Yan Cigui

Chapter 482: He's stabbing me in the heart! (Two updates combined into one, asking for the moo

Chapter 482 He is stabbing me in the heart! (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

"What?" Eunuch Cao looked straight at Uncle An Yi, "You might as well say it clearly."

"It's not that I want to play tricks on my father-in-law," An Yibo said, "but it's just that the lights are on and the rain is pouring. I really don't understand what's going on, so I don't dare to talk nonsense."

Eunuch Cao glanced at Li Shao quickly.

Li Shaoyan’s reaction was very weak.

Eunuch Cao sighed deeply in his heart.

 He knows An Yibo well.

Boye's sexuality is upright, and he has always said what to say. Even the uncle began to consider, enough to imagine how bad it was.

However, the conditions are indeed limited.

Eunuch Cao made up his mind: "My uncle is right. To understand the situation, we have to wait until dawn.

 But His Majesty is still waiting for news from His Highness, and His Highness also needs to take care of himself.

As mentioned just now, the Zajia family will wait for His Highness and the princess to return to the palace. Ji'an will be left to the uncle. We must find out the situation and return to Beijing to report as soon as possible. "

An Yibo saw that Li Shao had no objection, and naturally he did not refute Eunuch Cao's face.

 He still remembered that last year in Laba, he went to the paddock to look for His Highness. His Highness passed away halfway there and was ill for a long time when he returned to the palace.

 This man’s body and bones are not good enough!

 The autumn rain is cool, His Highness was caught in the heavy rain, and he fell ill again...

 The ride on the return journey was Lin Yunyan’s carriage.

Mr. Cao made arrangements for miles and miles before he stepped up.

“Isn’t this the princess’s usual carriage?” Eunuch Cao asked casually.

"The frame of the bicycle is usually too eye-catching," Lin Yunyan said. "I guessed that His Highness might have been hunting as an excuse, but he was also afraid that Li Du's spies would notice the clues if he looked for it in a hurry, so he changed to an ordinary one. Fortunately. Change it, otherwise I might be targeted when I leave the city..."

Mr. Cao said fairly: "You are still thinking carefully."

After saying that, he saw the princess shaking her head, with a look of annoyance on her face.

The princess seemed to want to say something, but she stopped talking when she saw His Highness beside her.

Eunuch Cao saw this and quietly changed the subject: "Princess, are there any clean blankets and drinks in the car?"

“The original car had a blanket, but not here,” Lin Yunyan said, “Yinzi, that’s right, there’s a water bag over there, Eunuch Cao, take a look.”

Eunuch Cao found it and found it was half full. He handed it to Li Shao and said, "Your Highness, please moisten your throat."

Li Shao took it, but did not open it to drink, so he held it tightly with both hands.

Only by holding him like this and having something in his hands could he feel calmer.

Uncle Niu drove the car, and Tao Tong led a hundred people to **** them back to the capital. At the same time, the bodies of the real and fake Li Du and Eunuch Ye were also moved into another car and went back together.

Although the rain has lightened up, the road is still muddy and the carriage is bumpy.

Li Shao couldn't help but sneeze twice.

  I didn’t feel cold before when I was so excited, but now I feel very cold while sitting in the car.

Eunuch Cao is a clever woman who cannot make a meal without rice, so he can only comfort Li Shao to be patient, and he will arrive soon...

On the other hand, Lin Yunyan was resting in the carriage with her eyes closed.

 She was hardly exposed to the rain, and she didn't feel cold at all, but just a little tired.

Hand clasped his left hand on his right wrist, his fingertips were all along it. If he lifted up his clothes and took a closer look, he might still be able to see the red marks on it.

 She has already taken off her sleeve arrows.

Before getting on the carriage, she untied it quietly and gave it to Shen Chen for safekeeping.

This thing cannot be exposed under any circumstances.

 Back in Beijing, it was already broad daylight.

Lin Yunyan's carriage drove all the way to the outside of the imperial study.

After hearing the news, the Holy Spirit came out quickly and asked through the curtain, "Shao'er? Is Shao'er okay?"

Eunuch Cao got out of the car and hurriedly said to the servants who came to listen to the instructions: "Your Highness has been caught in the rain. Please prepare hot water and **** soup quickly."

Li Shao supported his hand and came down, but he was dizzy and in very low spirits.

The Holy Emperor quickly stopped him and said, "His face is so ugly, we have to ask the imperial doctor to come over."

Li Shao raised his eyelids and looked at His Majesty: "Father, Li Du is dead. Regardless of whether it is true or not, he is dead anyway."

The Holy Spirit was stunned for a moment.

 Of course he was concerned about Li Du's whereabouts, but he was even more concerned about Li Shao who was in danger.

Having to say this now, he was somewhat relieved, and he said: "I understand, you take a bath and rest first, and we will talk later."

Li Shao was helped to the side hall by the chamberlains.

Just as the Holy Spirit was about to ask Eunuch Cao about his condition, he heard a greeting from the side.

 He turned around and saw Lin Yunyan.

"Ning'an? Why are you here?" The Holy Master just finished speaking and immediately reacted, "You, you also ran to Ji'an?!"

