Kaido completely transformed into an orc in full view of everyone. His skin was covered with blue dragon scales, and his body became stronger. He was estimated to be 9 meters tall. In addition to the original demon horns on his head, there were two more dragon horns. His aura also became much stronger, giving people a sense of oppression like a ferocious beast.


The roar caused a strong wind, causing many people who were close to cover their ears. Those who were weak and slow to react had their eardrums pierced and bled. A simple roar was so terrifying.

But Sar would not let him go wild. His domineering aura, as deep as the sea, rushed straight into the sky. Without any collision, the clouds in the sky rolled, slowly forming a deep hole, allowing a ray of sunlight to shine in. The domineering aura field pressed towards the opponent like a river and sea. The peak-level domineering aura was like distorting the air, giving people a wrong vision.

Facing the terrible domineering aura, Kaido's mouth was grinning and his fangs were exposed. He was never afraid of anyone in terms of domineering aura, and he burst out his domineering aura without hesitation. But this time, his proud domineering aura was actually at a disadvantage. No matter how he burst out, he was pushed back step by step until he was compressed to one-third of the range and barely stopped.

Seeing this scene, the golden lion fell into memories. Roger's domineering aura also suppressed him in this way.

The energy generated by the domineering confrontation caused the stones to rise into the air, and then they were crushed by the domineering color.

"Damn, he is indeed an old thing from the old times, his Conqueror Haki is so powerful."

After hearing this, Thrall didn't want to complain. He kept saying old times and old things. You, Kaido, are only about 18 years younger than Roger and his generation. Besides, he looks much younger than you, Kaido.

After seeing the winner of Conqueror Haki, Kaido didn't plan to maintain the Conqueror Haki field. His huge body and weapons rushed directly towards Thrall. Conqueror Haki wrapped around the mace, and the head of the mace surrounded by thunder hit the opponent's vital points.

In the confrontation of the Four Emperors, Thrall also quickly drew his sword to respond, holding Ace with both hands and emitting dark red flames. His pupils turned the same color, and his whole body exuded a terrifying murderous aura.

"Thunder gossip"

"God avoid"


The mace went from top to bottom, while Ace's blade went from bottom to top, and the two weapons were in a stalemate in mid-air. The two terrifying domineering skills collided in a shocking manner, and a huge roar was heard. Then an energy shock turned into a storm that swept the entire field, stopping the originally continuous rain curtain.

Then the terrifying domineering color rushed straight into the sky, sweeping away the dark clouds flashing with thunder in the sky. Let the whole island be illuminated by the sun again. This effect is more shocking than the ordinary domineering collision, which makes many people stunned.

The two people kept exerting their strength to make cracks in the ground under their feet. The place where the two sides fought was like separated by an invisible barrier. They have been in a stalemate, and the dark red thunder keeps flashing around them.


A strange sound made Kaido's pupils shrink, and a thought that he had never thought of before came into his mind. He saw that Thrall's weapon slowly lifted up the mace. Under his unbelievable eyes, his own dominance had a sign of faint collapse.

Thrall's eyes flashed with a gleam, and the corners of his mouth raised to reveal his white teeth. This fight made him realize that his current strength was comparable to his original level 96 strength.

"Kaido, it seems that your Conqueror's Haki has not yet reached its peak, and it is not even as good as Shanks'."

Facing Thrall's ridicule and dazzling smile, Kaido suppressed his anger and tried to figure out what was going on. First of all, the opponent's strength was not weaker than his own, and his Conqueror's Haki was even stronger. If they only competed in Haki, it was possible that he would be defeated first.

Kaido quickly thought of a way to deal with it, but he had to say that such a battle was indeed exciting. Only by fighting with the strong can one become stronger.

"It's great, Roger is indeed more powerful than I thought."

"You are not bad, Kaido."

The two men's weapons quickly separated under Kaido's guidance, and then they kept fighting and colliding. The powerful mace could explode a lot of thunder with every strike, but this time Kaido would not use his weaknesses to challenge the opponent. His big and open moves were not much worse than Thrall's swordsmanship.

Thrall also understood that although he had some advantages in each collision, he had not yet reached the level of crushing. If he could not crush, he could not win the battle quickly. However, in each confrontation, Kaido consumed much more physical strength than himself, but as a demon, Kaido's physical strength was stronger than that of ordinary top strongmen.

Thrall could not help but mutter to himself.

"What a troublesome guy. It seems that it is not that easy to take him down."

Though Sal's words were very quiet, Kaido could clearly hear them. Since he conquered Wano Country and became one of the Four Queens, he has never been underestimated. He immediately roared:

"Roger, this is not your era. How dare you dream of taking me down? I am Kaido, the Four Emperors of Beasts, Kongo-Dysphorus."

Kaido used a fake move to lure out Thrall's attack, then swung out a column of stick energy, sending Thrall, who barely reacted, flying into the air, hundreds of meters high. Just as Kaido wanted to take advantage of the victory, Thrall's chest swelled up in the air because of the air he inhaled.

"Is that so? That's not necessarily the case. Kaido, Breath of Destruction."

A magic circle appeared in front of Thrall, and a dragon flame comparable to Kaido's hot breath spurted out from it. The huge breath directly submerged Kaido and the land under his feet, creating a 300-meter-wide deep pit.

Everyone who saw this was stunned. This move was obviously not domineering or swordsmanship. How could Thrall do it?

"Is the leader a devil fruit user?"

"I don't know, I really haven't heard of it."

Among the crowd of people who were talking, only Ace remained stunned."Roger's" Dragon Flame was not much different from Kaido's, both of which were fire attacks far beyond the Fire Fist. The consecutive attacks made him suspect���The existence of the Flame-Flame Fruit, is he really the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit? How come other people are better at playing with fire than him?

The dragon flames in the deep pit slowly died out, but unfortunately this shocking blow did not cause much damage to Kaido, it just made him look miserable. Soon a blue dragon rose from the ruins and also breathed hot air at Sal in mid-air.


""Breath of Destruction"

Without any hesitation, Thrall exhausted the energy in his red dragon suit and spit out dragon flames again. The two terrible dragon flames collided in mid-air to produce a dazzling fireball. The remaining power of the flames fell on the island, creating a visual effect like brilliant fireworks.


Thrall's figure suddenly disappeared from Qinglong's sight with the light of the fireball. Kaido quickly changed back to his orc form to guard against possible attacks. At this time, a dark red sword energy slashed down from above. Even though Kaido used his mace to catch the slash in time, he was still knocked into the ground by the force.


Soon Kaido walked out of the rubble, shaking his head to get rid of the dust on his hair. Although he was not injured after fighting for nearly 10 minutes, he looked very embarrassed in the eyes of others because he was covered in mud.

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