Yang God

Chapter 724: Eventful autumn


The emptiness of a "empty" and a salvation marks the complete annihilation of the disaster brought about by the ceremony, and the success of the ceremony was also announced. The official emperor of the Jade Emperor, "Jade Emperor", has truly become a human seal.

Not only is the "Jade Emperor" powerful, but the most important thing is that this print has been recognized by the sages and has the name of Datong.

Hong Yi looked at the void of the emptiness and left, and took a long breath. "This imaginary martial art is becoming more and more exquisite, the power is getting stronger and stronger, and the exquisiteness is incomparable. Through the long rivers of ancient and modern times," "If He insisted on killing me today. I was seriously injured. Although refining the tail of the immortal king, it is hard to win him. The outcome is still between five and five. However, he is not a entangled person, but it has saved me a lot of trouble. ”

Pinning your mind on the "immortal king of flesh and blood tail", swallowed up the air in one fell swoop, so that this is too old and explosive, although Hung Yi has the upper hand, but if nothing is disregarded today, strong action, victory and defeat It’s really bad.

The imaginary realm of nothingness is similar to that of Hong Yi’s own martial arts, and the experience of martial arts fighting is richer than that of Hong Yi, and the moves are endless. It is a very difficult opponent until now.

And Hong Yi feels that the strong man of the martial arts peak has gradually moved toward the smashing vacuum, which is the kind of stride forward.

"I am not attacking the sun **** today, but in the near future, I foresee that this imaginary will impact the realm of smashing the vacuum. I don't know his martial arts, and my martial arts, who can break through to the realm of smashing vacuum first. "Hong Yi's heart calculates, thinking and communication with the future.

"According to the situation he had just started, the strength of his body is equivalent to fifteen creators, and his burrows and the land of the ninety-nine states have a connection with some mysterious space. If some kind of antiquity is used The secret law, you can be like you, thinking and the world are connected together, the boxing power is doubled, the explosive power is doubled! This is a release of potential, it may be the key to smash the vacuum door, a means Similar to the immortal king of the king, the blood sacrifice is "" & "?" "r," "__&L&=The powerful thinking of the future is constantly running, and thousands of guesses are enlightened, thought, and Operation, being investigated, and then the most likely conclusions were reached.

"So, nothingness can smash the vacuum at any time. It is in a delicate balance, and he has witnessed the impact of your impact on the sun, gaining supreme experience and increasing power. He is in a hurry. Going, not fighting with you, may also be because the mind has been comprehended, want to go back to practice again, from one year to three years, nothing is ninety-eight, crushing the vacuum. But I have no real vacuum Information, deduction is not so precise, the two realms of Yangshen and smashing vacuum are the extreme of the Tao, and the complexity of the deduction is more than everything.

"I naturally know this, how many years, how many years?" Hong Yi nodded: "There are still seven years, there are still seven years, that is, the day when I battled with the dream machine on the South China Sea, I don't know. Now, how is the dream machine cultivated? This time, the jade capital city’s enthronement ceremony, he actually did not come to join in the excitement. According to the truth, he is the emperor of the Shang Dynasty. He should come and establish his orthodox status for himself. He does not It’s a sign that his cultivation has reached a critical time."

Although Hung Yi’s strength has increased greatly, the means have surpassed the dream machine, but he did not dare to take it lightly after the war in seven years.

You must know that the dream machine is also at a proper point, and it is likely to also hit the realm of the sun.

Although his flesh is not rebellious - cultivation to the ever-changing realm, but with the eternal kingdom, there may be some secrets taught by "Tai".

After all, the inheritance of the dream machine is directly from the experience of the master of the sun, but Hong Yi is alone to explore.

This time, the Jade Capital City robbery, the immortal gods invaded, to wipe out the Yujing City from the ninety-nine state map, Hong Yi calculated that the dream machine will definitely appear.

If this dream machine appears, then in the history books will record "A certain day of the year, the Jade Emperor was enthroned, and was smashed by the heavens and the earth. The king of the ancient demon **** led the group and came to attack. The son repelled with the two right-hand leaders of the Taishang Daozhu Masters."

This is an epic, also a myth, it is a great system. In this way, Taishang Road will also become orthodox. But now, I am afraid that I will be very unfavorable to my future reputation.

At this point, Hung Yi believes that the dream machine is clearly seen, not a stupid figure, and the only explanation he does not come is that cultivation is at the most critical time, and nothing can cause his interest.

"This impact on the sun, I really became the focus of this heaven and earth universe, the idea of ​​many great supernaturals has noticed..." ":"

Hong Yi thought again, one

In the face of the "immortal king of flesh and blood tail" into the temple, while decomposing the most pure and airless, poured into the body of the sacred king, the five peaks of the human body, to help them heal.

"it is good!"

Originally on the "Sanctuary" Lei Chi, the young marshal was healing on a closed day. Suddenly, he felt a pure element of vitality injected into the body. The whole body was up and down, and he got the nourishment of Ganlin. The flesh and blood have a lively and fluent feeling, as if to live.

Numerous tiny pieces of meat, bone powder, and fur are all running, and for a moment he has a feeling of strength.

This sudden innocent gas perfusion, the young and handsome energy is fully restored, the blood is full and full, can not help but stand up, export shouting, heard nine days.

At the same time, Beichen, Lifu, Wuzun, and Yanyang were all at this moment, and their strength increased greatly. All the injuries were restored, and the nature of the flesh was transformed.

