"I won't... let you escape."

Xia Yan leaned back against the seat, feeling a strong sense of anticipation, and couldn't help licking her lips.

Volume 1: Chapter 267: The Giant Whale of the Underworld

"Huh--suddenly I feel the weather is a little cold."

Duanmu Mo walked out of the house, and suddenly a cold wind blew, and he couldn't help but shrink his neck and wrap his windbreaker around him.

Although the cyborgs are not afraid of the cold, they are still very sensitive.

Doing the same thing as others, Duanmu Mo left here, and glanced at his car parked nearby.

Walking into the alley, Duanmu Mo turned into a shadow and left, and soon came to the negative emotions in the Dongxiang area.

Although Cang Yi had already told himself to act carefully, Duanmu Mo still did not transform, but just stood here as a weirdo.

Although this posture is not a weirdo in this world, it will not be noticed by the magic girl, but the energy used for the transformation is still the power of the weirdo in this world.

So after transforming into a Kamen Rider, his existence will be sensed by the magic girl.

Taking out an energy card, Neville used the method Cang Yi gave him to guide the key to the underworld.

Soon, he felt that the key to the underworld resonated with the negative emotions around him, and soon, these negative emotions gathered in front of Duanmu Mo.

"Well, my head is a little dizzy."

Looking at this translucent vortex, Neville can now feel the pain, sorrow and helplessness that do not belong to him. Because it does not belong to him, he has no reaction.

These negative emotions gradually became stronger, and finally Neville felt that the deepest part of this emotional vortex gradually released a deep breath.

According to Cang Yi's description, this means that the sealed channel has been opened.

Looking at the key to the underworld in his hand, it is also emitting a little heat at this moment.

Putting it in his arms, Neville stretched out his hand to touch the vortex.

Approaching it, he saw that his arm was twisted abstractly by the vortex and sucked into the depths, but he did not feel any pain.

With a little force, he can pull his hand back, and his arm also returned to its original state at this time.

After touching his hand, Neville nodded and walked towards the vortex, letting it swallow him up completely and suck him into the depths of the vortex.


After Neville completely disappeared, the vortex also disappeared, and the negative emotions that had been gathered were spread out again.



——At first, the brain brought a little confusion, like motion sickness, but soon this discomfort passed, followed by a breath that hit the face, making people suffocate.

That breath did not come from a specific existence, but a group of things, as if it was an ugly embodiment that exceeded the limits of human imagination.

Anger, jealousy, greed... The seven original sins were constantly distorted to form the ugliest things, almost forming a substantial liquid from breath.

"It feels like the things in the toilet sewer and the garbage dump were sealed in a huge jar, and the smell emitted after being fermented and smashed with a hammer."

Duanmu Mo silently complained in his heart, and then opened his eyes and looked around.

...... It was dark, even he couldn't see anything clearly.

Loneliness and emptiness, as if those twisted and chaotic breaths were isolated far away.

For a moment, even Duanmu Mo did not react.

"... In the sea?"

Duanmu Mo raised his hand. With his ability, although he could feel the surrounding situation, his vision could only see a short distance.

In this situation, although he could still breathe, the feeling around him had clearly told him that he was in the sea.

But how could there be a sea in a seal?

Duanmu Mo knew that in the seal, feeling was more important than reality. Since his feeling told him that this was the sea, the next thing that appeared must be related to the sea.

In this sea, Duanmu Mo did not sink, but just floated here silently, as if gravity no longer existed.

Looking down, he could not feel the depth, and looking up, he could not see where the sea surface was.

Neville's modified brain told him that in this seal, at least in this sea, the so-called "gravity" had been lost.

Up, down, left, and right were no longer important. Perhaps the direction my feet were facing was the sea surface...if this sea really had a sea surface or a sea bottom.

"What is going on here..."


Before Duanmu Mo finished speaking, he suddenly felt a breath passing through him. For a moment, he felt his hair stand on end.


A voice sounded, and then Duanmu Mo saw a pair of huge lights emitting faint light...It was not a lantern or something like that, but an eye.

The eye, which was as big as Duanmu Mo, stared at him. The eyes without much consciousness seemed to be examining him, but with a hint of murderous intent.

Just as it approached him, a belt appeared around Duanmu Mo's waist.

"Neville Driver!"

A deep voice sounded from his belt, and he immediately picked up the card. This card, which was formed by the negative energy condensed by the old crow, was not consumed even after being used by Duanmu Mo once. The energy inside it would even continue to replenish itself, and it could be done to repeated use.

But now Duanmumo had no time to be proud. He immediately inserted the card into his belt and completed the transformation in an instant.

Just when that existence was about to hit him, Neville's body was swallowed up by the black vortex and disappeared from the spot.

When it reappeared, it was already floating several hundred meters above it, staring at the behemoth.

The monitor in the helmet began to scan, but found that it was difficult for him to confirm the opponent's figure in this space.

I can only clearly feel that...the other party is very strong!

——And after the big thing missed a blow, it stared at Neville, with murderous intent in its eyes.

However, it swam towards the distance and soon left Duanmu Mo's range of perception.

"What the hell..."

Just as Neville was wondering, he suddenly felt a breath coming towards him quickly.

It's the big guy from before! But now, it appeared behind Duanmu Mo.

While it has a huge size, it also has an astounding speed. In an instant, it crossed Duanmu Mo's perception range and soared behind Duanmu Mo at a fierce speed.


Turning around suddenly, Neville saw the whole face of this big guy.

A giant whale with only black and white...a killer whale rushing towards him crazily!


It was too late to teleport away. The black substance appeared in front of Duanmu Mo in an instant and resisted with all his strength.

