——Duanmumo didn't wait long before Xiri returned to the office and released the transformation.

Putting on her loose blouse, Xia Yan exhaled and sat on the bed.

"Oh, welcome back."

Duanmumo raised his eyes to look at her and nodded.

"Are you so cold~"

Xia Yan teased, came behind him and hugged his neck, looking at the contents on the computer.

Xia Yan asked face to face: "Is it a place where other negative emotions condense?"

"Well - you're just going to stay here?" He shook his shoulders slightly and found that Xia Yan still had no intention of leaving. He couldn't help but sigh and asked.

Xia Yan smiled without saying anything and pointed at the computer screen.

In the position of the negative emotions shown by the camera, a dark golden figure suddenly appeared. The magical girl Wind Chime looked around, seeming to confirm something.

Immediately afterwards, she left here again.

The same is true in other places. Lingyin and Huangyi also appeared there and left quickly.

"They were confirming the concentration of negative emotions. Originally, Yin and Ling rushed over quickly, but then Yuzhi felt that he was fast and followed them."

Xia Yan spread her hands and said with self-mockery, "As for me, I can only accelerate for a short distance, so I came back by myself."

"In this case, aren't you afraid that Yuzhi will find out when he comes back?" Duanmumo said after glancing at her.

"What are you afraid of? It's already so late and Yuzhi won't knock on my door."

Xia Yan was casual. She stood up and took off Duanmu Mo's shirt, lying on her side on the bed and looking at Duanmu Mo with a provocative smile: "Besides, if you find out, wouldn't it be better to just confess?"


Rolling his eyes, Duanmumo picked up his clothes and put them on, then sat on the sofa and lay down: "Okay, that's it, good night."

"That's it?" Seeing that Duanmumo stopped making any sound, Xia Yan curled her lips and lay on the bed boredly: "Good night..."

"Good night."


The sky is getting brighter and the office is open for business again.

But this time, it was more lively than usual.

"Boss, you must save my child. He fainted for some reason."

"My husband was like this on the way home. Was he attacked by a weirdo?"


——These people appeared one after another, and Xia Yan was so annoyed that she ran directly to the first floor to play games.

"Everyone." Duanmumo was still sitting on the office chair, and the old god watched everyone arriving at ease: "When you encounter this kind of thing, why don't you go to the police or the hospital?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a chirping voice, describing how panicked he was.

However, based on Duanmumo's experience, this sentence has a 90% chance of successfully driving away the customer, and the remaining 10% are people with evil intentions.

Fortunately, not even 10% of the people who came to Duanmumo Office for help only stayed for a while and then left in frustration.

However, such commotion also made Duanmumo understand one thing - with the resurgence of the underworld weirdos, not only the people around that area will be affected.

Some have just stayed in Dongxiang District for a while, and there are even people who just passed by Dongxiang District in the past.

Duanmu Mo also speculated based on the descriptions of those clients that they seemed to have been infected by their inner emotions when passing by, and their hearts became gloomy because of this, and that was when they were marked by the weirdo's spiritual body.

"You can't escape even if you're far away... It's a bit of a mechanical monster."

Duanmumo crossed his legs and thought.

At this moment, Xia Yan came up from the first floor and raised the phone in her hand:

"Hey, Duanmu Mo, she asked us to come over."

"Huh?" Duanmumo looked at her and asked, "Where are you going? What are you doing?"

"That home of yours, the one I showed you last time, have you forgotten it?" Xia Yan said speechlessly:

"You obviously live in this small house but you are not interested in the mansion. After all this time, you haven't even looked at it. I really don't know what you are thinking."

"It's just a personal hobby."

Duanmumo shrugged, stood up, put on his windbreaker and patted Xia Yan on the head: "Okay, by the way, what did she want us to do?"

"We discussed the matter of that weirdo from the underworld and called Yu Zhi over as well."

It's Saturday now. Yuzhi was arranged by Cangyi to go out for exercise early in the morning, so he is not in the office.

Taking Xia Yan on the motorcycle, Duanmumo took her towards his yard.

——Amidst the roar of the motorcycle, Duanmumo stopped at the entrance of the compound and looked at the scenery behind the railing.

The tall courtyard wall isolates the courtyard from the outside world. From the iron gate window, what comes into view is a wide bluestone road that connects to the entrance of the mansion.

Seeing Duanmumo's observing look, Xia Yan looked at him strangely and said, "You don't know how to get in, do you?"

"To be honest, I really don't know..."

Just as Duanmumo was about to say something, the access control next to the door suddenly lit up, and the two doors opened automatically, allowing the two of them to enter.

He drove Xia Yan into the yard and drove into the parking lot nearby, and then the two of them entered the house.

As soon as he entered the house, Shen Wuyin came to greet him with a smile:

"Welcome...ah, no, it should be welcome back, Mr. Duanmu."

Shen Wuyin looked like she had just come out of the kitchen, wearing an apron, which inadvertently showed her curvy figure.

"No need to be so polite." Walking into the door casually, Duanmu Mo looked around.

The off-white walls made the sight feel extremely comfortable. The furnishings of the mansion were spacious but not empty. The bright sunlight from the window shone into it, reducing the coolness of the coming autumn. It was warm in winter and cool in summer.

"Yuzhi just arrived. Everyone is waiting for you in the living room. I will come as soon as I finish cutting the fruit."

As she said, she took Duanmu Mo into the living room.

The first thing that caught my eye in the living room was a large screen that almost occupied the entire wall. Soft sofas were distributed opposite and on both sides. Grapes, apples and other fruits were washed on the table in front of the sofa.

"Mr. Duanmu, you are here."

Shen Wuling turned around and smiled. She was sitting in front of the sofa operating the computer. The content in the computer was transmitted to the large screen on the wall. The negative emotions in various regions were clearly marked.

