Akainu watched as Sal passed him and walked towards Aokiji, and suddenly asked in a weak voice:

"Roger, do you still count the favor you owe me?"

Sal stopped and said without turning his head.

"Still counts, do you want to use it here?"

"You let me and Aokiji go today, this is your repayment of my favor."

"You really have a good plan."

Sal turned his head and looked at the pale Akainu. At this moment, she was not as cold and strong as before, but a little weak. If someone who didn't know Akainu saw her, they would think she was just a pitiful and seriously injured woman.

Today's battle made Sal recognize the female Akainu again, and began to realize what crazy behavior she had done during the war on the top.

"No, I owe you a favor and can only let one person go. You choose who to let go, you or Aokiji.

The hoarse woman gave the answer without hesitation.

"Then let Aokiji leave. I will be your prisoner, or you can kill me here."

Akainu's decision once again confused Thrall, who thought he had misheard what he said. When he was sure that he had no intention of changing his mind, he slowly accepted it. The other party's phoenix eyes were not joking.

In order to prevent Akainu from having a bad brain, Thrall finally reminded him:

"If you become my prisoner, the position of marshal will be inherited by Aokiji. Can you accept this?"

"This is my decision, and this is the justice I am enforcing now"


Although Thrall didn't know what Akainu's so-called justice would become, he chose to give up capturing Akainu after a moment of silence. After all, beating up the person who owed him a favor and then letting him go as a repayment of a favor was indeed a bit shameless. Akainu

's current uprightness made Thrall feel that his sneak attack was a bit mean, and he instantly lost interest in capturing the two admirals.

Even if letting the two admirals go would be a bit of a threat to the future, Thrall was more pursuing clarity of thought and no regrets, so he turned around and planned to look for Hancock.

When he left, he even covered Akainu with his cloak. After all, the other party's tattered clothes did not match his status. He finally gave the respectable opponent a little respect, and also left a sentence.

"Akainu, now you owe me a favor."

The freed Akainu simply replied

"I will remember this favor, and I will also remember today's humiliation."

Although Thrall heard Akainu's soft reply, he continued to leave without caring. Time will only make the gap between the two sides bigger and bigger.......

Soon after, Aokiji was the first of the two admirals lying on the ground to stand up. After all, although the injury on his waist looked shocking, it was not as serious as Akainu's.

When Aokiji walked slowly in front of Akainu, the admiral who was still lying on the ice suddenly said

"Aokiji, if you take action now, the position of marshal will be yours"


Aokiji didn't answer, but looked at the other's delicate face with complicated eyes. He roughly understood the conversation between Akainu and Sal, and knew that she was secretly connected with"One Piece", but the other's choice today put him in a dilemma.

Under Akainu's gaze, the silent Aokiji finally spoke up and asked the question he cared about most.

"How did Roger owe you a favor?

Akainu replied expressionlessly.

"I helped him by killing CP0 when we exchanged hostages half a month ago, so he owes me a favor."

Aokiji should have been disappointed when he heard this explanation, because as long as he handed over the information about the connection between the two to the World Government, his position as Marshal would definitely be secured. But he didn't do that, he just suddenly sat next to Akainu and said

"It seems that now you owe him a favor, a favor to buy my life."


A shameless guy used this method to repay a favor, and made her owe him a favor. Akainu was very angry about this, but Aokiji's sudden words made her expression freeze as if she was struck by lightning.

Aokiji said slowly:

"You saved my life, the position of marshal is yours"


This sudden remark did not surprise Akainu. Instead, he looked at Aokiji with a strange look on his face, and finally said:

"Are you planning to leave the Navy?"

Akainu knew Aokiji's character very well. She had predicted that if she won, there was a 50% chance that Aokiji would leave the Navy.

"No, I will still be the admiral of the navy. Can't you, the new marshal, tolerate me, your former rival?"

Aokiji used his fruit power to freeze the opponent's wound to prevent Akainu from bleeding to death.

At this moment, the prejudices of the two admirals against each other were finally resolved. Akainu smiled warmly from the bottom of his heart, which made Aokiji, who was looking at him, stunned. Is this still the serious Akainu of the past?

Feeling the coldness all over his body, Akainu rarely joked.

"I won't make it difficult for you, but you have to be prepared. The Navy will undergo a major change after I take over. Don't be scared away by the workload."

"It looks like I'm changing my mind about leaving the Navy."

"If you dare to resign, I will label you a traitor to the Navy."

"What a strict marshal."

When Aokiji held Akainu's hand and pulled her up, she didn't notice the flash of light in Akainu's eyes. It was obvious that the situation did not develop beyond her plan.......

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