Yan Cigui

Chapter 452: I need chips (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 452 I need chips (two updates in one, asking for monthly votes)

 It was quiet in the royal study.

 After Xu Jian finished speaking, the Holy Emperor did not speak for a long time. He only lowered his eyes and looked solemn.

I really have to analyze and make a negligence and loss. The holy thought that he actually had a series of words to persuade Xu Jian.

 Or, more directly, if you don’t let me go, you won’t let me go.

 You cannot disobey your orders.

 Be gentle or tough, he still swallowed the words when they came to his lips.

 Because Xu Jian said, "Dreams are all about Yumenguan".

  Such persistence made the Holy Master see his own shadow in a trance.

 He pursued the truth about Dingguo Temple for more than ten years.

During this period, did no one tell him the pros and cons? Hadn't anyone told him there were too few clues and too many difficulties?

 Too many people have said it.

Furthermore, you don’t need to listen to what others say. The Holy Spirit doesn’t understand those principles in his heart.

 But he just couldn't let it go.

 The most fundamental purpose of choosing to seize the throne was Dingguo Temple. He did not want to give up. Only when he became emperor could he turn his thoughts into actions.

Years and months changed, and as time went by, the answer became more and more difficult to find. Shengshang was helpless and anxious. He occasionally thought that he would never find the truth in his life, but he never gave up.

 Because when he closed his eyes and dreamed, he raised his head in Baoping Town, seeing the dark mountains and the only light in the thick night.

 The red fire was completely imprinted on his eyes.

It is precisely because I have tasted it that when I heard Xu Jian say this, the Holy Spirit really "felt the same".

When Xu Mang was alive, he praised the emperor many times, saying that he had raised a good grandson. He said that A Jian was young and inexperienced, but given time, the child would be able to withstand Dashun's border peace.

 In ordinary relationships between monarchs and ministers, ministers rarely brag about their own children like this, but Xu Mang was used to being straightforward, and the Holy Master also knew his nature.

 Furthermore, the Holy Father also watched Xu Jian grow up.

 Early years ago, when the Holy Sage was choosing a companion for Li Shao, he also favored Xu Jian, but Xu Mang rejected it.

In the words of the old man, Ah Jian is a good young man who can lead the army in war. Being a companion will delay his martial arts practice.

The Holy Spirit agreed.

 In the eighth year of Yongjia, Xiliang moved eastward.

 General Zhao and his family fought **** battles until the last moment in the Anxi General Mansion. Although the Xiliang people knocked on the Yumen Pass, they were temporarily unable to advance eastward.

 Xu Mang led his army to the expedition, fought hard for several months to regain Yumen, and retreated thousands of miles from the enemy.

 Xu Jian, who was just starting out, also used his military exploits to prove to the emperor that his grandfather's vision was not wrong and his education was not in vain.

 The army returned to Beijing, but Xu Jian still stayed at Yumen.

Until Xu Mang died of illness in the tenth year of Yongjia, Xu Jian hurriedly took care of his grandfather's affairs and said he would "go back to Yumen" again.

 Because there is still constant friction between the two armies.

 The Holy Spirit remembers clearly that he did not agree with it at the beginning.

It was Xu Jian who spoke so impassionedly in the Jinluan Palace that "Mo Liao has joined the army since ancient times." Border.

With this temperament and persistence, even the emperor would not believe Xu Jian if he said that he did not care about Yumen.


Xu Jian studied martial arts since he was a child just to guard the border. This was his original intention. How can one let go of his original intention casually?

The leg injury broke Xu Jian's dream and once chilled his heart. Now that the leg injury is getting better day by day, and the war in Yumen has resumed, it is reasonable for Xu Jian to ask for military leave.

No matter how many reasons and advantages and disadvantages are used to persuade, not to mention that the Holy Spirit himself, the "mirror of the past", does not have such a thick skin, he also knows that it is useless to say any tricks.

After a long time, the Holy Spirit asked: "Have you thought about it?"

 Xu Jian's eyes were blazing: "I've thought about it."

"Since you are so insistent," after a long time, the Holy Spirit sighed and said, "I will not stop you, but you can convince Ning An and the Empress Dowager yourself."

 Xu Jian pursed her lower lip, with a smile in her eyes: "The princess understands my thoughts very well."

When the Holy One saw this, his gloomy mood suddenly disappeared.

 He recalled what the late emperor once said to him.

 “Everyone has his own destiny.”

“It is impossible for a father to make all his sons obedient, and it is even less possible for an emperor to make all his ministers have one voice.”

“Even if you are a tyrant, if the ministers don’t speak in front of the tyrant, there will definitely be another voice behind them.”

 “It is the same whether you are a king, a minister, or a human being.”

 “Figure it out for yourself and accept the results yourself.”

Having been on the throne for many years, the Holy Emperor has become more and more understanding of the truth in the late emperor's words.

The same is true now, since Xu Jian and Ning An can figure it out, as the emperor, there is no need to stop him.

