Yes, I did all this! Author: Aoyama Jukko


Duanmu Mo was originally an ordinary person who traveled to the world of knights and was unfortunately transformed into a monster. However, before the Shocker organization could complete the brainwashing process, a group of Kamen Riders blew up the Shocker base, and he disappeared in the explosion.

Coming to a strange world again, watching the magical girls and monsters fighting, Duanmu Mo realized.

He decided to hide his identity and hide, never show up, and develop carefully... Maybe.

So what he did included but was not limited to:

Turning into a monster and stealing the transformation props of the magic girl, and pretending to meet her by chance after turning back into a human being and showing great concern for her;

Pretending to be a companion of the monster, but losing the battle between it and the magic girl and stabbing the monster in the back to take away its power;

Standing on the same front as a companion with the magic girls temporarily, and suddenly turning against them after gaining their trust and laughing that his goal had finally been achieved;

After the magic girl was defeated by the monster, he and the monster put pressure on the magic girl until she burst into a new form and then ran away...

——When he was surrounded by the magic girls, Duanmu Mo calmly put the transformation props stolen from the magic girl on his waist and inserted the card containing the monster's power:

"You catch monsters, what does it have to do with me, Kamen Rider?"

Volume 1: Chapter 1: Magical Girl Huang Yi

"...Recently, a magical girl who passed by here disappeared, and another magical girl stationed in the city is no longer active. At present, the city has sent a large number of police forces to search. If there are any residents who find clues, please notify the police immediately..."

In the window of a residential building, the host on the TV is broadcasting today's news.

From her mouth, you can also hear words such as "weirdos" and "cadres", reminding adults to stay away from the riots caused by weirdos and children not to trust any suspicious people. And the tone is flat, as if she is accustomed to these existences.

——The sound from the TV spreads from the window, not obvious, but it is still noticed by the figure on the roof.

"Magical girl..."

Duanmu Mo stood on the roof, wrapped in a windbreaker to block the cold wind from the high-rise building, and looked at a factory not far away.

The name of this city is Shendai City, with tall buildings everywhere, and neon lights replace sunlight even at night, which are almost never extinguished. It is a well-known metropolis. But while it is prosperous, it also leaves countless shadows, and this factory is one of them.

I don't know whether the boss behind the factory ran away with the money or someone died in the factory, but no matter what, it can't change the fact that this factory has been abandoned for many years.

Judging from the appearance alone, I'm afraid no one will care about this dead place, even the police who come to investigate will not get any gains.

Even Duanmu Mo is the same, it is easy to ignore it.

"——If I hadn't left a card on her, I really couldn't find this place."

Muttering to himself, Duanmu Mo took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Hello, I think I found your daughter's location. If nothing unexpected happens, she should have been kidnapped by a weirdo."

In the phone, the voice was silent for a few seconds, and then a low voice came out: "I will give you double the reward, and bring her back safely no matter what."

"I will."

From the phone, you can also hear a woman's nagging voice. It's hard to hear what the content is, but you can clearly feel her anxiety.

——After closing the phone, Duanmu Mo looked ahead and came to the edge of the rooftop.

No matter which world, it can prove a sentence: money is not omnipotent, but no money is absolutely impossible. After coming to this world, money is already within reach for Duanmu Mo, but in order to justify the legitimacy of money, Duanmu Mo still opened an office, from small things like finding pets such as cats and dogs to big things like finding missing people kidnapped by weirdos.

Doing so will also bring certain risks, but with Duanmu Mo's ability, he can solve these troubles very well.

The sun moved slowly in the sky, and the shadow of the building also engulfed the factory little by little. At this time, Duanmu Mo stretched out his legs towards the edge of the tall building and jumped down from it.

If Duanmu Mo was an ordinary person, he would definitely die.

The secreted adrenaline would make him clearly feel the fall of these few seconds, and at the same time, the fall would make his body spin unconsciously, and his thoughts would be confused because of the congestion of the brain... In the end, he could only watch himself getting closer and closer to the ground, and with a shattering sound, all consciousness fell into darkness.

——But at the moment when Duanmu Mo was about to touch the ground, an incredible situation happened: his body began to be wrapped in black air, and his face was also affected and changed.

Then, before Duanmu Mo's body emerged from the black air, he merged with the shadow, leaving no trace on the ground like a fish returning to the sea.

