couldn't help but laugh.

“Su Chang,” Xu Jian said, “this is the capital of Dashun, at the feet of the emperor.

 You want to make a living here, and you want to take over your family, but you look to Su Yi as your backer. Don't you think clearly enough?

Far water cannot save a nearby fire, and a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake.

 What's more, Su Yi is not a strong dragon. "

“Yes, yes, yes!” Su Chang is worthy of being a businessman, with a quick mind and a sharp tongue. “I am originally from Guyue, and I learned Chinese to do business with Dashun.

When I first entered the industry, there were few opportunities, so I turned to Su Yi and started slowly relying on the little benefits that slipped through his fingers.

If I continue to go out and enter the customs to transport goods, I will follow Su Yi and figure out the right path. But now that I am focusing on this place, I will definitely have to worship the mountain again.

 I think it clearly.

You are a local snake. I will follow you. If there is any news from Su Yi, I will report it to you! "

 Xu Jian doesn't like the identity of "local snake" very much.

Of course, he would not break up with Su Chang over this.

It is impossible for him to really protect Su Chang. This businessman is accustomed to adapting to the wind. If he can betray Su Yi, he will naturally be able to betray him in the future.

But this does not prevent Xu Jian from digging out more information from Su Chang.

“What else has Su Yi done since the envoys returned to Gu Yue last time?” Xu Jian asked.

Su Chang said with a smile: "I have been doing business here, and Gu Yue's information is not well-informed."

As soon as the words fell, the surroundings became quiet.

Su Chang couldn't hear the other party's reply. He only heard the slow and low knocking sound of "dongdongdong".

 This is the opponent tapping the handrail with his knuckles.

It was obviously not heavy, but it was as loud as a drum, and it seemed to be knocking on his heart and lungs.



Su Chang recited these two words silently.

Having said all that, if he still conceals something and angers the other party and makes them really have murderous intentions, wouldn't he suffer a big loss?

"No, but!" Su Chang took a deep breath, "I heard that Su Yi came to Dashun several times in the past few years. Secretly, the arrangements for him here were all made through his support like me. Businessman getting up.

 I heard it mentioned by people in the envoy, but of course I had never arranged that for Su Yi.

 Perhaps it’s because I just opened a shop in Beijing?

 Perhaps after a few years I have established myself and Su Yi will contact me when he comes. "

Su Chang spoke carefully.

 One is to send out some information, and the other is to show some of one's own value.

 With the King of Jin being captured, the nobles in Dashun would also like to meet Su Yi for a while.

 But if force comes, it will not be conducive to the harmony between Dashun and Gu Yue, so a private "discussion" will save a lot of trouble.

 And Su Chang can one day grasp Su Yi's whereabouts, which in his own opinion is a good "selling point".

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't care about his "last few years" at all, but asked about his "previous few years".

“You came here secretly?” Xu Jian asked, “It takes a long time to go back and forth between Gu Yue and Dashun, even if you don’t reach the capital. As an official of Gu Yue, Su Yi can take leave for so long?”

"Really?" Su Chang was stunned when he heard this. He really had not thought about this before. "Before I came to Dashun, I had never heard that Su Yi had taken leave for a long time. But the people in the envoy chatted casually and he What are you lying to me about?

Your Excellency, I don’t know whether Su Yi is sick or on leave, but I am definitely not telling lies! "

"According to your words," Xu Jian paused and gave him a piece of string. "The King of Jin sent Su Yi an urgent and secret letter. Wouldn't Su Yi secretly come to Dashun from Gu Yue to rescue people?"

"How did I know..." Su Chang curled his lips, and after muttering, he realized something was wrong, and hurriedly tried to make up for it, "The two places are so far away, and King Jin will probably be too cold by the time Su Yi gets here. Or should you Dashun really have to wait? Is it true that you don't even use the knife in autumn or spring or summer?

 Besides, Su Yi is a civil servant. He has no troops, and even if he does, he cannot enter Dashun. What can he do to save the King of Jin?

 We can’t let us traders rush in, right?

However, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst. I sent this secret letter from King Jin. If Su Yi takes action, he should also contact me.

 Don't worry, sir, I will report it to you as soon as I receive the news, so that you can make preparations early. "

"Oh?" Xu Jian asked again, "That's nice. Contact me when the time comes. Do you know where to contact me?"

Su Chang doesn’t know.

Su Chang didn’t even know the other party’s identity.

  Twice, he came and walked in a coma, and when he woke up he was blindfolded, so he had no way of knowing.

"Then you..." Su Chang asked tentatively.

"If you have any news, hang up two strings of red lanterns at the door of your shop and light them during the day. Someone will come to your door." Xu Jian said. Upon hearing this, Su Chang was sure that his life was safe and he hurriedly responded.

 Xu Jian stood up and left.

Su Chang subconsciously shrank his neck when he heard the movement in the room.

Soon, another hand knife struck, and Su Chang lost consciousness. Then, Shen Chen arranged the people into the carriage and sent them back to West Street.

 Xu Jian walked steadily towards the main courtyard.

Halfway along the way, a nanny came to report that the princess had returned to the house, so he stepped up his pace.

 The two of them met outside the main courtyard gate.

Under the setting sun, Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Jian, bent her eyes and smiled.

 She felt a little tired that day.

 It’s not about how hard it was or how much effort was put into it, but the strings in my heart were always tense and I couldn’t relax.

Even if she saw Li Du being taken away by Yu Lin with her own eyes, she was only relieved, but not completely relieved.