Lin Yunyan lowered her head, looking like she was being scolded honestly.

Your Majesty:…

 He is full of words.

I want to know the whole story, I want to scold Ning An for his nonsense, I want to scold Shao'er for not knowing the heights of the world, all the emotions are mixed together, and it's really impossible to say anything at the moment.

"That's all!" The Holy Emperor waved his hand, "You haven't slept all night, right? Go to Cining Palace to take a nap first, and then take your time to groom yourself."

 Lin Yunyan responded.

While Li Shao was washing up, Eunuch Cao reported the situation one by one.

 The more the Holy Master listened, the more serious his expression became: "Are you sure it's Li Du himself?"

“The younger one has been examined, and there is a mole on the left side of the waist as Princess Jin said, and no other suspicious points were found.”

Your Majesty nodded: "Let people check it out, and let Princess Jin go and take a look. As for Ji'an Town, let's wait for news from An Yibo."

 The other side.

Lin Yunyan arrived at Cining Palace.

  Li Shao "disappeared" yesterday, and the Queen Mother naturally heard the news.

When he found out that Lin Yunyan had also gone to Ji'an, he was angry and scared at the same time: "He is acting stupid, what are you going to do with him?

 You have thought that it was a trap set by Li Du, but you still dare to get into it?

Yun Yan, have you eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard? ! "

Her tone was serious, and before she said a few words, the Empress Dowager's eyes turned red: "Hurry up and let the Ai family have a look. Have you bumped into each other? The sword has no eyes. You are a woman who has never practiced martial arts. You want to scare the Ai family to death?" ? It’s okay! If something happens to you, what do you want the Ai family to do?”

Lin Yunyan leaned in the Empress Dowager's arms and whispered comfortingly: "I am safe and sound. You see, I am still the same as yesterday."

Beside, Grandma Wang turned her back and wiped her eyes.

Today is September 25th, the death anniversary of the princess’s mother.

 The Queen Mother was not in a good mood when she got up in the morning. If the princess encounters something again today, the empress will really not be able to bear it.

Lin Yunyan added: "I was also panicked. I was afraid that something might happen to His Highness. After moving reinforcements to An Yibo, I couldn't feel relieved, so I went to Ji'an.

I knew that Su Yi had contacted His Highness before, but I was not alert enough.

If Your Highness is really wrong, I can't absolve myself of the blame. "

The Queen Mother complained: "If you tell Aijia, Li Shao asked you to find someone for him, you should tell Aijia and Shengshang."

 “I didn’t think carefully.” Lin Yunyan whispered.

The Empress Dowager keeps nagging her, and her heartache is really heartbreaking.

When her father-in-law brought some porridge to eat, she said: "Take some to warm your stomach, take a bath and have a good sleep. Don't think too much, Ai's family is here."

Lin Yunyan nodded. I slept until noon.

When Lin Yunyan stood up, Wan Yue had already arrived.

"Princess," Wan Yue was also scared, "this servant was frightened when I heard that your carriage met Li Du face to face!"

Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes, made a gesture, and said in a low voice: "You should say, if I hadn't caught him by chance, he would have run away again. Shen Chen is following me, I know it well."

Wan Yue smiled.

 In any case, if the princess is doing well, that is a good thing.

Wan Yue combed Lin Yunyan's hair and said softly: "The Holy One has just arrived and is talking to the Empress Dowager in the main hall."

Lin Yunyan asked: "Is there any news from Ji'an?"

"This slave doesn't know," Wan Yue said, "but looking at His Majesty's face, it's cloudy."

After Lin Yunyan finished packing, Wan Yue went to the main hall to report her as she wished. When he found out that she was awake, Eunuch Yu immediately came to invite her.

Lin Yunyan moved forward and noticed as soon as she entered that the atmosphere between the Empress Dowager and the Holy Emperor was quite tense.

 However, it seems that it is not the right thing to do to the person.

Lin Yunyan saluted.

The Queen Mother invited her to sit down next to her and asked, "How are you resting?"

Lin Yunyan forced a smile: "It's okay."

Such a bland word made the Empress Dowager worried, and she asked: "You're not sleeping, are you?"


The Empress Dowager sighed and said: "You, you! Li Du's methods are ruthless. In the past, he planned that your mother was in that palace, and she wanted to save people. Although the Ai family was heartbroken, they also knew that she was loyal and brave, but what about you? You Just look for reinforcements, why are you going to Ji'an to join in the fun?"

Lin Yunyan lowered her head, extremely honest.

 After all, these words were actually addressed to the Holy One.

How could the Holy Spirit not know?

 When he came to talk to the Empress Dowager about Li Shao, the Empress Dowager protected him before even mentioning Ning An's concealment of information for Li Shao.

Putting yourself in her shoes, it is not impossible for your Majesty to understand the Empress Dowager's thoughts.

Besides, now is not the time to argue whether Ning An is smart and considerate enough, so the Empress Dowager should just recite two sentences.

"Ning'an," Sheng looked at Lin Yunyan, "I have roughly heard what Eunuch Cao said, and I'm here to hear what you have to say."