The midday sun was more dazzling, and the shadows cast by the tall buildings made the factory even darker.


Inside the factory, a sharp blade with lightning slashed through the wall, and the momentum brought by the sharp light seemed to be able to cut even the same thickness of steel in one fell swoop.

However, purple ripples appeared on the wall, and an uncomfortable dim light emerged from the wall, bouncing the sharp blade away.


Sparks burst, illuminating the cheek of a girl.

This girl has a delicate and tender face. She is not very old, but she holds a dangerous and sharp sword in her hand.

——Although it is a sword, the shape is a bit exaggerated. In addition to the azure blade, purple and blue accessories are added to the handle, giving this weapon an unrealistic sense of mystery.

And if you look at the whole body, you can find that this shape is not limited to the sword in the girl's hand. Her clothes, or more precisely, her armor, are also in this style.

Different shades of blue and purple tones are transformed into tights as a base, and some armor is attached to the body as a protection for the vital parts. It does not look bloated, but it is not easy to move flexibly. However, judging from the girl's movements, it does not hinder it at all.

Whether it is the extremely fitting base clothes or the extraordinary texture of the armor on the girl, they are not props that can be made by role-playing. Coupled with the lightning that flows out when the blade is swung, there is only one answer.

She is one of the two magical girls who disappeared recently.

Seeing that the blade still couldn't split the wall, the girl reluctantly clenched the blade and wanted to try again.

But behind her, a weak voice came:

"Huang Yi, don't try again, the monsters set an ambush, we can't leave here."

"Senior Mu!"

The girl called Huang Yi turned around and looked behind her.

Beside the container behind her, a woman dressed similarly to Huang Yi sat leaning against the container, with silver-white and dark gold streamlined armor attached to her body, and behind her, there was a pair of folded wing suits.

Although her armor looked much larger than Huang Yi's, judging from the jet ports behind some of the armor, these equipment would not affect her speed.

Mu looked more mature than Huang Yi, but her face was pale at the moment.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a scar on her calf, and the scar has turned abnormally purple.

"My body is poisoned by the spider ghost, you can't take me away... Um--"

Before she finished speaking, her leg muscles twitched, the pain made her stop talking, and her face twisted for a moment.

"Senior Mu!" Seeing this, Huang Yi immediately came to her and supported Mu Mu, saying firmly: "I will never give up on you--"

"No... There is no time. If we delay any longer, we can't escape."

As they spoke, they heard a voice coming from a distance at the same time.

"--They must have escaped here, search for them!"

Then, the dense footsteps spread suddenly.

Hearing this voice, Mu Mu's pupils narrowed, and a resolute look appeared on his face: "Listen to me, Huang Yi, I came here to escort an important item to another magical girl, but I was ambushed and fled to this factory as soon as I arrived in this city. Now I have no ability to escape, so you must take this thing with you."

As she said, she put her hand on the shoulder armor, pressed it lightly, and a box popped out. Mu Mu took out a fist-sized device from it and handed it to Huang Yi.

"This is a driver that amplifies power, developed by many magic girls. Give it to that magic girl..."

The words became tough, and Mu Mu stuffed it into Huang Yi's hand and held her hand tightly: "Once used once, it will be bound to the user - remember, even if you can't leave safely, whether you use it yourself or destroy it, you must never let it be in the hands of a monster! Absolutely! Do you understand?"


Looking at the device in his hand, the white color seemed to be unstained by any color, so simple that people doubted the power of the device in Mu Mu's mouth. Huang Yi was silent for a while and nodded silently.

"--Found it!"

The next moment, a hoarse cry sounded, and someone on the side of the container discovered their existence.

That person was not a monster. To be precise, it was a fighter under the monster, wearing a skull mask and a military uniform. Compared with the monster, their strength is not to be feared, but once the number increases, it will never be easy to deal with.


Bo Mu pushed Huang Yi away with force, then stood up and unfolded the wing suit behind him, revealing a jet nozzle.

The other fighters who followed quickly after hearing the noise turned the corner and saw the orange light from the jet nozzle at first sight.

Boom boom boom boom boom——

The beam shot out from it and hit the fighters, and violent explosions sounded from it.

However, it seemed that because Bo Mu was physically exhausted, the power of the beam was not strong. Even if the momentum was huge, it could only delay the fighters' steps.

Seeing this, Huang Yi tightly grasped the driver in her hand, took two steps back, and turned around unwillingly to escape.

