[Highly change the fate of S-level character Runti, reward points 5000】

【[Highly changes the fate of A-rank character Page One, rewards 500 points]

A medium-sized pirate ship slowly moves away from Elizabeth Island, and the Beasts Pirates still on the island have begun to evacuate, they are afraid that Sal will change his mind and come back to kill everyone.

As for whether the Beasts Pirates will hurt innocent islanders, it is even more impossible. In this situation, Quinn will not create an opportunity for Sal to change his mind, you know, Kaido is still in his hands.

Sal on the deck stared at the sky blankly, actually using his consciousness to check the system prompts. A large number of emotional experiences appeared in the system dozens of minutes ago. It seems that the news from Rayleigh's side began to spread. After all, repelling the Big Mom Pirates is not a trivial matter.

【SS character Zhan Guo has normal emotions towards the host, moderate surprise, and rewards experience 20,000】

【SS character Steel Bone Sora has normal emotions towards the host. Primary hostility, reward experience 10,000】

In just one hour, 500,000 experience points were collected from various forces with good intelligence capabilities.

Suddenly, a sentence interrupted Er's daze.

"Lord Sal, this is the drink I made. I hope you like it."

He turned around and saw that it was Peggy One who handed him the drink. Behind him was Runti, who was also holding a drink and looking unhappy. It seemed that her brother gave the drink to her enemy, which made the sister unhappy.

Sal took the drink and drank it without hesitation. This straightforwardness made Peggy One's eyes flicker. Didn't he care about poisoning himself?

Sal didn't have so many concerns.

Not to mention whether he could be poisoned, the young man in front of him would not do such a thing.

He knew that although Peggy One was crazy in battle, he was gentle and introverted in normal times, and he was not like his sister at all.

He only needed to be trained to be an independent defender.

If it was a silly character like Runti, he would not dare to let the other party become the captain alone.

Just look at Jack's performance two years later.

He was a man whose pirate group was wiped out twice in a row.

Sal put his arm around Peggy One's shoulder.

"Don't call me Sir, just call me Thrall, or Big Brother."

""Okay, big brother Sal."

The two of them acted like brothers, but in fact, this was all intentional by Sal. He knew that as long as he could stabilize Page One, it would be much easier to bring the two siblings under his command. In this way, even if Kaido took action himself, it would be difficult to pull them back.

Sal's smiling face made Runti behind him even more unhappy. Page One has always relied on only her sister, so why does she need a big brother? Besides, isn't this bastard actually over 70 years old?

Sal treated Page One as a big brother and completely forgot how embarrassing this would be for Ace. A man younger than him was actually one generation older. Of course, the pirate world generally doesn't care about these things.

���Brother Sar, I will go to the rudder to control the direction"

"Well, it's up to you. The goal is Black Spear Elephant Fish Island."

Few people in his pirate group know how to share the responsibility for the captain. Except for Rayleigh, Bonnie, Golden Lion, and Runti are not like this kind of people.

Sal suddenly remembered something and was about to remind

"Well, Xiao Pei, then you......."

Before Sal could finish, Runti appeared in front of him, with a pair of beautiful big eyes silently protesting. It was not until Sal was about to leave that she righteously corrected him:

"You can't call Xiao Pei"Xiao Pei". Only I can call her Xiao Pei. No one else can call her Xiao Pei."


Is that all? I learned how to address Xiao Pei from her. I remember Maria and Yamato also called her that in the original book, right?

Sal was once again speechless about the iron-headed girl's train of thought, but it was actually quite interesting to see her being humiliated. He immediately stepped forward and said,

"I just call you Xiao Pei. The more you don't want me to, the more I will call you. This is my right as the new eldest brother. Xiao Pei, Xiao Pei, Xiao Pei."

The call of Xiao Pei made Runti's face turn red. She looked furious. When she got angry, she didn't care who the enemy was.

"Damn bastard, go to hell!

Runti stretched out her hands and grabbed Sal's shoulders, tilting her head back to attack the guy who wanted to take her brother away. But her movements were fast, but there were people who were faster than her.

""A serious hammer"

I saw that Thrall first hit the opponent with his forehead. The strength of his weapon was not comparable to Runti, which made Tietoumei cover her forehead and groan in pain.

Then Thrall also held Runti's shoulders with both hands and pressed her to the ground. The two looked at each other in a man-on-top position. This strange position caused Runti to react violently.

""Damn you, let me go. I want you to be in trouble."

Runti kept struggling, but her resistance was nothing compared to Sal's. In order to prevent a possible fatal blow, he pressed his feet against her legs, making her unable to move her limbs.


After Runti struggled to no avail, she calmed down and looked at the man above. The two just stared at each other in silence, with Sal's head even closer. The two pairs of eyes expressed their emotions. Sal saw his own reflection in Runti's crystal clear eyes, and the other saw his own reflection in his eyes.

Runti was stunned by the strange state of the two. It was the first time she was treated like this by a man. The two maintained this posture for a while without moving. Sal could hear Runti's breathing inside the mask, which became heavier and heavier, and her voice became much weaker.

"I want to get up, let me go quickly, I feel uncomfortable all over."

The sound suddenly became a little sticky, which shocked Sal. He looked at the delicate and fair face and the beautiful eyes that began to avoid contact. Sal lowered his head for some unknown reason, and as the other party became more nervous, he blew a breath on the crystal clear earlobe, causing Runti's body to tremble a few times, and then he warned slowly.

"If you dare to mess around again, I will not be polite. Don't blame me for being unkind. Do you understand?"

Runti under him did not answer. She was still in a daze, because the feeling in her ears just now was really strange. It was the first time in her 20 years of experience. This made her lose her mind until now.

Runti's strange appearance made Sal know that he should stop while he was ahead, otherwise there would be trouble. He immediately pretended not to care and got up to leave. Before leaving, he reminded her:

"You said you wanted to join my pirate group, and I approved it."

After a moment when Sal completely disappeared, Runti changed her usual blushing face and shouted

"You bastard, I won't let you go."

Although Runti was furious, she didn't object to joining the pirate group.......

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