Ying Chong

Chapter 11: number 11


Because they all live in the same place, the way back is inevitably the same.

From the walking posture, we can see the current situation in the East Palace. Hu Liangzheng led a large number of female eunuchs in front of him. Xu Liangyuan was behind. The two obviously did not quarrel in Ji Detang. They were very quiet after coming out. Ignore who.

Not far behind Xu Liangyuan, He Liangyuan led the two maids to the right rear side. Some distance from He Liangyuan is Liu Chenghui and Ma Chenghui, both of whom are carrying a palace maid, walking in silence.

Then there are Paner and Zhao Xiyue.

The yard where the two lived was at the rear, and they watched the others enter the yard one by one before arriving at their residence.

After entering the yard, Zhao Xiyue ignored Paner and led Yu Ping into the East Chamber.

Pan'er returned to the west chamber, and cattails greeted him.

She served Paner to take off her cloak, and then led her to sit on the warmth of the East, take off her shoes and wipe her hands to change her home clothes. As soon as it was busy, Aunt Qing brought hot tea.

The east and west compartments have the same regulations. They are all three rooms with two ear chambers, and a rear hood.

The middle is the hall, the west is the study, and the east is connected to the ear room next to the wall, divided into two large rooms and a small room. The outside room is used for living. It is equipped with a warm niche and a bedroom in it. A black lacquered carved bed with a wishful blessing. With dresser, table, wardrobe and screen.

Behind the screen are small rooms for clean rooms and bath rooms.

Paner drank a cup of hot tea and felt much more comfortable.

Xiangpu asked, "Should the girl sleep a little longer, or should she eat breakfast first?"

Because I got up too early in the morning, naturally I didn't use breakfast, and while Paner went to Ji Detang to worship tea, Cattail also learned the general situation.

The East Palace has a special dining room that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

When it was time to eat, the eunuchs of the courts went to the dining room to make a meal. Of course, if you want to eat, as long as you do n’t exceed the quota, you can also give the menu to the dining room in advance.

But Pan'er is just the lowest courtesy. There are not many cases. It is not easy to count on the cases to want to eat well. However, it is said that silver can be made. This is what Cattail has inquired about, and it has not been tried yet.

In addition, due to Feng Yi Nai's lowest attendant, there can be an aunt or a concubine, four maids, and two eunuchs. When Paner hadn't returned before, the Home Office had sent people over, waiting in the next ear room.

During the talk, breakfast was brought back.

Breakfast is very rich and not much, but it is delicately made, and it makes people appetite.

Pan'er was also hungry, and she ate very fragrant, that is, her stomach was too small, and she was full with a few mouthfuls. She didn't dare to eat too much, so that Qingdai, who had not had time to eat breakfast, went down to eat, so as not to waste.

Afterwards, Aunt Qing and Cattail waited for Paner to rinse their mouths, and the two went to the hall. Cattail called in the two court ladies and two eunuchs who were in the auricle.

"Slave / slave, see Su Fengyi."

The two court ladies kneeled in front, and the two eunuchs knelt by the door. This is a fear of the newcomers entering the palace disgusting the eunuchs, so as not to run into the master.

Pan'er knew everything and said nothing, and set his eyes on the two maids first.

The appearance of these two palace ladies is very ordinary, they can only be regarded as handsome, one seems younger, about fifteen or six years old, one looks calm, looks like they are about twenty years old.

Sure enough, after asking them to report their names and ages, Pan'er didn't guess wrong. In fact, there is an acquaintance in these two people, so that Paner's mood is a bit complicated.

"Well, no matter what your name used to be, from now on, you're Baibai, you're still Baizhu."

Baizhu glanced at Pan'er and lowered his head without speaking. She was originally called Bai Shu, but Su Fengyi didn't expect her name to be changed. Bai Ye, the fifteen-six-year-old little palace girl, saw this busy **** and said, "Xie Fengyi gave her name."

Next are two self-reported names of the little eunuch, one called Xiaodezi and one called Xiaotianzi. The two eunuchs were not very old, both were fifteen or sixteen years old. A tall, lean face was very clever, and a chunky one looked solid.

"There are only a few people in our house, but we must always have a clear division of labor, so as to avoid what happens afterwards. Everyone pushes each other into trouble. As for rewards and punishments--"

Paner paused and said, "I will not be soft-hearted when it comes to punishment, and I will not lose you any rewards. Now I am here for the first time. You have not dealt with me before and I don't know my temper. But I will get to know each other slowly in the future. As long as you do not do anything against the Lord, I will definitely not treat you in the future.