...But where can she escape to?

A white ball shot down from the ceiling without any sign and hit Huang Yi's arm holding the driver.

In Huang Yi's suddenly widened eyes, the starter slipped out of his hand and was caught by the figure in the shadow.

The white ball instantly spread and turned into a spider web that stuck to the container nearby, along with Huang Yi's arm, making her unable to move.

"Hahaha!" A sharp laugh sounded, and a huge figure jumped down from above the factory, revealing its ugly body.

——The whole body is covered with a dark brown carapace, and eight brown and downy spider legs grow on the back. Although the body has the general outline of a human, the head does not have the characteristics of a human, and the eyes are occupied by eight eyeballs. , and the mouth is replaced by a jaw with fangs.

Obviously, this weirdo is the Spider Ghost that Dusk mentioned earlier - this is not a unique name for this weirdo. Spider weirdos with similar appearances are named so because of their evil ghost-like appearance.

"How could..."

Sensing the movement behind her, Huo Mu looked back with a look of despair in her eyes, and was subsequently subdued by the other combatants because of her distraction.

The spider ghost also became the only winner in the factory. At this moment, he opened his hands and let out a wild laugh: "Succeeded! How could you two magic girls be able to escape from my spider web?" !”

Spider Ghost glanced around, looked at the figure in the shadow and stretched out his hand: "Hey, give me the drive!"


Hearing this, Bo Mu's body trembled, and her eyes showed uneasiness and helplessness: "It is indeed this...for this reason, we used such a large number of combatants and blocked this factory."

"Yes, as long as I have this power-increasing drive, no matter how many magical girls there are, they will not be my opponents. By then, the world will be under my control!"

The spider ghost waved his hand and told about his arrogant goal. His eight eyeballs looked at the figure holding the drive, showing a dissatisfied look: "Are you deaf! Give it to me!"

Under the gaze of the spider ghost, the figure standing in the shadow sighed, shook the driver in his hand and said: "Is it a driver that increases power? I believe it does have this function, but if you want to conquer the world... ....I’m afraid it’s not up to par.”


Hearing this, not only Spider Ghost, but others also showed doubts, and Spider Ghost was even more furious. He couldn't believe that his subordinates dared to talk to him like this.

But soon, he discovered a problem - he didn't know the guy in front of him, and the man holding the drive was not his subordinate.

While thinking about it, the figure had already stepped out of the shadows: its pitch-black body was only outlined with red lines, and it was wearing a windbreaker with a texture of scales. The whole body and even the face were partially decorated with horny hard armor, but it was anything but human-like. On the human's face, red tears streaked across his cheeks, but what appeared on his face was a joking smile.

"——Who are you, this guy?"

Even a fly couldn't fly in the carefully arranged factory, but such a strange existence suddenly appeared in front of Spider Ghost, bringing him a kind of humiliated anger.

The outsider did not speak, and the spider ghost would not know that although they were both weirdos, the other party was the "highest masterpiece" of an evil organization from another world. Even if it was interrupted before it was completed, it was by no means like a bastard. The weirdos are comparable.

The outsider, Duanmumo, raised his hand and looked at the drive in his hand thoughtfully, with a look of eagerness in his eyes.

After noticing this, Spider Ghost felt anxious and had the idea of ​​taking the drive away directly.

There were fists clenched tightly on the arms of ordinary people with thick thighs. The spider ghost looked at the visitor with fear: "For the sake of you being a weirdo, give it to me and I will let you leave."

"I don't care about your promise. In the end, you are just a soldier."

Duanmumo, who was in the weird form, lifted up the drive and pressed it to his waist under the eyes of Spider Ghost.

"Let me try it myself to see if this drive can really increase strength."

Duanmumo said, flipping his hand, a black card appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

And the strange thing is that the spider ghost feels his familiar aura from it... There is no mistake, this card contains the energy of a weirdo, what is going on?

...No, this guy obviously has the driver on his waist, why doesn't his breath change clearly? Couldn't he use the drive?

Spider Ghost didn't realize this until then, but it was already too late. Duanmu Mo swept the card over the driver on his waist. At that moment, the driver seemed to be activated, and a rich black gas came out of Duanmu Mo's body. Swallow him whole!


New book released, well organized outline

Volume 1: Chapter 2: There’s no need to be so clear about the Kamen Rider


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