Beyond the misty hills, she saw a vivid town.

Snow-white corners, gray spires, those lovely pointed white houses stand on the side of the street, pointed roofs buckle above them like hats, and arches are low.

Either in a row or in a separate corner, the green vines on the white wall climb the white wall, and the branches hang delicate flowers blooming in the sun.

The gray and white roofs are also painted with all kinds of strange magical symbols, and some of the elves rest, sitting in rocking chairs and napping, the tranquility of this ancient city of Taal has never been broken.

It's not too gorgeous, but it makes people envy this quiet and romantic place.

Wen Qian's struggling figure and unique human appearance obviously attracted the attention of some people, but they only raised their eyes for a while, and when they saw that they were going to the palace, they stopped pursuing it.

In the heart of the city, she turned the corner and saw a magnificent blue-tiled glazed palace, with ivory pillars supporting the splendid periphery, and holy light and shadow shrouded it.

The haze reveals the beauty of the ancient long years.

That palace is obviously where the elves call "His Highness" live.

Wen Qian looked there blankly. To be honest, entering this place was something she had never imagined, and her mind was so chaotic that she couldn't sort out her previous thoughts, and she just wanted to empty everything and move forward.

Let me move forward, on the unknown road.

Two male elves in armor stood in the doorway, and they bent down to the leader of Easley, who nodded in respect.

It seems that his status here is not low.

"There is a human who has broken into the city, and we want to meet His Highness and ask him to decide.

Wen Qian stood in the crowd, and the two guards guarding the door saw her at a glance, glanced up and down, and saw her half-dead and weak appearance, so they agreed.

"I'll go and tell Your Highness.

Easley nodded in acknowledgment, "There is labor." So

they stood outside the tall palace, their eyes firmly fixed on her, and although they were uncomfortable, they could also choose to ignore it.

"Hey, you really are..."A young-looking elf girl quietly poked her arm, and Wen Qian subconsciously looked at it.

She looks ordinary, ordinary, but she has a pair of clear gray eyes.

Everyone in the elven clan has such a pair of eyes that look innocent, so that's why she feels at ease in this place. It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and in the eyes of the elves, there is no worldly hustle and bustle, only a touch of tranquility.

"What is it?" Wen Qian asked curiously. The girl looked behind her, and quickly retracted herself and stopped talking.

Wen Qian realized something, and when she looked back, the guard with a spear in her hand was walking towards her.

The cold feeling in his bones revived again, and the habitual self-protection woke up again.

The familiar mantra, the Dharma seal, drew a circle with his right hand behind him, and the mantra in his heart slowly took shape.

Half a second later, there was no familiar touch of the sword in his hand.

Wen Qian's heart sank.

She tried the magic of the Divine Seal and the lightsaber again, and unsurprisingly, all the spells were useless.


the power of the key is dissolved in the body, if the elves have any special spell protection barrier, it is not impossible for the key to be sucked away or invalidated.

Forget it, if you think of another way, you can find the key again.

In a matter of seconds, the change had happened only to herself, and the people around her were unaware as she watched the guard walk steadily towards her with his boots in his boots.

"Your Highness doesn't have time to see this human. The High Priest said that she might be a spy sent by the dark forces, so watch carefully and don't let her escape.

Wen Qian frowned slightly, once she was locked up, it would be inconvenient for her to do anything.

The healing spell that Easley had just cast on his body seemed to have had an effect, and the pain between the bones and joints recovered little by little, faintly surging all over his body.

Wen Qian blessed her soul and thought of a good reason.

She quietly stepped back, her eyes fixed on a slightly less crowded clearing.

Just before she could move, a hand that didn't know where to reach out was silently close to her back, and with a gentle push

, Wen Qian suddenly felt that the colorful scenery in front of her was like an overturned palette, and she suddenly felt dizzy in front of her, she froze her movements, and then completely lost consciousness.

By the time I woke up again, I don't know how much time had passed.

Wen Qian opened her eyes to find herself lying flat on a white pillow, with a light brown wall, the room was simply arranged, quite a warm retro style, but this city is probably in this style.

"Drink the water. A young voice came from outside the curtain.

She looked to the right, and there was a glass of warm water at the head of the bed.

She sat up and naturally drank the glass of water.

There was a subtle clicking sound outside, Wen Qian moistened her throat and took the initiative to speak: "Easley, I can call you that." The

voice over there responded, "Hmm." "

Why did you take me in?" Wen Qian looked at this small house full of life, which was obviously his personal residence, and she didn't think that anyone would help her for no reason.

"I'm a doctor. Easley's voice was natural, and he could take it for granted when he used this clumsy excuse, "Seeing your incurable disease, I really want to challenge myself."

Wen Qian leaned on the bed and wanted to stand up, but found that her legs couldn't move, and Eisley over there said lightly: "The bones are broken and don't grow so fast, wait a while." "

The wounds on her body from the big and small blows at Norse Castle are still there, but Easley probably used some kind of spell or potion to suppress the pain, and she doesn't feel much pain now.

As he spoke, the tall figure opened the curtain and walked in, and Easley's words were as gentle as his looks, and he said, "This is where my wife has lived, and I can let you stay for a while." "

Thanks, but," Wen Qian sat on the edge of the bed, too lazy to go around the twists and turns, "Why did you do it to me just now?"

Yes, she couldn't think of anything else but this Acelai—about the person who had just made a sudden move at that moment.

And, yes or no... You won't know if you cheat him.

"Medical parole. "If it weren't for my help, you'd be in by now."

Wen Qian wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Easley, he was not like the good doctor who saw all beings at first sight, on the contrary, his face was full of unfriendliness, and he said to Wen Qian with a threatening voice

, "Although I saved you, you don't want to play any tricks.

Wen Qian shrugged her shoulders indifferently and pointed to her legs: "Look at the way I look now, what other tricks can I play?"

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