Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 357: pressing step by step

   Fengshan Town, on the construction site of the carton factory, two reporters were wearing white short sleeves and holding high trousers. Whenever they saw a worker or a mason from the construction team, they would hold on to ask a few questions.

   However, after a morning's "interview", the two of them couldn't help being a little disappointed, and a layer of impatience appeared on their sweaty faces. No matter how they guide them, none of those people will stand up and scold the black-hearted boss. This makes their plan a bit of a failure, there is no witness, and even if you write the article with more flowers, it still looks empty.

   The interview this time is not just a task assigned by relevant provincial and Taiwan leaders. For the 30,000 yuan already in their pockets, they have long forgotten their fundamental functions as reporters. What news needs to be objective and fair? Can that thing be eaten as a meal?

At the beginning, they were afraid of being blocked by the factory, so they did not dare to reveal their identities. In the end, the two of them simply took out the video camera and camera that were hidden on the side, and hung their work cards around their necks. It was because he couldn't find anyone willing to come out and scold that Boss Dong, and being beaten by the security guards watching the field in the factory was something to say.

  It’s a pity that their thoughts were wasted, and they wandered around the construction site for more than an hour, but no one cared at all. Oh, no, it can’t be said that no one was bothered. The technicians in charge of construction safety brought two safety helmets…[

   Now, Yang Xiaonian has not seen clearly what the direction of time development is, but after the provincial inspectorate came down, a whirlwind soon blew in the development zone.

   Maybe you think that the biggest official in Zhengyi Development Zone is half a level lower than your own? Director Gong of the Provincial Inspectorate became aggressive as soon as he arrived, and arranged for Yu Dong to call out the criminal who beat him, and the inspection team would personally interrogate him.

  Yu Dong had already been instructed by Yang Xiaonian for a long time. Naturally, he would not hand over the initiative, but it was not easy to refuse in person. He could only delay in the name of the person involved in the case being treated.

   But the Director Gong didn't give any face at all, and immediately demanded that the other two waitresses in the Longquan Hotel who had not changed their statements be passed over for questioning. For this, Yu Dong naturally would not agree, but gave the copy of the dossier to Director Gong. Didn't you come down to supervise the case? The provincial department did not say that you should take over the case directly, so you can supervise it. First, look at the file, and if there is anything wrong, we will communicate in time.

Director Gong was naturally dissatisfied with the Tai Chi hand displayed by Yu Dong. After slapping the table and bluntly berating, he asked Yu Dong: "Why don't you actively cooperate with the provincial department's investigation? Is there something wrong with the development zone? Someone said something? Don't you have any concerns. Although our public security system has dual leadership, its vertical strength is greater than that of any other department. The development zone can't stay, and it's not the same wherever you go? What's more, if the tree moves the dead and the people live, no matter where the local authority is, it's not better than a small area as big as a palm in the development zone?"

In the words of   , the elements of coercion and inducement are hardly concealed.

   To say that there is a chance to curry favor with the provincial government, if Yu Dong doesn’t want to, it is pure nonsense. It's a pity that the water in this stall is very confusing, and he has not yet found the direction. Besides, after working with Yang Xiaonian for a year, he admires this young and messed-up director of the development zone. He might do something without telling him, but let him openly The stationmaster came out and gave Yang Xiaonian a hand. Not only did he not have the courage, but he also didn't want to do it from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing that Director Gong had already said this, Yu Dong couldn't help but say: "Director Gong, the documents under the provincial department, your inspector came down to supervise the handling of the case by the Public Security Branch of the Development Zone, and I am in the process of handling the case. If there are any deficiencies, Director Gong is welcome to point out to us. However, the provincial department did not let the Inspectorate take over the case, so the investigation should be carried out by the Public Security Bureau of the Development Zone. The leaders of the Development Zone are very concerned about this case. Pay attention, we have already given instructions for us to strictly enforce the law, find out the truth, and deal with the responsible persons seriously."

   This is almost like a torn face and shirtless fight with Director Gong.

   Director Gong thought that he was from the provincial government and should be absolutely respected by these local cadres with sesame and mung bean. However, he never thought that he hadn't met the legendary director of the development zone, and his direct subordinates several levels away had already left him on the stage.

   This embarrassing state of wanting to enter the door and retreating, made Director Gong not know what to do for a while.

Zhao Chongtai, the deputy director of the city bureau who accompanied him down, glanced at Yu Dong with a smirk on the side, grinned, and then said: "Director Yu, since the leaders of the development zone have also given you strict investigation and punishment instructions, this It shows that the development zone has maintained a high degree of consistency with the leaders of the provincial department. If foreign guests are involved, the provincial department will pay close attention to this matter. You must be under the guidance of the provincial department to implement this case. The mistake will affect the credibility of our Zaoyuan City and even the entire Jihai Province public security system."

