Ying Chong

Chapter 118: Chapter 117


Pan Er was immediately embarrassed.

"You are an emperor, how do you know what the chief arrestor is doing all day? Besides, people are originally pursuing the robbers and doing serious errands. What else is a female robber who is obviously a heroine and robs the rich and the poor!"

"Yes, robbing the rich and helping the poor." Zong Pu was serious, but the smile in his eyes leaked his bottom.

Seeing that she was going to be embarrassed and angry, he hurriedly said, "You're right, the dog officer in here really should be killed. I just looked at it and found that the content of this book is very innovative. It's the same as those you saw before. Different, why not let someone get it out of the palace and find someone to help you print it? "

The words suddenly diverted Pan's attention.

"Okay?" Her eyes lightened.

"Why not? I wrote it for people to see. Then some people wrote **** poems, and they were also printed with beautiful names, and they called their names. Whenever the poetry meeting, they took out their reputation."

Zong Pu said that this happened before during the southern tour. There were many literati in the Jiangnan area, but there were also people who were famous for fishing or Jinyu. In the middle, he had seen one or two esteemed princes. Looking at the appearance and standing still OK, in fact, when he went back and turned over the masterpiece offered by the other party, he almost did not spray the tea.

This matter also knows, and therefore knows what he meant.

"But what if it is said that it is not well written?" Zhendong really stood up, but Pan Er was a little hesitant.

Zong gazed at her, if she wanted to coax her into being angry, she would fall in her heart.

He thought about it and said, "Good or bad, you have to read it to see if you can't accept the criticism of others, then you might as well write it."

Obviously he hadn't really understood the woman's mind, and after hearing what he said, Pan'er was a little unhappy.

"Whoever you are so persuasive, you won't say something nice."

nice words?

Emperor Jianping had said good things to others, but when he was not a prince, he would never have been an emperor. But who called her was the exception. I didn't know how many cases had been broken on her, and how many more would have been broken.

"I also want to prepare you psychologically, so as not to be unhappy in your heart."

Paner naturally did not ignore the meaning of weakness in his words, glanced at him and said, "Write a note book, not a masterpiece, how can anyone criticize it, at best, it is not accepted by the bookseller, or no one printed it. Just buy. "She had paid attention to these things before in Yangzhou, and naturally knew the tricks inside.

"Why no one buys it. Someone buys it. You hand it over to Xun, and Xun lets people arrange it." Zong Xuan even secretly planned that if there was no one to buy at that time, he would send more.

Who knows Paner said: "Your government affairs are so busy. I'm not that big-faced to bother you with this little thing. Besides, you definitely won't do it yourself. The left is just for the people below, below At the first sight of you, you have come forward, and you must have printed your things at the expense of you. Maybe you still have to buy them. What's the point? Don't worry, I'll do it myself. "

Seeing her talking right, Zong Xi was curious.

"What are you going to do?"

"I won't tell you."

Don't look at the mystery of Pan Ershen, in fact, Zong Pu knows without thinking that she definitely intends to send an **** out, pretending to be a brilliant talent, and then find a bookstore to sell the manuscripts to booksellers. As for whether the bookstore will accept or not, it is another story, but from the perspective of Zong Pu, it should not be difficult to sell.

But since she told him to leave it alone, he would leave it alone, and she would always know how it turned out.

Seeing that it wasn't too early, Zong Pu had no plans to leave, and stayed in Jingren Palace for dinner.

After dinner, he won't rest for a while. He asked Fu Lu to go to the Qing Palace to take a fold of his baggage, and let people add a lamp on the table and lean on the bag to see the baggage.

Pan'er had nothing to do. He simply took a piece of ink and paper and sat opposite him to continue writing his unfinished manuscript.

It is very harmonious to be alone.

As time passed, the night was getting darker.

Pan'er felt a little itchy on his face and didn't take it seriously. He just scratched it with his hands and continued to write. Who knew it wasn't right, just reached out and noticed that there was a touch of red on the back of the hand.

Red is on her face.

She looked up, only to find that the other person looked at her with a Zhubi smile, and then she felt that something was wrong on her face, and she touched it again, and it was red again.

"What did you do on my face?"

Then, she took her own hand and wiped it on his face. Zong Ai didn't know that she would be so bold, she was wiped straight, and then both of them held her back.

"Who asked you to get me first," she yelled, and hurried down to look for a mirror. Typha and Fulu didn't yell when they saw it, and didn't dare to come in.

