"I still prefer a massage that's not special."

After waving his hand, Duanmumo walked out of the massage parlor.



Thanks to [a passer-by] for the 100 tip.

Volume One: Chapter 174: Death List

Bang bang bang——

After rushing back to the hotel, Duanmumo sat in front of the computer and tapped the keyboard with his fingers. After a while, hundreds of websites appeared on the page.


After pondering for a while, Duanmu Mo's eyes reflected images of hundreds of websites.

Finally, a familiar figure was confirmed:


In the opening video of a simple website, Hega's appearance is reflected on it.

Click on the video. In the video, Hejia is holding the camera and opening and closing his mouthparts:

"Hello friends, let's play a game."

As he spoke, he pointed below to indicate the content at the bottom of the web page:

"You post the people you hate on the web page below, and then vote. Each vote lasts for one week. I will kill whoever gets the most votes. The killing scope is limited to Fengchuan City."

As he spoke, he laughed sinisterly: "How about this game? It's fun, right? It doesn't matter. This website is anonymous. You don't have to worry about your identity being exposed. Come on, do you want to play? It will definitely be fun! "

——At this point, the video was interrupted.


Seeing this, Duanmumo showed an interested smile.

He scrolled down the page and found rows of people's avatars and their introductions at the bottom.

It seems that not many people are willing to believe this website, so the number of people on the website is only a few hundred.

Among these "death lists", the one with the highest number of votes was the owner of a factory. The reason for hatred was that the factory made too much noise, making it extremely noisy every morning.

So, now this person has more than seventy votes.


Duanmumo laughed, checked the entire website, and nodded clearly:

"The voting deadline this time is three days from now, that's good."

A sinister tactic, as he claimed that the site was anonymous so people browsing the site wouldn't have to worry about being discovered for what they were doing.

At the same time, if one's identity appears on the list, mutual suspicion will soon begin and eventually brew into hatred.

If it is not stopped in the end, the entire Fengchuan City will be panicked.

He turned off the computer, threw away his cell phone, and turned to look out the window.


"Maintaining this website is not easy."

Old Crow sat in front of the computer and shook his head:

"When I was young, I didn't even have a computer."

"So, it really can't be completely anonymous?" Hejia stood behind him, watching his operations and said dissatisfiedly.

"It can't be done, and I'm not really a computer expert, although I have continued to learn with the development of the times."

"It's boring... Doesn't that mean we can't play this kind of game a few more times?" He Jia straightened up and sat lazily on the box beside him.

"I guess no security department will find out this time. After you complete this killing, this website will probably be shut down soon."

The old crow replied honestly.

"What about the magical girl?" Hejia asked as he lay on the box holding the back of his head.

"Don't worry, what I said is an estimate."

Old Crow smiled: "There is another possibility... But now, you'd better be prepared. I will adjust the voting data so that the owner of this factory will die."

"What else do you need to prepare?" Hejia muttered, took out his phone and started browsing.

Soon, he shouted: "Another person has sent out a list of enemies."

Clicking on the image of that person, Hejia said with a smile: "Let me see the name - Duanmu Mo? The reason is that riding a motorcycle is too disturbing to the people?"

Seeing a scene like a man in a black windbreaker sitting on a motorcycle in the background of an underground parking lot, He Jia suddenly remembered something:

"Speaking of which, wasn't the Blackstone guy's mount dismantled by Neville? How about replacing it with this motorcycle? I think it looks quite majestic."

"In order to avoid attracting attention, he has been staying at the bottom of the sea. Regardless of whether his size can fit on an ordinary person's motorcycle, this kind of thing will definitely be damaged by soaking."

After taking a look at He Jia's cell phone, Old Crow turned off the computer and said casually:

"Besides, I don't think this motorcycle looks good."

"Hey, old people just don't know how to appreciate it." He Jia stuffed the phone back into the gap in the carapace, jumped off the box, and walked towards the warehouse door.

"Remember to be ready in three days."

The old crow said without looking back: "I have a feeling that the magical girl will come to stop you, or worse, Neville will appear."

"It doesn't matter." Hejia left slowly and said, "Anyway...I've finished my action."

Old Crow nodded: "That's good."


After confirming the authenticity of this website, Duanmumo posted his own picture and took the initiative to become a member of the "death list."

Then, after Yu Zhi finished her day's class, he told her about the website.

"Is this the website they are talking about..."

