Yan Cigui

Chapter 441: I don’t want to participate in rebellion (two updates combined into one, please vote f

Chapter 441 I don’t want to participate in the rebellion (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

"Your Highness?" Wantang called, "Your Highness Li Rong?"

 Li Rong was unconscious and unresponsive.

Wantang subconsciously stretched out his hand to pick Li Rong up. When his hand touched the material on his body, he was suddenly stopped by Xu Jian.

Xu Jian explained: "There seems to be an injury on his body. Don't move him yet. Check it out."

Wantang understood it all at once.

 He was so impatient that he forgot all this common sense.

 Xu Jian carefully pressed his hands, feet, chest and abdomen with his palms.

“The right leg is broken,” Xu Jian said while judging. “There is a cut here and the blood has coagulated.”

Shenchen handed over the dagger.

 Xu Jian cut open Li Rong's trouser leg and checked: "It doesn't look like there is any ulcer."

Wantang nodded: "I touched his forehead and it didn't feel hot."

 As he spoke, he looked at Li Rong again.

No matter what Li Rong's final fate is, Lao Wan is definitely better off alive than dead when he arrests people.

After working hard for so many days, I finally caught a big one.

The problem with the hands and feet is considered a minor problem. There is no large-scale bleeding. At most, it is broken and disabled. I am afraid that there are injuries in the chest and abdomen. It is not visible on the surface. I will bleed here when I move, and the broken bones there will injure the internal organs. , it will be difficult to save.

Wantang martial arts practitioners can see some bruises and injuries, but they are far less skilled than doctors and cannot see internal injuries.

He saw that Xu Jian’s movements and gestures during the inspection were impressive, so he asked, “Did you learn from the doctor in the mansion?”

“I’ve learned some,” Xu Jian said, “but it’s all superficial.”

Wantang clicked his tongue.

In the wilderness, there were only his own people, so he was not so scrupulous about what he said: "The King of Jin has rebelled, and the doctor he found for the Duke is really good. He usually walks around unobtrusively, but today I got on the horse and took a look. I know it works well.”

"The King of Jin is the King of Jin, and the doctors are doctors," Xu Jian said briefly without elaborating on the problem, "There are doctors, old and young. They come to the capital to treat injuries just to make money and get involved in King Jin's head-turning affairs. do what?"

"That's the truth," Wantang nodded repeatedly and asked, "How? Can he move?"

Xu Jian checked carefully and said: "It doesn't seem like a big problem. I guess he lost his footing and fell from the hillside. His leg was injured and he couldn't move. He has no water or food."

 “Then he’s quite lucky.” Wantang commented.

 Being discovered before death of starvation or thirst is luck.

  It was also lucky that I fell here motionless and didn't encounter any carnivorous beasts.

 By the way, no one would know if he was torn apart or left with bones on the ground.

Wantang signaled to his men and said, "Fortunately, we brought the chariot. Be careful to carry him out."

 Carrying a chariot is not as good as riding a horse, and walking with human legs is much slower.

 Besides, we were carrying a weak and wounded person, so we had to be even more careful. By the time we reached the mountain road, the sky was already darkening.

 Shen Chen went ahead to report the news, and Lin Yunyan stopped the carriage here.

 The carriage was tightly and softly padded, and was escorted by guards all the way into the city and into the palace.

Soon, news was heard from everywhere that Li Rong had been captured.

Those with more keen information learned that Li Rong was injured and weak, and was under the care of Cining Palace, and also invited an imperial doctor.

Li Rong was placed in the Jingxin Hall not far from Cining Palace.

The Jingxin Hall was originally a place for worshiping Buddha. The main hall was dedicated to Avalokitesvara, and the west side hall was given to Princess Jin to live temporarily. It was more comfortable than the confinement, but daily activities were only in the side hall and the main hall.

Princess Jin was grateful to Dade. This status of her identity was just gratitude for the ban on her feet.

Li Rong was moved into the East Side Hall.

When Princess Jin heard that her son had been found and injured, she was so anxious that she wanted to take care of him herself, but was persuaded to go back by Grandma Wang.

"Since the man has been found and the imperial doctor is here, the princess does not need to worry."

"Knowing that you are concerned about me, I specially arranged it in the side hall opposite. You can also see the imperial doctor coming in and out. You can tell whether there is something important."

"After all, this is the situation. After His Highness wakes up and finishes asking questions, the Holy One nods. You can go over and see him."

Princess Jin was persuaded and stayed in the palace as she was told, only opening the window to watch the entrance and exit of the compartment.

Eunuch Cao also rushed over and asked Xu Jian how he discovered Li Rong, and listened to the imperial doctor's assessment of Li Rong's condition.

 “When will you wake up?” he asked.

"It's possible to wake up tonight," the imperial doctor replied, "but His Highness has been short of water and food for several days and is weak. My father-in-law will have to wait a few more days if he wants to ask questions."

In Cining Palace, the Queen Mother was also asking Lin Yunyan about the whole story.

"Did you meet your cousin by mistake?" The Queen Mother was surprised, "That's a coincidence. Li Rong was lucky enough to be discovered."