   While talking, he looked at Director Gong: "Comrade Mingxin, I think we should look at the materials first to understand the specific case before deploying the next step?"

   When he said this, it was a step down for Director Gong.

Gong Mingxin glared at Yu Dong, and after sitting down, turned over the portfolio on the table, and said to Dong, "We'll look at the materials first, you still have to interrogate the hotel staff to see if they still pay. Stick to the original testimony. If these two waitresses were like the two male security guards who changed their testimony because of the two discoveries, then the case would be much easier to hear…”

   Listening to his words, not only Yu Dong, but also Zhao Chongtai frowned, thinking that your suggestion is a bit too obvious, right?

   But Zhao Chongtai just came down to go through the motions. People from the provincial department and the city bureau would definitely accompany him. But neither the provincial department nor the city bureau director Xu assigned him any tasks. He also played the role of a link and a bridge. After introducing Director Gong and Yu Dong, he basically had nothing to do with him. Therefore, Zhao Chongtai has already settled on the position and attitude of drinking more tea and talking less on this matter. It's nothing to do with me hanging up high, and I won't say anything more.

The news of    soon spread to Yang Xiaonian's ears and eyes, which made Yang Xiaonian indignant and headache at the same time. Who is this who insists on fixing himself behind his back? If you really want to predict that, whether it is the minister of the propaganda department or the deputy secretary or secretary in charge of propaganda, everyone is a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee.

  I don't know how Meng Qiuli's actions are going? If the two waitresses are bribed again and form the same confession as the two security guards, it will not only affect the hotel, but also be even more detrimental to Dong Xiaoguang. [

  Dong Xiaoguang had to lie in the hospital for a few days because of the splenectomy, the young man who had his nose broken by him. There was a clip on the inside of the nose, and a boxy white gauze was wrapped on the outside, but it was enough to walk around the hospital.

   It stands to reason that even if he is no longer in pain or itching, he should lie in bed and pretend to be sick. After all, the battle between his father and some people has not yet been decided, so he should not be in the limelight.

  It's a pity that the young master of the Kang family doesn't care about this at all. His father is the director of the Public Security Department. He can walk sideways in Jihai City, let alone a small businessman in the development zone.

   No matter how good a businessman is, no matter how much money you have, you cannot be as strong as the power in the hands of government officials. When he was in the provincial capital, there were many big businessmen who ran to his house with tickets. Which one didn't humbly accompany him and smile when he saw him and his father?

   I heard that the kid who beat him was just relying on his father-in-law's relationship to build a small carton factory in the development zone, and he was not a billionaire. As soon as the father makes a move, he will definitely be able to ruin his family, and he will not stay, so what should he worry about?

"Inoue-kun, my mother is coming to Shancheng this afternoon, and you will definitely avenge your broken ribs." Facing Toyoko's classmate Inoue Shu, who was lying in another ward, Kang An brought With a smug look on his face, he vowed.

  Inoue Tree is about the same age as Kang An, both in their twenties and less than thirty. It's just that Inoue Tree is a little shorter, and his face is whiter than Kang An looks at.

After hearing Kang An's words, Inoue Shu shook his head and said, "Kang An-kun, it's not that I don't believe what you said, but the efficiency of your government is too slow. It's been three days, and the person who beat me is still in the ward. Not being punished, I've had someone call my father and he'll resolve the matter diplomatically."

  The Inoue family is also a well-known chaebol in the Toyo country, and has a pivotal position in the domestic business and political circles. Inoue Tree's father, Inoue Lang, is now the president of Inoue Co., Ltd. He said a word, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the East also wants to give face.

  Especially in the past few years, the economic development of Dongyang country has been rapid, and the gross national product of Maru small country is actually more than nine times that of Yangyang Huaxia.

The central bank has issued bonds three times in Dongyangguo, and the businessmen of the country have also received extremely enthusiastic and out-of-standard treatment at home, which makes them form a wrong concept in their minds, Huaxiaguo now only recognizes money, and waits for everything Forget all. We are no longer their enemies, but their saviors!

   This time, Inoue Tree really accepted Kang's invitation to come to Jihai Province to inspect the project. No matter where you go, with the financial resources of the Inoue family as the backing, and with the golden signboard of Mr. Kang's father, Director Kang, all the people who travel the mountains and rivers are flattery, but they are wronged in the small development zone. . Just think, how could the complacent Inoue tree swallow this bad breath?

   So, let the attendant call back and swear not to give up without revenge.

   Actually, where does Kang An want to take revenge? According to his idea, he also wished that Inoue Shu would use his status as a foreign businessman to put pressure on the development zone. However, his father made it very clear on the phone that it is okay to make trouble, but he must not really let Inoue Shu solve the problem through diplomatic channels.

   In that case, he would have no initiative. Once the nuclear weapons are released, they will lose their deterrent power! !

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