At the same time, Hong Yi’s powerful ideas permeated them into their thoughts. “This is the flesh and blood of the immortal king, the most intelligent and precious in the heavens and the earth, and has a long-lasting effect on the practitioners, especially the martial arts practitioners. After swallowing the flesh and blood, you will all increase your life, at least three thousand years! And this flesh and blood has a powerful effect on the realm of cultivation and flesh and blood. You are all creators and powerful people. If you break through the realm of flesh and blood Basically, it is immortal! But if you can't break it, look at your own!"

The flesh and blood of the immortal king of God is indeed able to help the powerful peaks and people, and better understand the realm of flesh and blood. However, this is not an absolute possibility, but also requires your own comprehension.

After Hong Xuan machine swallowed flesh and blood, he realized that flesh and blood were derived, because his powerful realization of such a stunning figure is a rare presence in the universe.

After a period of mana fluctuations, the blood tumbling and rolling, the sun masculine masculine shines on the temple, the five peaks of the human body are shaking, the flesh and blood on the body squirming, like a living thing, but it can not be separated from the body, split.


After a long while, the five great peaks of the people finally stopped their actions. All of them sighed with a long sigh and settled down. They walked out of the temple and stood in front of the Hongzong.

"There is still no way to break through the flesh and blood, but we all come to the number-critical point! A limit of realm. Long-term cultivation will definitely break through."

The young master said first.

These five peaks, all of them have reached the critical point, which is equivalent to the loss of the longevity of the longevity.

This kind of power is also equivalent to eight masters of thunder.

"That is not anxious, our current strength can also be compared with the seven ministers of the Central World." Li Fuxing took the opportunity to transport the magical powers, only to feel the breath between the breath, the infuriating When I broke the air, I made a space crack and I was very satisfied.

"Yes, the seven ministers of the Central World are all eight thunder masters. We are not worse than them now, and we are even weaker in strength. But the seven ministers are all on the hands. There is no magic weapon, but also has a thunder! But we can't compare it."

Yanyang Xingzhu smiled and said: "In that year, I was hit by the seeds of the origin of the Shennong Minister, and I was captured. The power of this magic weapon is too strong, no less than the flag of invincible. More powerfully, The Thunder, which they own, is comparable to the Taiji Thunder Pool. There are nine in the Central World."

"I haven't seen it in Tianleitai, but since it is a longevity emperor, the Emperor of the Emperor built it, in order to build the supreme instrument of ideal human refining in my heart, I think even if it is not as good as the current Taiji Leichi, it is not much better. Hong Yi nodded, and the heart was naturally clear: "And the form is complicated, far from being a simple central world. I have hit the realm of the sun, but although I have not succeeded, I have felt a lot of complicated things. Many great supernaturals have noticed that, in the simplest terms, there is a strong existence in the time and space of the sun and the moon.

"There is a strong presence above the sun and the moon?"

The five peaks of the people listened to Hong Yi’s words and could not help but be surprised.

"Our day and night, the sky is a big star, burning the flames of blazing heat, melting the gold and iron, and the inside is even more violent, burning the void, the **** of the creator can not go deep, where it is impossible to survive, 嫜- Many masters also explore the sun and the moon."

The young man is thinking about it.

"The sun and the moon in the sky are just big fireballs, big ice hockeys. The sun and the moon of the world are completely different. There are wonderful changes." A voice screamed, but it was the spirit of the restoration of the spirit. : "In the outer heavens, the Creator can arrive, and the Sun and the Moon of the Great World, the Creator is not accessible. Unless the Sun God, or the King of Artifact."

"On the sun and the moon, there are also powerful creatures, such as the Son of the Sun, the Taijin Golden Bird? It was born from the fire, and the phoenix was born from the fire. In ancient times, there was a powerful master, the sun god. His cultivation palace Just in the void of the sun."

Going out of the king of God to see more knowledge ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally know a lot of things: "This time Hong Yi shocked the realm of Yangshen, all the great supernaturals will know that tens of thousands of years have not appeared in the sun, how can not It has attracted people's attention. From now on, the world will become a matter of autumn. Also, the battle between you and the immortal **** opens a passage of time and space. The existence above the sun and moon is likely to follow the passage of time and space. Arrived in the big world."

"There is no defense. If it comes, it will be safe." Hong Yidao: "The future is the autumn of many things, but it doesn't matter how many more. We just need to strengthen our strength. I now completely divide the flesh and blood of the immortal king. Our forces will strengthen several creators."

"Hong Yi! You sealed me, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, in the depths of the Taiji Thunder Pool, a voice was conveyed. Hung Yi looked at the past and found that it was the "Secretary of the Emperor Temple" that was first sealed by himself. "I am also the owner of creation, Hong Yi as long as You let me go, I am willing to serve you, to resist the invasion of the central world? I also know many secrets of the Central World. And, there is another identity. It is the righteous woman of the Central World Leader’s wife..." """ Jingyuan Temple When the Pope saw Hong Yi staring at her, she could not help but stand up from the seal of Leichi and stood up with a sly tone.

"The things in the Central World, I have already been clear enough. The memory of the War Ministers has been completely absorbed by me. Is there anything I still don't know?" Hong Yi grabbed it with his hands and the Emperor of the Jingyuan Temple flew from the pool. It came out, but it was covered with strong force. Nothing could be moved: "You have already married Hong Xuanji. I think it’s a good idea to give her a little trick. This is your own choice. No one will pass you."

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