Yu Zhi returned home, clicked on the website address Duanmu Mo told her, and looked at the video sent by He Jia on it and said worriedly:

"We must tell others."

"I don't care, leave it to you."

- At this moment, Duanmu Mo was sitting by the swimming pool of a hotel, sunbathing leisurely.


Yu Zhi agreed and then hung up the phone.

Then, Duanmu Mo put his phone aside, lay on the lounge chair, put on sunglasses, and said to the waiter passing by:

"- Hello, help me get a lemon soda and an extended straw."

"Okay sir."

After a while, the soda was brought up, and the phone rang at the same time.

"Thank you--Hello?"

After answering the phone, Duanmu Mo took a sip of soda with a straw, and at the same time heard Xia Yan's excited voice coming from the phone:

"Duanmu Mo, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?"

He put the cup on the table beside him, and lay down with the straw in his mouth, enjoying the feeling of the sun shining on his skin in this leisurely posture.

"Didn't Yu Zhi just say there was a website! I clicked on it and checked it, and your name was on it!"

Xia Yan's anxious tone came from the phone, but Duanmu Mo's tone was still calm:

"It's not strange, I saw it too."

And he posted it himself... Of course, this is impossible to tell Xia Yan.

"Where are you? I'll go over to protect you right away!"

Although she agreed to the task assigned to her by Duanmu Mo, no matter what, Xia Yan would never let Duanmu Mo encounter any risk.


Duanmu Mo raised his sunglasses and looked around.

--He was now wearing beach pants and an open floral shirt, surrounded by people having fun, mostly children.

After all, children are not sensitive to the destruction of buildings. For them, changing to a new place will increase a lot of novelty, so the atmosphere in the swimming pool is more relaxed and pleasant than other places in Fengchuan City.

He didn't dare to tell Xia Yan directly that he went to enjoy a massage after she left, and then came to the swimming pool to sunbathe after the massage.

Covering the phone to prevent more sounds from entering it, Duanmu Mo said in a deep voice:

"Well... I'm investigating... handling the commission. After all, you know, I'm a poor detective. It's impossible for me to just eat, drink and have fun, right?"

"Handling the commission?"

Xia Yan's phone came with a puzzled voice, and then said bluntly:

"No matter what, you must appear in my sight! I must confirm your safety in these few days!"


Duanmu Mo shook his head helplessly: "Don't worry. To be honest, you should pay more attention to the guy who ranked first in the vote than protecting me."

"Shen Wuyin has already dealt with it, but in my opinion you are the most important." Xia Yan said with a firm tone.

"I don't think so."

Duanmu Mo said calmly: "The number of votes for the guy ranked first is strange. How many votes does he have now?"

"Let me see...more than 80 votes."

"I investigated the background of that website before and found that the number of votes for that guy seemed to be manipulated by humans. It seems that the founder of the website wants him to stay in the first place."


"If I'm not mistaken, He Jia and his doormen want the boss to die no matter what. This website is just a means for them to do things, or a cover."

- —On the other side of the phone, Xia Yan's face showed a thoughtful look: "Hearing you say that... do they have other purposes?"

"Maybe so." Duanmu Mo took a sip of soda and said: "I guess the death of the factory owner is good for the door opener, but I don't know what the benefit is."


Just as Xia Yan was about to say something, two figures walked towards Duanmu Mo and made a delicate voice:

"Handsome guy, can you take a photo for us?"

"What sound?" Xia Yan frowned on the other end of the phone.

But the next moment, she heard Duanmu Mo's response:

"Oh, sure - then I'll hang up."

"What! Are they talking to you? Hello? Hello! Don't agree to them!"

Xia Yan suddenly opened her eyes wide and shouted at the phone, but the phone had already been hung up at this time. No matter how loud Xia Yan shouted, it couldn't reach Duanmu Mo.

——In the next room of this mansion, Shen Wuling sat in a wheelchair, put down the game controller, looked in the direction of the sound, and a ripple appeared on her calm face:

"It's so noisy..."

Volume 1: Chapter 175: Anxiety

"Do you think I will be assassinated by a weirdo?"

The boss of the factory, whose last name is Uemura, heard that his information was put on Hejia's death list, and it was the last day before the voting ended.

Faced with the greetings from his assistant, he shook his head with a smile and picked up a bunch of grapes on the table and started eating.

"But this is a greeting from the eldest daughter of Shenwu Group, Shenwuyin, this..." his assistant said hesitantly.

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