"In the future, everything in this house will be managed by Aunt Qing. Aunt Qing and I have been in love for many years. I hope you can respect her like I am. Qingdai carefully, manages the refreshments in the house, atractylodes jewellery and money boxes, and white magpie Clothes and storerooms. As for cattails, you are in charge of food and all external affairs, and you are in charge of little virtues and small fields. "

With these words, the faces of several people in the house were changing.

Qing Dai is just fine, she is an honest one, and it is not neglected to take charge of tea beside her master. As soon as Cattail heard that the jewelry cash box and clothes had been brought in by the two newcomers, she asked her to take care of the outside and the two eunuchs.

As for Bai Shu and Bai Zhu, they have been in the palace for many years and they can understand the situation in the palace. This arrangement of Su Fengyi may seem casual, but in fact it is precisely the point.

Compared to the things at the entrance, clothes, jewelry, and even belongings are secondary, and their lives are gone. They also need to make these foreign objects, so from this point they can see that the new master is not easy to deceive , And do not trust them.

But just met, it's too early to say trust. If Su Fengyi appeared to trust them as soon as she came up, they would murmur in their hearts.

Not for others. The people in the palace are all profitable. What kind of master does he vote for? Does this master have a future? Everyone has a scale in his heart. Too naive people can't live in this palace, but if the master is doing temptation, they have to figure out how to behave in the future.

However, the two eunuchs were not too entangled. They also knew that entering the house to serve them was not theirs, so they did not suffer so much.

Arranged everything roughly, Paner used the excuse to go back to the cage and went to the room.

In fact, they wanted to talk to Xiangpu Qingdai and Aunt Qing, and Baizhu knew this, so they did something for themselves.

Cattail's face was still aggrieved.

Pan'er asked Qingdai to serve her to change clothes. Aunt Qing brought Shang Pu La and smiled and patted her on the shoulder, and said, "The master trusts you so much, thank you very much."

Cattails look scaly.

It's still too small. Although it is clever and courageous, it still has to be adjusted slowly. However, Cattail and Chrysanthemum were bought by Pei Yongchang from Yangzhou, and their background is known. Paner arrived here for the first time, and the situation in the palace can not be neglected. They can only be used.

"It used to be in Chen's house. The girl was just a sojourner. Now she is in this palace. The wife and her quarrel. They hurt their children, and they kill their lives. The queen woman is weak and fragile. It ’s all from your mouth, and you control everything you import. Is n’t that trust? ”

Aunt Qing's words made Cattail completely confused.

Even if she was not stupid, she immediately fell down and knelt down: "Girl, no, bong, ritual, master ..." She said incoherently, and it took a while to finally make her speech smooth, "Slave ca n’t say good words, she will give The lord and son are so delicious, they don't let people have a chance. "

auzw.com "Okay, get up," Paner went to the edge of the bed and sat down, and said to Aunt Qing, "The two of them are still young, and Aunt Rao will teach them more in the future."

"Master, rest assured, slaves will teach them well."

Paner said to Cattail and Qingdai again, "As for you, do n’t always think about competing with people for a certain length of time. You are brought in from outside. The rules in the palace are strict. If you do n’t understand everything, you can ask. Aunt Qing and I can also ask them. "

Cattail was a little puzzled. "Don't Feng Yi say that those people can't be trusted easily?"

Pan Er smiled: "This should also be tailored to local conditions. These people are sent by the House of Government. There may be others, but they may not. As for whether or not, it has nothing to do with you asking them. Observing and pondering in the future will naturally have an answer in my heart.

"In addition, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves? You just need to do everything you need to do so that they can not find loopholes, and they can naturally be invincible. In fact, these people are not useless, the key is Seeing how to use it, there are many slaves in this palace. It is not easy to serve the master and wait for them. If you can come here, it means that they have beaten many people. They must have their merits. If they are used well, they can help. A lot of busy. "

When Pan'er said these words, Typha and Qingdai both listened quietly, including Aunt Qing, and also thoughtfully.

For the Forbidden City, they are actually newcomers, and there is much to learn. It's Fengyi, I don't know too much about it.

Cattails and green dais are just fine, Aunt Qing can't help but glance at Paner.

Pan'er knew that he had caused suspicion, and quickly shifted the topic: "Yes, Qingdai, how much silver do we still have?"

Qingdai went to the closet and turned out a money box.

Open the box, all the belongings of Pan'er are here.

Before entering the palace, Pei Yongchang gave Pan Er five thousand and two silver denominations of various denominations, and a box of gold and silver mules, about one hundred and two, and two hundred and twenty cash, both five. Two silver ingots.

It can be said that it is very well thought out and the preparation is very comprehensive.

If these silvers are not casually spent, they can be used in the palace for ten years. But if you want to get ahead, or do something, it may only be a few years.

