Naqin didn't care about the enemy's surprise. Her transformation back to youth was time-limited. The reason they followed Bondi to join Sal's side was to get the life-longevity medicine.

With her more fierce fists and the medicinal mist, Naqin beat the pirates to the ground. As a doctor, her technique in using poison is also very good, and the poison mist is very lethal to the soldiers.

The cheongsam similar to a miniskirt makes her long legs more impressive. She kicked quickly in the purple poison mist, and the enemy was kicked down by the dazzling high heels in front of her.

Naqin's crushing of the soldiers did not stop until Charlotte Daifuku pulled her back. The opponent is Big Mom's third son, a user of the Steam Evaporation Fruit, and his strength is also among the top 12 in Big Mom's pirate group.

"Damn old woman, don't be so arrogant."

Naiqin's beautiful face showed a disdainful expression and shouted

"You are the one who deserves to die, you are not worthy to be my opponent, get out of here."

Veins popped out on Dafu's face, and he directly summoned a smoke screen of lamp demons to attack the enemy, while his real body also rushed towards the annoying old woman. The two sides used close combat to fight back and forth, and Naqin fought one against two, relying on her expert-level skills, she did not fall into a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, Charlotte Owen was also blocked by the half-fishman Sebastian. Both sides were strong men who punched hard. Sebastian used fishman karate and was able to remain unscathed under the opponent's high-temperature fist.

After a short fight between the two, it was Sebastian who had the upper hand, forcing Owen to howl in anger.

"Fiery Destruction Fist"

"Fishman Karate,"Strike Water Through Rocks"

The extremely high temperature fist and the water flow fist collided together, generating steam that enveloped the surroundings.

At this time, the nearby affiliated pirate group had already begun to come back to help. When several strong men of the Big Mom Pirates were stopped, the remaining Big Mom Pirates were pushed back by Sal's side.

The captain of the 11th Division, Kingudo, took the lead. With his strength comparable to that of the headquarters' vice admiral, he did not encounter any enemies to compete with him.......

At the same time, on the front battlefield. The Big Mom Pirates were approaching the port under artillery fire. They had to pay the price of 5 pirate ships sunk and 4 pirate ships immobilized to reach the shore for this short 1.5 kilometers.

Of course, the destruction of the pirate ship does not mean that all the people on the ship were killed. Small boats were used to transport the pirates back to the battlefield. Some strong men who had confidence in themselves had already jumped to the port to fight on land before their ships reached the shore.

The captain of the 7th Division, Rakuyo, and the captain of the 16th Division, Izo, their pirate ships blocked the enemies that rushed ashore at the coast with a pincer attack, and they could not advance for the time being.

"Kill them! Kill them quickly and destroy the turrets, otherwise the ships will be destroyed."

"The men of the crazy woman will never let you succeed.

Thousands of people gathered on the coast and started fighting. Pirates who could survive in the New World, even the lowest-level pirates, had at least millions of berries. The fight between the two sides was extremely brutal.

The battlefield medical team that had been arranged by the Sar side showed a lot of contribution at this time. Before the position was lost, most of the injured pirates on the side could receive treatment......

The flagship of the Big Mom Pirates has already landed. Such a close distance also allowed Charlotte Linlin to use her observation Haki to understand the situation. The offensive of the children in the town who were used as a surprise force was blocked.

Charlotte Linlin's face turned very ugly. She thought that the move that could decide the outcome was broken. She really didn't expect that a group of old immortals would appear to block the way, and that old madman Bondi actually caught up to join the battle.

But now that the large army is about to land, she no longer has to worry about the possible siege by Roger and Rayleigh.

In fact, when she talked to Roger on the phone for the last time, Big Mom faintly heard the cries of many sea kings. As a legendary pirate who roamed the sea, she knew that there were not many places where dense cries of sea kings were produced, and one of them was the Fishman Island where Katakuri was captured.

If the estimate is correct, Roger was still in the Fishman Island yesterday, so he had no time to rush to the battlefield. If it is the best case scenario, the two old guys can't catch up with this war.

"Well, it seems that old Roger has become even more powerful. I can't believe that crazy guy Bondi will join other forces. But even if it's like this, it's no big deal. Let me personally meet the damn Sal Pirates."

Charlotte Linlin summoned a group of conscious white clouds, and her huge body jumped on it and stood up steadily. She also summoned a large ball of fire, which was also a conscious life like the white cloud.

They are all special beings given souls by the Soul Soul Fruit, which is also a terrible natural disaster ability.

"Zeus. Prometheus, make a scene with his mother"

"OK, mom x2."

A huge range of flames spread across the port, and hundreds of thunderbolts were on the turrets. Such a close distance made it impossible for several coastal defense guns to fire.

The Four Emperors personally took action, and the thunder and fire that ravaged the port made the pirates on Sal's side who were fighting feel depressed. At this time, Marco also turned into a phoenix and flew into the air, confronting Charlotte Linlin from a distance. In the entire Sal Pirates, apart from Sal and Rayleigh, the only person who was qualified to hold back the Four Emperors for a moment was Marco, the top vice-chairman.

Charlotte Linlin looked at Marco with a ferocious smile, and his huge mouth seemed to be able to swallow the enemy.

"Well, Marco, have you become so arrogant that you want to be my opponent? How long do you think you can hold me back?"

Linlin's laughter boosted the morale of the Big Mom Pirates, and some even laughed at their opponents.

"You want to stop Big Mom with just the Phoenix Marco? I think you will lose today. Where is your Pirate King and his deputy? They can't even participate in such an important war. Are you afraid of Big Mom?"

"Haha, that’s right, I’m just afraid of my mother"


The pirate on the opposite side of Sal did not refute, because he did not want to complain about the other side's problem. Pluto Rayleigh was indeed present, still waiting to stop Charlotte Linlin.

The blue flame in Marco's body rose sharply, and he smiled and agreed

"Aunt, I am indeed not your opponent, but I did not say I am your opponent."

As soon as the voice fell, Marco had already transformed into a complete Phoenix and dived towards the pirate ship below. A flaming meteor blew up the pirate ship directly like a missile, and most of the pirates on the ship were also affected.

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