Lin Yunyan said: "It would be best to find him. They all say that if he is alive, he will be seen alive, and if he is dead, his body will be seen. If there is no news about him and Prince Jin and his son, we will not feel at ease."

 “That’s the truth.” The Empress Dowager nodded.

 In front of the empress, Lin Yunyan only said this for the time being.

 Li Rong's condition is more optimistic than the imperial doctor expected.

  That night I woke up once because he had been hungry for a long time. I only fed him sugar water and porridge, and did not dare to let him eat greasy food.

 When Li Rong opened his eyes again the next morning, he felt much calmer.

 Xu Jian came over with Eunuch Cao.

 Enter the side hall and saw Li Rong half leaning on the couch, being served by the chamberlain and eating porridge. Eunuch Cao whispered to Xu Jian: "It's better to be young and recover quickly."

Xu Jian smiled and nodded.

Li Rong saw the person coming and struggled to get up.

Eunuch Cao helped him lie back down and said, "Your Highness, it is important to take care of yourself."

“I heard that it was Duke Fu who found me from the wilderness,” Li Rong looked at Xu Jian with bright eyes, “I thank Duke Guo for saving my life.”

“I dare not take it seriously,” Xu Jian said, bowing his head. “Your Highness needs some rest, so we didn’t go around in circles. We got straight to the point and asked all the questions that needed to be asked.”

Li Rong bit his lower lip lightly: "I know everything I know."

“Your Highness, please tell me where you have been and what you have done these days.” Mr. Cao said impartially.

Li Rong is not very old, but he is articulate and very organized.

"Early that morning, when my father had not returned from the court, Eunuch Ye said that my father had asked me to go to Zhuangzi and come to look for me when he went down to court. Almost half a month ago, my father and I agreed to go fishing together. I thought that that day my father finally came to see me. When I have time, I will arrange for Eunuch Ye to leave the city."

Duke Cao asked: "Approximately what time was it? Did the guards not stop it?"

"No," Li Rong replied, "It was very early, not long after the city gate was opened."

 Xu Jian has it all.

At that time, the Holy Emperor had not yet ordered the siege of the Jin Palace, and the city gate guards had naturally not been notified.

It happened that shortly after the city gate was opened, people inside and outside the gate were busy making a living. There were so many people coming in and out that Li Rong left the city unknowingly.

"After I arrived at Zhuangzi, my father took a long time to come. The longer I waited, the more I felt something was wrong."

“I wanted to go down the mountain and back to the city, but my father-in-law wouldn’t let me, so I was locked up there.”

"In the next few days, I heard their stories one after another. I learned that my father was plotting rebellion, and that my father had escaped from prison. People were wanted everywhere."

“I asked them, ‘How is my mother and concubine?’ Eunuch Ye, they didn’t say anything.”

"One day, I found that there were a lot fewer people in Zhuangzi, and I guessed that they all went to join my father."  "Although I am my father's son, I miss my mother and concubine and don't want to rebel. I don't know what my father is. When the time came, he returned to Zhuangzi and escaped overnight while he was short of manpower. "

“I thought it would be nice to go back to the city, but it was too dark at night and the road was difficult to walk. I accidentally slipped down the hillside and injured my leg.”

“My legs hurt so much that I couldn’t get up. Then I became more and more hungry and thirsty…”

“I thought I would die in the mountains, but luckily I was brought back by the Duke of Guo.”

As he spoke, Li Rong's eyes turned red and he almost cried.

“Your Highness, please hold on,” Xu Jian calmed his voice and continued to ask, “How many people were there in Zhuangzi at the beginning?”

“I only know five people, and the rest are unfamiliar. I was locked in the room, and I dare not say that I saw everyone, but I saw about thirteen or four people.”

Xu Jian asked again: "Besides Eunuch Ye, who are the other four people your Highness knows?"

“Two chamberlains and two bodyguards, they are both from the palace.” Li Rong answered and said their names.

Xu Jian remembered that he was indeed the one who slipped through the net from the roster after the siege of the Jin Palace.

“Your Highness ran out a few days ago?” Xu Jian asked.

Li Rong shook his head: "I'm not sure. I was in a daze after the fall. Maybe it's been three or four days?"

Xu Jian asked again: "Didn't you see King Jin when you were in Zhuangzi?"


“Have the chamberlains and guards ever said anything about the plans after the Jin Dynasty?”

 Li Rong still shook his head: "No."

Xu Jian had no choice but to ask again: "As long as King Jin's Zhuangzi in the Xishan area is registered or known to the princess, we have searched it before, and we did not find His Highness or anyone else at that time. Does Your Highness remember the location of Zhuangzi?" "

"The carriage was arranged by Eunuch Ye, and I sat in the carriage both times I went there," Li Rong thought for a moment and then said, "But I remember that looking out from the Zhuangzi Gate, I could see the gate of Fa'an Temple on the hilltop next door. By the way, it’s looking west, slightly higher than the mountain gate.”

 This is all Li Rong can say.

