"Roger, are you talking about a pill that can restore youth? Then what price do you want me to pay?" It would be a lie for the Golden Lion to say that he was not tempted, but he also knew that there was no free lunch in the world, so he waited for Sal to tell him the price.

"Shiki, I want you to temporarily join my pirate group for two years. After two years, I won't stop you from staying or leaving. You can travel around the world or find a wife and live a life with her and children."

If it was still the old Golden Lion, even if he saved Lu Jiu's life, Sal would not think of letting Golden Lion regain his youth, because Golden Lion's ambition is too big, so big that he wants to overthrow the world government, which may affect his plan at some point.

But the current Golden Lion is different. The man who lost to the East China Sea twice has long erased those unrealistic ambitions. Just look at the other party's old age and you will know. Even if he regains his ambition after two years, Sal is confident that he can continue to suppress him.

"Roger, what nonsense are you talking about? I don't care about these things. But you actually dared to pull me into your pirate group, even if it's only for two years. You almost lost to me back then."

"It was just a close call. You still lost in the end."

"Nonsense, if it wasn't for that once-in-a-century tsunami, how could I have lost? You just got lucky."

"Good luck is also a kind of strength. In the end, you lose anyway."


"you lose"


The two of them started arguing like children. The way men deal with certain things is really like that of children.

At the end of the argument, Golden Lion did not answer immediately, but frowned and fell into deep thought. He was hesitating whether to agree. What a fatal temptation it is to become young again. People who have experienced the powerlessness of aging will cherish this opportunity even more.

Family members know their own affairs. Golden Lion knows very well that his body can't last for a few years. When his physique continues to weaken, the rudder on his head will become a weapon to kill him. It is ironic that an unexpected item that has been with him for more than 20 years has become the god of death.

At this time, his vitality can barely support the weight of the rudder. When it can't support it, the rudder will completely squeeze the nerves, and at that time, the best situation will be to become a vegetable. This is also the reason why he did not hesitate to go on the last journey after discovering that Roger had come out again. It is better to die on the road than to die in bed.

Golden Lion should not have considered matters of life and death, but becoming the subordinate of his old enemy, even if it is only temporarily, makes him not know where to put his face. In short, the last pride in his heart does not allow it.

Seeing that Kaido was about to come back, Thrall couldn't let him drag on any longer, so he immediately dropped another bombshell.

"Shiki, I am sure I can overthrow the World Government this time. By then, I will become a more legendary figure than the Pirate King, and you will only be recorded in history as a poor guy defeated by a supernova. Don't you want to catch up with me and be left far behind?"

Saar said so straightforwardly that a gleam flashed in the eyes of the Golden Lion. He was indeed Roger, and he recognized Roger's ambition. Yes, only by having a future can one realize his ambitions, so he decisively reached out his hand.

"Give it to me, Roger. Sooner or later, I will trample you under my feet in two years......Captain."

Even though it was a little difficult to say, Golden Lion finally uttered the two words. From that moment on, he was a member of the Sal Pirates.

In fact, Golden Lion didn't know if he could catch up with Sal. With his legs broken, it would be difficult for him to recover to his peak strength even if he returned to 40 years old, let alone defeat his stronger enemy.

Perhaps taking a step back to witness the big event that"Roger" mentioned would also be a good farewell journey. Of course, if there is a chance, he still wants to defeat"Roger".

Sal threw a special life-enhancing pill to Golden Lion, and now he has 5 left. As for the ordinary life-enhancing pill, if there is no special situation, it will be handed over to Rayleigh in a year or two. It is kept now to prevent unexpected situations.

Seeing Golden Lion decisively eat the pill, Sal joked

"You'd better not call me captain. I'm afraid you'll call me captain in front of me and then stab me to death from behind. Haha, I have to say it's really fun to hear you call me captain."

"Roger, you guy......"

Just as he was about to retort, Golden Lion was interrupted by the changes in his body. He felt a surge of vitality nourishing his body, like a dead tree coming back to life. His originally thin body became stronger, and he could clearly feel the muscles that had become stronger under his clothes.

Even the bald part grew hair, completely covering the bottom of the rudder. This state was comparable to when he was first imprisoned in Impel Down 22 years ago.

The past was like smoke, and Golden Lion's memories came to his mind, from joining the Rocks Pirates to traversing the sea, and at the peak of his career, he encountered the biggest failure of his life, the Battle of Wall. Then he was in disbelief when he heard that Roger was arrested, and he went to Marinford alone and was defeated by Garp and Sengoku.

During the two years he was imprisoned in Impel Down, his inner thoughts changed drastically, and he escaped from Impel Down to realize a plan that now seems very ridiculous.

Is this another chance for him to choose? When he escaped from prison, he chose the so-called"Strong World Plan", so what will he choose now? This needs to be decided in the future.

Breaking away from his chaotic thoughts, and feeling the revival of the three-color domineering energy in his body, the Golden Lion couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, it feels so good to be full of power. This is incredible. Roger, how did you find this magical object? Do you still have it?"

【Highly change the fate of SS-level character Golden Lion, reward points 50,000】

【SS-level characters have positive emotions towards the host, high level of friendliness, reward experience 50,000]

The golden lion had an expectant expression on his face. Sarna couldn't guess what the other party was thinking, so he immediately shook his head and said with a look of"you guess".

"No more, no more, this is really the last pill, and one person can only take one of this medicine, taking more is useless"

"Really? That's a pity."

Seeing that his little trick was discovered, the Golden Lion had no choice but to give up. Although he could only extend his lifespan once, his physique at the age of 50 was really great. Even if his physical fitness was not as good as before, as long as he ate well, drank well and exercised more, he would recover to his peak physique sooner or later.

"The Golden Lion has become younger"

"Another legendary pirate gets younger, the world is about to change"

"Three remnants of the era when my father passed away have reappeared. They are still a group. This is really exciting."

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