"Glad to be, Lightbringer. He raised his glass in motion. The dark red liquid swaying inside the glass is always easy to bring back some not-so-good memories.

Wen Qian's eyes darkened, and the eyes that looked at Jia Ye were still not good.

Actually, this is the first time Wen Qian has officially seen Jiaye's face, and she was either confused in her dreams and couldn't see it really, or... It was on the face of the avatar who was octanomed to him.

But that's never enough to compare to what I feel at the moment.

The god sat at the end of the long table, his eyebrows were detached and haughty, a pair of silver eyes added a bit of demonic aura to him, and his pale face and the two fangs that he could see when he smiled, made him have an unpredictable temperament.

There is no doubt that this skin of his is exquisitely exquisite, almost indistinguishable in beauty, like God's most elaborate work of art, and in him it is a perfect blend of intensity and coldness, with the arrogance of European aristocrats and the gentleness and elegance of Oriental youth.

The face has a little juvenile flavor between youth and maturity, which makes people want to get closer, but they are afraid. Thus such a person, or rather, a god.

How can a person have two different personalities and temperaments at the same time, Wen Qian was puzzled, but at the same time, a more obvious fact was laid out in front of her.

"No human dares to look directly at the gods. Gaya leaned forward slightly. "And you're an exception.

"Since you say that I am an oracle, it is not within the scope. Wen Qian retorted a little reflexively.

In this way, we will cover up the confusion and unrest in our hearts so that it will not manifest itself. At the very least, you can't let the person in front of you see it.

"Well, if you say so. Gaya supported his chin with one hand and continued to chat, "You had to ask me to save them just now, can you bear to let them die?"

Although it was a question sentence, he used an affirmative sentence. It seems that he already knows her thoroughly and has the chance to win.

"I just don't want to owe them. Wen Qian responded indifferently, not half reacting to his temptation.

"Say whatever you want. Gaya waved his hand meaninglessly, finally getting to the point, "You've got it in mind?" about my proposal.

Wen Qian looked at him, with a bit of disdain and self-deprecation in her eyes, and she asked rhetorically

, "Your death curse has been set, so do I still have a choice?"

"Of course." Gaya looked back calmly.

"You can choose to die.

Wen Qian: "..."You're really a fucking talent."

He took a sip of red wine and politely suggested to her, "For the sake of our friends, I can pick you up personally."

It's good that he didn't mention this, but when he mentioned it, Wen Qian couldn't help but be annoyed.

"Shut up! Who's friends with you. Wen Qian took a deep breath, "If you mention it again, we won't have anything to talk about." "

Ye Jia, Ye Jia... Ye Jia.

This name can no longer give her good memories.

Even if there is nothing left.

"Good. Gaya seemed happy to see her annoyed, but he changed the subject with a lot of face.

"By the way, the name Death Curse is too ugly to hear, I don't like it. He looked mild, threatening, and said in a slow voice, "This is my Rose Curse."

Wen Qian looked at the mirror in the castle, and the death curse on her body was activated because of the formation just now, and now it was spreading even more, and she could even see that the most obvious one had crawled under her eyelids.

The power she controls is also draining, and Wen Qian is deeply aware that this thing is consuming lives far faster than she imagined.

"What's the use of a good name. Wen Qian rolled her eyes, slandering in her heart, it was not a murderous thing.

As if he could see what she was thinking, he raised his eyes and told her, "I said, you have a choice."

Wen Qian narrowed her eyes: "You threaten me?"

"How could it be." Gaya stood up and finally approached her, "I'm inviting you. "

Work with me.

Although she already knew his purpose, Wen Qian still asked, "What do you want?" "

You know. His cold hand handed her a glass of red wine, and he was more patient than he was with the others.

He was gentle, took off the rose pinned to his shirt and handed it to her, his words were like a bright but venomous snake, and he said slowly with that handsome face, "Your faith, or—"

"Yaozhen's life."

Wen Qian unconsciously took a step back, and her back leaned against the back chair behind her.

"Faith..."Wen Qian repeated the word a little confused, in fact, until now, she couldn't tell what faith was.

A wavering look began to appear on her face, and cracks appeared in the mask that had been indifferent to her face.

The fragility on her face that could not be concealed was clearly visible in the eyes of Gaya.

With a satisfied smile on his face, he made a tolerant look and moved a little closer, at this time, the distance between the two was less than half a meter.

It's close enough to be heard.

Wen Qian looked at those cold silver eyes and couldn't help but feel sad.

"It doesn't matter if I have my faith or not.

She seemed to give up, the girl's delicate body was half leaning on the back of the chair, and her rose-purple hair hung down like a waterfall of purple light, messy and beautiful.

"Take it.

She sighed lowly.

"I'm glad to have survived these days. "

Outside the castle, I don't know when it was raining lightly, and sometimes it turned urgent, mixed with the wind and thunder, and the howling continued.

The canopy outside North Castle was always pitch black, and the occasional light could only be a moment of light from thunder and lightning.

The window didn't close, and the cold wind blew down the window into the hall and into her collar.

It's a little cold, but it doesn't affect their communication.

Gaya seemed to be satisfied that she had finally relented, just as a seasoned hunter had finally subdued the eagle and relaxed for a moment.

"That's right. Gaya patted her on the shoulder, "You're going to be my extraditer."

But before she finished speaking, Wen Qian's expression on her face changed, showing a look of pain.

In just a few seconds, she fell to her knees on the ground, choking and coughing up blood from her mouth, and falling to the ground with blood stains.

"So weak. Gaya frowned in confusion and touched the side of her face with her right hand. Xindao, you can't let her die like this.

On the side of her face, the black rose totem was rapidly disappearing.

Wen Qian closed her eyes, feeling that the hateful rose spell that had trapped her day and night for the past few days had finally been removed.

This is a death curse planted by the god of death, and only he can break it.

Wen Qian felt the long-lost sense of ease, and the corners of her mouth hooked up a secret smile.

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