As a young child, he had no idea about King Jin’s strategies, back-up moves, etc.

Li Rong sniffed the tip of his nose and choked with sobs: "I only know that I don't want to participate in rebellion. Rebellion is wrong."

 After talking so much, Li Rong looked very tired.

Eunuch Cao saw that he couldn't ask anything else, so he gave up and only asked a few words: "Has Your Highness seen the princess?"

“I saw my mother-in-law in the hall opposite from the window, and she was gesturing with me,” Li Rong laughed, showing his sharp fangs, “I am very happy that my mother-in-law is safe.”

 Xu Jian and Eunuch Cao walked out.

After leaving the Jingxin Hall, Eunuch Cao asked in a low voice: "What do you think, Eunuch Guo?"

"Don't dare to lie yet," Xu Jian said, "my father-in-law will report to the Holy One first, and I will bring some people to find that Zhuangzi."

 Two people go on each side.

Searching the mountains requires a lot of manpower. Xu Jian still searched for Wantang. The two of them spread out the map of the Xishan area to determine the general scope.

To the east of the mountain gate of Fa'an Temple, there is another hilltop that is higher than the mountain gate. Combined with the location of the mountain col where Li Rong was found, Xu Jian drew a circle on the map.

This search took two days to come to fruition.

That Zhuangzi is not big. It is hidden among the mountains and greenery and is very secluded.

 At this time, the buildings were naturally empty.

Wantang clicked his tongue.


Li Rong has been running away for several days, who dares to stay here?

Wanting around the pond several times, there was no other way, no matter whether it was useful or not, so I gathered up all the books and scrolls and took them down the mountain.

 The group returned to the capital.

When entering the city, Wantang asked Xu Jian: "Will the Duke of the country go into the palace to report to the Holy One now?"

Xu Jian glanced at the clothes that were stained with a lot of dust and said, "I have to go back home and change my clothes first."

 It was time to change clothes, and I saw that Lin Yunyan was the master.

While Xu Jian was busy these days, Lin Yunyan was also collecting some news.

 She had to find out whether Li Rong was lucky or not.

 Xishan is so big that in the past years, some family members of hunters and medicine farmers came to report missing people, but it can be said that very few of them were found in the end.

 The two cousins ​​were visitors from other places and were not familiar with the conditions of the mountain roads. They relied on their ability to recognize roads and walked to whichever side the scenery was best. In the end, they accidentally slipped down the hillside and ended up nearby.

According to what the two of them said, there were no traces of recent human activity nearby.

 But Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian still did not let down their guard.

 She asked Chen Gui to walk around several villages at the foot of the Western Mountain in the name of "collecting medicinal materials."

 Seeing Xu Jian come back, Lin Yunyan talked about the result.

 “Chen Dong’s family just left.”

“That area is indeed inaccessible. Hunters usually don’t go there, saying they can’t catch anything.”

“You can dig some Radix Pseudostellariae in the mountain next door. Only when the season comes, the herbalists will go to that area. The season is not right now.”

“Only one old farmer said that Ganoderma lucidum is occasionally found in the mountain col. The quantity is very rare and it is rare to see it once a year. If it were not nearby, I would not go there.”

Judging from what Chen Gui heard back from his inquiries, it seems that it was a coincidence that he found Li Rong.

However, what Lin Yunyan always thought about was, if his cousins ​​had not discovered him, would Li Rong really have died there?

 In other words, what can Li Rong do after being found by the court?

 The two quickly discussed a few words and entered the palace together.

Xu Jian went to the Imperial Study Room, and Lin Yunyan went to Cining Palace.

Perhaps due to many things, the Queen Mother has been feeling slightly unwell these past two days.

 “You have to take care of yourself.” Lin Yunyan advised.

“Everyone in the Ai family understands this,” the Queen Mother said solemnly. “The more times this happens, the more sick the Ai family will be.”

Lin Yunyan said: "I heard that the DPRK and China are still quite divided on how to deal with His Highness Li Rong."

 The crime should be punished.

  Or left as a proton.

Others say that His Highness escaped because he did not want to join Li Du, so he should not be executed.

Li's clan members are also discussing and want to protect the still young Li Rong.

"The Holy One also asked the Ai family for their opinion," the Empress Dowager said, "Kill to avoid future troubles, and not to kill will serve as a warning."

 Ding Yuannian could not be the only official attracted by Li Du. Some were loyal and some were hesitant.

If we use Li Rong as a reference and let those people tell what they know and understand, and then only give appropriate punishments without killing them, some of them should be able to win over.

His Majesty's move was not entirely out of mercy and justice, but because he wanted to resolve Li Du's matter as soon as possible.

 Lest, as Xu Jian said, if foreign enemies press on the territory and internal strife reappears, the internal forces should cooperate with the external forces and the losses will be even greater.

Lin Yunyan came here for this matter. After hearing this, she asked Ying and said, "I'll go talk to Princess Jin. What do you think?"

 Asking for a monthly ticket~~

 It’s the weekend again.

 Happy weekend everyone~~~

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