The high-tech car passed through the city streets and came to the casino. The beautiful tour guide in charge of Sal put her arm around him unceremoniously. As long as the guests did not refuse, they would accompany the guests to play, even to sleep at night.

Sal did not refuse this either, and let the other party pull him to exchange the bets, and a special person would exchange the black crocodile's treasure into chips.

Sal stuffed a chip worth millions into the tour guide's plump cleavage, causing the beauty to blush again and again.

"Hateful, you are really bad."

Sal showed an impolite smile, it was normal to play along, then he was led by the other party to a gambling table and started to place bets.

Time passed slowly, and Sal had visited several gambling tables. No matter how he played, he lost more than he won. It seemed that his luck was not good today.

But playing was not his purpose. Since he entered the door, he had been spreading his observation Haki, and explored the entire magnificent building almost, and found many guys he cared about.

For example, an ordinary man not far away made him pay special attention.

Navy deputy admiral Chaton, real name Kake.

Chaton was wearing a hat and having fun, and ordinary people could not tell that he was a deputy admiral.

When Sal used his observation Haki to search the building again, he found a familiar breath on the upper floors that surprised him.

"Is this the woman from Taotu?"

The opponent's familiar aura showed no sign of abating, as if she would cut someone at any time.

The brief fight last time had made Sal remember Taotu's breath, which made Sal confirm again that his luck today was a bit bad.

The two reserve generals plus the strong man Tesoro were already difficult opponents in Sal's view. At least it would be difficult to end the battle in a short time if the other party joined forces. It would be even more difficult if other strong men arrived, such as Kizaru.

According to the original plot, Tesoro can exert the strength comparable to that of the emperor's vice president in the city full of gold, unless the power core of the golden city is shut down first to make the gold powder function ineffective.

While Sal was thinking about things, the neglected tour guide immediately felt unhappy. She had just received an order from her boss to lead the target to the VIP room to participate in gambling with the boss. It seemed that the boss had taken a fancy to her guests.

Thinking of the reward after the success, the tour guide immediately hugged Sal more tightly, her plump breasts completely wrapped around the man's arms, and she said coquettishly with a pretentious expression

"Sir, do you want to go to the VIP room to play? It's really fun there, and no matter whether you win or lose, I'm yours tonight."

"No, thank you, I can do it by myself, you go and do your thing."

Not hearing the expected answer, Sal decisively refused to let the tour guide stay where she was, and then she could feel the other party pulling his arm out of her arms.

The change happened too suddenly. Although the girl's face was very ugly, she still managed to maintain a smile and planned to hug the target again. She hasn't given up yet. You can imagine how dedicated she is.

"My Lord, if you don't want to go, I can accompany you to play here."

Sal retreated repeatedly to avoid the other party's hug. He knew what the so-called VIP room was. It seemed that Tezoro had really set his sights on him, but now was not the time to meet. The next thing did not require the accompaniment of a tour guide, so after Sal stuffed the tip into the other party's plump breasts again, he also planned to leave the casino.

Unfortunately, the tour guide did not think so. If the target was brought to the VIP room, the reward would not be comparable to this tip. He wanted to pester him immediately, but when Sal began to get impatient, a purple-haired beauty stood in front of Sal.

Kalina was wearing a charming and sexy evening dress. She put her arms around Sal's waist so that the other party could feel her plump figure. Kalina, who made intimate movements, said to the tour guide lightly.

"Thank you for being my man when I was not feeling well, right, dear."

Sal looked at Karina's beautiful face after putting on makeup in surprise, and was a little confused about what the other party was doing, but he still cooperated and said

"That's right, I'll just have my woman with me from now on."

Sal took advantage of the situation and put his arms around Kalina's slender waist. The elasticity of her skin made her feel very smooth. Then he exerted force to make Kalina fall directly into his arms.

Sal lowered his head and asked

"Miss Thief, what are you doing?"

Karina leaned close to Sal's ear and blew a sweet breeze.

"I just came here to get my property back, don't you plan to return the money to me? And I helped you, don't you want to go to the VIP room? Why do you resist going to the VIP room? You should not be afraid of the strength you can deal with the black crocodile."

Sal looked at Mingmei's pretty face and suddenly thought of something he had overlooked, so he invited the other party.

"I declare in advance that all the money of Black Crocodile belongs to me, but if you can help me achieve my goal, I can give you all the wealth of Black Crocodile."

Sal embraced him and came to the gambling table to start gambling. The other party was able to sneak into Black Crocodile's ship, and it seemed that his stealing skills should be good.

He just remembered that Tesoro seemed to have a control key that could open the control center of Golden City, so he needed the other party to help him steal the control key of Golden City, otherwise, in the end, Tesoro would destroy everything and let Golden City sink into the sea, which would be a waste of time.

Kalina looked at Sal with suspicion. This man wanted to recruit her as soon as he met her?

"What is your business? I will not sell my body, and I will not do anything too dangerous."

Sal leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"I want to seize the Golden City, so I need you to help me steal the control key. I will take care of the other powerful enemies."

Kalina froze when she heard this, and looked at Thrall as if she had seen a ghost. What is this man talking about? Doesn't he know that this is the territory of Golden Emperor Tezoro? Is he crazy?

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