"Foz. F, don't even think about joining my pirate group. It's impossible. But if you leave now, I can stop considering you as a member of the Beasts Pirates. Their fate will be miserable. Do you want to go with them?"


Foz F wanted to fight for it again, but after seeing the increasingly ferocious look in Sal's eyes, he immediately sailed away in silence. The miserable condition of Quinn under the opponent's feet was the future of the Beasts Pirates, and it was not advisable to stay here for long.

Leaving the Beasts Pirates, he could not join the Sal Pirates, and the Red Hair Pirates was impossible. He did not have many choices next. There were only the Big Mom Pirates, Wang Zhi of Beehive Island, and finally the newly rising Blackbeard Pirates.

Several real strong men around hesitated for a moment, and made the same choice as Foz F to sail away. As for the ordinary pirates who fell, those who had good relationships with them were taken away directly, and the other crew members could do nothing to help.

"Traitors, damn traitors."

This result made Sasaki, Black Marie and even Quinn under his feet gnashed their teeth. This was a naked betrayal. This betrayal not only caused the Beasts Pirates to lose one-fifth of their mid-range combat power, but also caused Kaido's reputation to drop sharply.

If it weren't for the powerful enemy in front of them, these traitors would definitely be executed.

Seeing that most of the people who wanted to leave had left, Sal didn't plan to wait any longer and said coldly to everyone

"Let's get started."

Thrall flashed in front of Sasaki and punched him hundreds of meters away, breaking off many of his sharp fangs. Then Thrall appeared in front of Black Maria, scaring her to death, but she was still punched in the stomach. Even with three points less force, she still knocked the little giant away.

Soon there was a feast of fists on the battlefield. Thrall killed everyone in the crowd. No one could withstand a punch from him. Even the stubborn Runti was pressed into the ground again and could not move.

Thrall did not use Ace throughout the whole process, because he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back and kill these Kaido's team members, which would cause the situation that had just calmed down to become turbulent again.......

Ten minutes later, all the pirates who were knocked down by Sal were sitting around Sal with injuries, so well-behaved that people wondered if they were dreaming. As for the weaker pirates, they had not yet woken up from the shock of the Conqueror's Haki.

Quinn, who had barely recovered his ability to move, held a contract in his hand. When he saw the contents clearly, his eyes widened in fear and he said in disbelief.

"How is it possible that Kaido would agree to such a condition?......This is fake, right?"

Sal ignored Quinn's words and pointed to a certain part of the contract.

"Look carefully, is this Kaido's signature? If you don't believe it, ask Kaido yourself when he comes back. I can execute Kaido now and lead the team to Wano Country to destroy your Beasts Pirates. Is there any need to lie? Don't you think so, my new crew member, Page One?"

Sal looked at Page One, who was nervous with his hand on his shoulder. If all the Beasts Pirates were beaten up by him, only Page One, a good boy, would escape. Moreover, Sal said something that shook Page One and made him uneasy.

Page One looked around at his silent companions and could only tell the answer he thought was true.

"Lord Roger's words make sense, and I also think he has no reason to lie."

"this......Well, then we'll follow the terms of the contract."

Quinn, who had lost weight to recover from his injuries, could only accept this answer, because there was really no need to lie. Even if they took a step back and lied, what else did they have a choice?

Quinn, the temporary leader, did not refute, but the blue-haired Runti, the fool, immediately jumped up and said to Sal viciously

"I will not join this bastard pirate group, I absolutely do not want to."

Many people frowned at his willful words. Is it appropriate to say this at this time? They were just beaten up by the other party, aren't they afraid that the other party will turn against them and kill them all?

However, Sal did not blame him, but just said to Quinn calmly.

"Quinn, you also heard that Ironhead refused. I will change someone according to the terms of the contract. This should be okay, right?"

"No problem, Lord Roger, please change one."

Sal was delighted to hear this. Things were going according to one of his plans. Quinn thought that it was important to Sal if he thought it was okay. He glanced at everyone present with a playful look. No one dared to look at Sal. They didn't want to be Sal's subordinates. They were afraid that they would become cannon fodder if they went to Sal's side. Wouldn't it be good to continue to be the boss in the Beasts Pirates?

Of course, there were still people who dared to look Sal in the eye. They were the Iron Head Girl who had just rejected him. She stared at him with her big watery eyes. If this woman was not one of the targets, he would definitely teach her a lesson.

After Sal glanced around, he immediately pointed at the pitiful Black Maria who was kneeling on the ground.

"This woman is mine from now on. She has nothing to do with the Beasts Pirates."


Black Maria was instantly confused when she was pointed at. Was she being sold? Just like some girls in the roost she managed, they were sold by their fathers, husbands, or even persecutors without any resistance.

From a high-ranking and powerful flying six to someone else's spoils, this feeling of disparity made Black Maria's face change drastically. She immediately retorted without caring about the danger.

"No, this is not possible......."


Unfortunately, she was stuck in the middle of the refusal because the look in Thrall's eyes became very deep, as if she would be very miserable if she dared to continue.

Thrall's low voice entered Black Maria's ears.

"Do you still have any objections now?"

Feeling the domineering aura of Gu, Black Maria swallowed her saliva and said timidly

"without.....there is none left"

"Then why don't you come behind me? From now on, you are mine and have nothing to do with Kaido."

Black Maria looked at Quinn with an embarrassed look, hoping that he could help her. But the Three Calamities just ignored him coldly. It was worth sacrificing a Flying Six to get back Kaido. How could he stop it? Without

Kaido's protection, he would definitely be targeted by the World Government based on his experience of participating in the confidential research of the World Government and the unpleasant things that happened with Vegapunk. So for his own future, let Black Maria suffer. Black Maria felt desperate because of being isolated and helpless. She stood there for a moment before she answered in disappointment.


Seeing that she couldn't change her decision, Black Maria walked over to Sal and sat down like a little woman, lowering her head and not daring to look at anyone else. From today on, her fate was changed.

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