 Instead, he should be happy about the understanding and harmony between the two juniors.

 Shang Shang said: "The coach is Dingbeihou, you..."

In terms of age and qualifications, Xu Jian was suitable to serve as the vanguard. A leg injury was always a difficulty that could not be overcome. The emperor was not at ease if Xu Jian led his troops first and rushed to the aid of Yumen at full speed.

He thought for a while and said: "You can decide how to use the troops after arriving at Yumen. You can ask Ding Beihou to set up the formation."

 Looking back, he called Marquis Dingbei to give him a few words of advice.

Let Xu Jian lead the army to defend the formation, which can not only display his ambition and ability, but is not as dangerous as rushing into the formation.

 Dingbei Hou is not a person who does not know the importance of importance. He knows how to arrange his troops in the most suitable way.

Xu Jian said: "I will obey the command of the commander-in-chief and will not act on impulse."

The Holy Emperor nodded, and finally said, "I thought you would be more interested in tracking down Li Du."

 Li Du's tail was pulled out by Xu Jian.

 It is not Xu Jian’s temperament to give up halfway.

“I want to trace it,” Xu Jian replied. “I discussed it with you before. Based on the relationship between Li Du and Su Yi, it is possible that the plank road in Yumen was built openly. They secretly visited Chencang and pointed directly at the capital.

It's not that I'm trying to put money on my face, I've ruined Li Du's affairs several times, and he hates me so much that if I stay in the capital and continue to trace his whereabouts, he may prepare more deceivers for me.

While I'm on my way to Yumen, he might stretch out his hands and feet and be caught by you.

Therefore, I think that the battle situation in Yumen is critical, and the defense of the capital cannot be neglected. In addition to guarding the Yamen, the Chinese army should also strengthen its vigilance. "

The Holy Emperor nodded thoughtfully: "I'll let Uncle An Yi handle this matter."

This morning in the Jinluan Hall, the Holy See saw that the old man had no intention of going into battle.

It's just that Marquis Dingbei asked Ying to be the commander-in-chief, and An Yibo insisted on being the deputy general. They were related by marriage and had military power and responsibilities, so it was not suitable.

Hence, An Yibo finally gave several younger members of his family a chance to gain experience and did not participate in the battle himself.

Since the old uncle has decided to stay in the capital, and the security of the capital is entrusted to him, the Holy Father is particularly relieved. Xu Jian discussed with the Holy Master for a few more words and then left the imperial study.

Just as he was saying goodbye to Eunuch Cao, Xu Jian looked up and saw the chamberlain from Cining Palace approaching.

“Your Majesty,” the chamberlain stepped forward and saluted, “The Empress Dowager invites you to come over.”

When Eunuch Cao heard this, he smiled and said, "Is your wife so well-informed?"

“The princess has come into the palace,” the chamberlain replied. “The princess said that she knows exactly what the Duke is thinking.”

 Eunuch Cao was even happier.

 Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan has been here for a quarter of an hour.

 The smoke was rising, Yumen was at war, and early in the morning, there was talk of war everywhere in the capital.

Some people are worried, fearing that the war will affect their lives; some people have nothing to do with themselves. After all, Yumen is thousands of miles away from here under the emperor's feet.

Lin Yunyan hurriedly entered the palace and told the Queen Mother that Xu Jian was about to go on an expedition.

 The Empress Dowager's face did not look good.

"Seeing your eagerness, the Ai family thought you wanted the Ai family to persuade him and ask the Holy Master to stop him." The Queen Mother glared at Lin Yunyan, "I didn't expect that you came to persuade the Ai family to let him go!"

Lin Yunyan smiled obediently.

“That was a war!” the Empress Dowager said angrily, “If you don’t say anything else, just look at Concubine De. Her grandfather, father, brothers, and the whole family all died in the Yumen Pass.

 Can you rest assured? The Ai family is worried anyway!

Yun Yan, everyone can speak upright and upright words, but Ai Jia is even better at saying that loyalty and justice have been in dilemma since ancient times, and that he is a good son of Dashun. He said one thing after another, and everyone from the soldiers to the common people shed tears.

Today, another person came to ask for help from her husband. Not only did the Ai family refuse to persuade her, they also praised her, praised her, and rewarded her with a pile of gold and silver!

 Ke Yunyan, it’s you today!

Aijia is getting old, and Aijia only hopes that you and your husband can be in peace and harmony, instead of worrying about whether he was injured or dead on the battlefield!

He really has something, can you let him go and remarry? Or will you just hold the memorial tablet for the rest of your life?

The last thing Ai Jia wants is that the last thing to reward you before death is a chastity memorial memorial. Do you understand? "

Lin Yunyan was still smiling, but her eyes were red and full of tears.

"I know you love me better than anyone else," Lin Yunyan leaned against the Empress Dowager and whispered softly, "It's not like I haven't hesitated. Ever since Li Du absconded and learned that he had contact with Su Yi, I listened to Xu Jian's analysis of the border affairs There is a possibility of war.