However, its terrifying speed hit Duanmu Mo before the defense could be formed, and then, the huge force transmitted into Duanmu Mo's body sent him flying backwards!

Although his hands were raised in time to block the attack, and the armor showed no signs of being broken, the force still made Duanmu Mo feel as if his internal organs had been displaced.

"Is it necessary to use such outrageous power in the posture of a killer whale? I can't bear it a few more times..."

Before he finished speaking, Duanmu Mo saw the giant whale rushing towards him again. Such terrifying power could actually reach such an astonishing speed, which made Duanmu Mo feel suffocated.

Fortunately, Duanmu Mo was already prepared when he was flying upside down, and his body was swallowed by the black vortex.

As his body disappeared, Duanmumo did not forget to complain:

"As a sealed weirdo, your posture is a bit...cute. Anyway, I won't accompany you, Ciao~"

Volume One: Chapter 268: Whale Group

——Duanmu Mo actually had no purpose in entering this seal. He just wanted to test the waters and see what the gap was between himself and the weirdos inside.

He doesn't intend to destroy negative emotions per se, so he has nothing to do and his actions will be very loose.

And under the protection of the Key to the Underworld, Duanmu Mo also had the confidence to leave.

...But now, Duanmumo found that except for the whale, he didn't even see the shadow of a weirdo.

It wasn't that he didn't look for it carefully. Every time he pursued that twisted aura, Duanmumo would find that he had lost his way after a while.

It is indeed difficult to confirm the direction in the darkness, but Duanmumo is a reformer after all. If even he is lost, it may only be a problem other than himself.

"Does this seawater still have this effect..."


Suddenly, a breath quickly rose from behind, and Neville showed a look of helplessness under his helmet, and his body was swallowed up by the black vortex again.

"It's endless. Do you insist on spending time with me..."

The body disappeared from the spot, and when it reappeared, he saw a giant whale passing by where he was just now.

I don't know how many times, Duanmu Mo wandered in this unknown sea and was chased by this killer whale in the sealed land.

With the amazing strength and speed, Duanmumo felt that he was being tracked by the opponent at any time.

"It feels like there's no way to get past this enemy without defeating it."

He felt the giant whale rushing towards him again. This time Duanmumo did not dodge away. Instead, a black vortex was generated under his feet and he stepped hard.

The black vortex seemed to be fixed in the void. Duanmumo quickly jumped away from the place and watched the giant whale smash the vortex.

While retreating, Duanmu Mo also waved his arm towards it, and claws made of black material appeared out of thin air and grabbed the giant whale's body.

But the killer whale was not affected at all. Duanmumo only felt his claws scratching the slippery and extremely tough skin, and he directly withstood the blow without even leaving any injuries on his body.

After glancing at Duanmu Mo, the killer whale quickly swam away again and disappeared from Duanmu Mo's feeling.

"It has both strength and speed and is also extremely tough. What kind of numerical monster is this?"

It came again, this time the killer whale rushed towards him, and Duanmumo once again formed a black vortex under his feet as a springboard to leave.

"Let me think about it...let's try this trick."

Duanmu Mo raised his hand and waved it in the air again. The black tentacles extending from his hand tied the tail of the killer whale. Then a huge force came and Duanmu Mo was quickly dragged across.

Feeling Duanmu Mo's behavior, the killer whale's speed soared again, and at the same time it whipped its tail to shake Duanmu Mo off.


This feeling was not pleasant. Duanmu Mo was thrown around, and although his movements were a bit awkward, it was not a problem to stay on it for a long time.

——However, after the killer whale failed to swing its tail many times, it turned its head and looked at him, and swung its tail violently again.

And this time, Duanmu Mo saw its body turned translucent and broke free from the restraint of the tentacles, and Duanmu Mo was also thrown out by the remaining force.

During this time, he saw a phantom appear on the path he flew out. It was the killer whale. It disappeared and reappeared out of thin air, opening its huge mouth towards Duanmu Mo.

And looking back at the killer whale that had just entangled his tail, Duanmu Mo found that it had not completely disappeared, but had become translucent and condensed its body again. The two giant whales rushed towards him at the same time.

"It has become two?"

Duanmu Mo looked at this scene in surprise. Then, just when he was about to be swallowed by the killer whale, a black vortex appeared in its mouth first. Duanmu Mo was thrown into the mouth of the killer whale and flew into the vortex in its mouth.

The huge mouth closed and bit the black vortex, but Duanmu Mo had already appeared in the distance and wiped the non-existent sweat on his helmet.

"Huh, that's a close call... But it seems that this killer whale may not be a single individual, but the embodiment of some kind of power."

Duanmu Mo saw a clue from the formation of the two killer whales, but if that was the case, even if he could really beat these numerical monsters, he might not be able to find a deeper method.

"Although I haven't tried it, it would be troublesome to just get entangled with one, and it would be even more difficult to kill it..."


Just as Duanmu Mo was thinking, the two giant whales seemed to sense that Duanmu Mo was not easy to deal with, so phantoms appeared around him. Under Duanmu Mo's fixed gaze, a large number of killer whales appeared from all around, staring at him with murderous intent.


Without any hesitation, Duanmu Mo felt the power of these killer whales. There was no decrease in power due to the increase in number. Each of them had the same amazing strength and could tear any enemy to pieces.

His body kept shuttling through the whirlpool and quickly fled away. At the same time, Duanmu Mo took out the key to the underworld and wanted to use it to recall himself.

But the moment Duanmu Mo left, a group of killer whales rushed towards him frantically, attacking like a wave.

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