Blackbeard becoming one of the Five Emperors poses no real threat to Sal. Anyway, the territory of Beehive Island is not connected to his territory, and the ones who need to be nervous are Charlotte Linlin and Shanks. The

Five Emperors have the least impact on Sal. After all, his strength is the strongest among the Five Emperors.

Not to mention that the Blackbeard Pirates without Aokiji are not that strong for Sal.

At most, they are about the same as the Big Mom Pirates.

If it were not to avoid unnecessary trouble, he, Rayleigh and Golden Lion would be enough to defeat the Blackbeard Pirates.

The only aspect that Blackbeard has an impact on Sal is that it covers up the popularity of his robbing of the Golden City.

The headlines of killing Tesoro were replaced by the Battle of Beehive Island not long after dominating the list.

Over the past few days, it brought Sal a total of 5.2 million in revenue, including the emotional experience brought by spending money to build the territory, which is much less than the expected experience, just enough to upgrade to the next level.

Among them, the construction of the territory brought 2.2 million experience, and the Golden City incident brought 3 million experience

【Level Upgrade: Level 97 (320,000/5.5 million)]

The level upgrade also brings many changes to the template

【Host: Augustus D. Sal】

【Age: 27】

【Level: 97 (320,000/5.5 million)】

【Strength: Peak (King) equipment blessing】

【Constitution: Peak (General) Equipment blessing】

【Agility: Peak (General)】

【Fruit: None】

【Skills: Top】

【Armament Haki: Peak】

【Observation Haki: Peak (The Sound of All Things Breathing))】

【Conqueror Haki: Peak (Knowing Killing)】

【Weapons: Ace, Heaven's Chain, Red Dragon Suit】

【Points: 962135]

Armament Haki has returned to its peak level. According to his estimation, the strength of level 97 is comparable to that of level 100. What Sar is most looking forward to is that the points have reached 960,000, which is only 40,000 points away from the 1 million gold lottery. In just one month, 600,000 points were collected. The power of money is indispensable.

Just one person who pays for the construction of a territory can directly change the fate of ordinary civilians. Although the points brought by a civilian are in the single digit, the number is huge, which brings him 400,000 points of income. It is worth his investment of 60 billion Baileys to become a good guy in the eyes of ordinary people, a rich fish, and an outlier among pirates.

Sar is full of confidence in this transaction because his strength has become stronger again. There are 5 affiliated pirate groups following him, including Marco, a powerful man at the level of the emperor vice. It stands to reason that Marco should not follow him, but the other party said that they cannot let their boss face the main force of the navy alone, so it is not easy to refuse Marco's kindness.

Just when Sal was looking forward to what kind of treasure he would get from the golden lottery, a female voice suddenly interrupted his fantasy. He turned his head and saw a red-haired woman looking at him with eyes that seemed to be blazing, which made Sal shudder.

"Roger, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about Tina, the flower of the navy?"

The voice was still gentle as usual, but this made Sal's calm expression instantly stiff, and he argued very uncomfortably.

"Lu Jiu: That's not the case. I just thought that Blackbeard should have been kept when he became one of the Five Emperors. Now he has grown to the point where he can't be killed. Hahaha."

Lu Jiu walked to the side of Sal with an expressionless face, looking at the sea, and suddenly said lightly:

"Is that so? But I am looking forward to meeting Miss Tina. I wonder if Ace will have more brothers or sisters in the future. Don't you think so, Roger?"


Sal had nothing to say about this, he had no idea where Luju got the news from, and her sudden offer to come along really caught him off guard. Obviously, few people in the pirate group knew about Tina, unless someone betrayed him. Rayleigh, Marco, Vista, Bakara, or the biggest suspect, Golden Lion?

Luju suddenly hugged him with her arms, and put her head on her man's shoulder and looked at him, as if expecting the next answer.

The weird scene made Sal's brain sound the highest level of alert, because he knew that no matter how he answered, he would get nothing good, so he could only try to change the subject.

"Lu Jiu, how is Ace's training going? It's been almost half a month, so his strength should have increased a lot. Do you want to go back and see him?"

Sal's voice fell without an immediate response. Lu Jiu just stared at the sea in a daze, and it took a long time for him to say something.

"Ace should like his younger brother more, right?"


Can we forget about this topic?

Sal really shut up and didn't talk about it. Lu Jiu had been red-haired for several hours, and she hadn't changed back once. It was conceivable that this was the most angry moment in her life. If this continued, she might do something fatal.

Just when the two were in a strange atmosphere, the familiar laughter of the golden lion suddenly came from above. The old lion with long golden hair fell from the sky and taunted in a very annoying tone.

"Hahaha, so Luju, you hope that the woman named Tina will give birth to a boy, but I think Roger will like girls more, after all, he already has Ace."The

Golden Lion's behavior of adding fuel to the fire made Sal's face darken, and then his peak-level domineering aura hit the opponent in a targeted manner. The Golden Lion's body froze in the air, but soon burst out with a domineering aura that was not much worse than Whitebeard's. The sudden collision of the two domineering auras in mid-air attracted the attention of everyone around.

And Sal noticed that the rudder on the Golden Lion's head had disappeared. No wonder the opponent could barely withstand his peak domineering aura. The difference in their domineering aura did not reach the level of crushing.

However, the Golden Lion's feet had not recovered, which was beyond Sal's expectation. It should not be difficult to change a pair of feet for the surgery fruit. If they did not change, there must be other problems.

Sal asked with the same momentum.

"Shiki, it seems that your strength has recovered a lot, but your foot can't be restored?"

Returning to the peak of dominance has made the Golden Lion return to its former glory

"Luo can help me change a pair of legs, but if the strength and fit are not enough, I can't exert my full strength.

It's better to wait until I have a suitable pair of legs.

I promised Luo that I would help him deal with a Shichibukai named Doflamingo.

I will let me know when I can take action.

"The conditional exchange is indeed in line with the character of the Golden Lion.

Waiting for the Golden Lion to truly recover his strength will inevitably challenge himself.

It is better to suppress the arrogance of the old lion now.

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