10 days later

, at the headquarters of the Navy, Marinford. At this time, Marinford is being repaired. Many of the construction site facilities are full of navy officers. Some cracks are filled with steel bars and cement to maintain the solidity of the island.

Even though more than a month has passed, the restoration of Marinford still feels far away. After all, the damage caused by the war at the top is too great.

But it is a difficult choice to give up Marinford without repairing it, as it has the expensive Gate of Justice and exclusive ocean currents, a high-speed channel that is rare in the world.

In the marshal's room, three veteran navy soldiers gathered together rarely.

In just over a month, Sengoku's appearance has changed a lot. One-thirtieth of his hair has turned white. It seems that the war at the top has indeed had a great impact on his psychology.

"Let's talk about how to solve the current situation within the Navy. We and the Five Elders are leaning towards Aokiji becoming the Admiral. If nothing unexpected happens, Aokiji's succession ceremony will be held in a month. But even so, Akainu wants to fight for it. If we leave it alone, I'm afraid that Akainu, who has become a woman, will do something out of the ordinary."


The atmosphere at the scene became solemn. The navy now has a lot of headaches. In addition to the Marshal War, there is also the earth-shaking event of Roger, Rayleigh, and Golden Lion getting together.

How exaggerated it is for three legendary pirates to get together. When the spy sent the news, Sengoku didn't believe it. Golden Lion himself didn't seem like such a person.

But when the photos of Golden Lion after he became younger were found, and the accurate news that he joined the Sal Pirates was found. Now the high-ranking navy officials and the world government couldn't help but believe that the pirate group of three legendary pirates was no joke. It already had the strength to threaten the rule of the world government. This was already another Rocks Pirates.

Originally, Im and the Five Elders were like high-ranking referees, who only needed to sit back and watch the navy and pirates fight. Suddenly being told that he had become a contestant was very unpleasant.

However, at this time of trouble, the World Government and the Navy could only turn a blind eye to the Sal Pirates. At least they had to wait until the Navy Marshal was successfully handed over and the World Recruitment was completed before they could make a move.

Garp's voice rang out in the silent room.

"If Kuzan is forced to become the admiral, I think many people in the navy will not accept it. It is better to decide according to the current rumors and let them fight each other. Whoever wins will be the admiral. If Kuzan can't even beat Akainu who has turned into a woman, then he will not be able to convince the public in the future."

Navy staff officer Tsuru also agreed with this decision

"This is indeed a way for the Navy to safely hand over the Marshal, I agree."

Zhan Guo could only nod his head helplessly. In fact, he had no better way, although he had a bad feeling about the duel deep in his heart.

"There is one more thing. Macas Lukesheng from the Macas family of the Celestial Dragons is going to visit the Golden City of Gulan Tezoro. I plan to let Taotu accompany him as a guard. After all, the New World is too chaotic now, and there will be people with ulterior motives who will attack the Celestial Dragons."


Zhan Guo's words made He frown, and his very old face had many more wrinkles. Why do the Celestial Dragons need a backup admiral like Momotobu to accompany them when they travel? They only need CP0's protection. And if she remembered correctly, the backup admiral Chaton was also on vacation in the Golden City. That's right

, now Vice Admirals Momotobu and Chaton are alternate admirals. After the Marshal takes over, a position of admiral will be vacant. If there are no other candidates for admirals after the World Recruitment, the Navy will consider choosing one of them to become the admiral.

In this chaotic era, the admirals of the Navy, as the highest combat power, cannot be vacant. That would weaken the deterrent power against the sea and make the world think that the Navy's strength has declined. Therefore, even if the two are a little short of the strength of the real admirals, it doesn't matter.

And if the two alternate admirals join forces, their strength will even be better than that of a single admiral.

After thinking for a moment, He suddenly thought of a possibility, stared at Zhan Guo in disbelief and said

"Zhan Guo, do you want to deal with the Golden Emperor Gild Tesoro?"

Zhan Guo did not deny or admit it, but just mentioned something else.

"Gild Tesoro is active in the New World. I am afraid that he will be attacked by the Four Emperors, especially Roger, so I decided to let Taotu be his guard."

Unlike the other two who discussed seriously, Garp was watching the show throughout the whole process. He had a bad impression of Gild Tesoro himself. Garp thought that he was another Doflamingo.

Seeing that Sengoku did not deny it, He was also thinking about whether the plan would work. The Golden Emperor's wealth is estimated to be more than 500 billion. If this wealth can be obtained, it will definitely allow the navy to quickly restore its strength. You must know that the World Government allocates less than 200 billion to the Navy every year. Of course, the Navy also has its own source of income.

The only thing that Sengoku and others find difficult is the relationship between Tesoro and the World Government. Because of the huge amount of heavenly gold handed over every year, the World Government recognizes the Golden City as a legal country, and even allows the Golden City to enjoy the protection of other member countries. It is also because of the relationship with the World Government that Tesoro can do both black and white.

Just when the two wanted to continue to discuss the Golden Emperor in detail, a navy rear admiral knocked on the door to interrupt their conversation. When the rear admiral came in, he brought intelligence that made the three people's faces change greatly.

"Report to Marshal Zhan Guo, Mr. Zefa is leaving Marinford with a navy, and under the banner of the new navy."

After hearing the news, Zhan Guo seemed to have aged a little, and said with a sigh

"Zefa, why are you doing this? Can't you discuss this with us old friends? We will definitely help you."......

At the edge of the New World, a huge golden ship was sailing on the sea. The whole ship looked like a magnificent modern city. It was the Golden City of Gulan Tesoro, the territory of the Golden Emperor Gilder Tesoro.

In a shabby boat in the distance, Thrall stood on the broken pole and looked at the Golden City with a smile on his face.

"The Golden Emperor is really rich and inhumane. It looks like we will have a lot of fun this time."

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