"As expected, I still want to go there." Duanmumo also smiled and said.

"Let's go."

Xia Yan held Duanmumo's hand and walked there quickly.

"——Just... fifty game coins."

At the front desk of the game hall, Duanmumo said before paying generously.

"Okay, please put it away."

The waiter at the front desk took out five metallic game coins, each of which was equivalent to ten normal game coins and was also more convenient to carry.

"What do you want to play, a gun game? Or a riding game?"

Duanmumo handed the remaining game coins to Xia Yan, then he picked up one of the game coins, caught it, played with it, and asked.


Xia Yan looked around and suddenly her eyes lit up: "I want to play with this!"

In the game hall, in addition to electronic games, there are also some older games. For example, what Xia Yan pointed at was a balloon hanging on the wall and shot with a toy gun within a few meters away. game.

Although it was a toy gun, its shape was as realistic as possible. Perhaps it was because of this that it attracted Xia Yan's attention.

In front of the game booth, there were already people gathered around several seats, seemingly cheering for their companions.

"Come on! There are still five bullets left. As long as we can break four more balloons, we can win!"

"Huizi, you can do it! Don't be nervous!"

"As long as we can win the super discount card, we can save a lot of pocket money for playing here in the past three months!"

No matter how fiercely they shouted, there was still a seat nearby, so Xia Yan hurried over and sat on it.

"Boss, how do you play this?"

Xia Yan extended her hand to say hello and asked the nearby boss.

——As soon as she left Duanmu Mo, she seemed to have turned into the Xia Yan before, and her tone towards others instantly softened.

"One game coin and one bullet can be exchanged for up to twenty-five in one game."

The boss said, and at the same time Xia Yan also looked aside. The balloons there were still moving targets connected to some kind of equipment. Looking at the equipment, there seemed to be ten balloons in total, but now there were only four left in the stall next to it. indivual.

She looked at the girl sitting on the seat holding a gun. Even though there was air conditioning in the arcade, there was still sweat on her face. She was tracking a certain target and constantly adjusting it, looking very panicked.


She took a deep breath, opened her eyes wide and pulled the trigger. One of the balloons burst and the others cheered.

"There are two left, come on Huizi, it's all up to you!"

But at the same time, Xia Yan also noticed that every time a balloon was popped, the target moved a little faster.

No one else showed any surprise. It seemed that this was also part of the rules of the game.

But the result was that all the remaining five bullets missed.

Under the regretful voices of the other girls, the girl called Hui Zi suddenly lay down on the table:


Seeing her frustrated look, Xia Yan frowned slightly: "Is it too expensive?"

"It's expensive. The prizes here are rich enough. Just like this classmate spent twenty-five game coins to pop up seven balloons. You may not get the corresponding rewards if you spend more money at other stalls. award."

As he said that, the boss brought up some dolls, toys and accessories and put them on the table: "Congratulations! You hit seven balloons. Do you want to challenge again?"

"No, no, this is a place to deceive people! I've spent hundreds of game coins on you!"

Huizi sighed and turned to look at Xia Yan: "Let others play first...Eh! Senior Xia Yan?!"

"Ah?" Xia Yan frowned slightly: "...you know me?"

Huizi's eyes suddenly lit up: "We have met before. In the food court near the school last time, we took pictures outside the game arcade, didn't we?"

As she said this, she took out her mobile phone and showed the photos in the album to Xia Yan.

"...I seem to have some impression."

Fuzzy memories from that time appeared in my mind, but more of them were scenes of playing with Duanmu Mo.

Looking at Huizi introducing herself to the other companions, Xia Yan shook her head lightly and said, "So, what do you want what you have been shouting about just now?"

"This." Huizi shook her head with a wry smile: "The game arcade's super discount card gives us a 20% discount on the game currency we play within three months, but the premise is that you can get it by popping all the balloons. arrive."

"But it's impossible."

"It's the store manager who set the difficulty level too high during the opening event, and now he doesn't want to change it back."

Others complained, and Huizi also slumped down on the chair: "Like me, hitting the seventh balloon is just luck."

"So that's it."

Xia Yan nodded, turned to look behind her and smiled: "Want to play?"


Seeing the familiar smile and words on Xia Yan's face but more enthusiastic than in memory, Huizi blinked and looked behind Xia Yan, who was blocked by everyone.

"It's okay with me."

Duanmumo put his hands in his pockets, looked at Huizi and her companions, and smiled: "Hey, we meet again."

"Haha..." Facing this man, Huizi laughed dryly and waved: "Hello, hello."

--Since she had decided to play, Xia Yan also put the strap in her hand on the table and held the toy gun.

Looking at the words "Beauty Shop" on the bag, Huizi and other companions realized something, but they were silent in tacit understanding.

Huizi wanted to leave, but it was rare to see Xia Yan, and she wanted to sit here and watch Xia Yan play. After all, this opportunity is rare.

"The game does not accept additional bullets at the beginning." The boss also adjusted the equipment, the machine inflated the balloon, and ten balloons appeared on the wall.

"Yeah." Xia Yan nodded, looked up at Duanmu Mo and asked: "How many bullets do you think you need?"