Lin Yunyan agreed and organized her thoughts, starting with Li Shao asking her to find Su Chang, then talking about "Su Chang came to report the news during the day yesterday", then she went to the paddock in a hurry, and then moved the rescue troops, feeling uneasy and wanting to go to the mountain. In the temple, Niu Bo went astray in the dark but met Li Du who had escaped. Finally, he met the others in the temple...

 The true and the false are mixed together, and the story has been sorted out back and forth.

"I don't know what's going on with His Highness," Lin Yunyan said. "I only saw him being brought back by An Yibo, who said he killed Li Du..."

The Holy Spirit touched his beard and said: "The one he killed was a fake, the one you met is the real one. They were in Ji'an Town..."

 Halfway through the words, the Holy Spirit hesitated.

"Why didn't your Majesty tell me?" said the Queen Mother, "Even if we kept it secret, Yun Yan would know about it later, and even the people in the court would know about such a big matter."

Lin Yunyan was stunned for a moment.

 She noticed that An Yibo's expression was not good in the temple. Could it be that he was in the town...

“Li Du deployed his men to pretend to be common people. Shao Er and the others chased them into the town. The ‘common people’ suddenly got into trouble and a conflict broke out.”

 Li Shao only brought thirty imperial guards with him, so he was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Afraid that Li Du would take advantage of the chaos to escape, and also afraid that Li Shao would be injured, Yu Lin naturally fought with all his strength.

Who would have thought that in the end they would become red-eyed and in chaos.

"Li Du's actions are bloody," the Holy Master said through gritted teeth, "He is stabbing me in the heart!"

Lin Yunyan understood.

 No wonder, no wonder it’s September 25th.

 This layout is similar to that of Baoping Town back then.

 In Baoping Town, a group of fake bandits massacred people.

In Ji'an Town, a group of fake people committed murder for Li Shao.

That fake Li Du is a lure. As long as Li Shao is lured to Ji'an, the plan will be successful.

The dozen or so people brought by the fake Li Du, coupled with the fake commoners, aroused Li Shao's murderous intention, and it was enough to cause chaos.

Even if there is no agitation, no rescue, no additional troops, only Li Shao and the thirty royal guards, the fake people can massacre the town.

 I think so.

 In the middle of the night, there was shouting and killing outside, and ordinary people had no time to hide, so how could they go out on the streets?

 But they couldn't hide, and the fake people killed them.

At dawn, these dead soldiers either withdrew or died. Li Shao opened his mouth and said, "If you go to break the sky, can you say that they didn't kill the people?"

The Holy Emperor is willing to believe Li Shao, but what do the courtiers think? The ministers who already have their own positions can cause a huge quarrel!

 Besides, that’s still fake Li Du!

The fake ones don’t have any green spots on them and will be revealed upon inspection.

From the beginning, Li Du made up his mind to throw out a fake that would be exposed at dawn.

 Then, Li Du disappeared.

 There was no Li Du in the whole incident, only Li Shao.

Li Shao caused the tragic disaster in Ji'an for his own selfish desires. He pretended that Li Du was brought by Li Shao and that the town was slaughtered by Li Shao.

  To attack on the anniversary of the death of the late Queen, it is really abominable!

This game was tailor-made by Li Du for Li Shao.

The more Lin Yunyan thought about it, the more chilled she became.

 In fact, Li Du succeeded for the most part, and Li Shao even became jealous.

Li Shao has been charged with this crime. Not to mention helping him to make a comeback, it would be considered extremely favoring if the Holy Father could not convict him.

 That’s why the Holy Spirit said that this was a stab in his heart.

Li Du knew that he was looking towards Li Shao and resented that Li Shao would be able to sit on the dragon throne in the future, so he had such an arrangement.

After understanding this, Lin Yunyan also thought of the differences between the Queen Mother and the Holy Emperor.

Li Shao was designed. He pretended to be holy and acted rashly without informing the Holy One. But he was not the one who massacred the town, and the casualties of the people in the chaos cannot be entirely blamed on him.

“Your Majesty,” the Empress Dowager said earnestly, “Now that things have come to this, do we need each of us to check whether the corpses in that place died at the hands of thieves or Li Shao’s sword?

 What makes Aijia heartbroken is that it happens every time.

 When he sneaked out of Yumen, he was young and ignorant.

Chenmi Hutong is a mess. He was led astray by others and fell into someone else's scheme.

Ji'an is like that now. Yes, he followed Li Du's way. Ning'an didn't dissuade him, and neither Yulin nor the messenger tried to dissuade him.

 What next?

How many more chances will the Lord give Li Shao?

When will he no longer be judged by others? Can the Holy One guarantee it for him? "

The Holy One was speechless, and his brows were full of sorrow.

After a long time, he choked and said: "Mother, I understand what you mean. I just thought that when the accident happened and his mother was killed, he was only four years old..."

Tears fell from the Queen Mother's eyes. She raised her left hand to wipe them away, and her right hand held Lin Yunyan's hand firmly.

 Word by word, she said with a trembling voice: "Yun Yan was only one year old when she lost her mother!"

So small.

   I don’t know life and death, I only know how to cry and laugh.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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