Paner went to the mirror, only to find he had a big face.


On his forehead is fine, he drew a pattern of plum blossoms to her, it is treated as a flower owl.

But on the cheek?

One side wasn't destroyed by her. It seemed like a turtle? !!

Paner was almost fainted. When he saw him coming in, he complained, "How old are you, you are the father of the child, why are you playing with this kind of child's stuff?"

"I think I painted well." He admired the plum blossom in her forehead.

"Then I will draw one for you later?"

"He is a man. He doesn't need decals."

He is the biggest anyway, and he makes sense.

Pan'er didn't argue with him, and after seeing that she couldn't clean it with a papa, she went to the bathroom.

There is a shelf in the corner of the bathroom, there is a mirror on the shelf, there is a copper basin under the mirror, there is water in the basin. After the water in it is used, the maids will change, so the water is clean.

She washed her face with water and finally washed it.

Wiping her face and seeing him standing by, there was a red face on her face, like a red cat mustache, and she held back a smile, looked at the red water in the basin, and said falsely: Also wash it? But the water in this basin has been stained by the courtier. Wait, the courtier will let someone come in and change the basin. "

Let people come in to change the water, or let others see his unhealthy appearance, then what's his face then?

Zong Xi looked at his face in the mirror, grabbed her, and said with a straight face: "There is no need to change the water, anyway, it is used by Ai Fei. Usually, Ai Fei has not bathed with her. I hate you, so Ai Fei wiped her with water on a papa. "

Apparently the situation is stronger than others, Paner can only succumb.

She picked a clean place from the parchment and got the water, standing in front of him and wiping his face, rubbing it, she couldn't help but lie in his arms and laughed. Laugh at the concubine he said.

"What are you laughing at?"

"No, no ... um ..."

Fu Lu opened his ears and listened to the movement inside. After listening for a while, she finally relieved her heart and stood upright.

Just hitting the cattail on the side, he straightened his chest and put on the posture of the chief eunuch: "What does the little girl listen to?

Cattail walked away, and couldn't help looking back at Fulu as he walked.

Say I shouldn't listen, your old man is not listening to the corner.


Zong Pu guessed it right, Pan'er had really planned this at the beginning. It was a downright talent to find an **** and sell the manuscript.

But yesterday, she had a different idea.

At present, most of the bookstores are polarized. In vernacular terms, some of them are taking the canonical line, printing four books and five classics, a collection of classics, or a variety of masterpieces, current texts, and test questions. The books in this workshop are usually extremely expensive. Yes, but relatively finely engraved, the paper is excellent, and the ink is also good.

The other is to go down the line and sell all kinds of vernacular novels and rural wild books. There is such a saying now that selling ancient books is not as good as selling current texts, and Indian time writings are not as good as printing vernacular novels. It is said that the acceptance of this lower line is more extensive.

Wide acceptance means that there are many people who buy, and it means that it is profitable if there are many people buying, which also causes booksellers to flock to enter the market. In order to grab business, it is not uncommon to gimmick at low prices.

Since the price is low, it is relatively disadvantageous.

It's like the book that Paner bought in Yangzhou during the southern tour. The better point is not more than two or two silvers. You can buy dozens of articles. However, she usually chooses the best one, because the second-class is cheap, but the paper is poor, the engraved version is extremely rough, and the printed handwriting is vague, maybe it will be stained with ink. Just look at it.

But even the most expensive was rough for her to look at. If she really intends to print her manuscript into a book, how can she accept being made like this? So she plans to send someone out of the palace to collect a bookstore.

In this way, her manuscript has some place to arrange, even if she can't sell it, she will be happy to see it in her heart.

Except for this matter, the bookshop's business should continue to do without any delay, so she should invest in a small shop for Wan Ye to earn her some rouge gouache silver.

Paner gave this to Feng Hai.

Now Feng Hai has become a panacea, Pan Er also began to feel that the people around him are not enough, but this kind of thing can't be rushed, only slowly.

On the other hand, although Zong Pu did not mention the removal of the Jingshifang, the people in the Jingshifang did not dare to go to the Qianqing Palace again.

Queen Chen saw that the matter was resolved. Although the result was not satisfactory, she let her breathed a sigh of relief, and finally she came down empty-handed about the most important thing she wanted to do, but she soon discovered that things didn't go well.

The author has something to say: The number of characters is a little small, I tried my best, why?

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