"Just have fun, it depends on your own plan." Duanmu Mo answered in a relaxed tone.

"What if I want that discount card?" Xia Yan tilted her head and asked with a smile.

"Well..." Duanmu Mo took the toy gun from her hand, checked it roughly and replied: "Twenty, if off-field assistance is allowed."

"You can change people, as long as you don't add extra bullets." The boss took the bullets and brought them over: "How many do you want?"

"Then..." Xia Yan looked at Duanmu Mo and smiled slightly: "Thirteen."


After putting the bullets, Xia Yan took the toy gun from Duanmu Mo and looked at him and said: "Then I'll leave it to you~"

"I'll try my best."

Duanmu Mo's tone was still calm, and he looked up at the target that began to move with the music.

Under the gaze of Huizi and others, Xia Yan took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.


The first balloon exploded.

Before the instrument started to accelerate, she quickly turned the target and pulled the trigger.

Another balloon exploded.

"Xia Yan is so handsome!"

Huizi opened her eyes wide and cheered with others.

Seeing this, Duanmu Mo just stood behind her, smiling and saying nothing.

The physical fitness of the magic girl will return to the original state after she turns back to an ordinary person, which is different from the cyborg herself. But even so, Xia Yan has experienced a life of hard training, and her ability to concentrate more easily than ordinary people also makes her particularly talented in this aspect.

After getting used to this speed, Xia Yan pulled the trigger again and shot the balloon.

——The number of bullets decreased one by one, and Xia Yan only had three chances to make mistakes. This was not only her confidence in her ability, but also her extreme trust in Duanmu Mo.

Time passed little by little, and when it came to the fifth balloon, one was empty.

After that, the sixth balloon had two empty.

A wailing sound came, and Huizi began to regret for Xia Yan why she didn't buy all the bullets at once at the beginning.

At this moment, there were four balloons and four bullets left, and Duanmu Mo put his hand on her shoulder.

"Take a deep breath, Xia Yan, the music in the stall will confuse your judgment. Before, its music moved in the same way as the target, but it started to be misplaced when you broke the fifth balloon."

Duanmu Mo half squatted down and said in her ear: "Don't try to chase the target. These targets move in a regular pattern. Aim at one place and wait for the balloon to pass by, and it will naturally catch the bullet."

Listening to Duanmu Mo's words, Xia Yan calmed down, looked ahead quietly, and then pulled the trigger.


There are three balloons left.

Until then, Xia Yan exhaled, looked at the fast-moving target in front of her, turned to look at Duanmu Mo and shook her head with a wry smile: "I wanted to show off in front of you, but it was too reluctant."

"It's already done very well. If there are full bullets, the discount card is already yours."

Duanmu Mo raised his hand and stroked Xia Yan's head.

"Customer, do you want to continue?" The boss asked on the side.

Xia Yan leaned on Duanmu Mo, smiled slightly:

"I'm not interested in the discount card, but Duanmu Mo, can you show off in front of me?"

"No problem."

Duanmu Mo took the gun from her hand, but his other hand was still on Xia Yan's shoulder to prevent her from leaving. Instead, he stood behind her and raised the gun from a distance farther than normal.

Huizi twitched her lips. When she was wondering whether the coquettish Xia Yan in front of her was the same person as she remembered, she also looked at Duanmu Mo in confusion, curious about how he was going to show off.

Others watched Duanmu Mo's casual movements, and then Duanmu Mo quickly pulled the trigger.

Pah pah pah.

Almost without interruption, the three rapidly moving balloons burst almost at the same time, and the equipment stopped.

After a long silence, the cheerful music suddenly sounded, and the flashing lights shone on this stall, which immediately attracted the attention of other people in the game hall.

Under the shocked gazes of the boss, Huizi and others, Duanmu Mo casually turned a gun flower, put it on the table and said:

"Well, that's it."



Thanks to [Meteor Storm: Freedom] for the 100 reward;

Thanks to [Male Fox] for the 100 reward;

Thanks to [I am free forever] for the 588 reward;

Thanks to [A passerby] for the 1688 reward;

I also want to take the relationship between the two to a higher level! I can't get in, and when the right opportunity comes, I will try to challenge the bottom line of the review.

Volume 1: Chapter 121: Arrangement

"Congratulations to this gentleman for bursting ten balloons in one round of the game. I will bring you the reward right now!"

The boss stood there for a long time before he calmed down and congratulated Duanmu Mo.

The others were also stunned for a long time and slowly clapped their hands.

Duanmu Mo also looked around and nodded slowly with a smile.

He didn't hate this feeling, and he could even accept it naturally, otherwise he wouldn't always pretend to be so coquettish in his weirdo form.

"It's amazing, you are worthy of it." Xia Yan also smiled and clapped, her eyes reflecting Duanmu Mo's figure.

"It's just within the ability of ordinary people." Duanmu Mo said modestly: "There are recorded quick shooters who can complete shooting within tens of milliseconds. I am just... a little better than amateurs."

"But you don't seem to be amateur at anything." Xia Yan smiled and looked at the boss who brought over a basket of toys, dolls, etc. and the cards he sent over.

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