Duanmu Mo nodded, sat on the sofa and looked at the screen: "What are the red and green things in those areas?"

"The concentration of negative emotions."

Yu Zhi sat next to Duanmu Mo and said, her eyes lowered, as if thinking about something:

"With the appearance of the first underworld monster, we can judge which one will recover the fastest according to the concentration of these auras. But according to Cang Yi, there is too much randomness in doing so, and we can only use it as a reference."

"The fastest one is expected to appear tomorrow."

Shen Wuling also came over and pushed the computer in her hand to Duanmu Mo.

"For the time being, let's not consider the randomness mentioned by Cang Yi. Based on the concentration of these negative emotions, twelve or more may appear in this half month."

"Generally speaking, it's one a day, right?"

Xia Yan crossed her arms and looked at the content on the screen and said, "I don't have any problem."

"It's not that simple. Cang Yi said again that all the monsters in the seal want to get out. Over time, there will be more and more monsters in the outside world." Hearing this, Yu Zhi shook her head gently.

On the side, Shen Wuyin also cut the watermelon and placed it neatly on the plate, took off her apron and sat aside:

"In this case, although eliminating people's negative emotions is a delaying tactic, it is also the only effective method. At this time, we thought of you. If it is Mr. Duanmu who often commissions people, he should know what to do."

--Under the gaze of everyone, Duanmu Mo looked at the data on the computer and fell into deep thought.

It seems that he has become the backbone of the magical girls unknowingly.

Volume 1: Chapter 278: Re-enter the seal

"......I received a lot of help from people in the office today."

Duanmu Mo thought for a while and said: "When the underworld monsters revive, the marked people seem to be unconscious, no matter how far away they are. Yu Zhi, ask Cang Yi when these people can wake up?"

Yu Zhi nodded, turned his head and said something to the side, and then closed his eyes.

The hair color turned white under the eyes of everyone, and when the pupils opened, the pupil color also turned pale.

"Cang Yi..."

Under Duanmu Mo's sight, Cang Yi replaced Yu Zhi and sat calmly in front of everyone.


Glancing at Duanmu Mo, Cang Yi took a bite of the fruit in the fruit plate, swallowed the flesh, and then said:

"The principle of the underworld monsters leaving the seal is to reconstruct the body through people's negative emotions. The stronger the monster, the more negative emotions are needed; and the more people provide negative emotions, the less burden on people, and vice versa."

"In other words, people share negative emotions, right?" Duanmu Mo picked up a piece of watermelon and ate it.

Shen Wuyin frowned and asked: "What about these people? When can they wake up?"

"They can wake up within three to five days."

"--But no matter how long it takes to wake up, they will bring panic to people." Duanmu Mo took a bite of the apple and said.

"What does Mr. Duanmu mean?" Shen Wuling looked at him and asked.

"Just release the information, the people in this world are quite cooperative."

Magical girls and monsters have appeared since ancient times and have accompanied people until now.

So over the past thousands of years, people's disgust for monsters and trust in magical girls have been engraved in their genes. They will listen to what they can do to avoid disasters.

Shen Wuyin and others didn't say anything after hearing this, nor did they become suspicious because of the phrase "this world". They just thought that Duanmu Mo used some strange words, and it was okay as long as they understood what to do.

However, after hearing this, Xia Yan turned her head and looked at Cang Yi: "But Cang Yi, you also said that if you tell people this information directly, especially the people in Fengchuan City, it will cause greater losses."

"Be smarter, don't be like Cang Yi who doesn't know how to adapt. Isn't it enough to coax and deceive? There is no need to tell people all the information, just cover up a part of it."

Duanmu Mo leaned on the soft sofa, said casually, and looked at Shen Wuling: "At this time, it's your turn."

"...I have no problem, but just what you said, Mr. Duanmu..." Shenwu Ling turned to look at Cang Yi, only to find that her face was calm, without any fluctuations.

I thought that Cang Yi would be disgusted or frown, but who knew that her emotions would not even change. It is said that she is Yu Zhi from the future... It is really difficult to relate to her.

"You can do this, but I'm not sure what the result will be... I'll leave it to you." Cang Yi said calmly.

She stared at Shenwu Ling, which made the latter feel inexplicably.

——In Cangyi’s past experience, there were no teammates like Feng Chi, only dangerous enemies like Zero.

The Internet is her world, and people's hearts are randomly deceived by Type Zero. Under such a background, the weirdos in the underworld simply cannot handle it.

Not to mention having time to train, people who are bewitched by Type Zero on the Internet are not sure whether they can survive.

She silently took a bite of fruit and looked at the three magical girls around her. This is the first time even Cang Yi has seen such a reassuring lineup.

——And this man did all this...

After glancing at Duanmu Mo, she withdrew her gaze and continued eating the fruit.

"In that case, let's do this. It should be able to effectively prevent the spread of negative emotions."

After Cangyi had no objection, Duanmumo nodded and said.

His fingers were dialing on the keyboard, leaving a to-do item in the document——

[Tell everyone part of the current situation. (Concealing the truth that is harmful to people)]

Looking at the content in brackets, Shen Wuyin smiled.

——As expected of Mr. Duanmu, I made the right choice to find him.

However, some people had different opinions on the same sentence, so Xia Yan helplessly looked at the sentence on the big screen and glared at Duanmu Mo.

"Yes. But in the long run, this can only prevent greater damage, but it won't change the current situation much." Shenwu Ling looked at the content on the screen, and data flashed in his eyes:

"Speaking of which... we didn't have time before, but now that my sister and I are here, can we enter the seal?"

After saying that, she looked at the bracelet on Cang Yi's wrist.

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