From that time on, I thought that Xu Jian might want to go on an expedition.

 As for what happens after this, whether it’s good or bad, I’ve also considered it. "

 At this point, Lin Yunyan paused and lowered her voice: "If you tell me the truth, I won't go around in circles with you.

I can talk to you from the bottom of my heart about my ambitions and pursuits for more than half an hour while crying, but the truth is, I want to live, and I need chips.

 You once said that you are old and you are destined to go ahead of us. You don’t want me to be embarrassed to the point where I can’t respond every day and the earth and the earth cannot work.

 So, both Xu Jian and I need more meritorious deeds and more chips. "

 The Empress Dowager's face turned pale.

 Of course she remembered when she had said that to Yun Yan.

Yun Yan mentioned it again at this moment, with an obvious intention, pointing directly at Li Shao.

The Empress Dowager held Lin Yunyan's hand hard: "The Ai family thought that the relationship between you has eased a lot in the past few months."

"There's no telling which day it will collapse again..." Lin Yunyan said, "So, Xu Jian's intention to go out was not because he was eager to fight to the death with the Xiliang people. He knew his situation and tried to stay in the pass for dispatch, and he would not succeed. hero."

The Empress Dowager shook her head: "The sword has no eyes and the military situation is unpredictable. How can there be any thoroughness in fighting?"

 “I understand,” Lin Yunyan said, “but we have to give it a try.”

The Queen Mother let out a long sigh.

At this point, she would not say anything like "You shouldn't have provoked Li Shao several times." In her opinion, Li Shaowu had a lot of messy things going on.

If Li Shao doesn't change at all, God knows how much trouble he will cause when he makes a comeback.

 There is also De Rong...

During these days, the Queen Mother summoned Princess Derong several times.

 In what he said, Derong had no objections to the Holy Sage, and he would not be so foolish as to imitate Li Du. However, Derong disliked Li Shao very much, and there was no doubt about this.

 Behind the deposed crown prince, there is still the intention of re-establishing him.

The empress dowager is also very worried about where this entanglement will lead in the end.

Under such circumstances, it is only natural for Yun Yan and Xu Jian to want to give themselves more wings.

 The Queen Mother sighed again.

 Speaking of which, she is also old.

If she was healthier and could live for twenty or thirty years, why would she worry about not being able to protect Yun Yan?

With various thoughts passing through her mind, the Empress Dowager raised her voice and called for Xu Jian to be invited to the imperial study room.

While waiting, the Empress Dowager Xu Xu and Lin Yunyan exchanged many personal words. It wasn't until word spread outside that Duke Fu had arrived that she wiped her slightly moist eyes.

 Xu Jian entered and saluted respectfully.

Lin Yunyan raised her eyes to look at him, and the two exchanged glances, roughly understanding the situation.

The Empress Dowager asked Xu Jian to sit down and said, "Yun Yan said, you must have gone to the Imperial Study Room to ask for a tassel, right?"

“Yes,” Xu Jian nodded, “I have also convinced the Holy One.”

The Empress Dowager smiled helplessly: "Yes, in addition to your martial arts skills, you are also a good talker. Back then, you could convince everyone to let you return to Yumen, and you can certainly do it now.

The emperor agreed, and Aijia did not insist on singing the opposite tune.

Ai Jia just wants you to remember that back then you were alone, not married, and didn't have to take care of your parents.

Today is different. The three women in the Fuguo Palace are all your relatives. "

“Yes,” Xu Jian responded, “I have all remembered it.”

"After you go to Yumen, the Ai family is in Beijing, so you don't have to worry about unnecessary things," the Empress Dowager repeatedly warned, "You just need to do your job well, retreat from the enemy as soon as possible, and return to Beijing as soon as possible. The most important thing is that you come back alive. of."

 Xu Jian stood up and bowed deeply.

The Queen Mother smiled, her face a little tired.

She said to Xu Jian: "Since we are about to go on an expedition, there are still many things to arrange and prepare. Go ahead and let Yun Yan take you out."

Xu Jian resigned, and Lin Yunyan walked out with him.

When stepping out of the palace door, Xu Jian turned around and gave Lin Yunyan's hand a hand. She didn't let go and kept holding it.

The two of them had discussed a lot of various situations and ideas about the expedition in the past two days behind closed doors. They didn’t have anything special to say at the moment. They just walked across the courtyard, bypassed the screen wall, and walked outside Cining Palace before returning. Reluctantly let go.

Lin Yunyan curled her lips at Xu Jian: "Before you came here, I was very anxious."

"She loves you the most," Xu Jian said, and then added, "Remember? I also told you that this is the best start I have ever encountered."

 He can smash it himself, but he doesn’t want Lin Yunyan to smash it inside too.

 So, he will be more cautious.

 It’s the end of the month, please vote~~~

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