A businessman is a businessman, and everything he does has its meaning.

And without giving in advance the strength of Pei Yongchang, a few years are enough for people to see if the inventory is a material. If it is, Pei Yongchang will only be holding her for later, if not, these thousands of silvers will not be much to him.

It wasn't that he was counting on the money, but it was just to remind her.

Paner thought for a while and said, "Take away all the extras and lock them, and leave some silver outside. Also, wait for Cattail to take out some silver and reward each one or two. Since you want to use someone, you must not be mean Now. "

The cattails were born crisply, and the three of them went down. Pan'er was lying on the bed, and the bamboo cyan soft tent drooped down, and he could hear the voice of cattails faintly.

Generally speaking, if the master gives a reward, Odako's voice is very loud.

Paner couldn't help but think of Baizhu again.

Bai Zhu was one of the maids of the concubine who was afraid to fall into disuse after she was in favor in the previous life. At that time, two court ladies were arranged, and the other was a princess, and she was not sure whether Baizhu was.

Why do you say that?

Because she could feel that Baizhu was with the maid, but Baizhu always carried people to do something in her favor.

It was as if she had a body at first, because right under the eyes of the princess, the people who served her were all princesses and couldn't hide it. But for a while, Bai Shu helped her cover it up consciously or unintentionally. It wasn't known until three months later.

In addition, she had a difficult time giving birth, and her life was alive. It was also Baizhu looking for opportunities to get out of her life.

She once asked Baizhu, Baizhu just said nothing, but Baizhu did not stay with her for too long, and was later released from the palace.

Why she did that is a mystery.

In fact, Pan Er's heart was a little enlightened, but the matter had not been verified, and I did not expect that Bai Shu came to her again.


Pan'er felt that he didn't wake up until noon.

Because she didn't have to go out, she casually wore everyday clothes and didn't comb her hair too complicatedly. She just pulled a braid and inserted a white jade dumpling.

The house seemed to be cleaned again, the furniture was clean and fresh, and there were some water stains on the ground. There seemed to be more decorations on the table and Duobao Pavilion. On the large case painted by the hall, there were many sundries.

When Pan's went out, Baizhu was bringing Qingdai to change the window screen. Cattails and Baizhang were holding some porcelain to place them. Even Xiaodezi and Odako were not idle, standing under the eaves in front of the door, hanging upward Something.

When Paner came out, she stopped her gestures to salute her.

Pan'er waved her hands to keep them busy. Aunt Qing came in from the outside and told Pan'er that the housekeeper had come to shop while she was asleep.

The so-called paving palace means that after the palace princess moves into a certain palace room, the House House will be instructed to send articles and utensils in accordance with its regulations. Although Fengyi is only a prince's servant, the prince is a prince, who regulates the first emperor, and the prince's servant is also a palace concubine.

According to regulations, gold wares are not allowed under the queen, and silver wares are not allowed under the queen, except of course rewards. According to Pan's example, she can only use copper and tin ware and porcelain without dragon patterns, and these copper ware and tin ware have a rated quantity, which should not be exceeded, and they should be repaired by themselves.

In addition to the items delivered to the palace, the House of Government also sent Paner's copy.

This example is divided into annual and daily examples, including the application of the palace princess from eating to dressing. For example, according to Paner's example, she has thirty-two years a year, one piece of cloud satin, and plain satin. One piece, each of satin, palace silk, and silk, as well as spinning and embroidery, and even cotton.

The palace does not provide additional clothes, but only publishes materials to do it by themselves. These things are used for one year.

In addition, the daily examples are charcoal, candles, tea, sugar, rice, noodles, mutton, chicken, duck ... No, according to Paner's example, she does not have chicken, duck, fish and beef, only two pounds of pork per day. It is okay to eat other than servings, and spend money.

These daily supplies are not given to the concubine, but to the dining room or storeroom, and they are collected as needed.

The author has something to say: The example of Feng Fen refers to the court of the Qing Dynasty.


~ Thanks to the little angels for giving me the overlord ticket ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 2 spring rains, 2 tall names, 1 promis, 1 passerby

Thank you little angels for irrigating me ~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Baibaibaibai, 40 bottles, 40 bottles of Fufu, Yuanyuan Yuanyuan Yuan 10 bottles, Luoxi 10 bottles, Zizi 10 bottles, 3366727810 bottles, 229788633 bottles, Lumu kittens 3 bottles, 3 bottles of noodles, 2 bottles of fat cubs, 1 bottle of Sakura, whoever fell in love with 1 bottle of love, 1 bottle of Cong Rong, 1 bottle of mine, 1 bottle of late night, in 1 bottle of water

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! ^ _ ^

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