 Li Rong is missing.

 Eunuch Tong and others are gone.

Li Du acted strangely and seemed to have other plans.

Lin Yunyan thought that perhaps she could only feel at ease when she waited for Li Du's death.


Maybe she won't be able to relax until the day when the Holy Emperor is completely disappointed with Li Shao and when she and Xu Jian will never make the same mistakes again.

 Xu Jian walked towards Lin Yunyan, naturally took her hand, and the two of them walked into the yard together.

Lin Yunyan followed Xu Jian's steps and clasped her fingers with him slightly.

 Put your palms together, the body heat transmitted through them is warm.

As Lin Yunyan left, she talked about her situation: "Princess Jin is temporarily placed in the palace, and the Queen Mother has arranged for someone to watch her.

Her mother and sister-in-law came to Cining Palace to plead for mercy, saying that King Jin had committed the crime and that the princess had no knowledge of it, nor did her family.

I dare not plead guilty, I can only hope to save the princess's life.

The Queen Mother did not say whether it was accurate or not. "

 Xu Jian asked: "How is your health?"

Lin Yunyan is also very concerned about this matter.

 The Empress Dowager knew the cause of King Ding's death last time and was ill. This time the real culprit of poisoning and arson was caught. The Empress must have been in a state of high spirits.

"She doesn't look too good," Lin Yunyan said. "The eldest princess Baoying stayed with her and talked for a while. The eldest princess Derong was there, but rarely spoke.

 Before I came back, I asked the eldest princess, she usually talks a lot, why is she so silent today?

She said that after all, they were all brothers and sisters, and she had emotions in her heart at this point. Besides, she used to talk a lot and talk back quickly. Now she is so angry with Prince Jin that she might not be able to suppress it in Cining Palace. Swearing. "

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows.

Based on his understanding of the little princess, Lin Yunyan would not bring up such a trivial matter with him for no reason.

As expected, although Lin Yunyan hesitated, she continued: "The King of Jin is very strange. When we surrounded him, why did he turn to the eldest princess several times?

 Yes, the other princes were not present, only the eldest princess was.

Rather than asking the eldest princess if she would fight for the boy, he might as well drag the absent King and others into the water. "

Xu Jian had some dealings with several princes, but as a eldest princess, she really didn’t know much about them.

“That year, when my father found us, he mentioned it,” Xu Jian said, “that Princess Derong may have passed away.”

 As noble as Princess Derong, whether she dies of illness or encounters an accident, her life or death will be explained.

  But it’s just “very likely”.

 It is groundless, there are such rumors, I think it is probably true.

 Without an explanation, it means that the cause of death cannot be clearly stated, and even death is inconvenient to publicize.

What on earth was she involved in?

"Li Shao acted ruthlessly. He even dared to trap the Holy Emperor, and he would not hide it when he killed the eldest princess," Xu Jian analyzed. "If the eldest princess didn't have a conflict with Li Shao, she would most likely have fallen out with Li Du. ”

 As for the reason for falling out, what is the reason?

 For a while, it was difficult to come up with a clear answer.

 After talking about the situation at Cining Palace, Xu Jianjian told Lin Yunyan about his day's progress.

When Lin Yunyan heard what Su Chang said, she frowned and asked, "How is Gu Yue's military strength?"

 Xu Jian immediately understood what she was thinking.

 He is far away from the border and has resigned from the Ministry of War. He is no longer in that position, so he does not know his recent situation.

But after all, he had been in charge of important matters and knew several operations well. He thought about it and said: "When I was still at the Ministry of War, I saw the reports of the spies in Gu Yue. Gu Yue is located outside the Great Wall, and the training of troops is only enough for self-protection. I think It would be difficult to invade other small countries in the Western Region, let alone invade Yumen from the east. "

“Gu Yue formed an alliance with us to contain Xiliang,” Lin Yunyan said. “But on the other hand, is it possible that they will suddenly turn against us and attack us together with Xiliang?”

Xu Jian did not answer immediately. He thought for a while and then said: "From the perspective of using troops, this may not be impossible, but from a practical point of view, is Li Du worthy of Su Yi persuading King Gu Yue to attack us?"

Lin Yunyan understands.

Su Yi's business with Li Du was profitable. I think Li Du also promised Su Yi some benefits in private.

But Li Du fell down, and all the good things were gone.

Su Yi would not take big risks for the sake of Li Du, whose situation was over and his death was imminent.

“Unless he is sure that Li Du can escape unharmed and make a comeback,” Xu Jian said, “Of course, even if Su Yi is so sure, he still has to convince King Gu Yue and other officials.”

 Tearing up the alliance and joining forces with Xiliang, the old enemy for many years, this lobbyist is not easy to be.

However, just in case, he must not say a word to the Holy Father tomorrow.

“I’m also curious about Su Yi’s secret departure from Gu Yue…” Lin Yunyan muttered.

Until it was late at night and Lin Yunyan fell asleep, questions of this kind were still swirling in her mind.

Perhaps she was thinking about it that day, and she began to dream vaguely.

 In her dream, familiar and unfamiliar faces from the two worlds flashed one by one, making her dizzy.

So she became anxious, trying desperately to see clearly and match the face with the name, but the more anxious she became, the more confused she became. She suddenly opened her eyes in such anxiety.

It was completely dark.

There was no light in the curtain. She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving.

 A hazy thought came to mind.

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Thanks to the book friend Lonely Cello for the tip.

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